Transcript Euthanasia.

is it really worth it ?
Michael Di Marino
Mr. Watts
What is Euthanasia ?
Euthanasia comes from the Greek
antiquity meaning Good (Eu) Death
Euthanasia today
is the intentional termination of ones life,
by a painless method, by another at the
clear request of the person who dies.
Different types of Euthanasia
Passive Euthanasia- The speeding up the death of a person, who is
terminally ill, by altering some form of support and letting nature
take its course.
Ex. The withholding or removing of life support from a patient
Stopping medication
QUESTION – Is there really a difference ?
Active Euthanasia – causing the death of a person, who is terminally
ill, through a direct action in response from that person.
Ex. Injecting of lethal medications.
Removing tubes
Different types of Euthanasia
Physician Assisted Suicide or Voluntary Passive Euthanasia – A
physician supplies information and or the means of committing
suicide to a person, terminally ill or in pain from disabilities, so that
they can easily terminate their own life painlessly.
Ex. Physician prescribing a lethal does of sleeping pills to the patient
Delivering lethal amounts of morphine to a patient
These Types of euthanasia are very
Involuntary Euthanasia – The killing of a person who has not
explicitly requested aid in dying.
Removing life support of a patient in a vegetable state
What causes people to resort to Euthanasia?
Excessive Chronic Pain
Pain becomes un bare able
anymore and want the problem to
be solved
Money- lack of this, force people
Terminal Illness
Don’t want to diminish their life
assets on LARGE medical bills
 Serious disorder
into making choices they don’t
 Effects their way of life, and they do
want to make. (above)
not want to live anymore
Depression – people believe their
 Is it better to be dead though?
life is meaningless
 Diagnosed with Progressive illness
 Decide that suicide would
solve their problem.
 Fear of losing the quality of life they
 Does it ?
 Seems to solve a temporary
 Lose of Independence
 From the lose of personal dignity
Is Euthanasia Legal ?
In some forms, yes
When it comes to Physician Assisted Suicide, it is ILLEGAL in most places
Active and Passive euthanasia have been preformed by all most every doctor.
In Canada it is crime everywhere to perform this.
But, in some places this is accepted.
The Netherlands PAS is tolerated, as well as Australia’s Northern territory, and
the state of Oregon.
These places have harsh restriction on PAS
This is still a topic debated in many nations, even Canada, around the
It is not legal though to tell someone to just kill you!
Why is Euthanasia an issue ?
Suicide is NOT illegal
And passive + active euthanasia is not illegal.
Theses are not illegal because everyone has the right to their own
life. Like stated in the Canadian Criminal Code.
This is an issue because of ETHICS
People don’t believe you should be able to decide if you should live or
not. (elderly people)
People also argue that if someone is in pain, and doesn’t wish to live,
they should have a right to chose if they should live or not.
Basically people fear that euthanasia is just killing.
IF all forms of euthanasia was legalized in Canada what would
People would feel more obligated to end their life, if something bad
happened to them.
Also keeping people alive cost the government + tax payers money
Why keep someone alive if they no longer have a good quality of life?
People could also use this as a way to just end their lives.
May force people, elderly , into euthanasia.
This has both positive and negative sides to it.
Euthanasia in the 21st century
The talk of legalization
Would those effects stated occur ?
Is still debated on ethics
Does not seem like a solution will be coming any time soon.
For now, cases around the world still occur.
Dr Kevorkian is the main person surrounding euthanasia.
He was the one who was arrested for PAS, many people.
He “helped” approximately 130 patients.
And spent 10 years in prison for it
What are your thoughts ?
Would you be able to pull the plug on your
loved one?
Should it be your decision to pull the plug?
Should it be theirs ?
This is why euthanasia is such a debated topic,
because a solution will never satisfy everyone
Works Cited
Euthanasia. Retrieved December 13th 2009 from
Euthanasia and Assisted suicide- Jack Kevorkian. Retrieved December 13th
2009 from
Euthanasia and Physician Assist Suicide. Retrieved December 13th 2009
Euthanasia in Canada. Retrieved December 13th 2009 from
Euthanasia-Euthanasia: History, controversy, facts. Retrieved December
13th from