Transcript 02 Sep PPTx
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
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• Advisory Documents
• anything you want – just let us know
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MJ now coordinating Healthy Auditors Training!
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
National Standards and Accreditation:
• Accreditation and the NSQHS Standards
• Clinical Care Standards
• Mental Health.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
TQCSI Forums – Health, now live
NGPAS – CBs can apply – TQCSI not participating –
Audit Teams need a doctor!
NSQHSS Version 2 - consultation on draft version
final Version 2 scheduled for release late 2017
assessments from 1/1/19.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Guide to the NSQHS Standards for Health Service
Organisation Boards (2015)
Credentialing Health Practitioners and Defining their
Scope of Clinical Practice: A Guide for Managers &
Practitioners (2015)
Guide to the NSQHS Standards for Community
Health Services (2016)
all on the TQCSI website.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Advisory #16/02 – Application of the requirements for
general observation charts
8 April 2016 - Standard 9, Action 9.3.1
clarify requirements for implementation of Obs Charts
recording psychological observations & identifying
triggers to escalate care
if not a general Obs Chart, then alternate mechanisms
policy and supporting protocols required
9.3.1 is N/A when Obs Chart is not used.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Advisory #16/03 – Reprocessing of reusable medical
devices in health service organisations
3 June 2016 - Standard 3, Action 3.16.1
AS 4187
gap analysis and document implementation plan over
five years from 1/1/16 (therefore Action Plan from
Dec 2016 – Dec 2021)
3.16.1 is Met if progressing implementation.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Advisory #16/06 – Medication management plan
Draft – Sep 16
Standard 4, Action 4.14.1
add to strategic plan
4.14.1 Met if 4.6.1, 4.7.1-4.7.3, 4.8.1, 4.12.1-4.12.4,
4.13.1-4.13.2 & 4.15.1-4.15.2 are Met.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
consideration when audit planning – two hours, how many staff
on ND
what if an overnight admission
what if an overnight admission to ED
how are internal emergencies/code blue calls managed
call in additional staff – who has ALS training, how is ALS
trained clinician assessed if not on site
how are clinical deteriorations requiring transfer managed?
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
how do you access medical records for an overnight admission
what duties are required on ND (duties list)
how are medications administered and checked with ND staffing
levels (eg if 1 RN & 1 EN on in entire facility, at different ends,
review administration of IV meds (S4 & S8)
how do you communicate any changes/updates to patient care
(besides ND to Early Shift handover) – Communication Book?
observe process: DDA count, clinical handover +/- bedside
handover per facility’s policy, equipment records (per duties list)
good opportunity for a medical record review.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
usually audited on second day of multi-day audit
only health auditor is to attend an earlier start
usually start at 0600 to observe last hour of ND and transition to
day shift
therefore work 0600–1400 that day
consider your safety.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
ND tasks
clinical handover; ND to AM shift and A/H Coordinator to Day
o/n admissions
recognition and response processes A/H
retrieval of medical records
staff communication – with each other and Coordinators
medication administration – skill mix.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
A/H Coordinator handover to Day Coordinator
issues found; clinical handover
what to do if no acute inpatients?!
use as an opportunity to review patient case notes
ND staff love being directly involved in the audit….mostly!
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
any night duty auditing experiences to share?
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
What to look for when auditing
credentialing and scope of practice.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
A system is in place to define and regularly review the
scope of practice for the clinical workforce:
credentialing process – Committee, outsourced
records – is scope of practice defined
re-credentialing processes
single surgeon private practice?
all clinicians – not just MO’s.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Mechanism are in place to monitor that the clinical
workforce are working within their agreed scope of
performance appraisals
attendance at training & competence
observations by colleagues.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Organisational clinical service capability, planning
and scope of practice is directly linked to the clinical
services roles of the organisation.
scope of practice should reflect clinical services
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
The system for defining the scope of practice is used
whenever a new clinical service, procedure or other
technology is introduced.
assess what processes are in place for review of scope
when changes occur.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Supervision of the clinical workforce is provided
whenever it is necessary for individuals to fulfil their
designated role.
processes for supervision of junior staff
performance management of staff
appraisal processes.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
What to look for when auditing CSSD.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Compliance with AS 4187 for cleaning,
disinfection and sterilisation is monitored.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Cleaning is an essential part of reprocessing reusable equipment
as it ensures that the disinfectant or sterilant can access the
instrument or item. Items that are not cleaned cannot be
disinfected or sterilised.
observe cleaning process if possible
ask staff how cleaning process verified as effective
ask how ultrasonic tested (if used) and frequency of test; sight
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Disinfection is a process that inactivates infectious agents, using
either thermal or chemical means. This is required when reusing
equipment or instruments which are for use in semi-critical and
non-critical sites.
check batch records are verified
check log book
microbiological testing of scopes
Tristel Wipes.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
calibration records – electronic or hardcopy – check
validation records – Bowie & Dick, vacuum test records
biological/chemical indicators.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
All items which have been reprocessed must be stored
in a way that maintains their level of sterility.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
A traceability system that identifies patients who
have a procedure using sterile reusable medical
instruments and devices is in place.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Action is taken to maximise coverage of the relevant
workforce trained in a competency –based program
to decontaminate reusable medical devices.
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16
Healthy Auditors Training – #3/16