FDG PET/CT in Dementia Imaging

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FDG PET/CT in Dementia
Dementia characterized by progressively deteriorating dysfunction
of various intellectual domains:
 Memory
 Language
 Executive
Magnitude of Problem
Estimated 35.6 million people with Alzheimer’s disease
(AD) and other dementias worldwide in 20091.
With rapid aging societies around the world, the
number of people with dementia is projected to reach
66 million by 2030 2
The global economic cost of dementia in 2010 was
estimated at U.S. $ 604 billion.
Ferri CP et al. World Alzheimer report 2009.
Wortmann M. Dementia: a global health priority- Alzheimers Res Ther 2012.
Types Of Dementia
Alzheimer’s disease (50-60%)
Frontotemporal dementia (15-25%)
Lewy Body dementia (LBD) (15-25%)
Vascular dementia (VAD)
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD)
Dementia Diagnosis
The diagnosis of a primary neurodegenerative disorder is
commonly made by excluding secondary causes.
The workup of patients with cognitive impairment involves:
anatomic imaging (computed tomography [CT] and magnetic
resonance [MR] imaging) performed concurrently
with biochemical and laboratory investigations to exclude
dementia due to structural, vascular, metabolic, inflammatory,
hormonal, or toxic causes.
Dementia Diagnosis Challenges
Distinguishing between different neurodegenerative disorders on the basis of
clinical assessment alone may be difficult.
Diagnosis is particularly challenging in the early stages of disease, especially in
patients with higher levels of education who may experience significant decline
in cognitive function before being recognized as having cognitive impairment
on standardized neuropsychologic tests.
Co-morbid conditions (depression, use of certain medications).
Clinicians require a high degree of certainty before making a diagnosis of
Alzheimer’s disease or some other neurodegenerative disorder, since the
impact on patients and their families can be devastating.
Accurate diagnosis is important because emerging therapeutic regimens vary
depending on the cause of the dementia.
Diagnostic Accuracies Of Different Imaging Modalities And CSF Markers in AD
AJR 2014
Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical diagnosis
Clinical criteria for AD are conserved to be the basis of the
The cognitive changes in AD tend to follow a characteristic
pattern, beginning with memory impairment and spreading to
language, praxis and visuospatial deficit.
Sporadic or genetic factors.
Histopathologic analysis is the standard of reference for the
diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The presence of intraneuronal
deposits of abnormally phosphorylated t protein (neurofibrillary
tangles) and extracellular b-amyloid (senile plaques) are seen
in Alzheimer disease.
Alzheimer’s disease
However clinical diagnosis, even when combined
with any of the neurophysiological tests available,
is neither sensitive nor specific to be considered
as a reference standard in diagnosing dementia.
A Need For Imaging Biomarker
Studies have shown that appropriate use of FDG PET for
evaluating patients with dementia can add valuable
information to the clinical workup of without adding to
the overall costs of evaluation and management.
Molecular Imaging FDG PET/CT
F-18 FDG PET ( 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose) is a highly useful imaging
modality for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders.
FDG is an analog of glucose, the main energy substrate of the brain.
After uptake and phosphorylation by hexokinase, FDG becomes trapped in
neurons, allowing imaging and measurement of the cerebral metabolic rate for
This is closely related to neuronal and synaptic function in numerous human resting
and functional activation studies.
Characteristic patterns of altered metabolism seen at FDG PET can markedly
improve the clinical diagnosis for specific types of dementia such as FTD, Alzheimer
disease, and DLB, each of which has characteristic metabolic signatures, although
there is some overlap.
Recognition of the common patterns of altered cortical metabolism seen in these
various entities is crucial for identifying the cause of cognitive impairment. With use
of proper technique, and with the increasing availability of computer-assisted
diagnostic (CAD) statistical mapping tools, the neuroimager can play a key role in
the workup of patients with cognitive impairment.
Imaging Findings in AD
Early: “Normal” or medial temporal atrophy
Late: Generalized atrophy
Early: Hypometabolism in the temporal/parietal regions
Late: Generalized hypometabolism (with sparing of primary sensorimotor
Amyloid PET
All stages: Generalized cortical amyloid deposition
Amyloid binding may also occur with normal aging
Glucose use Patterns in Brain
Glucose use in the cerebral hemispheres is usually symmetric.
With normal aging, the largest FDG uptake decrease has been observed
bilaterally in the:
Brown et al. Radiographics 2014
3 D SSP surface map
Z Score map
Normal Brain
46-year-old woman who underwent FDG PET/
CT study of brain and whose findings were normal.
A and B, Three-dimensional stereotactic surface
projection images of FDG metabolism (A) and
FDG hypometabolism (B) of brain show normal
brain metabolism and no evidence of significant
hypometabolism (> 1 SD) for age-matched
Age-matched z score was compared with normal
database (Cortex ID software, GE Healthcare). A
=anterior, P = posterior.
Normal Elderly Brain
Healthy elderly male subject, 78 years of age, Mini-Mental
State Examination score 30. A, A slight enlargement of the right
inferior horn of the lateral ventricle is seen on the T1-weighted MR
B, The regional glucose metabolism is not reduced on the
FDG-PET images. Note that the posterior cingulate glucose
is much larger than that in other regions.
C, PiB-PET shows nonspecific accumulation in the white matter but
no PiB accumulation in the gray matter. The amyloid deposit is
Alzheimer’s disease
Early Alzheimer’s disease
A patient with early Alzheimer’s disease, 77 years of age,
Mini-Mental State Examination score 25.
A, Minimal atrophy was seen in the right hippocampus.
B, FDG-PET shows reduced glucose metabolism
in the bilateral parietotemporal association cortices and poster
cingulate gyri and precuneus.
C, PiB accumulations are demonstrated in the cerebral cortice
except for the occipital and medial temporal regions. Medial
parietal and frontal accumulations of PiB are
high, indicative of positive amyloid deposit.
57-year-old woman with history of cognitive
A. Three-dimensional stereotactic surface
projection images of FDG metabolism
B. FDG hypometabolism of brain show distinct
hypometabolism in posterior cingulate cortex
greater than left), feature consistent with
mild cognitive impairment.
Age-matched z score was compared with
normal database (Cortex ID software,GE
Combination of MR Imaging and PET
Yuan et al performed a meta-analysis and meta-regression on the
diagnostic performance data for MR imaging, SPECT, and FDG-PET in
subjects with MCI and reported that FDG-PET performed slightly better
than SPECT and structural MR imaging in the prediction of conversion to
AD in patients with MCI, while a combination of PET and structural MR
imaging improved the diagnostic accuracy of dementia.
Kawachi et al also compared the diagnostic performance of FDG-PET
and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) on MR imaging in the same
group of patients with very mild AD and reported an accuracy of 89%
for FDG-PET diagnosis and 83% for VBM–MR imaging diagnosis, while
the accuracy of combination FDG-PET and VBM-MR imaging diagnosis
was 94%.
Kawachi T, Ishii K, Sakamoto S, et al. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2006.
81-year-old man with history of cognitive
decline, over course of few months.
Study was requested to evaluate for
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus
Three-dimensional stereotactic surface
projection images of FDG metabolism
and FDG hypometabolism.
Brain show hypometabolism in bilateral
frontal, temporal, and parietal cortexes
with sparing of sensory motor and
occipital cortex,
spatial distribution pattern typically seen
in advanced
stages of AD.
Age-matched z score was compared
with normal database
Diffuse Lewy Body Disease
Most common neurodegenerative disorder in patients over 65
years of age.
The classic clinical triad includes
(a) fluctuating levels of cognitive arousal
(b) visual hallucinations, and
(c) spontaneous parkinsonism.
In addition, the patient’s clinical condition may worsen following the
administration of neuroleptic medications
Bilateral parietal and posterior temporal hypometabolism and posterior
cingulate gyral hypometabolism similar to that seen in Alzheimer disease.
However, there can also be associated involvement of the occipital lobes,
which are spared in Alzheimer disease.
Imaging with dopamine transporter agents can also help distinguish DLB
from Alzheimer disease when clinical and FDG imaging findings are
An Alzheimer disease pattern of hypometabolism and a positive dopamine
transporter scan indicate that DLB is the most likely diagnosis.
Primary visual cortical hypometabolism is highly specific and
moderately sensitive for distinguishing DLB from Alzheimer
Frontotemporal Dementia
Classic FTD is characterized by hypometabolism in the
frontal and anterior temporal lobes with involvement of
the anterior cingulate gyrus.
75 year old male presenting with confusion, cognitive decline,
memory loss, irritability and mood changes.
FDG PET Medicare Coverage
Dementia and Neurodegenerative
Effective 9/15/2004,
“An FDG PET scan is considered reasonable and
necessary in patients with:
a recent diagnosis of dementia,
documented cognitive decline of at least 6 months,
meet diagnostic criteria for both AD and FTD.”
FDG PET Medicare Coverage
Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Additional prerequisites include:
Comprehensive evaluation already completed, including
brain CT or MRI
Evaluation by “a physician experienced in the diagnosis and
assessment of dementia”
Evaluation is indeterminate and FDG PET is reasonably
expected to clarify the diagnosis between FTD and AD
SPECT or PET have not already been obtained in the past 12
months AND significant clinical changes have occurred
Quality Control
FDG PET and interobserver variability
The interpreting radiologist also needs to be aware of the
terminology used by our neurology colleagues when reporting
brain images.
Automated voxel-based statistical analysis has been uniformly
used in FDG PET–based research to provide standardized,
objective, and quantitative validation of observed metabolic
changes in neurodegenerative disorders.
Studies have found that the performance of automated systems
and expert readers is equivalent with respect to receiver
operating curve characteristics for all types of
neurodegenerative disorders.
Dementia workup: Asking the right
I want to work up a patient with cognitive symptoms.
What imaging modality should I order?
What is the clinical suspicion(s)?
What is the local access to advanced imaging techniques?
Do patient comorbidities suggest a wider DDx?
Are there any patient-specific limitations to imaging (foreign
body, tolerance of prolonged scan times, body habitus, etc)?
The illiterate of the 21st century will not
be those who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn,
and relearn.