cam to cam bi
Transcript cam to cam bi
M. Dasgupta, Nov 2014
Division of Geriatric Medicine
Department of Medicine, UWO
Faculty/Presenter Disclosure
I have not received any commercial support related
to this topic
I do not have any potential or perceived financial
conflict of interests related to this topic
Review (BRIELFY) diagnosis, relevance & risk factors
Review studies on management issues:
Delirium prevention in different settings
Non-pharmacologic & pharmacologic approaches
Active treatment of delirium, in different settings
Non-pharmacologic & pharmacologic approaches
Harsh realities in studying delirium
Harsh realities to keep in mind when studying
Ubiquitous & heterogenous disorder seen in
young very sick ICU patients, old frail patients and preterminal conditions
Multiple diverse contributing factors
Poor understanding of underlying biology/
Often very sick & therefore hard to enrol into studies
Diagnosis- a reminder
Clinical diagnosis based on history & mental
status exam
Delirium- DSM criteria (gold standard):
Reduced clarity of awareness of the environment
(inability to maintain or shift attention)
Change in cognition (memory impairment,
disorientation, language impairment, disorganized
thinking) or perceptual disturbance
Features develop over a short period of time and
fluctuate during the day
Often associated with disturbed sleep-wake cycle, or
altered psychomotor activity
Confusion Assessment Method
(CAM) - diagnosis:
CAM derived from the DSM, & includes key
features of delirium (Inouye et al., Ann Intern Med 1990; 113: 941-8):
acute onset and fluctuating course
deficits of attention, and
Either: disorganized thinking or altered level of consciousness
ICU: CAM-ICU (Ely et al., JAMA 2001; 286: 2703-10)
Original study showed CAM to have sensitivity of
94-100% & specificity of 90-95% (Inouye et al., Ann Intern
Med 1990; 113: 941-8)
Is reliable, valid with high & low LRs (JAMA 2010; 340 (7):
What delirium looks like
Copyright © 2007 The Royal College of Psychiatrists
Other diagnostic issues:
Sub-syndromal delirium (some symptoms, but not
enough for full diagnosis)
Prognosis of sub-syndromal delirium likely falls in
between full delirium and no delirium (Ouimet et al., 2007;
Marcantonio et al., 2005)
Delirium severity scales: MDAS, DI, DRS, CAM-S
All have been validated- i.e. Higher scores found to
correlate with prolonged delirium/worse outcomes *
Still used primarily as research tools or to gauge
response to interventions in actively delirious people
*Kelly et al., 2001; McCusker et al., 2002; Tzepacz et al., Adamis et al., 2006; Inouye et al., 2014;
What it means/ why diagnose it?:
Common, and possible underlying acute illnessmedical emergency!
Poor recognition is associated with poor prognosis1
Studies have shown delirium to be a risk factor for
adverse outcomes in the short & long-term2
Increased LOS (cost), in-hospital complications,
institutionalization, functional decline
future cognitive decline/ dementia and worsening cognition in
dementia 3
Geriatrics 2005; 5:5; JAGS 2003; 51 (4): 443-50 Age Ageing 2006; 35: 350-64, Witlox et al., 2010:
3 Brain 2012; 135: 2809-16
Implications of delirium
A distressing ordeal that may be remembered by
patient and family members, associated with
PTSD (O’Keefe 2005; DiMartini et al, 2007)
Older literature suggested delirium to be
reversible, but recent studies suggest not always
reversible (aging population and greater comorbidity)
Many have postulated that it is part of a spectrum
of cognitive impairment and is a harbinger for
future cognitive problems
Pathophysiology/ why it happens?
RF’s: Acute/chronic illness, baseline
vulnerability & in-hospital factors
Little known about pathophysiology –
altered neurotransmission (high dopamine,
low acetylcholine, altered serotonin/
Management approaches include tackling
all of these factors
Risk/contributing factors
Acute illness (severity), drugs, dehydration
Baseline vulnerability- risk factors- common to all
settings baseline cognitive impairment/vulnerable brain
depression/ psychopathology
functional impairment/ NH residence
visual /hearing impairment
chronic co-morbidity
Older age
A frail person is at greater risk for delirium (Leung et al,
2011; Pol et al., 2011)
In-hospital factors (McCusker et al., JAGS
2001, Inouye et al., 1996, Creditor et al., 1993):
Lack of mobility
harmful to even vibrant & healthy
active seniors
Urinary catheters, physical
restraints, drugs, iatrogenesis
Sensory deprivation (lack of aids,
etc..)/ over-stimulation
Dietary modifications/
Contact precautions
Decrease infection spread but may
have consequences (Morgan et al., 2009,
Day et al. 2012)
In-hospital factors
Chaotic and stressful
environment Multiple changes in staff
Lack of sleep/windows
Impersonal environment
Admissions at all hours, other
patients who decompensate,
vitals/ care processes
interrupting sleep, etc..
The operative setting- unique
Elective operations- typically patients are screened &
prepared for surgery, prior to admission
Three distinct periods to consider:
pre-operative (patient baseline risk)
operative period
post-operative period
Requires a truly multidisciplinary- team approach nursing, PT and other allied health professionals
internists/geriatric practioners, anesthesiologists, ICU
staff, and surgeons
Non-pharmacologic & pharmacologic
Non-pharmacologic interventions:
Multifaceted delirium programs have been studied,
often addressing hospital-related care issues (Holroyd-
Leduc et al., CMAJ 2010; 182 (5): 465-70; O’Mahony et al., 2011, Siddiqi et al.,
In the medical, surgical (mainly hip OR) setting and
ICU settings
Some target prevention (i.e. exclude patients delirious on
Others directed at both prevention and treatment (i.e.
enrolled both prevalent and new, incident delirious patients
A few are directed at already delirious patients
Prevention likely better than intervening once already
delirious, and may reduce delirium by 1/3
Multi-faceted interventions:
Treat illness & target risk factors
(mainly hospital-related):
e.g. early mobilization, avoiding
bad drugs, regularly orienting
patients, monitoring bowel and
bladder function, applying
hearing/ visual aids if
indicated, familiar objects/
presence of family in room,
continuity of staff, optimizing
non-drug approaches to sleep,
avoiding restraints/ tubes, etc
Multifaceted Trials in the medical
1 positive RCT (Lundstrom et al., JAGS 2005; 53: 622-8) of
medical in-patients (did not exclude prevalent
Randomly allocated to any ward when bed available
intervention ward (n= 200, education, patient-centered care
plan, changing organizational care plan, monthly nursing care
guidance) vs.
control ward (n= 200)
found intervention patients were less likely to die, had
lower LOS, and had shorter delirium duration
Family can help
Recent RCT (n = 287, medical in-patients, at risk for
delirium) involving family members; excluded prevalent
delirium (Martinez et al., 2012)
Intervention (provided by family members): briefly
educating family members, provision of a clock & calendar,
avoiding sensory deprivation, presence of familiar objects,
re-orientation to time/place & current events by family
members, extended (up to 5 hours) family visiting time
Intervention group: less likely to get delirious (RR 0.41,
NNT = 13), trend towards fewer falls (p = 0.06), no
difference in LOS
Multifaceted Trials in the medical
S. Inouye study- Hospital Elder Life Program
(HELP)- not actually randomized (NEJM 1999, 340 (9): 66976)-
Excluded folks delirious on admission (excluded
prevalent delirium)
Multifaceted intervention on 852 medical in-patients at
intermediate or higher risk for delirium RCT (1 or more
of delirium risk factors present- severe illness,
dehydration, cognitive impairment, visual impairment)
Multifaceted studies in the medical
HELP (Hospital Elder Life Program) study (NEJM 1999, 340 (9):
Intervention: promotion of ambulation, orienting, non-
pharmacological sleep protocol, providing visual or auditory
aids when appropriate, monitoring and treating for
Found lower incidence (RR 0.66) of new delirium in
intervention group, but no difference in LOS/ LTC, etc..
Follow-up cost studies suggest:
in patients at intermediate delirium risk (1-2 RFs), there was no
additional cost related to the intervention (Medical care 2001; 39:
lower NH costs (JAGS 2005; 53: 405-9)
Multifaceted interventions:
Other hospitals have adopted HELP-type programs
with benefits
Decreased delirium & cost when HELP-type programs
adopted in US, Spanish, Italian & Australian hospitals (Caplan et
al., Intern Med J 2007; 37: 95-100; JAGS 2009; 57(11): 2029-36; Rubin et al., 2011)
Less delirium & ADL decline in Taiwanese post-op (elective
GI) population when modified-HELP (mobility, cognition,
nutrition/hydration) instituted (J Am Coll Surg 2011; 213: 245-52)
Adoption of HELP style/ multi-faceted program
resulted in cost savings to hospital over the next year
and increased patient/ staff job satisfaction
Families can help with some HELP interventions
(Rosenbloom-Brunton et al., 2010)
JAGS 2009; 57(11): 2029-36; Am J Geriatr Psych 2009; 17 (9): 760-8; 1JAGS 2006; 54: 969-74; 2Ann Intern
Med 2011; 154: 746-51; 3 Age Ageing 2012; 41: 285-91; 4 Age Ageing 2012; 41: 285-91
Surgical (hip surgery) setting:
Positive study in hip fracture (Lundstrom M, et al.
Aging-Clinical &
Experimental Research, 2007; 19 (3): 178-86)
Did not exclude prevalent delirium
Intervention patients- assigned to geriatric-orthopedic ward and
received comprehensive assessment (vs. orthopedic ward)
Intervention group: fewer days of delirium, less incident delirium,
had fewer delirium complications, lower post-op LOS; no difference
on rate of institutionalization or 4-12 month mortality rates (n= 199)
There were some baseline differences including a non statistically
significant lower percentage of prevalent delirium in intervention
(21.8%) compared to control group (30.9%), higher rate of
depression and antidepressant use (ss); but in adjusted multivariate
models this did not affect the significant effect of the intervention
Subgroup analyses showed demented patients did better with
intervention (Stenvall et al., 2012)
Surgical setting:
A RCT to look at the effect of a multifaceted
intervention on general outcomes after hip fracture
surgery (n= 319) (Vidan et al., JAGS 2005; 53: 1476-82):
Intervention- geriatrician responsible for medical care, and
had comprehensive geriatric assessment (MSW, rehab MD)
vs. Control (MRP- orthopedic team)
Intervention: lower complication & death rate, trend toward
lower LOS (p= 0.06, median difference 2 days)
Trend towards less delirium (secondary outcome) in
intervention (p= 0.06) and were fewer pressure sores (p=
0.001), but there was a trend towards an increase in CHF in
the intervention group (p= 0.07)
Greater chance of ADL or mobility recovery in intervention at
3 months follow-up (bigger benefit seen in non-demented or
independent ambulators prior to admission)
Surgical setting:
Marcantonio et al., JAGS 2001; 49: 516-22:
RCT: Proactive geriatrics consult (n=62) vs. standard care (n=
64) in hip fracture patients (included prevalent delirium)
Intervention: optimize oxygenation, treat anemia, avoid
hypotension, monitor & treat fluid/electrolyte imbalances &
severe pain routinely, eliminate unnecessary drugs, good
bowel/bladder function/nutrition, early mobilization, etc…
Intervention: less likely to get delirious & fewer days of severe
But when dementia and functional level controlled for,
intervention was better (but not ss better); No effect on LOS
or duration
In-patient Geriatric consult team
A Belgian study of traumatic hip fracture patients
(Deschodt et al., 2012)
n= 171, mean age 80, 73% women, about 20% with
dementia history, 20% with pre-op delirium
control (standard post-op care) or intervention - pre-op
& post-op, through day 15, intensive geriatric
consultation (CL team- geriatrician, nurse, OT, PT)
found 30% lower incidence/occurrence of delirium and
better cognitive functioning in intervention
Non randomized studies- surgical/
other setting
Other non-randomized control trials (e.g. before-after
design) in the hip fracture setting have been published,
that suggest multidisciplinary multifactorial intervention
programs (nursing care, maintaining oxygen saturation &
general geriatric interventions) are effective in preventing
(Milisen et al., JAGS 2001; 49:523-32, Lundstrom et al., Scand J Caring Sci 1999; 13:
193-200, Gustafson et al., JAGS 1991; 39: 655-62)
Negative prevention study (limited to documenting risk
factors, monitoring regularly, family education, drug
assessment & orientation) in pre-terminal cancer
population (Gagnon et al., 2012)
Fast-track procedures
RCT suggests that fast-track procedures decrease
delirium, length of post-op stay, improve
nutritional status, with fewer complications
(patients ≥ 70, undergoing open curative colorectal
Fast track procedures involve less time NPO pre-op,
faster removal of foley catheter, faster mobilization, no
NG tube, no drainage tubes, avoiding narcotics (used
epidural blocks) (Jia et al., 2014)
Similar findings in orthopedic procedures (Krenk et al.,
Never too early to start
European study instituted preventative measures in
the ambulance and ED as an intervention (included
rapid transfer to floor from ED, ensuring good
oxygenation, IVF’s, avoiding anti-cholinergics, pain
control, optimal nutrition)- before after study showed
decreased delirium in cognitively intact persons
(Bjorkelund et al., 2010)
Uni-faceted interventions- may
not be as effective
Liberal blood transfusions (to maintain Hgb ≥ 10) do
not help mortality, functional outcomes nor delirium
in patients undergoing hip fracture repair
FOCUS study- 2016 patients undergoing hip fracture
repair, mean age 81- no benefits to routine transfusion
(Carson et al., 2011)
Sub-study (within FOCUS, n = 139): no difference in
CAM-defined delirum not delirium severity scores
(MDAS) (Gruber-Baldini et al., 2013)
Other interventions- surgical
RCTs assessing by-pass/anesthetic
CABG- higher perfusion pressures better than
low perfusion pressure
Depth of sedation matters- EEG- lighter
sedation better than heavy sedation
Anesthetic agents matter- dexmedetomidine
better than benzodiazepines
Perfusion Pressure
Recent RCT suggests that perfusion pressures during
elective/urgent CABG may affect cognition (?delirium)
risk *:
Group assigned to high perfusion pressure (mean BP:
80-90) had better cognition post-op compared to low
pressure group (mean BP 60-70)
Outcome: change in MMSE of 10 or more points compared to
No difference on oxygen saturation measured by infrared
spectroscopy, but higher lactate levels in low pressure group
*Siepe M et al., Eur J Cardio-Thorac Surgery 2011; 40: 200-7
Anesthetic and other considerations:
General or local anesthetics likely don’t matter in
delirium (may
be fewer other complications with the
use of local)
Nerve blockade (vs. placebo) decreases delirium and
acute pain after hip fracture surgery, based on SR (4
RCTs, 2 cohort studies) (Abou-Setta et al., 2011)
Nerve blockade may be beneficial, end-stage cancer
patients (Arai et al., 2013)
Recent trials have suggested a potentially beneficial
role of the α2-agonist dexmedetomidine (as a sedative)
vs. a benzodiazepine
Williams Russo et al., JAMA 1995; 274: 44-50; Mason et al., J Alz Dis2010; 22:
S67-79; Rodgers et al., 2000 BMJ; 321: 1-12
Role of medications: alpha-agonists
Alpha-agonists- sedating, analgesic, sleeppromoting effects (Ann Pharmacother 2009; 43: 2064-74)
Dexmedetomidine (α-2-agonist) (Precept) *:
2 RCTs (ventilated ICU patients): lower duration/ occurrence of
delirium (or delirium plus coma) compared to benzodiazepines
(& 1 negative RCT)
2 RCTs (post-op): lowered occurrence and duration of delirium &
hastened extubation
Role of Clonidine? (pilot RCT, AAA repair, n = 30)
(Interactive Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2010; 10: 58-62)
*JAMA 2009; 301 (5): 489-99; JAMA 2007; 298 (22): 2644-53; Intensive Care Med 2009; 35: 282-90 (negative
RCT); Anesthes. 2009; 111 (5):1075-84; Psychosomatics 2009; 50 (3): 206-17
Decreasing sedative use:
RCT1 of older hip fracture patients
randomized to light (responsive to
verbal stimuli) vs. heavy (unresponsive
to noxious stimuli) sedation (EEG
monitored Bi-Spectral Index, BIS); used
spinal anesthesia
included moderately demented individuals
(MMSE ≥ 15)
Light sedation group: less delirium (NNT
4.7 overall, 3.5 if MMSE ≥ 24) & lower rate
of complications
Confirmed in other studies (RCTs) and
surgery types 2,3
Observational studies4 support targeted
Clin Proc 2010; 85 (1): 18-26; 2Brit J Anesthes 2013; 110 (S1): i98-i105; 3 J Neurosurg
Anesthesiol 2013; 25: 33-42; 4Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010: 91: 536-42
Pharmacologic agents- prevention
Neuroleptics- role for peri-op prevention (RCTs)?:
RCT’s of haldol
non-cardiac , post-op ICU patients, n = 457, mean age 74 (Wang et al,
2012) - less delirium, shorter ICU stay (overall & delirious pts) (IV
Haldol bolus and 12-hr drip, < 2 mg/d);
Orthopedic surgery reduced severity, duration & LOS(Kalisvaart et al.,
Resperidone in cardiac surgery (Prakanrattana et al., 2007)
Olanzepine RCT (mean age 74, n = 495, cognitively intact
patients, elective orthopedic):
less delirium (NNT 4), increased d/c to home & longer time to
delirium (though had longer & more severe delirium) vs. placebo
(Larsen et al., 2010)
Neuroleptics for prevention
Two meta-analyses found neuroleptics to decrease delirium
in the peri-operative setting, although their effect on other
hard outcomes is less clear (LOS, delirium duration or
severity) (Tesylar et al, 2013; Gilmore et al 2013)
Neuroleptics for targeted prevention, pre-operatively
(Hakim et al., 2012)?
One study found resperidone decreased new delirium, in older
post- cardiac OR, ICU patients , who had sub-syndromal delirium
(may be a RF for delirium 1);
Excluded patients with dementia or depression
deJonghe et al., 2007
ChEI’s for prevention?- likely not:
RCTs of prophylactic pre-op & post-op cholinesterase
inhibitors have largely been negative:
In elective orthopedic surgeries (n = 80, young cognitively
intact study sample, with a low incidence of post-op delirium
(Liptzin et al., Am J Geriatr Psych 2005; 13: 1000-06)
Positive trend for less delirium symptoms and lower LOS in
one study (donepezil x 4 days, n = 33, elective hip, cognitively
intact) (Sampson EL et al., Int J Geriatr Psych 2007; 22: 343-9)
In cardiac surgery- negative study (n = 120) of rivastigmine 1.5
mg TID pre-op to POD #6 (Gamberini et al., Crit Care Med 2009; 37 (5): 17628)
Recent negative small (n = 16) trial in hip fracture population
(Marcantonio et al., JAGS 2011; 59: S282-8)
Multicenter trial of Ramelteon (melatonin agonist) in 67
older medical or ICU in-patients found to be beneficial in
preventing delirium (RR 0.09, 95% CI: 0.01-0.69) (Hatta et al.,
RCT of melatonin in older medical in-patients (included
delirious and non-delirious on admission)- (T. Al-Aama et al., Int J
Geriatr Psychiatry. 2011; 26: 687-94. ):
N= 145 patients, medical in-patients ≥ 65 years old (mean age 84.5);
lower occurrence of delirium in individuals randomized to 0.5 mg
of Melatonin compared to placebo (OR 0.19, 95% CI 0.06-0.62)
Melatonin?- other studies (Sultan et al., 2010; de Jonghe et al., 2011)
Benzodiazepines- use for alcohol
withdrawl (medical setting)
No evidence to support use of benzodiazepines in non-
alcohol withdrawl or non post-ictal delirium
(Lonergan et al., 2009, CD006379)
Non-pharmacologic & pharmacologic approaches
Delirium management (active
Treat underlying cause- no RCT’s showing treatment
of underlying cause improves delirium symptoms
(case series/case reports) but unethical to not treat a treatable medical condition
Observational study- correcting electrolyte disorder
hastened delirium recovery
(Koizumi J et al., Jpn J Psych
Neurol 1988; 42: 81-8)
How far to look for an underlying cause? Different
recommendations by different consensus panels
Multifaceted Trials in the medical
3 essentially negative trials (RCTs) on people
already delirious on admission:
1 negative RCT (Pitkala et al., J Gerontol BIO MED SCI 2006; 61 (2):
RCT on delirious medical in-patients (n= 174); intervention
(multicomponent geriatric intervention) vs. control- no
difference in LOS, 6 month MMSE slightly better in intervention
group, no difference in death/LTC at 12 months
2 other negative RCTs (Cole et al, 1994 & 2002)
Delirium- management:
Cole et al., CMAJ 1994; 151 (7): 965-70:
Small RCT in already delirious medical in-patients control (n= 46: standard care), or intervention [n= 42,
geriatrician/ geriatric psychiatrist consult with daily f/u by liason
nurse (working on environmental factors, orientation, familiarity,
communication, and appropriate activities- avoiding restraints,
encourage self care, etc.)]:
early improved cognitive functioning in intervention (no
difference at 8 weeks); slight improvement in behaviour at 8
weeks in the intervention group. However no difference in
restraint use, LOS, d/c to higher level of care, or mortality
There was contamination (14 control patients received consult)
Delirium- management:
Cole et al., CMAJ 2002; 167 (7): 753-9:
Another RCT in already delirious medical in-patients control (n= 114: standard care), or intervention [n= 113,
geriatrician/ geriatric psychiatrist consult with daily f/u by liason
nurse (working on environmental factors, orientation, familiarity,
communication, and appropriate activities- avoiding restraints,
encourage self care, etc.)]:
No statistically significant difference in intervention and control
groups in time to improvement (HR) of the DI (a severity scale);
also no difference at 8 weeks, between 2 groups in rate of
improvement of Barthel index, LOS, d/c rate to community;
dementia did not affect results of analyses
Non-pharm approaches to
management (actively delirious)
Prior multi-faceted RCT’s- sometimes included
delirious patients, and some showed benefits in
decreasing delirium duration, LOS (maybe not as
effective as prevention)
Other models of care (observational &
preliminary studies):
involving dedicated unit for delirium/delirium room
suggesting possibly improved outcomes (Lu et al, 2011,
Flaherty & Little, 2011, Eeles et al., 2013)
Cognitive rehabilitation (30 min daily) (Kolanowski et al.,
ICU setting- importance of
A recent RCT (Schweickert et al., lancet 2009; 373: 1874-82) involving
mechanically ventilated ICU patients, randomized to
Intervention – early (within 1.5 days of enrollment) active PT
(with a protocol to decrease sedation during PT) vs.
control (standard) care –
all (96% of) control patients got PT while in the ICU but started at a
later time
Intervention patients had less time in ICU (and on a ventilator),
and shorter delirium
Suggests a pro-active approach may be beneficial
Prior observational studies support mobilizing (exercise
decreased use of anti-psychotics in palliative patients- Tatematsu et
al., 2011)
Bright Light Therapy?
Sleep disorder associated with delirium
Pilot studies show some possibilities of BLT (bright
light therapy) in decreasing delirium:
As an adjunct to non-pharmacologic approaches (228
patients) (Chong et al., 2013)
A pilot study, post-esophagectomy, randomised patients,
(some likely with delirium) to control (n = 12) or intervention
(n = 10; involved BLT – 2 hrs/day x 4 days, starting POD 2)
delirium assessed days 1-6; found better sleep and a suggestion
for less delirium in BLT group (Ono et al, 2011)
Another small (n= 11) study of males, post-esophagectomy
patients suggested possible benefits of BLT in improving
night-time restlessness and faster delirium symptom
resolution (Taguchi et al., 2007)
As an adjunct to antipsychotics in other patient populations?
(Yang et al., 2012)
Pharmacologic agents- active Rx
Symptomatic treatment, neuroleptics- 2
RCT’s (with placebo group):
One RCT of “selected”, hospitalised patients with “senile
delirium”(China), randomized to Olanzepine (n= 74) vs.
haldol (n= 72) vs. placebo (n= 29) (Hua et al., 2006)
Showed a higher recovery & faster resolution in haldol/ olanzepine
groups (DRS scores)
One RCT (medical & surgical) showed faster resolution of
delirium symptom severity (DRS, especially non-cognitive
symptoms) in patients given quetiapine (versus placebo):
under-powered, small study (Tahir et al., 2010)
n = 42, needed 68 patients by sample size calculations; FDA halted
study because of general concerns of antipsychotic use in older folksmay not get better studies in this population
Treatments for already delirious
folk- neuroleptics?
Neuroleptics- mainstay of treatment (Internat Psychogeriatr 2010;
22: 328-31)
BUT- mostly uncontrolled, small studies in selected
populations suggesting a possible benefit of
neuroleptics in improving delirium symptoms 1
In 10 comparator studies, on diverse populations, of
neuroleptics, 2/3 of participants responded after 2-6
days of treatment (Meagher et al., 2008)
Many unanswered questions: e.g. timing, dosing,
effectiveness (duration/adverse outcomes),
etc...(Heymann et al., 2010)
Seitz et al., 2007; Flaherty et al., 2011; Ann Pharmacother 2006; 40: 1966-72; J Clin Psych 2007;
68:11-21; Psychosomatics 2004; 45: 297-301; J Am Med Dir Assoc 2008; 9: 18-28; J Psychosomatic Res
2011; 70: 197-8. Meagher et al., 2013
Treatments for already delirious
folk (ICU)- neuroleptics?
ICU RCTs- younger non-demented patients:
A small RCT in mechanically ventilated delirious adultsplacebo vs. quetiapine (Crit Care Med 2010; 38: 419-27)
Excluded many people (enrolled 36/258)
Less use of Haldol, lower rate of institutionalization, faster
delirium resolution in seroquel group
A negative RCT, included delirious, non-delirious &
comatose patients (Crit Care Med 2010; 38 (2): 428-37):
mechanically ventilated, n = 101; placebo vs. haldol vs.
vast majority of patients with delirium/coma at start of trial
ChEI’s- for active treatment?
Increased death when given to delirious ICU
patients, mean age 68 (RCT halted prematurely)
(van Eijk MM et al., Lancet 2010: 376: 1829-37)
Role in treatment of already delirious (?): one
small (n= 15) “positive” study using exelon in
medical older in-patients (excluded many pts)exelon may hasten recovery but not ss (Overshott et al.,
Other open label trials suggest a possible benefit
of ChEI’s in active delirium, in vascular
dementia (decreasing duration) (Moretti et al., 2004),
or post-CVA delirium (Oldenbeuving et al., 2008)
Delirium common, associated with poor prognosis and not
always reversible
Multiple contributors
Non-pharmacologic approaches work in prevention; may
help the already delirious patient (less helpful)
Newer surgical techniques may be helpful (fast-track
procedures, perfusion pressure)
Pharmacologic advances include dexemedetomidine, good
pain control, lighter sedation, possibly ramelteon or
melatonin, largely for prevention
Active treatment- neuroleptics if needed, but few good
studies to support their use
Clearly more research is needed
Case 1
95 year old previously independent lady (living alone; some
PSW assistance, but used to apply her own Bi-PAP mask for
OSA and take her own medications)
Admitted to hospital with cellulitis after a fall (couldn’t
PMH: COPD (sporadic home O2 use), OA, OSA, prior
delirium, visually & hearing impaired, reasonable cognition
On admission, forgetful (“where am I?”, “what am I doing
here”, “what should I do next?”), occasionally associated
with de-saturation
Case 1
Cellulitis responded well to antibiotics
Despite this, worsening forgetfulness throughout and very
hard to communicate
Wrote orders to ambulate, to orient with each vital sign
measurement, tried to re-orient
Fluctuated- at times coherent, at other times not
Sometimes would not recognize son
Got delirious- took off her Bi-PAP, often de-saturated
Further hx from son- does well but likes her routines, gets
forgetful when routines are off
Deteriorated and passed away
Case 2 Mrs. P- 76 year old woman, s/p excision of facial
Intermittent confusion throughout hospital stay e.g. called husband telling him “I have to go to the hospital”
e.g. at times thought her husband was her father
PMH: HTN, DM, CRF, severe DDD, lymphoma,
DVT (x2), declining STM for 1.5 years (less able to
make meals d/t pain & ?STM)
O/E- inattentive at times, drifting off, perseverative
(difficulty shifting); c/o severe back pain
Case 2 Present drugs: tylenol PRN, percocet PRN (not
received in days), bromazepam 6 mg QHS,
ranitidine 150 mg OD, amlodipine 7.5 mg,
thyroxine 0.1 mg, detrol 1 mg BID, dyazide,
multivits, glyburide, amitryptiline 100 mg OD,
metoprolol 75 mg BID, Coumadin
What next?
Case 3 Ms. W- 80 year old resident of Retirement home
PMH: mentally challenged since birth, HTN
NSTEMI (admitted to hospital 2 months earlier- had possible
CVA/seizure- started phenytoin;
Because unclear whether true seizure, was tapering
phenytoin- admitted to hospital with tonic-clonic seizuregiven lorazepam & phenytoin (also on other drugs)
Developed rash- Phenytoin changed to valproic acid
In hospital, seizures settled, developed ?pneumonia
(temperature) and mild CHF (started on antibiotics and
5 days after admission, despite being treated for
pneumonia and seizures, started getting more confused
Case 3 The following day, became increasingly agitated, started
Next day: started hallucinating (seeing “dead father” &
“his 3 sons”), and having decreased po intake; OT
described her as unusually aggressive and refused to
Many drugs discontinued (ranitidine, trazadone, clavulin)
3 days later, accused RN of poisoning her, did not take her
pills (for 2 days), and stopped eating
What next?
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