Transcript Infection

Emergency Dept Case Studies
Infection / Sepsis
Mrs. K is a 77 yo female transferred here from the Hebrew Rehab. According to the
referral, pt spiked a fever to 101 and has had increasing lethargy. Upon arrival, pt is
arouseable to tactile stimuli, oriented x3. The patient’s PMH includes CHF,
pneumonia, and afib. Her current medications include digoxin, lasix, and KCl. Her
VS are 150/84..110..28. O2 sat 93% on ra and her rectal temp is 102.
What would be your initial interventions?
Assess ABC’s
O2, IV with IVF infusing, Tylenol pr
Anticipating the patient’s course in the ED, what lab values would you send?
CBC with diff, SMA-7, dig level, 2 blood cultures,lactate, ua, c&s (foley or cath pt if
needed). Order chest x-ray. Routine EKG for probable admission. Determine if
patient appropriate for sepsis protocol.
What could be some of the causes for the change in mental status?
Stroke, dehydration, sepsis (r/t UTI or pneumonia), hypoxemia