Transcript asthma 2009

Asthma definition
• Asthma: Definition by WHO
• Asthma attacks all age groups but often starts in
childhood. It is a disease characterized by recurrent
attacks of breathlessness and wheezing, which vary in
severity and frequency from person to person. In an
individual, they may occur from hour to hour and day to
• This condition is due to inflammation of the air passages
in the lungs and affects the sensitivity of the nerve
endings in the airways so they become easily irritated. In
an attack, the lining of the passages swell causing the
airways to narrow and reducing the flow of air in and out
of the lungs.
Asthma epidemiology
• According to WHO estimates, 300 million
people suffer from asthma and 255 000
people died of asthma in 2005.
Asthma is the most common chronic
disease among children.
• Children, boys , blacks and women have
higher prevalence
Asthma Severity staging of disease
Mild Intermittent
Symptoms <2 times a weeks
Asymptomatic and normal PEF between exacerbations
Exacerbations brief (from a few hours to a few days); intensity may
vary<2 times a month
Lung Function :
FEV1 or PEF >80% predicted
PEF variability <20%
Mild Persistent
Symptoms >2 times a week but <1 time a day
Exacerbations may affect activity>2 times a month
Lung Function:
FEV1 or PEF >80% predicted
PEF variability 20-30%
Asthma Severity staging of disease
• Moderate Persistent :
Daily symptoms
Daily use of inhaled or short-acting b2-agonist
Exacerbations affect activity
Exacerbations >2 times a week; may last days
• Night Time symptoms:
>1 time a week
• Lung Functions:
FEV1 or PEF >60% - <80% predicted
PEF variability >30%
• Severe Persistent:
Continued symptoms
Limited physical activity
Frequent exacerbations
• Night Time symptoms:
• Lung Functions:
FEV1 or PEF <60% predicted
PEF variability >30%
Asthma action plan:
Adult self-management instructions.
Important Peak Flow Numbers
Baseline_________ L/min_______%
If your peak flow drops below ___________or you notice:—Increased use of inhaled
treatments to manage asthma—Increased asthma symptoms upon awakening or at
Follow these treatment steps:
Increase inhaled steroids
Take Two puffs of _____________FOUR times a day.
Begin/increase treatment with oral steroids
Take ___ mg of prednisone at _______ AM and/ or _______ PM
If your peak flow number drops below __________or if you continue to get worse after
treatment according to the directions above, follow these treatment steps.
Begin/increase treatment with oral steroids
Take ______mg of prednisone at _______AM and/ or _______PM
Contact your health-care provider. if: Your peak flow number drops below_______.
Asthma symptoms worsen while you are taking oral steroids
Inhaled bronchodilators treatments are not lasting four hours
If you can not contact your health care provider go directly to the ED.
If you have questions call __________________ Date _________________Physician
signature ________________Patient/Family signature_____________
ASTHMA treatment
Albuterol MDI: 4-8 puffs q 20 min up to 4 h, then every 1-4 h
Nebulized:2.5-5 mg every 20 min for 3 doses, then 2.5-5 mg every 1-4 h or
10-15 mg/h continuously Dilute to minimum volume of 4 mL and gas flow of
6-8 L/min
Ipratropium bromide MDI: 4-8 puffs as needed
Nebulised: 0.5 mg every 30 min for 3 doses then every 2-4 h as needed
May mix in same nebulizer with albuterol
Subcutaneous bronchodilatorsEpinephrine0.3-0.5 mg every 20 min for 3
doses SQ No proven long-term advantage over aerosol
Terbutaline0.25 mg every 20 min for 3 doses SQ No proven advantage over
aerosol; use in pregnant patients
Corticosteroids Prednisone 120-180 mg/d in 3-4 doses for 48 h, then 60-80
mg/d until PEF >70% of predicted No advantage for higher doses
Methyl-prednisolone 40 mg IV every 6 h No advantage of IV over oral
therapy, if patient tolerates oral medications
Other medicationsAminophylline0.6 mg/kg//h continuous infusion (keep
level 8-15 g/mL) Not recommended*MDI=metered-dose inhaler