Diagnosis of type 1 allergy and immunotherapy .
Transcript Diagnosis of type 1 allergy and immunotherapy .
Diagnosis of type 1 allergy.
Prof. Mohamed Osman Gad ElRab .
College of Medicine & KKUH .
Introduction :
Many patients with various مختلفهclinical problems
are suspected to have an allergic disease , يعني اذا
جاك مريض حط من اعتباراتك انه عنده حساسيه واغلب هذوال المرضى
: هم
e.g. . - itching skin rashes.
- upper & lower respiratory symptoms .
- adverse reactions to food .
- adverse reactions to drugs,(antibiotics,
local anesthetics, analgesics ).
- Establishing a correct allergy diagnosis help to
select appropriate therapeutic interventions for
the patient such as :
اشهر انواع عالج الحساسيه
- allergen avoidance تجنب مثيرات الحساسيه.
- medications .
- immunotherapy .
Major indications دواعي االستخدام االساسيهfor
allergy testing .
1. patients with rhinitis in whom symptoms
are not controlled by medications .
allergic rhinitis .( IgE- mediated ). ( هذا النوع هو اللي نبحث
) عنه بعمل االختبار وهذا النوع هو اللي ما يستجيب للعالجات العاديه
non-allergic rhinitis .( non IgE- mediated ) .
infectious .
aspirin hypersensitivity.
Prevalence معدل االنتشار:
60 – 70 % of rhinitis patients have
allergy ( IgE- mediated ).
25 – 34 % of patients with rhinitis develop
asthma within 10 years .
2. patients with persistent دائمsymptoms of asthma .
58-80% of asthma patients have immediate
skin test reactivity .
.(Kalliel etal. Chest 1989,96:1336-40).
58% of adult asthmatic patients in Riyadh
have immediate skin test reactivity & specific
IgE to prevalent منتشرهallergens.
(Gad EL Rab M.O., Annals of Saudi Medicine.1999,19:447-49 ).
It is recommended that all asthma patients
,who require daily therapy ,be evaluated for
allergens as possible contributing مساهمهfactors
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma : expert
panel report NIH publication no.98-4051,Bethesda,Md.,1997: 43,45
3. patients with suspected food allergy .
- adverse reactions to food proteins are divided
into :
IgE- mediated
non- IgE mediated .( food intolerance ). عدم
) تحمل الطعام مثل بعض الناس اللي يواجهون مشاكل مع حليب الجمالت ( ياااي
- approximately 5-6 % of children (younger than
3 years ) and 1.5 – 2 % of the general population
suffer from food allergic disease .
Diagnosis of food allergy is important because
the mainstay الدعم الرئيسيof therapy remains :
1. avoidance of the incriminated ( المسبب للحساسيه
) بعض الناس حساسين من الفولfoods.
2. education to deal with inadvertent exposure
التعليم للتعامل مع الحاالت المفاجئه ( واحد اكل اكل ما درى انه
) يسبب حساسيه.
4. patients with suspected drug allergy .
- reliable فعال ودقيقallergy tests for drugs are
available only for penicillin and local anesthetics
التخدير الموضعي. مهمه جدا
- e.g. suspected reaction to penicillin .
prescribe يوصف لهalternative antibiotic مضاد
حيوي آخر.
5. suspected insect sting reactions :
previous suspected systemic reaction to insect
stings .
- identify insect .
- advice immunotherapy. الن الحشرات من
مثيرات الحساسيه التي ال يمكن التحكم بها ( يعني مب على
) كيفك ما تاكل حشرات
- e.g. the honey bee & black fire ant
are common causes of anaphylaxis.
الحساسيه المفرطه والتي من الممكن ان تؤدي للوفاه وتعالج بـ
Epinephrine ( adrenalin )
Types of allergy tests :
1. Immediate- type hypersensitivity skin testing .
a. percutaneous route .( skin prick test ).
b. intradermal route .( injection of allergen
within the dermal layer ).
2. assay قياسfor allergen specific IgE antibodies
3. Bronchial challenge test .
( occupational asthma ) الربو المفتعل
- expose patient to allergen and record symptoms.
4. Double- blind food challenge test .
provide definitive النهائيdiagnosis of food allergy
when clinical certainty االعتماد والتاكيدis needed .
( because of the low specificity of the skin test
with food allergens ). مهمه
1. the skin prick test ( SPT )
(the most commonly used method ) .
1. rapid.
2. accurate دقيقه.
3. cheap.
4. safe procedure. اجراءات
5. highly reproducible .
تعطي نتائج
Principle المبادئof the skin test :
when allergen extracts are introduced into the skin ,of a
previously sensitized individual , they
cross- link IgE molecules on mast cells which :
release mediators and produce :
- a local wheal and flare reaction .
Site for prick test اماكن الوخز:
• The inner (volar ) )الراحه ( الباطنaspect of the
Or :
The skin of the upper back.
:يستخدم هذا المكان فقط عند
- in dermatitis of forearm .
- children with small forearms.
Contraindications موانع استخدامهto skin prick
Do not apply skin prick tests to patients when there
is convincing history of anaphylaxis to the test
this is particularly important in :
Nut ) جوز ( مكسراتallergy.
latex افرازات بعض النباتاتallergy .
horse allergy.
drug allergy .
severe food allergy.
Other contraindications:
1.Diffuse dermatological condition. عرض او مشكله
جلديه منتشره
2. Patient unable to stop medications .
( anti-histamines inhibit the wheal& flare reaction
patients advised to stop the drug 3-10 days before
skin testing ) عشان ما يمنع هذا الدواء ظهور نتائج
3. during pregnancy.
3. poor patient cooperation .
4 .Severe dermatographism
ارتيكيريا ناتجه عن مؤثر فيزيائي
مثل كثره الحك و الدخان ( مثل اللي يطلع
.اذا لبست حرام )
Interpretation تفسير ميكانيكيهof the skin test .
Positive control skin test ( histamine )
Negative control skin test (diluent )
( essential for correct interpretation) .
-15 minutes after application of allergen,
examine test site for a wheal and flare .
- a positive reaction = a wheal 3 mm or greater
in diameter + erythema .
Selection of allergens for testing .
- There are over 400 allergens known to cause
allergic disease .
Selection is based on :
1.medical history .
2. prevalent المنتشرهallergens in the area .
SPT is safe ,but the following
emergency resuscitative equipment must be
available :
* Injectable Adrenaline 1:1000. االهم
* Oxygen .
* Oral Phenergan & دواء مضاد للهستامين
* Hydrocortisone .
* Inhaled bronchodilator.
Number of allergens and age:
* عدد المثيرات: Any number from 1-40 allergens may be tested
in a single session .
* عمر االشخاص: Consensus االجماع ينص على أنهindicates that
the tests are of value from 4 months of age onwards .
Infants & the elderly tend to have a less reactive
االختبار الثانيMulti – test device:
أوال: Dip غمسapplicator in allergen tray صينيه.
ثم ثانيا: Apply with pressure on the arm.
a positive test:
= 4.5 mm. wheal diameter.
( preferred by patients.)
) الحظ انه ال ينتج حمره ( احمرار
وان القطر اكبر من االختبار السابق
Correlation العالقه بينbetween :
* size of skin test.
* degree of IgE sensitization.
* clinical symptoms.
90 % of patients with a wheal = 5mm.
react positive on provocation اثارهtests & the
tested is involved in clinical
disease .
االختبار الثالث:
Intradermal test :
used for investigating : يستخدم
: للكشف عن
1. insect sting allergy .
2. drug allergy .
*High non-specific reaction rate.
االختبار الرابع: allergen - specific serum IgE test .
( also called RAST test – radioallergo-sorbent test )_
• Advantages:
1. No risk of reactions.
2. Not affected by medications.
3.Preferred in patients with high risk
of reactions:
-unstable asthma.
-sting insect allergy.
• Disadvantages :
1. Expensive.
2. Less sensitive than SPT.
3. Difficult to interpret الكشفin
patients with high level of total IgE (1000 KU/ml )
Specific IgE (RAST) results are reported in classes :
class o : no specific IgE detected.
class 1 : low level .
class 2-4 : moderate level .
class 5-6 : high level .
Total serum IgE.
The spread of total IgE values is very wide
and reliable upper limits distinguishing
non-atopic and atopic could not be
established .
* Useful in large epidemiologic studies.
* Not applicable in the clinical evaluation
of individual patients.
Conditions with elevated total IgE :
These may include :
1. certain immunodeficiency disorders .
2. parasitic infections .
3. certain types of T-cell lymphomas .
4. atopic dermatitis .
5. eosinophilic lung disease .
Positive skin test reactions with no symptoms affect
8-30 %
These reactions may indicate :
1. past sensitization .
2. latent الكامنهallergy .
Prospective سابقهstudies in Denmark showed that
30 to 80 % ( of asymptomatic patients with positive skin
test become allergic depending on :
allergen exposure.
*have prognostic ( preventive) value.
Bodtger U; Current Opin Allergy Clin Immunl,2004;4(1):5-10.
Summary :
1. diagnosis of allergy determine line of
treatment e.g. avoidance of allergen,
immunotherapy .
2. skin test reactivity should be correlated مربوط مع
with clinical sensitivity .
3. definitive diagnosis of food allergy is by
double-blind challenge tests . مهمه
4. administration of allergy vaccines require
accurate identification of causative
allergens .(immunotherapy ).