JC 2011 PATIENT RIGHTS - Arkansas Hospital Association
Transcript JC 2011 PATIENT RIGHTS - Arkansas Hospital Association
Joint Commission Patient Rights
What every hospital should know.
Sue Dill Calloway RN, Esq.
Patient Safety and Healthcare
5447 Fawnbrook Lane
Dublin, Ohio 43017
614 791-1468
[email protected]
Patient Rights
Will discuss the following:
CMS patient rights guidelines
TJC brochure on patient rights
TJC tracer questions on patient rights
Patient rights as one of the 14 priority focus
TJC standards on patient rights
TJC has 3 FAQs on patient rights
RI Chapter
Rights and responsibilities of the Individual and
abbreviated RI Chapter
The Joint Commission
Will refer to as TJC and not called JCAHO anymore
Patient rights is important with both TJC and CMS
and TJC has made changes
TJC eliminates RI.01.06.05 EP1 July 1, 2010
New change 2011 on patient centered communication
which was previously called patient provider
CMS has a patient rights chapter which is extensive
Patient Provider Communication RI.01.01.01
Jan 1, 2011 Patient Centered Communication
CMS CoP Hospital Patient Rights
Remember that most hospitals accept Medicare
and as such must follow the CMS Hospital CoPs
So hospital must follow these for all patients not
just Medicare or Medicaid patients
Include both in your P&Ps
Exception is the CAH (Critical Access Hospitals) do not
have a patient rights section except will add visitation and
QIO/State agency notification
CMS has a patient rights section
Includes 50 pages of restraints interpretive guidelines
The Revised Final CoPs
Final interpretive guidelines were published June 5,
Anesthesia ones changes December 30, 2009 and February 5, 2010,
May 21, 2010 and February 14, 2011
Respiratory and Rehab orders updated October 1, 2010
Visitation regulations effective Jan 18, 2011 but interpretive guidelines
not out yet
Has section on grievances, patient rights, and advance
Every hospital should have a copy of this!!!
The Conditions of Participation
First published in the Federal Register-42 CFR Part 482.
Federal Register available at
Then CMS takes and adds their directions on how to survey
these in the Interpretive Guidelines and some have survey
Should check the below website once a month to check for
Changes on Survey and Certification website at
Also some changes at Transmittals at
CMS Survey & Certification Website
CMS Patient Rights Standards 0116-214
CMS Patient Rights include:
Right to notification of rights and exercise of rights
Privacy and safety
Confidentiality of medical records and
Restraint issues
QIO and state agency notification
Visitation rights
These establish minimum protections and rights for
TJC Patient Rights
Many changes in 2009 as part of the Standards
Improvement Initiative (SII) which continue into 2011
There are 14 (from 24) standards in the TJC RI
There are 91 elements of performance (one deleted
July 2010 and one added 2011
TJC is committed to protecting the rights and dignity
of all patients
Must treat patients as individuals with unique
personal and health needs
TJC Patient Rights Overview
Patients need to be actively encouraged to be
involved with decisions about their care
Empowered patients ask more questions and
develop better relationships with their caregivers
The acknowledgement of patient rights helps
patients feel more supported by the hospital and
staff involved with their care
Patients have an obligation to take on certain
These are defined and relayed to the patients
TJC Patient Rights Overview
TJC, unlike CMS, has patient obligations and
Mere list of rights does not itself guarantee those
Hospital must show its support of patient rights in
the actions it takes
Hospitals need to make sure patients are informed
of their rights
Hospitals must help patient to understand their
rights and exercise their rights
TJC Rights Include
The right to effective communication
The right to participate in care decisions
The right to informed consent
The right to know care providers
The right to participate in end-of-life decisions
Individual rights of patients
Patient responsibilities
Overview of TJC RI Chapter
TJC Revised Requirements
Recall discussion that Mar 26, 2009 TJC
issues 27 pages of changes to the TJC
hospital manual that continue into 2010,
Will discuss the changes made
TJC has a flier on the speak up program
encouraging patients to know their rights at
TJC Changes to Comply with CMS CoPs
RI. when patients request access to
medical record information, hospital need to provide
as quickly as record keeping system allows
RI.01.02.01 patient has a right to have family
member notified of admission to hospital and to
have own physician notified (even if not the
admitting physician)
RI.01.05.01 the hospital defines how it obtains and
documents permission to perform an autopsy,
RI.01.07.01 Grievances and now 20 EPs
TJC Know Your Rights Brochure
TJC has a flier on the speak up program
encouraging patients to know their rights at
It is called “Speak Up Know Your Rights”
Issued March 15, 2011
Discusses questions for patients to ask their doctor
Discusses what are the patient’s rights
Discusses having a patient advocate to stay with
them, consent, how to file a complaint etc.
TJC Know Your Rights Brochure
FAQ on Patient Rights
TJC has 3 topics under FAQs on RI
Organ donation one but this standard is now in
the Transplant chapter
Filming and recording
Patient rights and informed consent when
videotaping or filming
All revised November 24, 2008
– at
3 FAQs on Rights and Responsibilities
These will be covered under the standards
Filming And Recording FAQ
Q: Standard RI.01.03.03 EP 7 states;
Before engaging in recording or filming anyone
who is not already bound by the hospital's
confidentiality policy, signs a confidentiality
statement to protect the patient's identity and
confidential information
Does this mean that we need to have media sign a
confidentiality agreement even if the patient has
consented to be filmed/recorded?
Filming And Recording FAQ
A: No. EP 7 is only applicable in those circumstances in
which filming/recording intended for external use is
being done without patient consent.
In that situation, the party filming the images should
sign a confidentiality agreement indicating that they will
not show the film/photos until consent is obtained from
the patient. If consent is not obtained, the identity of the
patient will be masked or the film will be destroyed.
If the patient has specifically consented to being
filmed/recorded prior to the commencement of filming,
the media or party doing the filming does not need to
sign a separate confidentiality agreement.
Consent When Videotaping or Filming
Q: Can staff or their designated agent film
or videotape patient care activities in the
Emergency Department?
Yes; see full answer following below
A: Yes. It is appropriate to film or videotape
patient care activities in the ED, provided
patients or their family members or
surrogate decision makers give informed
FAQ on Videotaping and Consent
Patients Right is One of 14 PFAs
TJC has 14 priority focus areas
Right to an appropriate level of care or service
Right to receive safe care
Respect for cultural values and religious
Privacy and confidentiality of information
Recognition and prevention of potential abuse
Patients Have the Right To
Notification of unanticipated outcomes
Involvement in care decisions
Information on risks and benefits of
investigational studies
End of life care
Advance directives
Organ procurement
Patients Have the Right
A right to have advance directives and to have them
Freedom from unnecessary restraints
Informed consent for various procedures
The right to refuse care
Right to have their pain believed and relieved
Communication with administration
To chose their visitors
And education
Individual Tracers Patient Rights
Not a hospital program specific tracer like patient flow
or suicidal prevention
However, TJC 2011 Survey Guide states patient
rights tracer is done as part of the individual tracer
When surveyor interviews patients and families
Things surveyor may look at or observe
Staff discussion and observation on communication
between shifts and departments,
Individual Tracers Patient Rights
Surveyor to talk with staff about the following and
to observe these during the survey process;
Communication between shifts and departments
Education within the confines of patient needs,
physical and cognitive challenges, culture and
language diversity
Use of restraint and seclusion
Process when a patient refuses care
Process to inform family, surrogate, or another
physician of admission when requested by patient
Individual Tracers Patient Rights
Surveyor is instructed to interview the patient and
the family to determine their understanding of the
Rights, prior to receiving or discontinuing care
This includes advanced directive and end of life
Patient safety and personal and health information
Hospital would want to make sure that white boards with
things such as patient names and diagnosis are not visible
to the public
AHA Patient Rights
A different AHA document replaces the AHA's
Patients' Bill of Rights
It is called “The Patient Care Partnership:
Understanding Expectations, Rights and
It is a plain language brochure that informs patients
about what they should expect during their hospital
stay with regard to their rights and responsibilities
The brochure is available in eight languages
AHA Patient Rights Brochure
AHA Patient Rights Booklet
AHA Patient Rights Expectations
High quality care
Clean and safe environment
Discussing your medical condition
Information about medically appropriate
treatment choices
Discussing your treatment plan
Right to get information from the patient
AHA Patient Rights Expectations
Understanding who can make decisions if
you can not
Involvement in your care
Protection of patient privacy
Help with bill and filling insurance claims
Preparing for discharge
RI.01.01.01 Respecting Patient Rights
The standard: The hospital respects,
respects and promotes patient rights
EP1 There are written P&P on patient rights
EP2 Patients are informed of their rights
EP4 Patients are treated in a dignified and
respectful manner
EP5 The patients rights to and need for
effective communication must be respected
RI.01.01.01 Respecting Patient Rights
EP6 Patients cultural and personal values,
beliefs, and preferences are respected
EP7 Right to privacy is respected
Discusses personal right to privacy
See also IM.02.01.01, EP1-5 which requires
the hospital to protect the privacy of health
information, to have a P&P on this, and to
disclose information only as permitted by
RI.01.01.01 Respecting Patient Rights
EP8 Right to pain management is respected
EP9 Patient right to religious and spiritual
service is accommodated by the hospital
EP10 Patients are allowed to access, request
amendment, and obtain information on
disclosures about their health information
As allowed by law and regulation,
New EP 28 and 29 in 2011 on patient
centered communication
RI.01.01.01 Respecting Patient Rights
EP 28 A family member,friend, or other individual to
be allowed to be present with the patient for emotional
support during the course of stay
Unless the presence infringes on others' rights, safety
Unless it is medically or therapeutically contraindicated
The person may or may not be the patient's surrogate
decision-maker or legally authorized representative
EP 29 Discrimination based on age, race, ethnicity,
religion, culture, language, physical or mental
disability, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual
orientation, and gender identity or expression is
RI.01.01.01 Respecting Patient Rights
These first new EPs will not be counted against the
hospital until January of 2011 and the visitation one
became effective July 1, 2011
CMS has passed a federal regulation effective January
19, 2011
The regulation requires you to give the patient, in
writing, information about visitation
This must be documented in the medical record
For example, if you limit visitors in the ICU to two, this
would be permitted, but patient gets to pick the two
people such as a same sex partner or best friend
2011 Changes MR Must Contain
New in 2011 to improve patient centered
Qualifications for language interpreters and
translators will be met through proficiency,
assessment, education, training, and experience
Hospitals need to determine the patient’s oral and
written communication needs and their preferred
language for discussing health care under PC
Hospital will communicate with patients in a
manner that meets their communication needs
2011 Changes MR Must Contain
Hospitals required to collecting race and ethnicity
data under RC.02.01.01 EP1
Patients should self report so patient states she is white
and Albanian
Collecting language data under RC.02.01.01 EP1
The patient’s communication needs, including
preferred language for discussing health care
If the patient is a minor, is incapacitated, or has a
designated advocate, the communication needs of the
parent or legal guardian, surrogate decision-maker, or
legally authorized representative is documented in the MR
RI.01.01.01 Respecting Patient Rights
CMS in the hospital CoPs also has a section
on patient rights
Make sure you have a written P&P on patient
Give patients a written copy of their rights
Can include patient rights on back side of
general consent form and notice of privacy
practice that all patients sign on admission or
for outpatient treatment
Communication with patient is important
What Does This Standard Mean?
Form can say I hereby acknowledge that I have
received a written copy of my patient rights
Accommodate the right to pastoral or other spiritual
Resources to recognize and address pain
Educate staff and providers about pain
Document pain assessment and relief of pain
HIPAA requires hospitals to have a policy and
procedure in which a patient can request an
amendment of their medical record if they believe
there is a mistake
RI.01.01.03 Respecting Patient Rights
Hospitals and other healthcare facilities will encounter
more patients with language barriers as our country
becomes more diverse
Hospitals must have language access services for
translators and interpreters to meet the communication
needs of patients
Communication is a critical part of patient safety and
risk management
This is what lead the Joint Commission to adopt five
standards in four different chapter on patient centered
care to ensure patient provider communication
RI.01.01.03 Respecting Patient Rights
Communication is the cornerstone of patient safety
and quality
Effective communication allows the patient to
participate more fully in their care
Good communications prevent medical errors
Communicating is critical during the informed
There are 50 million people in this country whose
English is not their primary language
Low health literacy is another important issue
RI.01.01.03 Respecting Patient Rights
Many patients way require alternative
communication methods
Patients who speak other languages than English
Patients with limited literacy in any language
Patient with visual or hearing impairments or on
Hospitals needs interpreters and translated written
Interpreters Are Required by Law
Title VI of Civil Rights Act
Executive Order 13166
Policy guidance from the Office of Civil Rights
regarding compliance with Title VI, 2004
Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990
State laws (many states have laws and regulations
that require the provision of language assistance)
and the American Medical Association Office
Guide to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Patient
RI.01.01.03 Right to Receive Information
Standard: The patient had the right to receive
information in a manner she will understand
EP1 The information provided to the patient needs to
be tailored in a way the patient can understand
considering age, language and their ability to
EP2 Language interpreting and translation services
are provided by the hospital
EP3 Information is provided to the patient who has
vision, speech, hearing, or cognitive impairments
This must be provided in a manner that meets the
patient’s needs
What Does This Standard Mean?
Patients need to receive information in a manner
they can understand and use
Issue of low health literacy
Written material should be appropriate to age and
understanding of patient
Need to address needs of those with vision, speech,
hearing or language problems
Post sign for interpreting services in different
languages and that they are available at no charge
Interpreting services need to be provided and be sure to
document in the medical record
What are Surveyors Looking For?
The hospital has a P&P on language access
That staff are oriented and trained in the P&P
That language access is used at the critical times or
points of care and staff know how to access these
That staff and physicians understand the patient
has the legal right to interpreting and translation
How the hospital designed the program and addition
to their demographics with the population served
What are Surveyors Looking For?
Surveyors will observe if staff follow the P&P to make
sure patients communication needs are met
May do as part of a tracer and select a patient who
does not speak English
What is the hospital’s plan for language access,
accessibility and that it is in good working order
Make sure bilingual staff have training on how to be an
Do not use a child to interpret and family members
Exception for family members if patient insists, get it in writing, use
interpreter to obtain, make sure knows at no expense to the patient
What are Surveyors Looking For?
Will make sure patients are informed about their
rights and consider posting sign
Will verify there is documentation about the use of
an interpreter
Will verify that there is documentation about the
patient’s preferred language for discussing health
That race and ethnicity data is collected in the MR
Will assess if the patient uses any assistive devices
and these were used to help the patient
What are Surveyors Looking For?
Consider providing patient rights materials in
multiple language along with other important
documents for patient population served
Understand when person is qualified and when
certified to be an intepreter
Identify patient cultural, religious, or spiritual beliefs
and practices that influence care
The Roadmap for Hospitals has a number of
excellent recommendations for ensuring a quality
interpreting and translation program
This is available at no charge
Advancing Effective Communication Roadmap
Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural
Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered
Care: A Roadmap for Hospitals is a monograph
developed by TJC
To help hospitals incorporate concepts from the
communication, cultural competence, and patientand family-centered care fields into their facility
The Roadmap will help hospitals to comply with the
patient-centered communication standards
Has educational tools
Communication Roadmap
Includes information on the law
Includes model policies
Includes a self assessment guide
Provides examples for each standard
Roadmap Updated August 2010
See also Hospitals, Language, and Culture A Snapshot of
the Nation
See One Size Does Not Fit All: Meeting the Healthcare
Needs of Diverse Populations
Available at http://www.jointcommission.org/patientsafety/hlc/
Study Finds Few Hospitals in Compliance
Study published February 14, 2011 finds few
hospitals in compliance with the TJC standards on
patient centered communication
Lack of compliance with language access
requirements for limited English proficiency (LEP)
Communication breakdowns are responsible for
3,000 unexpected death every year
Standards to improve patient provider
communication and ensure patient safety
"The New Joint Commission Standards for Patient-Centered Care," report
can be found at http://www.languageline.com/jointcommission2011report
Topics Covered in the White Paper
Language challenges that impact healthcare
Why language services are critical
The unfortunate truth: most hospitals are not
The origins of medical interpreting
Patient/provider understanding and acceptance
Joint Commission mandates for training and
Topics Covered in the White Paper
The standards that apply to language access
The consequences of non-compliance
Developing a system-wide language services
The Joint Commission is serious
Hospitals CAN prepare themselves
TJC R3 Report
OIG Examines Provisions of Language Services
Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers
Act of 2008 requires survey of hospitals and others
with high number of limited English proficient
individuals (LEP)
Only 2/3 of hospitals use the Office of Civil Rights four
factor assessment to determine which language services
are appropriate for a patient
Only 33% of providers offered services consistent with
the Office of Minority Health's Culturally and Linguistically
Appropriate Services in Health Care voluntary standards
Report OEI-05-10-00050 issued July 2010 at www.oig.hhs.gov
TJC Video Improving Patient-Provider Communication
The Joint Commission and the HHS Office of Civil
Rights has a resource that hospitals should be
aware of at www.jointcommission.org
It is a 31 minute video on how to improve patientprovider communication
It is available at no charge
Initially standard referred to as patient-provider
More recently referred to as patient-centered
RI.01.02.01 Right to Participate in Decisions
Standard: the patient has a right to
participate in decisions about their care and
Right is not to be construed as mechanism to
demand medically unnecessary care (DS)
EP1 Patient is involved in decision making
about their care and treatment
Including right to have own physician notified
promptly upon admission
RI.01.02.01 Right to Participate in Decisions
EP2 Patient is provided with written
information on their right to refuse care
as allowed by law
EP3 Hospital respects the patient’s right
to refuse care as allowed by law
EP6 Surrogate decision maker is used if
patient is unable to make decisions
about care and treatment
RI.01.02.01 Right to Participate in Decisions
EP7 When surrogate decision maker is
responsible for care the hospital must respect
their decision to refuse care (changes)
EP8 Family is involved in care when
permitted by the patient or the surrogate
decision maker, as allowed by law
EP20 Patient is provided information about
outcomes of care that the patient needs in
order to participate in their current and future
health care decisions
RI.01.02.01 Unanticipated Outcomes
EP21 Patient or surrogate decision maker is
informed about unanticipated outcomes (UO)
of care that related to reviewable sentinel
TJC sentinel event chapter has definition of reviewable
sentinel event
EP22 LIP is responsible to manage patient
care and inform about UO related to sentinel
event if patient is not already aware of this
Where further discussion is needed
What Does This Standard Mean?
Document patient involvement in decisions
about their care
CMS has a similar provision in allowing patients
to participate in decisions about their care
Patients get informed consent, are involved in
pain management decisions, and in formulating
advance directives
Competent adults can refuse care but needs to
be educated right so they know the risks and
Recommend you get it in writing
What Does This Standard Mean?
Parent usually consents for minor child
If patient is incompetent document legal
guardian or DPOA
Surrogate decision maker steps into shoes of
incompetent patient
Have P&P on unanticipated disclosure
Educate all staff on P&P
Consider disclosure coaches
Document discussion with patient
National Patient Safety Foundation
“Talking to patients about Health Care Injury.”
Available at http://www.npsf.org,
When a health care injury occurs, the patient and the
family or representative is entitled to a prompt
explanation of how the injury occurred and its short and
long-term effects. When an error contributed to the
injury, the patient and the family or representative
should receive a truthful and compassionate
explanation about the error and the remedies
available to the patient.
They should be informed that the factors involved in the
injury will be investigated so that steps can be taken to
reduce the likelihood of similar injury to other patients.
ASHRM 4 Documents
20 page document titled "perspective on disclosure of
unanticipated outcome information”
Provides examples of UO Policy and procedures
Has additional 3 documents, Disclosure: What works
now and what can work even better,
Disclosure: Creating an effective patient communication
policy, and
Disclosure: the next step in better communications with
At http://www.ashrm.org/ashrm/resources/monograph.html
RI.01.03.01 Informed Consent
Standard: the hospital must honor the
patient’s right to give or withhold informed
EP1 Need written P&P on informed consent
EP2 Policy identifies the care or treatment
that requires informed consent as required
by law
EP3 Written policy describes exceptions to
getting consent
RI.01.03.01 Informed Consent
EP4 Policy describes the process used to
get consent
Remember informed consent is a process
It is not just a form
EP5 P&P describes how consent is to be
Documentation must be in a form, progress note,
or elsewhere in the medical record
RI.01.03.01 Informed Consent
EP6 P&P describes when surrogate decision
maker can give consent
References RI.01.02.01, EP 6
For example patient is incompetent and has a
guardian appointed or a durable power of
attorney for healthcare
Parents make decisions for their two year old
EP7 Consent process includes discussion
about the proposed care and treatment
RI.01.03.01 Informed Consent
EP9 Consent includes discussion of potential
benefits, risks, and side effects of the
proposed care
The likelihood of the patient achieving her goals,
Any potential problems that might occur during
the recuperation
EP11 Consent process includes discussion
about reasonable alternatives, and the risks,
benefits, and side effects of the alternatives
RI.01.03.01 Informed Consent
EP12 Consent process included discussion
of any circumstances under which
information about the patient must be
disclosed or reported
Would include reports to the department of health
or the CDC regarding cases of HIV, TB, viral
meningitis, or other things required
EP13 Consent is obtained in accordance with
Hospital P&P prior to surgery unless an
What Does This Standard Mean?
CMS has 3 sections on informed consent in the
hospital CoPs
Remember your state law on consent
Have a written P&P on consent
Make sure staff are aware of policy
Need list of all surgeries and procedures with yes
or no if consent needed
Make sure documented in medical record
Consent on chart before surgery except in
What Does This Standard Mean?
Policy must include exceptions
Policy must include when surrogate decision
maker signs (incompetent patient and guardian
or DPOA)
Make sure includes all required elements from
TJC, CMS, and state law (alternatives, risks,
benefits, etc.)
Make sure staff and physicians understand and
document conversation with patients about
mandatory reporting laws (HIV, STD, TB, viral
meningitis etc.)
Consider List of Procedures
Procedure Name
Requires Informed Consent
Arterial Line insertion (performed alone) Yes
Aspiration Cyst (simple/minor)
Informed Consent Manual
One hospital (Providence Everett Medical Center)
has their informed consent manual on the Internet1
It has an excellent list of which procedures need
informed consent
List can be used by others to determine which
procedures they want to have informed consent
Link with MS Office on what procedures are being
done in your facility
Remember procedures with reasonable known
risks should be considered
1 http://www.lucidoc.com/cgi/doc-gw.pl/ref/pemc_p:10127
Informed Consent Forms
Need for all surgeries except in emergencies
All inpatients and outpatients
For all procedures specified
Needs to reflect a process
Form must follow policies
Must include state or federal requirements
Must contain minimum requirements (mandatory)
CMS has 6 mandatory issues for consent and
optional ones called well designed
A site for consent forms that list the risks, and
complications, and alternatives of many
procedures (provided by the Queensland
They have forms for pediatrics, orthopedics,
vascular, urology, surgical, renal, plastic surgery,
psychiatry, ophthalmology, maxillofacial, medical
imaging, neurosurgery, ear, nose and throat and
many more.2
So What’s In Your Policy?
So What’s In Your Policy?
RI.01.03.03 Recordings and Consent
Standard: Patient has the right to give or withhold
consent to use films, photographs, recordings,
video, or other images for purposes other than his
EP1 Hospitals may occasionally make a recording
or film or other image of a patient for internal use
other than for identification or diagnosis
Such as for PI or education
Need to obtain and document consent prior to
producing this
RI.01.03.03 Recordings and Consent
EP2 When photograph, filming etc is used for external use
you need the patient’s consent before you do this
Consent must include a discussion of how the photo or
film is going to be used
These are commercial filming, TV programs, or marketing
EP3 If patient unable to give consent for filming
then it may occur as permitted by your written P&P
Which is established thru an ethical mechanism
like the ethics committee and that might include
community input
RI.01.03.03 Recordings and Consent
EP4 If the patient is unable to give consent
then the film or photograph is held in the
hospital’s possession
And it is not used for any purpose until consent is
EP5 The hospital must destroy the film or
photograph if the patient’s consent can not be
subsequently obtained when the patient is
unable to give the consent
RI.01.03.03 Recordings and Consent
EP6 Patient needs to be informed of the right
to stop production of the recording or film
EP7 Anyone who is not bound by the
hospital’s confidentiality policy must sign a
confidentiality statement
This is done to protect the patient’s identity and
confidential information
This must be done before the filming or
production starts
RI.01.03.03 Recordings and Consent
EP8 The organization accommodates the
patient's right to rescind consent before the
recording, film, or image is used
The American Health Information
Management Association (AHIMA) has a
practice brief on Patient Photography,
Videotaping and other Imaging
It is available at
Sample Consent
Be Aware of Your Hospital Policy
Standard: Patient’s rights during research,
investigation, and clinical trials is protected
EP1 Research protocols must be reviewed
This includes weighing the risks and benefits to the patient
participating in the research
EP2 The patient must be provided with the following
to decide whether to participate or not in the research
Explanation of the purpose of the research
Expected duration or how long it will last
Description of the procedures to be followed
RI.01.03.05 Research
Statement of the potential benefits, risks,
discomforts, and side effects
Alternatives that might be advantageous
EP3 Patient is informed that refusing to
participate or discontinuing participation will not
jeopardize his access to care unrelated to the
EP4 The following must be documented in the
consent form
That the patient received information to help
determine whether to participate or not,
RI.01.03.05 Research
EP5 The hospital documents the following in
the research consent form:
That the patient was informed that refusing to
participate in research, investigation, or clinical
or discontinuing participation at any time will
not jeopardize his or her access to care
treatment, and services unrelated to the
RI.01.03.05 Research
EP 6 The name of the person who
provided the information and the date the
form was signed must be documented
EP7 Consent form describes right to
privacy, confidentiality and safety
EP9 Hospital keeps all information given
to the patient in the medical record or
research file along with the consent forms
RI.01.04.01 Persons Responsible for Care
Standard: patient has a right to information
about the individuals responsible for
providing care and treatment
EP1 Patient is informed of the name of the
physician and other practitioners who have
primary responsibility of the patient’s care
EP2 Patient is informed of the name of the
physician, clinical psychologist, or other
practitioners who will provide their care
What Does This Standard Mean?
Patients have the right to know the name of
their physician or LIP
Introduce yourself to the patient at the first
Name tags or name embroider on lab coat
If the patient is incompetent then information
can be given to the surrogate decision maker,
parent, guardian, DPOA
RI.01.05.01 End of Life Care
Standard: Patient decisions are addressed
about care that will be received at the end of
EP1 Must have P&P on advance directives,
foregoing or withdrawing life sustaining treatment,
and withholding resuscitation
Must be in accordance with law or regulation
EP4 The hospital has a written P&P on whether
they will honor AD in the outpatient setting
Must decide if will honor in any of the OP settings
RI.01.05.01 End of Life Care
EP5 Hospital must implement its AD P&Ps
EP6 Patients are provided information in writing
about AD, foregoing or withdrawing life sustaining
treatment and withholding resuscitation
EP8 Hospital provides information to the patient
upon admission to the extent the hospital is able
and willing to honor advance directives
EP9 Must document if patient has AD
EP 10 Hospital refers patient to resource to assist
in formulating ADs upon request
RI.01.05.01 End of Life Care
EP11 Staff and LIPs must be aware of whether
or not the patient has an AD
EP12 Hospital honors patient’s right to review or
revise their AD
EP13 Hospital honors AD in accordance with
law and regulation and the hospital's capabilities
EP15 Must document patient’s wishes regarding
organ donation when she makes her wishes
know or when required by hospital’s P&P
RI.01.05.01 End of Life Care
EP16 Hospital honors organ donation wishes of
patient within hospital’s capabilities and in
accordance with law and regulation
EP17 Existence or lack of an advance directive does
not in any way affect the patient’s right to access care
and treatment
EP19 Policy on AD in the outpatient setting must be
communicated upon request or when warranted by
the care or service provided
EP20 Hospital refers outpatients to assistance to
make an AD upon request,
RI.01.05.01 End of Life Care
EP 21-For hospitals that use Joint
Commission accreditation for deemed status
(DS) purposes
The hospital defines how it obtains and
documents permission to perform an
CMS CoP requirement
What Does This Standard Mean?
Document that you ask all patients if they have
an AD
Secure a copy and place on chart
Have an AD documentation sheet to collect all
required information
Include if they want to make any changes to the
Use sticker in front of chart so other
departments are aware such as radiology
Stamp or sticker on front of chart
Medical Record Number:_______________
This patient has the following advance directives;
___ Living Will
___ Durable Power of Attorney
___ Organ donor card
___ Mental health declaration
___ DNR
What Does This Standard Mean?
Educate all staff on AD CoP requirement also)
Educate staff on en during orientation and if
changes made (CMS d of life issues
Make sure you give patient this right in writing
about their right to accept or refuse care
including to withhold or withdrawal life
sustaining treatment when allowed by law
Do medical record audit on this
Know who can fill out an AD for the patient if
they don’t have one and want one
What Does This Standard Mean?
Need to work with OPO and honor patient
wishes to be an organ donor
Document one call rule to OPO
CMS requirement also
In outpatient setting need to communicate to
patient what your policy is
Include in patient rights
May want to honor if presented to staff at each
outpatient encounter (lab, x-ray, outpatient
department, PT, etc.)
Know Your Hospital Policy on DNR
RI.01.06.03 Neglect and Abuse
Standard; the patient has the right to be free
from neglect, exploitation or verbal, mental,
and sexual abuse
EP1 Hospital determines how it will protect the
patient from neglect, exploitation or abuse while the
patient is receiving care or treatment
EP2 Must evaluate all allegations, observations, or
suspected case that occur in the hospital
EP3 Must report these to appropriate authorities
based on the evaluations of the suspected events,
or as required by law
What Does This Standard Mean?
Have a policy and make sure staff is aware of it
Include definitions from both TJC and CMS
CMS also has standard and requires ongoing
education on abuse and neglect
Policy needs to address how it will protect patients
and investigation should be through and
Refer to board of nursing, etc. if indicated
This is a very important issues with both the Joint
Commission and CMS!
TJC defines as follows:
Abuse is an intentional maltreatment of a patient
which may cause injury, either physical or
Mental abuse includes humiliation, harassment,
and threats of punishment or deprivation
Physical abuse includes hitting, slapping, pinching,
or kicking. Also includes controlling behavior
through corporal punishment
Sexual abuse includes sexual harassment, sexual
coercion, and sexual assault
Make Sure Policy has TJC, CMS, & State Law
RI.01.06.05 Pleasant Environment
Standard: patient has the right to an
environment that preserves dignity and
contributes to a positive self-image
Hospitals that provide longer term care
EP1 Hospital EOC supports patient’s positive self
image and dignity (eliminated July 1, 2010)
EP2 The number of patients in a room is based
on patient ages, developmental levels, clinical
conditions, and diagnostic needs for hospitals
that provide long term or more than 30 days
RI.01.06.05 Pleasant Environment
EP4 Patient can keep and use or personal
clothing and possessions unless it infringes on
other rights, or
Is medically or therapeutically contraindicated
EP15 Patients are provided telephones and mail
based on the population setting
EP16 Must provide access to phones for
patients who need a private phone conversation
in a private space, based on population and
RI.01.06.05 Pleasant Environment
The following are for patients who are inpatients for
more than 30 days
EP17 If visitors, mail, phone calls or other forms
of communication are restricted, the restriction
are determined with the patient’s participation in
EP18 These restrictions have to be justified and
documented in the medical record
EP19 These restrictions have to be evaluated
for therapeutic effectiveness
What Does This Standard Mean?
Patients who enter the hospital have a right to
a environment that is conductive to care
Unit or room becomes their home especially in
LTC unit
Sufficient storage to hand clothes and
Can keep personal clothing and possessions
unless infringes on right
Protect confidentiality and privacy of health
RI.01.07.01 Complaints & Grievances
Standard: Patient and or her family has the
right to have a complaint reviewed
TJC calls it complaints and CMS calls it grievances
EP1 Hospital must establish a complaint resolution
See also MS.09.01.01, EP1
EP2 Patient and family is informed of the complaint
resolution process
EP4 Complaints must be reviewed and resolved
when possible
RI.01.07.01 Complaints & Grievances
EP6 Hospital acknowledges receipt of a complaint
that cannot be resolved immediately
Hospital must notify the patient of follow up to the
EP7 Must provide the patient with the phone
number and address to file the complaint with the
relevant state authority
EP10 The patient is allowed to voice complaints
and recommend changes freely with out being
subject to discrimination, coercion, reprisal, or
unreasonable interruption of care
RI.01.07.01 Complaints and Grievances
EP 17 Board reviews and resolves grievances
unless it delegates this in writing to a grievance
committee (eliminated but still CMS requirement)
EP 18 Hospital provides individual with a written
notice of its decision which includes (DS)
Name of hospital contact person
Steps taken on behalf of the individual to investigate the
Results of the process
Date of completion of the grievance process
RI.01.07.01 Complaints and Grievances
EP19 Hospital determines the time frame for
complaint review and response(DS)
EP20 Process for resolving grievances includes
a timely referral of patient concerns regarding
quality of care or premature discharge to the
EP21 Board approves the C&G process
(eliminated but still CMS standard)
Note that CMS has detailed section on
grievances starting at tag number A-0118
QIO or Quality Improvement Organizations are CMS
Charged with reviewing the appropriateness and quality of
care rendered to Medicare beneficiaries in the hospital setting
QIOs to make beneficiaries aware of fact they have a
complaint regarding the quality of care, disagree with coverage
decision or wish to appeal a premature discharge
Patient can ask that complaint be forwarded to the QIO by the
List of QIOs at
CMS Definition of Grievance A-0118
Definition: A patient grievance is a formal or
informal written or verbal complaint
when the verbal complaint about patient care is not
resolved at the time of the complaint by staff
by a patient, or a patient’s representative, regarding
the patient’s care, abuse, or neglect, issues related
to the hospital’s compliance with the CMS CoP
or a Medicare beneficiary billing complaint related
to rights and limitations provided by 42 CFR 489
What Does This Standard Mean?
CMS has similar section on grievances in hospital
Include TJC and CMS requirements in one policy
Need a formal process
CMS requires grievance committee
Do as part of your PI
Make sure patients rights tells patient who to contact
if concerns or comments about their care
Include that reports can be made to QIO, TJC, or
state department of health along with phone
RI.01.07.03 Protective Services
Standard: Patient has a right to protective
and advocacy services
EP1 Resources must be provided to help
families and the court to determine the
patient’s needs for services
When the hospital serves a population of patient
that need these protective services
Such as guardianship, child or protective
services, and advocacy services
RI.01.07.03 Protective Services
EP2 The hospital must maintain a list of
names, addresses, and phone numbers of
patient advocacy groups
Such as the state authority and the
protection and advocacy network
EP3 The hospital gives the list of patient
advocacy groups to the patient when
What Does This Standard Mean?
The list is given to patients when
Hospital should have P&P
P&P should reflect your state law
For example how to get a guardianship
for a patient
RI.01.07.07 Long Term Psych Services
Standard: The hospital protects the rights of
patients who work for or on behalf of the
hospital for psychiatric hospital settings that
provide longer term care (more than 30
EP1 Have a written P&P that addresses
situation in which patients would be allowed to
work for the hospital
EP2 Hospital must follow or implement this P&P
RI.01.07.07 Long Term Psych Services
EP3 Patients must be paid for work on behalf
of the hospital as in accordance with law and
EP4 Must incorporate the work performed on
behalf of the hospital into the plan of care
EP5 Patients have the right to refuse to
work for or on behalf of the hospital
New standards
RI.02.01.01 Patient Responsibilities
Standard: The patients are informed about
their responsibilities related to care,
treatment, and services
To support consistent responsibilities of patients
To support communication with patients
EP1 must have a written P&P that defines the
responsibilities of the patients
This must include, but not be limited to, providing
information, asking questions, accepting
consequences, following rules and regulations
RI.02.01.01 Patient Responsibilities
Showing respect and consideration
Acknowledging that they do or do not understand the
treatment course
Supporting mutual consideration and respect by
maintaining civil language and conduct
And meet their financial obligations
EP2 The patients are informed of their
responsibilities in accordance with the hospital P&P
Patient responsibilities should be shared with
patients verbally, in writing, or both
What Does This Standard Mean?
The patients rights statement also contains
responsibilities of the patient,
These need to be in writing and given to the
Need P&P and should include how this information
is provided to the patient such as giving separate
Rights and Responsibility document,
Or listed on back of consent form,
Sample language for responsibilities following the
end slide,
The End
Sue Dill Calloway RN, Esq.
Additional resources on
Consent for research
CMS visitation rights for those who
want more information
Sample language for patient
responsibilities and billing practices
Information on who is qualified or
certified to be an interpreter
Patient Responsibilities
Asking questions.
Patients and their families are expected to
ask questions when they do not understand
something. Hospitals staff sometime talk
using medical lingo. Physicians and staff
may try to keep the discussion at a level the
patient can understand, but it is up to the
patient to tell them if they are confused.
Patient Responsibilities
Meeting financial needs.
Patients and their families should ask
questions and talk with the business office
about their financial obligations. They are
responsible to make sure the hospital has
the correct billing information and answer
and assist the hospital in getting their bill
Patient Responsibilities
Showing respect and consideration.
Patients and families need to behave in a
specific manner and decorum. Patients need
to be considerate of the hospital’s staff and
property. They also need to be considerate
of other patients and their property.
Patient who plays loud music at 2am would
be disruptive to his room mate or other
Patient Responsibilities
Accepting consequences.
Patients and their families are accountable
and responsible for the outcomes if they
follow the recommended treatment
recommended by the physicians and other
staff. Patients who leave without being seen
or leave against medical advice are
responsible for the outcome that results
from not following the recommended
treatment plan. (con’t on next page)
Patient Responsibilities
Healthcare professionals often make
recommendations such as smoking
cessation, reduction of weight, or dietary
recommendations that are based on the
medical evidence of providing positive
outcomes and which are in the best interest
of the patients. It is not fair to the healthcare
provider to not follow their advice and expect
the provider to be responsible.
Patient Responsibilities
Following rules and regulations.
All healthcare facilities have rules and regulations
that must be followed. Rules and regulations are
necessary for a variety of reasons including
infection control and patient safety considerations.
Restriction of minors visiting certain areas, or use
of cell phones next to critical care equipment to
patients wearing gowns in the operating rooms are
all example of typical rules that patients and their
families must follow for the safety of all,
Patient Responsibilities
Following instructions.
All patients must follow instructions that are
provided by their physicians and staff.
Patients need to follow their plan of care and
treatment. Hospitals make every effort to
adapt the plan to the specific needs of the
patient. If adaptation to the care, treatment,
and service plan are not followed, then the
patient is informed of the consequences of
what can happen if they don’t,
Patient Responsibilities
Providing information.
Patients need to provide accurate and
complete information about present
complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations,
medications, and other matters relating to
their health. Patients should answer all
questions truthfully. Patients can help the
hospital by also providing honest feedback
about their services and expectation.
Patient Friendly Billing Project
Project spear headed by HFMA to promote
clear and concise patient friendly financial
Addresses patient’s rights to understand
and prepare for their financial obligation
Patients want to know what they will be
expected to pay
TJC HR.01.02.01 Pt Centered Communication
Standard: The hospital defines staff qualifications
Qualifications for language interpreters and
translators may be met through language
proficiency assessment, education, training and
Hospital has flexibility to define the qualifications
for their interpreters and translators
– The use of qualified interpreters and translators is supported
by the ADA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
– The federal laws will be discussed later
HR.01.02.01 Examples
Someone who is fluent in Spanish and has attended
a minimum 40 hour education class is qualified to
be an interpreter
There is no current national certification specifically
for healthcare interpreters
However, two organizations were formed to meet
the needs for providing certification of professional
competence that meet national standards of
knowledge, skill, and performance for healthcare
HR.01.02.01 Examples
There are now two organization that provide
certification of professional competence in Spanish
First one in September 2009
– Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters
Second one effective January of 2011
– It is an oral and written exam from National Board of
– So now this person is qualified and certified
– Offered only in Spanish but other languages
Education Content of Programs CCHI
Qualifications to Take Exam CCHI
Healthcare Interpreters must meet the following
eligibility requirements before they can apply for the
Minimum age of 18 years.
At least one year of experience working as a healthcare
Have a minimum of U.S. high school diploma (or GED) or its
equivalent from another country.
Have at least 40 hours of healthcare interpreter training
(academic or non-academic program).
Have linguistic proficiency in English and the target
HR.01.02.01 How to Meet the Standard
HR should be aware of the certification status
Current confusion around issue of certification
ATA has program for translators of documents but
current passage rate is only about 20%
Certification exists for American sign language
(ASL) for the deaf
New emerging area for interpreters for standards for
new interpreters education
Many formal programs and colleges adding this to
their curriculum
Certification and Meeting the Standard
HR should make sure medical interpreters have formal
education and be trained and assessed in medical
interpretation and experience
HR should maintain a file on all interpreters regardless of
their employment status
Same level of documentation with remote telephone or video
language service providers
American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters may receive
national certification through a joint program of the
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) and the
National Association of the Deaf
The ASL interpreter certifications is not specific to health care
Certification CHI AHI CMI QMI SMI
National Council on Interpreting in Health Care and
CCHI or the Certification Commission for
Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI Associate Healthcare
Interpreter credential and has two credentials)
CHI stands for Certified Healthcare Interpreter (best)
AHI stands for Associate Healthcare Interpreter
The National Board of Certification for Medical
CMI or Certified Medical Interpreter, Qualified Medical
Interpreter (QMI) or Screened Medical Interpreter (SMI)
Question contact [email protected]
Two Credentials of CCHI
Certification for Interpreters
Many people use this term “certified interpreter”
when they only attended an education program
Participants will receive a certification of attendance
or participation which has been confused with being
Certification is a formal process by which a governmental,
academic or professional organization attests to an
individual’s ability to provide a particular service.
Certification calls for formal assessment, using an
instrument that has been tested for validity and reliability, so
that the certifying body can be confident that the individuals it
certifies have the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to do
the job.
Certification for Interpreters
Initial work done in a pilot program by the
Massachusetts Medical Interpreters Association
(MMIA, now the IMIA)
Funded by the U.S. Office of Minority Health
Done in collaboration with the California Healthcare
Interpreters Association (CHIA) and the National
Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC)
The Certification Commission for Healthcare
Interpreters is continuing their mission to develope
certification for health care interpreters
Proposed National Training Standards
Certification for Translators
However, ATA or the American Translators
Association, has a general certification program to
enable individual translators to demonstrate that
they met professionals standards
ATA certification is awarded to candidates who
pass an open book exam
Is a testament to translator’s competence in
translating one specific language to another
Source: A Guide to Understanding Interpreting and
Translation in Health Care by NCIHC
Guide to Understanding Interpreting
A Guide to Understanding Interpreting and
Translation in Health Care is an excellent resource for
HR staff
Has requisite skills and qualifications of a translator
and an interpreter
Discusses certification for interpreters and translators
Discusses how to hire an interpreter or translator
Discusses standards of practice for an interpreter and
a translator
What skills are needed for interpreters and translators
How to Hire an Interpreter
US Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) and
several other federal agencies, such as Dept of
Education, and the National Science Foundation
Have regulations on research which are commonly
referred to as the common rule
To protect human subjects involved in research
Institutional Review Boards (IRB) reviews research
proposals even if informed consent is obtained, IRB
can waive consent requirement
See Title 46 Protection of Human Subjects at
Research Consent
Research investigator needs informed consent from
research subject
Must be in plain language
Must include a statement that the study involves
Explanation of the purpose of the research
Expected duration of the subject’s participation
Description of procedures to be followed
Identification of any procedure considered to be
Research Elements of Consent
Description of any reasonable foreseeable
risks or discomforts to the subject
Disclosure of any benefits to the subject and
others which may be expected
Disclosure of appropriate alternative
procedures or courses of treatment
Statement to which confidentiality of records
identifying the subject will be maintained
Research Elements of Consent Cont.
Contact information for answers to questions
about the research
Also to include information on patient’s rights in
case of a research related injury
Statement that participation is voluntary and
refusal to participate involves no penalty or loss
of benefits
Subject can discontinue participation at any time
without penalty or loss of benefits
AHRQ Toolkit to Facilitate Consent
AHRQ toolkit to facilitate the process of
obtaining informed consent
Also information on the HIPAA authorization
for potential research subjects
Available at
Visitation Law in a Nutshell
Require all hospitals that accept
Medicare or Medicaid
To allow adult patients to
designate visitors
Not legally related by marriage or
blood to the patient
To be given the same visitation
privileges as an immediate family
member of the patient
Visitation Rights for All Patients
CMS issued proposed changes to the CAH and
PPS hospital conditions of participation (CoPs)
Published in the June 28, 2010 Federal Register (FR) with
comments until August 27, 2010
Had 7,600 comments but 6,300 were form letters
CMS publishes the final rule in the November 18,
2010 FR
Regulation effective January 18, 2011
Applies to all hospitals that accept Medicare and Medicaid
This includes all critical access hospitals
Patient Visitation Right
This rule revises the hospital CoPs to ensure
visitation rights of all patients including same sex
domestic partners
Hospitals are required to have policies and
procedures (P&P) on this
P&P must set forth any clinically necessary or
reasonable restrictions or limitations
Hospitals will have to train all staff
Hospitals will be required to give a written copy of this
right to all patients in advance of providing treatment
Final Rule FR Effective January 18, 2011
Visitation Rights for All Patients
The new final rule implements the April 15, 2010
Presidential memo1
The President gave HHS (Health and Human
Services) the task of requiring any hospital that
receives Medicare reimbursement to preserve the
rights of all patients to choose who can visit them
Patients or their representative have a right to
visitation privileges that are no restrictive than those
for immediate family members
1 http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/presidential-memorandum-hospital-visitation
2 http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a100628c.html (June 28, 2010 Federal Register)
Final Language on Patient Visitation Rights
Standard: Patient visitation rights
A hospital must have written P&P regarding the
visitation rights of patients
This includes setting forth any clinically necessary
Or reasonable restriction or limitation that the
hospital may need to place on such rights
And the reasons for the clinical restriction or
Final Language on Patient Visitation Rights
A hospital must meet the following 4 requirements:
1. Inform each patient (or support person, where
appropriate) of his or her visitation rights
Including any clinical restriction or limitation on
such rights
When he or she is informed of his or her other
rights under this section (previously mentioned)
For CAH hospitals the last bullet is absent and it
says to do this in advance of furnishing patient care
Note CAH do not have a pre-exisitng patient rights section
Final Language on Patient Visitation Rights
2. Inform each patient (or support person, where
appropriate) of the right
Subject to his or her consent
To receive the visitors whom he or she
Including, but not limited to, a spouse, a domestic
partner (including a same sex domestic partner),
Another family member, or a friend, and his or her
right to withdraw or deny such consent at any
Final Language on Patient Visitation Rights
3. Not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny
visitation privileges on the basis of race,
color, national origin, religion, sex, gender
identity, sexual orientation, or disability
4. Ensure that all visitors enjoy full and equal
visitation privileges consistent with patient
So what does this mean??
Patient Visitation Rights
All hospitals would have to inform all patients of
their visitation rights in writing in advance of care
This includes the right to decide who may and may
not visit them
Some hospitals may give a one page sheet to each
patient upon admission
Hospitals would want to amend their patient rights
statement to include this information
– Example: written patient rights given to patients on admission and
could have also brochure in admission packet
Patient Visitation Rights
Competent patients can verbally give this
information on admission
There is no requirement that this has to be in writing
if a competent patient gives oral confirmation as to
who he or she would like to visit
Some patients may sign a written patient visitation
advance directive
Some patients may add a section to their advance
directive adding a section on who they would like to
visit or deny visitation
Patient Visitation Rights
CMS does suggest that this be documented in the
medical record for future reference
Reading of the Federal Register helps to provide an
understanding of what it means and how to
implement it
Federal Register (FR) summarizes the comments
and publishes a response
CMS will eventually add this to the hospital CMS
interpretive guidelines
Research References
US Department of Health and Human Services.
“Protection of Human Subjects.” Code of Federal
Regulations, 2002. 45 CFR, Part 46
Office for Civil Rights. “Medical Privacy—National
Standards to Protect the Privacy of Personal
Health Information.” Section “Research”1
US Department of Health and Human Services.
“Food and Drugs.” Code of Federal Regulations,
2002. 21 CFR, Part 56, Section 102
Thought it would only take hospitals 15 minutes to
update their P&P
Estimated the cost to provide the patient with a one
page printed disclosure form detailing visitation
rights on admission would be 2 cents a page
Would anticipate this form would be put in
admission packet so would reduce cost
Make sure P&P includes any clinically necessary or
reasonable restrictions or limitations and reasons
for these
Rosenberg CE. The Care of Strangers: The Rise of
America's Hospital System. Baltimore, Md: Johns
Hopkins University Press; 1987
A challenge accepted: open visiting in the ICU at
Geisinger, www.ihi.org
Marfell JA, Garcia JS. Contracted visiting hours in
the coronary care unit: a patient-centered quality
improvement project. Nurs Clin North Am.
1995;30:87-96 at
Gurley MJ. Determining ICU visitation hours.
Medsurg Nurs. 1995;4:40-43 at
Krapohl GL. Visiting hours in the adult intensive
care unit: using research to develop a system that
works. Dimens Crit Care Nurs. 1995;14:245-258 at
Simon SK, Phillips K, Badalamenti S, Ohlert J,
Krumberger J. Current practices regarding visitation
policies in critical care units. Am J Crit Care.
Breaking Down Barriers
Document states that lesbian, bisexual, gay, and
transgender (same sex) families face discrimination
when attempting to access healthcare system
Includes visitation access and medical decision
making during emergencies and end of life care
Human Rights Campaign Foundation administers
the Healthcare Equity Index of healthcare policies
and procedures and identifies best practices and
policies with equal treatment
First establish a definition of permitted visitors
Then enumerate restrictions on visitor access such
as restriction to sensitive areas such as behavioral
health unit or OB (infant security issues)
Health concern restrictions such as preventing ill
Definition of family is critical and must be broad and
encompass concept of family
Provides a sample definition of family and
recommendation for what should be in the P&P
Definition of Family
Family means any person who plays a significant role in an
individual’s life.
This may include a person not legally related to the
Members of family include spouses, domestic partners, and
both different-sex and same-sex significant others.
Family includes a minor patient’s parents, regardless of the gender of
either parent. Solely for purposes of visitation policy, the concept of
parenthood is to be liberally construed without limitation as
encompassing legal parents, foster parents, same-sex parent, stepparents, those serving in loco parentis, and other persons operating in
caretaker roles.
36 Kaiser Permanente hospitals implemented them in June
Sample Visitation Authorization
American Hospital Associations
Visitation Expanded in the ED
The Joint Commission
One Size Does Not Fit All: Meeting the Health Care Needs of Diverse Populations
Self-Assessment Tool – Accommodating the Needs of Specific Populations
So What’s in Your Policy?
So What’s in Your Policy?