Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease - American Board of Clinical Metal
Transcript Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease - American Board of Clinical Metal
Aplicable Disease
World Health Organization 1997
Atherosclerosis and its consequences
Cancer together are responsible for
over 80% of ALL deaths in
industrialized countries
“Cardiovascular Drug Therapy”1996
Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease
Chapter 175 MagnesiumEDTA
chelation Martin Rubin PhD
EDTA acts as an anti-oxidant, anticoagulant and decalcifies deposits.
30 infusions of EDTA in a patient 14
years post MI and multi-vessel CABG.
Ultrafast CT scan showed 216
calcified lesions and total calcium
score of 15872. Post chelation: 118
lesions, calcium score 7970
Martin Rubin PhD
Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease
“EDTA chelation has an implicit
advantage in that it can favorably
influence all facets of the
(atherosclerotic) disease
development. Thus it can also provide
an alternative to the combination of
drugs administered to obtain a
multiplicity of therapeutic effects.”
Prof. Martin Rubin
Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease
Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease
Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Hg – 22,000 x normal
Sb – 12,000 x normal
Au – 11 x normal
Cr – 13 x normal
Co – 4 x normal
Journal of American College of Cardiology, 1999
Metal Toxicity & PVD
Metal Toxicity & PVD
79 year old woman - Presenting History
1979 NIDDM and hypertension
1992 Mastectomy for breast carcinoma
1993 Increasing PVD
1996 Left hemiplegia CVA
1997 March - Severe pain in left foot at
rest. Hospitalized but refused angiogram
and possible amputation. Started
Medications: Minidiab, Adalat, Quinine
sulphate, Warfarin
Became pain-free with improved
circulation after 6 weeks of chelation.
Discharged from the hospital vascular
clinic after 6 months.
Maintained on monthly chelations for
4 years
Metal Toxicity & PVD
3 blinded controlled trials
- Olszewer and Carter—10 patients
- Van Rij—32 patients, slight
improvement, one major outlier
- Guldagger—51% vs. 24% improved
Underpowered, 1/3 dropout
Statistical problems
Patients continued to smoke
Did not follow the standard protocol as
Metal Toxicity & Vascular Disease
Multi-Centered Trial
220 patients with documented
vascular disease
Received chelation with three year
No deaths or MIs, 4 minor strokes
Symptoms improved
Chappell, Mitchell, Born, Ventresco,
Hancke, Olszewer, van der Schaar,
Metal Toxicity & Vascular Disease
Multi-Centered Trial
Compared to conventional therapies
Expected 31/220 angioplasties, we had 2
Expected 16/220 CABG, we had 6
Expected 15/220 MI’s, we had none
Expected 6/220 deaths, we had none
Of 185 patients with symptoms, 68% had
a complete resolution
Metal Toxicity & MI
Improved myocardial perfusion in
patients with advanced ischemic heart
disease with an integrative
management program including EDTA
metal binding therapy.
Ali M, et al. J Integrative Med.1997;1:7-112
Metal Toxicity & MI
Comparative study of pre- and postchelation myocardial thallium
perfusion scans showed clear,
objective evidence of significant
improvement in myocardial perfusion
in five of six patients in whom such
studies were performed
Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease
EDTA Chelation Therapy in
Myocardial Stunning and Hibernation.
Edwards D, et al. J.Adv.Med
5 Case Reports
All patients were studied using firstpass radionuclide ventriculography
(RNV) All ejection fractions improved
Metal Toxicity & Heart Disease
Conclusion: EDTA Metal Binding
Therapy clearly and convincingly
reverses the condition of myocardial
hibernation and possibly stunning
Metal Toxicity & ANGINA
Kitchell and Meltzer-- small controlled
trial, and 71% of 38 patients with
disabling angina improved symptoms
and exercise capacity
Hancke and Flytlie—69% of 253
patients improved EKG and exercise
capacity, 91% of 207 patients on NTG
stopped it, 58/65 on waiting list for
Bypass avoided surgery
Metal Toxicity & ANGINA
Casdorph 16/18 improved ejection
Clarke 16/20 patients assymptomatic
after chelation
Olszewer and Carter 844 patients,
77% marked improvement, 16% good
Metal Toxicity & Autism
Important Issues of:
Blood Brain Barrier
Protein Structure
Total Mercury Reservoir
Metal Toxicity & Autism
Retrospective Study
31 patients with diagnosis:
Autism Like Spectrum
Pervasive Developmental Delay
Metal Toxicity & Autism
Key To Success - Protocol
Trans Dermal DMPS (TD-DMPS)
4 : 1 Ratio of GSH : DMPS
Conjugated with amino acids,
Delivered in a micro-encapsulated
liposomal phospholipid base
Metal Toxicity & Autism
Retrospective Study
8 months
2 months
10 months
4 months
12 months
6 months
then 4 months
Metal Toxicity & Autism
Retrospective Study
All 31 patients tested:
Urine Metal Toxicity & Essentials
Hair Metal Toxicity & Essentials
RBC Metal Toxicity
Fecal Metal Toxicity
Metal Toxicity & Autism
Retrospective Study
All 31 patients showed LITTLE or
NO level of mercury on initial
baseline test results