Transcript Slide 1

Acute Complications of Diabetes
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
DKA is an acute life threatening complication of DM 
¼ of hospital admissions for DM 
Occurs predominantly in type I though may occur in II 
Incidence of DKA in diabetics 15 per 1000 patients 
20-30% of cases occur in new-onset diabetes 
Mortality less than 5% 
Mortality higher in elderly due to underlying renal disease or coexisting infection 
Exact definition is variable 
Most consistent is: 
Blood glucose level greater than 250 mg/dL
Bicarbonate less than 15 mEq/L
Arterial pH less than 7.3
Moderate ketonemia
Body’s response to cellular starvation 
Brought on by relative insulin deficiency and counter regulatory or catabolic hormone excess
Insulin is responsible for metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, fat and protein
Lack of insulin and excess counter regulatory hormones (glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol 
and growth hormone) results in:
Hyperglycemia (due to excess production and underutilization of glucose)
Osmotic diuresis
Prerenal azotemia
Ketone formation
Wide anion-gap metabolic acidosis
Clinical manifestations related to hyperglycemia, volume depletion and acidosis 
Free fatty acids released in the periphery are bound to albumin and 
transported to the liver where they undergo conversion to ketone bodies
The metabolic acidosis in DKA is due to β-hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid
which are in equilibrium
Acetoacetic acid is metabolized to acetone, another major ketone body
Depletion of baseline hepatic glycogen stores tends to favor ketogenesis
Low insulin levels decrease the ability of the brain and cardiac and skeletal muscle to
use ketones as an energy source, also increasing ketonemia
Persistently elevated serum glucose levels eventually causes an osmotic diuresis
Resulting volume depletion worsens hyperglycemia and ketonemia
Renal potassium losses already occurring from osmotic diuresis worsen due to renin-angiotensin- 
aldosterone system activation by volume depletion
In the kidney, chloride is retained in exchange for the ketoanions being excreted 
Loss of ketoanions represents a loss of potential bicarbonate 
In face of marked ketonuria, a superimposed hyperchloremic acidosis is also present 
Presence of concurrent hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis can be detected by noting a bicarbonate level 
lower than explainable by the amount the anion gap has increased
As adipose tissue is broken down, prostaglandins PGI2 and PGE2 are produced 
This accounts for the paradoxical vasodilation that occurs despite the profound levels of volume depletion
DKA in Pregnancy
Physiologic changes in pregnancy makes more prone to DKA 
Maternal fasting serum glucose levels are normally lower
Leads to relative insulin deficiency and an increase in baseline free fatty acid levels in the 
Pregnant patients normally have increased levels of counter regulatory hormones
Chronic respiratory alkalosis
Seen in pregnancy 
Leads to decreased bicarbonate levels due to a compensatory renal response 
Results in a decrease in buffering capacity
DKA in Pregnancy
Pregnant patients have increased incidence of vomiting and infections 
which may precipitate DKA
Maternal acidosis: 
Causes fetal acidosis
Decreases uterine blood flow and fetal oxygenation
Shifts the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right
Maternal shifts can lead to fetal dysrhythmia and death 
Causes of DKA
25% have no precipitating causes found 
Errors in insulin use, especially in younger population 
Omission of daily insulin injections 
Stressful events: 
Pulmonary embolism
Steroid use
Clinical Features
Hyperglycemia 
Increased osmotic load 
Movement of intracellular water into the vascular compartment
Ensuing osmotic diuresis gradually leads to volume loss and renal loss of sodium,
chloride, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium
Patients initially compensate by increasing their fluid intake 
Initially polyuria and polydipsia are only symptoms until ketonemia and 
acidosis develop
Clinical Features
As acidosis progresses 
Patient develops a compensatory augmented ventilatory response
Increased ventilation is stimulated physiologically by acidemia to diminish PCO2 and
counter the metabolic acidosis
Peripheral vasodilation develops from prostaglandins and acidosis 
Prostaglandins may contribute to unexplained nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain
Vomiting exacerbates the potassium losses and contributes to volume depletion,
weakness and weight loss
Clinical Features
Mental confusion or coma may occur with serum osmolarity 
greater than 340 mosm/L
Abnormal vital signs may be the only significant finding at 
Tachycardia with orthostasis or hypotension are usually 
Poor skin turgor 
Kussmaul respirations with severe acidemia 
Clinical Features
Acetone presents with odor in some patients 
Absence of fever does not exclude infection as a source of the 
Hypothermia may occur due to peripheral vasodilatation 
Abdominal pain and tenderness may occur with gastric 
distension, ileus or pancreatitis
Abdominal pain and elevated amylase in those with DKA or pancreatitis
may make differentiation difficult
Lipase is more specific to pancreatitis
Clinical Suspicion
If suspect DKA, want immediately: 
Urine dip
Venous blood gas
Normal Saline IV drip
Almost all patients with DKA have glucose greater than 300 
Elevated serum β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate cause acidosis and 
Elevated serum ketones may lead to a wide-anion gap metabolic acidosis 
Metabolic acidosis may occur due to vomiting, osmotic diuresis and 
concomitant diuretic use
Some with DKA may present with normal bicarbonate concentration or 
alkalemia if other alkalotic processes are severe enough to mask acidosis
In which case the elevated anion gap may be the only clue to the presence of an underlying
metabolic acidosis
Help determine precise acid-base status in order to direct treatment 
Venous pH is just as helpful
Studies have shown strong correlation between arterial and venous pH in patients
with DKA
Venous pH obtained during routine blood draws can be used to avoid ABGs 
Decreased PCO2 reflects respiratory compensation for metabolic 
Widening of anion gap is superior to pH or bicarbonate 
concentration alone
Widening is independent of potentially masking effects concurrent with acid base
Total body potassium is depleted by renal losses 
Measured levels usually normal or elevated 
Osmotic diuresis leads to excessive renal losses of NaCl in urine 
Hyperglycemia artificially lowers the serum sodium levels 
Two corrections: 
Standard-1.6 mEq added to sodium loss for every 100 mg of glucose over 100
True-2.4 mEq added for blood glucose levels greater than 400 mg/dL
Electrolyte Loss:
Osmotic diuresis contributes to urinary losses and total body 
depletion of:
Other values elevated:
Creatinine 
Some elevation expected due to prerenal azotemia
May be factitiously elevated if laboratory assays for Cr and Acetoacetate interfere
LFTs 
Due to fatty infiltration of the liver which gradually corrects as acidosis is treated
Due to volume depletion
Amylase 
WBCs 
Leukocytosis often present due to hemoconcentration and stress response
Absolute band count of 10,000 microL or more reliably predicts infection in this population
ECG changes
Underlying rhythm is sinus tachycardia 
Changes of hypo/hyperkalemia 
Transient changes due to rapidly changing metabolic status 
Evaluate for ischemia because MI may precipitate DKA 
Differential Diagnosis
Any entity that causes a high-anion-gap metabolic acidosis 
Alcoholic or starvation ketoacidosis
Lactic acidosis
Ingestions (methanol, ethylene glycol, aspirin)
If ingestion cannot be excluded, serum osmolarity or drug-level testing is required
Patients with hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma tend to: 
Be older
Have more prolonged course and have prominent mental status changes
Serum glucose levels are generally much higher (>600 mg/dL)
Have little to no anion-gap metabolic acidosis
Diagnosis should be suspected at triage 
Aggressive fluid therapy initiated prior to receiving lab results 
Place on monitor and have one large bore IV with NS running 
Rapid acucheck, urine dip and ECG 
Electrolytes, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium 
Blood cultures 
ABG optional and required only for monitoring and diagnosis of critically ill 
Venous pH (0.03 lower than arterial pH) may be used for critically ill
Treatment Goals:
Volume repletion 
Reversal of metabolic consequences of insulin insufficiency 
Correction of electrolyte and acid-base imbalances 
Recognition and treatment of precipitating causes 
Avoidance of complications 
Order of therapeutic priorities is volume first, then insulin and/or 
potassium, magnesium and bicarbonate
Monitor glucose, potassium and anion gap, vital signs, level of 
consciousness, volume input/output until recovery is well established
Need frequent monitoring of electrolytes (every 1-2 hours) to meet goals 
of safely replacing deficits and supplying missing insulin
Resolving hyperglycemia alone is not the end point of therapy 
Need resolution of the metabolic acidosis or inhibition of ketoacid production to
signify resolution of DKA
Normalization of anion gap requires 8-16 hours and reflects clearance of ketoacids
Fluid Administration
Rapid administration is single most important step in treatment 
Restores: 
Intravascular volume
Normal tonicity
Perfusion of vital organs
Improve glomerular filtration rate 
Lower serum glucose and ketone levels 
Average adult patient has a 100 ml/Kg (5-10 L) water deficit and a sodium deficit of 
7-10 mEq/kg
Normal saline is most frequently recommended fluid for initial volume repletion 
Fluid Administration
Recommended regimen: 
First L of NS within first 30 minutes of presentation
First 2 L of NS within first 2 hours
Second 2 L of NS at 2-6 hours
Third 2 L of NS at 6-12 hours
Above replaces 50% of water deficit within first 12 hours with 
remaining 50% over next 12 hours
Glucose and ketone concentrations begin to fall with fluids alone 
Fluid Administration
Add D5 to solution when glucose level is between 250-300 
Change to hypotonic ½ NS or D5 ½ NS if glucose below 300 
mg/dL after initially using NS
If no extreme volume depletion, may manage with 500 ml/hr 
for 4 hours
May need to monitor CVP or wedge pressure in the elderly or those with
heart disease and may risk ARDS and cerebral edema
Ideal treatment is with continuous IV infusion of small doses of 
regular insulin
More physiologic
Produces linear fall in serum glucose and ketone body levels
Less associated with severe metabolic complications such as hypoglycemia,
hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia
Recommended dose is 0.1 unit/kg/hr 
Effect begins almost immediately after initiation of infusion 
Loading dose not necessary and not recommended in children 
Need frequent glucose level monitoring 
Incidence of non-response to low-dose continuous IV 
administration is 1-2%
Infection is primary reason for failure 
Usually requires 12 hours of insulin infusion or until ketonemia 
and anion gap is corrected
Patients usually33with profound total body hypokalemia 
3-5 mEq/kg deficient 
Created by insulin deficiency, metabolic acidosis, osmotic diuresis, vomiting 
2% of total body potassium is intravascular 
Initial serum level is normal or high due to: 
Intracellular exchange of potassium for hydrogen ions during acidosis
Total body fluid deficit
Diminished renal function
Initial hypokalemia indicates severe total-body potassium depletion and requires large
amounts of potassium within first 24-36 hours
During initial therapy the serum potassium concentration may fall 
rapidly due to:
Action of insulin promoting reentry into cells
Dilution of extracellular fluid
Correction of acidosis
Increased urinary loss of potassium
Early potassium replacement is a standard modality of care 
Not given in first L of NS as severe hyperkalemia may precipitate fatal ventricular
tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation
Fluid and insulin therapy alone usually lowers the potassium level rapidly 
For each 0.1 change in pH, serum potassium concentration changes by 0.5 mEq/L
Goal is to maintain potassium level within 4-5 mEq/L and avoid life 
threatening hyper/hypokalemia
Oral potassium is safe and effective and should be used as soon as patient 
can tolerate po fluids
During first 24 hours, KCl 100-200 mEq usually is required 
Roll of replacement during treatment of DKA is controversial 
Recommended not treating until level less than 1 mg/dL 
No established roll for initiating IV potassium phosphate in the 
Osmotic diuresis may cause significant magnesium depletion 
Symptomatic hypomagnesemia in DKA is rare as is need of IV 
Role in DKA debated for decades 
No clinical study indicates benefit of treating DKA with 
Routine use of supplemental bicarbonate in DKA is not 
Routine therapy works well without adding bicarbonate 
Complications and Mortality
Complications related to acute disease 
Main contributors to mortality are MI and infection
Old age, severe hypotension, prolonged and severe coma and underlying
renal and cardiovascular disease
Severe volume depletion leaves elderly at risk for vascular stasis and DVT
Airway protection for critically ill and lethargic patients at risk for aspiration
Complications related to therapy
Hypoglycemia 
Hypophosphatemia 
Cerebral edema 
Complications related to therapy
Cerebral edema 
Occurs between 4 and 12 hours after onset of therapy but may occur as late
as 48 hours after start treatment
Estimated incidence is 0.7 to 1.0 per 100 episodes of DKA in children
Mortality rate of 70%
No specific presentation or treatment variables predict development of
Young age and new-onset diabetes are only identified potential risk factors
Cerebral edema
Symptoms include: 
Severe headache
Change in arousal or behavior
Pupillary changes
Blood pressure changes
Disturbed temperature regulation
Treat with Mannitol 
Any change in neurologic function early in therapy should prompt immediate
infusion of mannitol at 1-2 g/kg
Most require admission to ICU: 
Insulin drips
If early in the course of disease and can tolerate oral liquids, may 
be managed in ED or observation unit and discharged after 4-6
hours of therapy
Anion gap at discharge should be less than 20 
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
Wide anion gap acidosis 
Most often associated with acute cessation of alcohol consumption after 
chronic alcohol abuse
Metabolism of alcohol with little or no glucose sources results in elevated 
levels of ketoacids that typically produce metabolic acidosis present in
the illness
Usually seen in chronic alcoholics but may be seen in first time drinkers 
who binge drink, especially in those with volume depletion from poor
oral intake and vomiting
No gender difference 
Usually presents between age 20 to 60 
Many with repeated episodes of ketoacidosis 
Incidence is unknown but mirrors incidence of alcoholism 
Usually self-limited 
Poor outcomes may occur 
7-25% of deaths of known alcoholics due to AKA 
Key features 
Ingestion of large quantities of alcohol
Relative starvation
Volume depletion
Pathophysiologic state occurs with: 
Depletion of NAD
Aerobic metabolism in the Krebs cycle is inhibited
Glycogen stores are depleted and lipolysis is stimulated
Occurs in patients with: 
Recently intoxicated
Poor nutrition
Underlying liver disease
Insulin secretion is suppressed 
Glucagon, catecholamines, and growth hormone are all stimulated 
Aerobic metabolism is inhibited and anaerobic metabolism causes 
lipolysis and ketones are produced
β-hydroxybutyrate is increased 
More ketones are produced with malnourishment and vomiting or with 
Clinical Features
Usually occurs after episode of heavy drinking
followed by decrease in alcohol 
and food intake and vomiting
Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain of gastritis and pancreatitis may 
exacerbate progression of illness
With anorexia continuing, symptoms worsen leading to seeking medical help 
Symptoms are nonspecific and diagnosis is difficult without labs 
No specific physical findings solely with AKA 
Most commonly tachycardia, tachypnea, diffuse mild to moderate abdominal tenderness
Volume depletion resulting from anorexia, diaphoresis and vomiting may explain the
tachycardia and hypotension
Clinical Features
Most are alert 
Mental status changes in patients with ketoacidosis should alert to other
Toxic ingestion 
Hypoglycemia 
Alcohol-withdrawal seizures 
Postictal state 
Unrecognized head injury 
EtOH52levels usually low or undetectable 
Some may have elevated levels
Elevated anion gap caused by ketones is essential in diagnosis 
Since β hydroxybutyrate predominates, degree of ketonemia may not be
Initial anion gap is 16-33 usually, mean of 21
Frequently mild hypophosphatemia, hyponatremia and/or 
Severe derangements are rare
Most have elevated bilirubin and53liver enzymes due to liver disease 
from chronic EtOH use
BUN and creatine kinase are frequently elevated due to relative 
volume depletion
Serum lactate mildly elevated 
Glucose usually mildly elevated 
Some have hypoglycemia
Rarely glucose greater than 200 mg/dL
Acid-Base Balance
Need to evaluate the anion gap in every patient at risk for AKA 
Diagnosis can easily be missed otherwise
Anion gap greater than baseline or 15 signifies a wide-anion-gap 
acidosis regardless of bicarbonate concentration or pH, even if
ABG not needed to arrive at correct diagnosis 
Acid-Base Balance
Serum pH usually acidemic (55% of time) though may be 
normal or alkalemic early in course of disease
Degree of acidosis typically less than in DKA 
Since volume loss is virtually always present, some degree of 
metabolic acidosis is present
Clinical application is variable 
Most ketones in AKA are β-hydroxybutyrate 
The serum and urine nitroprusside test for ketones detects acetoacetate and may
show only mildly elevated ketones
As treatment progresses the acetoacetate will increase and indicates 
improving condition
Most suggest measuring β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate only if 
diagnosis is unclear or other methods are not available to follow
patient’s response to therapy
May be established with classic presentation of: 
The chronic alcoholic with:
Recent anorexia 
Vomiting 
Abdominal pain 
Unexplained metabolic acidosis with a positive nitroprusside test, elevated anion 
gap and a low or mildly elevated serum glucose level
Classic Presentation is Uncommon
Difficult to establish diagnosis 
Blood alcohol level may be zero 
May not provide history of alcohol consumption 
Urine nitroprusside testing may be negative or weakly positive despite 
significant ketoacidosis
pH may vary from significant acidemia to mild alkalemia 
Wide anion gap is variable 
Initial studies
Liver enzymes
Pancreatic enzymes
WBC count
Calculate anion gap
Serum lactic acid level and serum osmolarity may be helpful if
diagnosis is in doubt
ABG is unnecessary unless a primary respiratory acid-base
disturbance is suspected
Differential diagnosis
Very broad
Same as for wide-anion-gap metabolic acidosis
Lactic acidosis 
Uremia 
Ingestions such as: 
Ethylene glycol
Methanol and ethylene glycol do not produce ketosis but do have severe acidosis
Absence of urinary ketones cannot exclude diagnosis of AKA if concurrent methanol or ethylene
glycol ingestion is suspected
Isopropyl alcohol ingestion
Produces ketones and may have mild lactic acidosis
Salicylate poisoning
Renal failure
Starvation ketosis
Concurrent Illnesses Promoting Alcohol
Cessation and
Need to evaluate for these illnesses: 
Upper GI bleeding
Alcohol withdrawal
Glucose administration and volume repletion 
Fluid of choice is D5NS
Glucose stimulates insulin production, stopping lipolysis and halts further
formation of ketones
Glucose increases oxidation of NADH to NAD and further limits ketone
Patients are not hyperosmolar 
Cerebral edema is not a concern with large volumes of fluid 
Insulin 
No proven benefit
May be dangerous as patients have depleted glycogen stores and normal or
low glucose levels
Sodium bicarbonate is not indicated unless patients are severely 
acidemic with pH 7.1 or lower
This level of acidemia not likely explained by AKA alone
Vigorous search for alternate explanation must be undertaken
Hypophosphatemia 
Frequently seen in alcoholic patients
Can retard resolution of acidosis
Phosphorous is necessary for mitochondrial utilization of glucose to produce 
NADH oxidation
Phosphate replacement is generally unwarranted in ED unless levels less than
1 are encountered
Oral replenishment is safe and effective
Nitroprusside tests useful because as 66
become more positive signifies improvement 
To prevent theoretical progression to Wernicke’s disease, all patients should receive 50-100 
mg of thiamine prior to administration of glucose
Concomitant administration of magnesium sulfate and multivitamins should be considered 
and guided by laboratory results
Acidosis may clear within 12-24 hours 
If uncomplicated ED course, may be safely discharged if resolution of acidosis over time 
and patient able to tolerate oral fluids
If complicated course, underlying illness or persistent acidosis, admit for further evaluation 
and treatment
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State
Syndrome of severe hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity and relative lack of 
ketonemia in patients with poorly uncontrolled DM type II
ADA uses hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS) and hyperosmolar 
hyperglycemic non ketotic syndrome (HHNS)
Both commonly used and appropriate
Frequently referred to as non ketotic hyperosmolar coma 
Coma should not be used in nomenclature
Only 10 % present with coma
HHNS: Epidemiology
HHNS is much less frequent than DKA 
Mortality rate higher in HHNS 
15-30 % for HHNS
5% for DKA
Mortality for HHNS increases substantially with advanced age 
and concomitant illness
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State
Defined by: 
Severe hyperglycemia
With serum glucose usually greater than 600 mg/dL 
Elevated calculated plasma osmolality
Greater than 315 mOsm/kg 
Serum bicarbonate greater than 15
Arterial pH greater than 7.3
Serum ketones that are negative to mildly positive
Values are arbitrary 
Profound metabolic acidosis and even moderate degrees of ketonemia may
be found in HHNS
HHNS and DKA both
Hyperglycemia 
Hyperosmolarity 
Severe volume depletion 
Electrolyte disturbances 
Occasionally acidosis 
Acidosis in HHNS more likely due to: 
Tissue hypoperfusion
Lactic acidosis 
Starvation ketosis
HHNS and DKA Lipolysis
DKA patients have much higher levels of lipolysis 
Release and subsequent oxidation of free fatty acids to ketone bodies
β hydroxybutyrate and Acetoacetate 
Contribute additional anions resulting in a more profound acidosis 
Inhibition of lipolysis and free fatty acid metabolism in HHNS is 
poorly understood
See table 214-1 on page 1307 
HHNS: Pathophysiology
Three main factors: 
Decreased utilization of insulin
Increased hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis
Impaired renal excretion of glucose
Identification early of those at risk for HHNS is most effective means of 
preventing serious complications
Must be vigilant on helping those who are non-ambulatory with 
inadequate hydration status
Fundamental risk factor for developing HHNS is impaired access to 
HHNS: Pathophysiology
With poorly controlled DM II, inadequate utilization of glucose due to 
insulin resistance results in hyperglycemia
Absence of adequate tissue response to insulin results in hepatic 
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis resulting in further hyperglycemia
As serum glucose increases, an osmotic gradient is produced attracting 
water from the intracellular space and into the intravenous compartment
HHNS: Pathophysiology
Initial increase in intravascular volume is accompanied by a temporary 
increase in the GFR
As serum glucose concentration exceeds 180 mg/dL, capacity of kidneys 
to reabsorb glucose is exceeded and glucosuria and a profound osmotic
diuresis occurs
Patients with free access to water are often able to prevent profound 
volume depletion by replacing lost water with large free water intake
If water requirement is not met, volume depletion occurs 
HHNS: Pathophysiology
During osmotic diuresis, urine produced is markedly hypertonic 
Significant loss of sodium and potassium and modest loss of calcium, 
phosphate, magnesium and urea also occur
As volume depletion progresses, renal perfusion decreases and GFR is 
Renal tubular excretion of glucose is impaired which further worsens the 
A sustained osmotic diuresis may result in total body water losses that often 
exceeds 20-25% of total body weight or approximately 8-12 L in a 70 kg
HHNS: Pathophysiology
Absence of ketosis in HHNS not clearly understood 
Some degree of starvation does occur but a clinically significant ketoacidosis
does not occur
Lack of ketoacidosis may be due to: 
Lower levels of counter regulatory hormones
Higher levels of endogenous insulin that strongly inhibits lipolysis
Inhibition of lipolysis by the hyperosmolar state
HHNS: Pathophysiology
Controversy how counter regulatory hormones glucagons and cortisol, 
growth hormone and epinephrine play in HHNS
Compared to DKA, glucagon and growth hormone levels are lower and this may
help prevent lipolysis
Compared to DKA, significantly higher levels of insulin are found in 
peripheral and portal circulation in HHNS
Though insulin levels are insufficient to overcome hyperglycemia, they appear to be
sufficient to overcome lipolysis
Animal studies have shown the hyperosmolar state and severe 
hyperglycemia inhibit lipolysis in adipose tissue
HHNS: Clinical Features
Typical patient is usually elderly 
Often referred by a caretaker
Abnormalities in vital signs and or mental status 
May complain of: 
Abdominal pain
Many have undiagnosed or poorly controlled type II diabetes 
Precipitated by acute illness
Pneumonia and urinary tract infections account for 30-50% of cases 
Noncompliance with or under-dosing of insulin has been identified as a
common precipitant also
Those predisposed to HHNS often have some level of baseline cognitive 
impairment such as senile dementia
Self-referral for medical treatment in early stages is rare
Any patient with hyperglycemia, impaired means of communication and 
limited access to free water is at major risk for HHNS
Presence of hypertension, renal insufficiency or cardiovascular disease is 
common in this patient population and medications commonly used to
treat these diseases such as  blockers predispose the development of
An insidious state goes unchecked 
Progressive hyperglycemia
Osmotic diuresis
Alterations in vital signs and cognition follow and signal a 
severity of illness that is often advanced
HHNS Causes
A host of metabolic and iatrogenic causes have been identified 
Parental or enteral alimentation
GI bleed
Heat-related illness
Mesenteric ischemia
HHNS Causes
Severe burns
Renal insufficiency
Peritoneal or hemodialysis
Cerebrovascular events
Commonly prescribed drugs that may predispose to
hyperglycemia, volume depletion or other effects leading to
HHNS may unexpectedly be found in non-diabetics who
present with an acute medical insult such as CVA, severe
burns, MI, infection, pancreatitis or other acute illness
HHNS: Physical findings
Non-specific 
Clinical signs of volume depletion: 
Poor skin turgor
Dry mucus membranes
Sunken eyeballs
Signs correlate with degree of hyperglycemia and hyperosmolality and duration of 
physiologic imbalance
Wide range of findings such as changes in vital signs and cognition to clear evidence of 
profound shock and coma may occur
Normothermia or hypothermia is common due to vasodilation 
HHNS: Physical findings
Seizures 
Up to 15% may present with seizures
Typically focal
Generalized seizures that are often resistant to anticonvulsants may occur
Other CNS symptoms may include: 
Positive plantar response
Reversible hemiplegia or hemisensory defects without CVA or structural
HHNS: Physical findings
Degree of lethargy and coma is proportional to the level of 
Those with coma tend to have:
Higher osmolality 
Higher hyperglycemia 
Greater volume contraction 
Not surprising that misdiagnosis of stroke or organic brain 
disease is common in the elderly
Laboratory tests
Essential 
Serum glucose
Calculated and measured serum osmolality
Laboratory tests
Consider 
Urinalysis and culture
Liver and pancreatic enzymes
Cardiac enzymes
Thyroid function
Coagulation profiles
Chest x-ray
Other 
CT of head
Of value only if suspicion of respiratory component to acid-base abnormality
Both PCO2 and pH can be predicted from bicarbonate concentration obtained from venous
Electrolyte abnormalities
Electrolyte abnormalities usually reflect a contraction alkalosis due to profound water deficit 
50% of patients with HHNS will have increased anion gap metabolic acidosis 
Lactic acidosis, azotemia, starvation ketosis, severe volume contraction
Acute or concurrent illnesses such as ischemic bowel will contribute anions such as lactic acid 
causing varying degrees of an anion gap metabolic acidosis
Initial serum electrolyte determinations can be reported as seemingly normal because the 
concurrent presence of both metabolic alkalosis and acidosis may result in each canceling out
the other’s effect
Lack of careful analysis of serum chemistries may lead to delayed appreciation of the severity 
of underlying abnormalities, including volume loss
Serum sodium is suggestive but not a reliable indicator of degree of volume contraction 
Though patient is total body sodium depleted, serum sodium (corrected for glucose elevation) may be 
low, normal or elevated
Measured serum sodium is often reported as factitiously low due to dilutional effect of hyperglycemia 
Need to correct the sodium level 
Serum sodium decreases by 1.6 mEq for every 100 mg/dL increase in serum glucose above 100 mg/dL 
See formula page 1309 
Elevated corrected serum sodium during sever hyperglycemia is usually explainable only by profound 
volume contraction
Normal sodium level or mild hyponatremia usually but not invariably suggests modest dehydration 
Serum osmolarity has also been shown to correlate with severity of disease as well as 
neurologic impairment and coma
Calculated effective serum osmolarity excludes osmotically inactive urea that is 
usually included in laboratory measures of osmolarity
See formula page 1309 
Normal serum osmolarity range is approximately 275 to 295 mOsm/kg 
Values above 300 mOsm/kg are indicative of significant hyperosmolarity and those 
above 320 mOsm are commonly associated with alterations of cognitive function
Hypokalemia is most immediate electrolyte
based risk and should be anticipated 
Total body deficits of 500-700 mEq/l are common 
Initial values may be reported as normal during a period of severe volume contraction and 
with metabolic acidosis when intravascular hydrogen ions are exchanged for intracellular
potassium ions
Presence of acidemia may mask a potentially life-threatening potassium deficit 
As intravascular volume is replaced and acidemia is reversed, potassium losses become 
more apparent
Patients with low serum potassium during the period of severe volume contraction are at 
greatest risk for dysrhythmia
Importance of potassium replacement during periods of volume repletion and insulin 
therapy cannot be overemphasized
BUN and Cr 
Both prerenal azotemia and renal azotemia are common with BUN/Cr ratios often
exceeding 30/1
Leukocytosis is variable and a weak clinical indicator
When present usually due to infection or hemoconcentration
Hypophosphatemia may occur during periods of prolonged hyperglycemia 
Acute consequences such as CNS abnormalities, cardiac dysfunction, and rhabdomyolysis are 
rare and are usually if level is <1.0 mg/dL
Routine replacement of phosphate and magnesium usually unnecessary unless severe 
Both electrolytes tend to normalize as metabolic derangements are addressed 
When necessary, gradual replacement minimizes risks of complications such as renal failure 
or hypocalcemia
Metabolic acidosis is of a wide-anion-gap type, often due to lactic acidosis from poor tissue 
perfusion, resulting in uremia, mild starvation ketosis or all three
Improvement in tissue perfusion is the key to effective recovery 
Treat hypovolemia, identify and treat precipitating causes, correct 
electrolyte abnormalities, gradual correction of hyperglycemia and
Cannot overstate importance of judicious therapeutic plans that adjusts for 
concurrent medical illness such as LV dysfunction or renal insufficiency
Due to potential complications, rapid therapy should only be reserved for 
potentially life-threatening electrolyte abnormalities only
Figure 214-1 
Fluid resuscitation
Initial aim is reestablishing adequate tissue perfusion and decreasing serum 
Replacement of intravascular fluid losses alone can account for reductions in 
serum glucose of 35-70 mg/hr or up to 80 % of necessary reduction
Average fluid deficit is 20-25% of total body water or 8-12 L 
In elderly 50% of body weight is due to total body water 
Calculate the water deficit by using patient’s current weight in kilograms and 
normal total body water
Fluid resuscitation
One-half of fluid deficits should be replaced over the initial 12 hours and the 
balance over the next 24 hours when possible
Actual rate of fluid administration should be individualized for each patient 
based on presence of renal and cardiac impairment
Initial rates of 500-1500 ml/hr during first 2 hours followed by rates of 250- 
500 ml per hour are usually well tolerated
Patients with cardiac disease may require a more conservative rate of volume repletion
Renal and cardiovascular function should be carefully monitored 
Central venous and urinary tract catheterization should be considered 
Fluid resuscitation
Rate of fluid administration may need to be limited in children 
A limited number of reports of cerebral edema occurring during or soon after the 
resuscitation phase of patients with both DKA and HHNS have been described
Most cases have occurred in children with DKA and mechanism is unclear 
One review showed cerebral edema was found with similar frequency before treatment with 
replacement fluids
New study shows rehydration of children with DKA during first 4 hours at a rate greater 
than 50 mL/kg was associated with increased risk of brain herniation
Little credible data on incidence or clinical indicators that may predispose to cerebral edema 
in HHNS patients
Fluid resuscitation
Current recommendations based on available data include limiting rate of volume depletion 
during first 4 hours to <50 ml/kg of NS
Mental status should be closely monitored during treatment 
CT of brain should be obtained with any evidence of cognitive impairment 
Most authors agree use of NS is most appropriate initial crystalloid for replacement of 
intravascular volume
NS is hypotonic to the patient’s serum osmolality and will more rapidly restore plasma volume 
Once hypotension, tachycardia and urinary output improve, ½ NS can be used to replace the 
remaining free water deficit
Potassium deficits are most immediate electrolyte-based risk for a bad 
On average potassium losses range from 4-6 mEq/kg though may be as 
high as 10mEq/kg of body weight
Initial measurements may be normal or even high with acidemia 
Patients with levels <3.3 are at highest risk for cardiac dysrhythmia and 
respiratory arrest and should be treated with urgency
Insulin therapy precipitously lowers intravascular potassium further and 
potassium must be vigorously replaced
When adequate urinary output is assured, potassium replacement should 
Should replace at 10-20 mEq/hr though if life threatening may require 40 
Central line needed if given more than 20 mEq/hr 
Some believe potassium through central line poses risk for conduction 
defects and should be avoided if good peripheral line sites are available
Monitoring of serum potassium should occur every hour until a steady 
state has been achieved
Sodium deficits replenished rapidly since given NS or ½ NS during fluid 
Phosphate and Magnesium should be measured 
Current guideline recommend giving 1/3 of potassium needed as potassium 
phosphate to avoid excessive chloride administration and to prevent
Unless severe, alleviation of hypophosphatemia or hypomagnesemia should 
occur after the patient is admitted into the ICU setting
Volume repletion should precede insulin therapy 
If given before volume repletion, intravascular volume is further depleted due 
to shifting of osmotically active glucose into the intracellular space bringing
free water with it and this may precipitate vascular collapse
Absorption of insulin by IM or SC route is unreliable in patients with HHNS 
and continuous infusion of IV insulin is needed
No proven benefit to bolus of insulin 
Continuous infusion of 0.1U/kg/hour is best 
Want one unit of regular insulin for every mL of NS in infusion 
Steady states utilizing infusion pumps occur within 30 minutes of infusion 
Decrease plasma glucose by 50-75 mg/dL per hour along with adequate hydration 
If adequate hydration, may double infusion rate until 50-75 mg/dL/hr is achieved 
Some patients are insulin resistant and require higher doses 
Once level less than 300 mg/dL, should change IV solution to D5 ½ NS and insulin 
infusion should be reduced to half or 0.05 U/kg/hr.
Need to track pH, vital signs and key lab values in the ED for 
appropriate management and disposition of these patients
Most require for initial 24 hours of care
Patients with no significant co morbid conditions and who demonstrate a
good response to initial therapy as evidenced by documented improvement
in vital signs, urine output, electrolyte balance and mentation
1. T/F: The venous pH is just as helpful as arterial pH in patients with DKA and may be obtained 
during routine blood draws.
2. T/F: Alcoholic ketoacidosis is usually seen in chronic alcoholics but may be seen in first time 
drinkers who binge drink, especially in those with volume depletion from poor oral intake and
3. T/F: In treating DKA, the order of therapeutic priorities is volume first, then insulin and/or 
potassium, magnesium and bicarbonate.
4. T/F: DKA patients have much higher levels of lipolysis, resulting in release and subsequent 
oxidation of free fatty acids to ketone bodies contributing additional anions resulting in a more
profound acidosis than in HHNS.
5. T/F: Volume repletion should precede insulin therapy in HHNS 
Answers: T,T,T,T,T