Gastroesophageal Reflux
Transcript Gastroesophageal Reflux
Reflux in Infants and Children
Melissa Velez
What is Gastroesophageal Reflux
When highly acidic contents of the stomach
are refluxed back up to the esophagus
These gastric contents irritate and sometimes
damage mucosal surfaces of the esophagus
It is a clinical condition that is severe enough
to impact the patient’s life and/or damage the
Gastroesophageal Reflux in
An infant will throw up after almost every
feeding and many times between feedings.
This is usually due to an incoordination or
immaturity of the upper respiratory tract.
Parents often worry that something more is
wrong with the baby’s stomach
Not keeping enough food down to grow
Common Symptoms
It is unknown whether adults and infants
have the same symptoms
Infants are most likely to have:
Frequent or recurrent vomiting
Abdominal pain
Symptoms Blamed on Reflux
that are Less Common in Infants
Poor growth
Unintentional limiting child’s caloric intake
Laryngeal Penetration
In children with neurological impairments
Aspirate refluxed stomach contents
Swallow-breathe patterns are not well
Symptoms Blamed on Reflux
Chronic congestion and hoarseness
Results in stridor or laryngospasms
Chronic asthma
Difficulty knowing whether reflux causes asthma
or asthma causes reflux
Reported incidence of reflux ranging between
What happens with
gastroesophageal reflux?
In children with reflux there is some incoordination
of the upper intestinal tract
The infant will eat too fast but will not choke or gag
during feedings which suggests that there is no
difficulty getting food from their mouth to their
Since the stomach contracts normally, most of the
time the infant will not be bothered by reflux
Differences Between Infants
and Adults (Vomiting)
An infant with reflux or an adult with an
intestinal flu virus
An infant does not show discomfort before or
after vomiting
An adult will show symptoms of being sick
beforehand such as nausea, sweating,
salivating, and swallowing
Usually hearing the parents story and seeing
the child is enough to determine this problem
A few diagnostic tests that are given when
further testing is recommended
Barium Swallow or Upper GI series
pH Probe
Barium Swallow
X-ray allowing doctors to follow food down
the infants esophagus into the intestines
Doctor is able to see if there are twists, kinks,
or a narrowing of the upper intestinal tract
Not very reliable
pH Probe
Performed by the use of a small wire with an
acid sensor
Starts at the infants nose and ends at the
bottom of the esophagus
Sensor is left in place for 12-24 hours
The severity of the reflux does not always
correlate with the severity of the symptoms
A flexible endoscope with lights and lenses
are passed through the infants mouth.
Due to repeated exposure of the esophagus to
stomach acid
Less than half of the infants with severe
symptoms do not develop esophagitis
Positioning the baby
After feeding, put the baby on his stomach, and
elevate the head
Changing feeding schedules
Feed baby smaller amounts more often
Dietary treatments
Parents are instructed to thicken their infants
formula with cereal
Treatment Continued
Medications are used:
Lessen intestinal gas
Decrease or neutralize
stomach acid
Improve intestinal
Extremely rare
Nissen Fundoplication
Recent experimental data suggests that
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) may
also be related to GERD.
Another study included 72 children with
chronic cough and normal findings on chest
radiographs, GERD was implicated as the
casue of symptoms in 15 % of the patients.
Ahuja, V., Lassen, L., & Yencha, M. (1999, September). Head and neck
manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease. American Family
Physician, 60, 873-86.
Ashorn,M., Ruuska,T., & Karikoski,R. (2002, June). The natural course
of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children. Scandinavian Journal of
Gastroenterology, 37, 638-641.
Center for Voice Disorders of Wake Forest University. Sheet on reflux.
Retrieved on March 29, 2003, from
Center for Voice Disorders of Wake Forest University. Reflux and voice
disorders. Retrieved on March 29, 2003, from
Children’s Medical Center of the University of Virginia.
Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants. Retrieved on April 1, 2003, from