ICE-PACS Training Slideshow

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Transcript ICE-PACS Training Slideshow

ICEPACS Training
Base Hospitals
ICEPACS CME Training Contents
 Cooling Post-Cardiac Arrest in Ontario
 Overview: Pre-Hospital Cooling and the
ICE-PACS trial
 Practical Issues: Randomization, Eligibility,
How to Cool, Equipment and
 Frequently Asked Questions
Cooling after cardiac arrest saves lives…
How is Ontario Doing?
SPARC Network: 36 hospital across Southern Ontario
A 2-year comprehensive educational program to increase
application of in-hospital cooling to cardiac arrest survivors
 Even after this large and expensive project, cooling was
still only attempted in about half of eligible patients and
often with great delays (less than 1/3 cooled within 6
hours). It's time to start thinking about cooling eligible
patients as soon as possible, similar to how we currently
triage STEMI patients to obtain prompt diagnosis and
The ICE-PACS Trial:
Initiation of Cooling by Emergency medical services to
Promote the Adoption of timely therapeutic
hypothermia in Cardiac arrest Survivors
 RCT comparing pre-hospital initiation of cooling by EMS
providers versus usual post-resuscitation care
 GOAL: to increase the number cardiac arrest survivors that
are successfully cooled to target temperatures (32 to 34
degrees) within 6 hours of hospital arrival by starting the
cooling process sooner
 Overall goal is to improve clinical outcomes for cardiac
arrest survivors
How Can ICE-PACS Help Our Patients?
 ICE-PACS seeks to change the way we think about treating
cardiac arrest survivors
 Shift focus from “where” treatments can be provided (i.e. In or
out of hospital) to “when” treatments are provided.
 Analogy: Paramedics already save thousands of lives each year
by recognizing STEMI early to prevent delays in diagnosis and
hasten access to treatment. ICE-PACS tests whether this kind of
earlier recognition and treatment with cooling can also prevent
delays and save lives
Theoretical Risks – Common Questions
 Cooling is generally safe and well tolerated
 The more frequent side effects:
peripheral vasoconstriction
sinus bradycardia
cold diuresis
electrolyte disturbances
 No increased incidences of serious clinical adverse
events have been documented in any of the existing
small pre-hospital cooling studies (Kämäräinen et al,
systematic review 2009)
Who Is Eligible For Cooling?
 Defibrillation and/or chest compressions by EMS providers
(including fire fighters) for pulseless cardiac arrest
 ROSC sustained for > 5 minutes
 SBP > 100mmHg (even if needing dopamine)
 Patient is intubated
 Patient GCS is <10
 Age > 18 yrs
 Randomized to receive “ICE PACS” therapeutic hypothermia
Who Is NOT Eligible For Cooling?
 Traumatic cardiac arrest including burns
 Sepsis or serious infection suspected as cause of
cardiac arrest
 Active severe bleeding
 Suspected hypothermic cardiac arrest
 Known coagulopathy (medical history or medications;
ASA and plavix are permitted)
 Any verbal or written DNR
 Obviously pregnant
 Known prisoner
Randomization Procedure
 One sequential, numbered, opaque, sealed
envelope (SNOSE) will be inserted in ALS
medication bag
 An additional envelope will be kept in drug
cupboard on the truck
Inside envelope:
Randomization Card
 Randomization: COOL PATIENT
 Randomization: DO NOT cool patient
Post – Arrest: Open Randomization Envelope - What’s Next?
Do NOT Cool Patient
DO NOT Open Cooler
Cool Patient
Give Midazolam
Open Cooler
Provide Standard Post-Arrest
Discard Mock Wrist Band
Record Randomization #
ePCR and Narcotic Tracking Sheet
*indicate NO cooling Initiated and
record randomization #
Call Cardiac Arrest Notification Line if
NOT using ePCR
Apply Frozen Gel Packs
Start infusion of 2L of chilled saline
Apply Wrist Band and Ankle Band
Record Randomization #
ePCR and Narcotic Tracking Sheet
*indicate COOLING Initiated, record randomization #
and complete required sections of ePCR
Call Cardiac Arrest Notification Line if NOT using ePCR
Give Patient Chart Insert to treating MD/RN
Give Patient Chart Insert to treating MD/RN
For all patients, document the following:
Was patient randomized for cooling: Y / N
ICE PACS Randomization #:
Did patient actually get cooled: Y / N
If yes: wrist bands applied? Frozen packs? Cold saline infused? If yes,
estimate amount (ml)
If Patient was randomized to be cooled but was not, please document
reason on ePCR:
Severe bleeding developed
Cold saline stopped and not restarted
Cold saline stopped and restarted
No time to cool
Equipment malfunction/issues
Specify: i.e. saline not cold
Other: Please specify
**If no ePCR - Please state reason on Cardiac Arrest Notification Line**
Randomized to No Cooling: Procedure
 Apply usual post-resuscitation care
 Discard decoy wrist band contained in envelope
 Record randomization number
 Give study notification patient chart insert to treating MD/RN
Randomized to Cooling: Procedure
 Give first dose of midazolam (5 mg IV)
 Frozen gel pack placement - order of preference: Carotids, Axilla,
Femoral. Apply bilaterally where possible
 Start infusion of cold saline using cold IV tubing using (total 2 litres)
 Apply wrist band and ankle band to patient
 Record randomization number
 Give study notification patient chart insert to treating MD/RN
 Envelope (containing randomization items)
Randomization Card (indicating whether patient is to be cooled or not)
If randomized to cooling: Wrist band and Ankle band
If randomized to NO cooling: 2 mock wristbands (discard)
If randomized to cooling or NO cooling: Patient Chart Insert
 Coleman -15L Excursion Cooler
IV Tubing in cooler
Frozen gel packs (to be used as ice-packs)
Cold Saline (for infusion)
 Midazolam is given to prevent shivering during induction of
 Midazolam should be given to all patients that are
randomized to cooling
 SBP must be ≥ 100 (can be stabilized with dopamine
and/or fluids)
 Can give 5 mg IV bolus, followed by another 2.5 to 5
mg IV bolus after 5 minutes (max. total dose 10mg)
Clinical Considerations
 1st IV – dedicated line for ALS medications
 Ideally 2nd IV (preferably saline lock) for cold saline,
run through COLD tubing kept in cooler
 Ideally target left arm for both IVs (if possible)
 ONLY If a 2nd IV cannot be established AND patient NOT
requiring dopamine, can use 1st IV to infuse cold saline and
usual (room temperature) tubing
Clinical Considerations
 Dopamine requires a dedicated IV line
 If only 1 IV can be established and patient needing
dopamine, then dopamine takes precedence over
cold saline until a second line can be established.
(frozen gel packs can still be used for surface cooling if
patient is randomized for cooling)
 The application of therapeutic hypothermia should not
detract from rapid transport, optimizing ventilation and
oxygenation, or the management of a re-arrest
Clinical Considerations
 In the event of a re-arrest:
 Discontinue cold saline
 If SBP < 90 mmHg
 DESPITE dopamine and fluids, discontinue cold saline
until SBP ≥ 90 mmHg
 Can continue cold saline as long as SBP > 90 mmHg
 In both situations:
 Can continue surface cooling
 Leave wrist band and ankle band in place!
Equipment Storage
Randomization Envelopes in drug cupboard
 Restock in same manner as narcotics
 When re-stocking ensure there are a total of 2
envelopes in vehicle (1 in cupboard, 1 in ALS
medication bag)
 Cooler will be fastened to EMS vehicles or kept in a
separate compartment
And remember…
…There’s no need to carry so much!!!
***Leave the cooler in the ambulance! If
randomized to cooling, can send for cooler or start
cooling patient in the ambulance***
Start of Shift
3 frozen gel packs from freezer into cooler
2 Chilled bags from fridge into cooler, placed between frozen gel packs
Place IV tubing into cooler (to keep it cold!)
Re-stock fridge and freezer
**Ensure frozen saline is replaced at the start of every shift**
End of shift
Document on Narcotic Tracking Log
Replace randomization envelope
Notify Drug Tech if more randomization envelopes required
FAQs and Answers
Q: Why will the IV tubing kept in the cooler?
A: The IV tubing will be kept in the cooler to keep it cold. Considerable heat loss can
occur when the IV tubing is at room temperature, due to the exposure created by the
large surface area of the tubing.
Q: Why are we using a wrist band AND an ankle band when patients are
A: These are intended to help remind in-hospital clinicians to cool. The wrist band
should be easily visible to all and the ankle band is for cardiologists performing PCI
(who might not look beyond the femoral artery)
Q: Can the cooling contribute to an arrhythmia or increase pulmonary edema in
our patients?
A: The most common arrhythmia is sinus bradycardia, which usually doesn’t require
any treatment. More worrisome arrhythmias are not usually seen in the temperature
range targeted by therapeutic hypothermia (32 to 34°C), unlike severe hypothermia
due to exposure (i.e. <30°C). There does not appear to be any increase in
pulmonary edema due to the cold saline.
FAQs and Answers
Q: How quickly does the temperature change when cooling is initiated?
A: Based on the Bernard Trial, the average temperature drop was about 1.5°C during
transport to hospital
Q: What are the next steps for EMS after the patient is cooled?
A: Complete the patient chart insert, ensure to record all data requested on the ePCR,
and provide patient insert to attending hospital staff
Q: What will happen to cooled patients that we leave at the hospital?
A: In-hospital clinicians will usually use the exact same strategies to continue
hypothermia for 12 to 24 hours. These typically include surface cooling (ice-packs), more
cold saline, and deep sedation. Occasionally neuromuscular blockers will be needed to
stop shivering. Some centers have specialized cooling devices that will be used to help
speed up the cooling process.
Q: If we know cooling works, is it ethical to not simply cool all patients?
A: We know cooling works when applied in hospital. The existing evidence shows prehospital cooling is likely to be safe, but the trials were small. If pre-hospital cooling in
ICE-PACS doesn't improve outcomes, or is associated with harm, then it will help prevent
widespread implementation, and allow medics to focus on other pre-hospital interventions
that are proven to be helpful.
FAQs and Answers
Q: Do we have to lug the cooler onto every CA call? We already carry so much!
A: This is a good point, and we agree! Remember, you can simply leave the cooler in the
ambulance! All that is needed initially is the ICE-PACS randomization envelope in your medic
bag. If the patient meets the inclusion criteria and has no exclusions, open the envelope. If the
patient is randomized to cooling, then instead of lugging the cooler to the scene, cooling can
start in the ambulance en route to the hospital. Once in the ambulance, please remember to
place the wristbands on the patient, add the cold gel-packs and run a line for the chilled-saline.
All randomized patients – including those randomized to “no-cooling” – need to have their
randomization number recorded on the ePCR and will have a patient chart insert in the
envelope that should be provided to the ED staff.
Q: Is the main goal of the study remind the ED staff to cool in-hospital, or to “do the
work that doctors and nurses should be doing”?
A: This is FALSE! The goal of this study is to see if starting cooling sooner will help more
patients to reach the target temperature of 32-34 degrees within 6 hours, and whether this in
turn can help more patients achieve improved outcomes. This study hopes to change the way
we think about treating cardiac arrest survivors. Rather than focusing on “where” treatments
can be provided (for example, in the field versus in the hospital), we believe paramedics can
play a vital role in improving “when” treatments are provided. We know that paramedics
already save many lives each year by recognizing STEMI early to prevent delays in diagnosis
and hasten access to treatment. In the same way, this study tests whether earlier recognition
and treatment with cooling after cardiac arrest by paramedics can also prevent delays and
save lives.
FAQs and Answers
Q: Do Rescu researchers receive incentives or rewards for participating in ICE-PACS?
A: None of the physicians or researchers involved in this trial receives any incentives for their
work on this study. The main benefit for doctors running these trials (such as Dr. Laurie
Morrison and Dr. Damon Scales) is their academic recognition in the medical society, and the
satisfaction of working with paramedics to improve the healthcare system. Although
incentives have previously been provided to paramedics for participating in trials, we now
know that this is considered unethical because it creates the potential for a conflict of interest
and could unintentionally lead to more ineligible patients being enrolled. This is especially
important because cardiac arrest survivors are usually unconscious and incapable and so
can’t make decisions about participating in research (the research is conducted using a
waiver of informed consent). The ICE-PACS study is funded by the Canadian Institutes for
Health Research and not by a pharmaceutical company, which means that there are no
financial conflicts of interest but also that there is a very tightly-controlled and limited budget!
Saving lives through Science, Innovation and
Rescu is the largest research program of its kind in Canada. Our research
focus is to derive and evaluate processes of care and timely interventions
that improve outcomes for patients who suffer life threatening trauma and
cardiac emergencies in the out of hospital setting.
The program has an established relationship with investigators and EMS
from regions in Ontario serving a population of 8.8 million people in Ontario
and includes 43 academic and community hospitals as our destination
hospitals. Together the land EMS agencies respond to over 600,000 patient
requests for care per annum.
For more information, please see our quarterly newsletter sent to your
EMS email and visit as at the following: