Delirium - Palliative Care - University of British Columbia

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Transcript Delirium - Palliative Care - University of British Columbia

How Emergency Physicians Can
Make a Big Difference
Alan Bates, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Consultant Psychiatrist
St. Paul’s Hospital and the BC Cancer Agency
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
University of British Columbia
In 1959…
 Engel and Romano
 “…while most physicians have a strong bias
toward an organic etiology of mental
disturbances, … they seem to have little
interest in … the one mental disorder
presently known to be based on
derangement of cerebral metabolism.”
 “… deficiencies in the education of many
physicians ill equip them to recognize any
but the most flagrant examples of
In 1959…
 Engel and Romano continued
 “Only … a management problem on a
medical or surgical service is likely to result
in a psychiatric consultation.”
 “[The psychiatrist] … seeing the patient in
the home territory of the “organic”
specialists … is less likely or able to pursue
an understanding of the underlying
physiologic derangements, which are
generally conceived to be the proper domain
of the internist.”
In 1959…
 Engel and Romano continued
 “Unhappily, the unfortunate patient’s
malfunctioning brain rests in limbo, an object
of attention and interest neither to the
medical man nor to the psychiatrist.”
 “Not only does the presence of delirium
often complicate and render more difficult
the treatment of a serious illness, but also it
carries the serious possibility of permanent
irreversible brain damage.”
In 1959…
 Engel and Romano continued
 “With increasing life expectancy … we are
now beginning to see an increasing
incidence of so-called senile and
arteriosclerotic dementias.”
 “The physician who is greatly concerned to
protect the functional integrity of the heart,
liver, and kidneys … has not yet learned to
have similar regard for the functional
integrity of the brain.”
From Cresswell III et al.
< 12 or > 40 years old
12 – 40 years old
Scattered thoughts
Psych Hx
DSM-5 Criteria
 Disturbance in attention and awareness
 Develops over short time, change from
baseline, fluctuates in severity over
course of a day
 An additional cognitive disturbance (e.g.
memory, orientation, language,
visuospatial, perception)
 Not another neurocognitive disorder, not
 Direct consequence of another medical
Meagher et al., 2007
 100 palliative care patients
 Attention – 97% (e.g. distractibility, digit span)
 Sleep-wake cycle – 97% (?cause of fluctuation,
Long-term memory – 89%
Short-term memory – 88%
Orientation – 76% (misses ¼)
Visuospatial ability – 87%
Motor agitation – 62% (early)
Motor retardation – 62% (early)
Language – 57%
Perceptual – 50% (motor agitation = retardation)
 Hospitalized elderly patients – 25% (van
Blanken et al., 2005)
 ICU – 70% at some point (McNicoll et al., 2003)
 30% of critically ill children (Smith et al., 2013)
 Post-operative delirium in patients over
60 after cardiac surgery – 52% (Rudolph et al.,
 Terminal illness – 88% (Massie etl al., 1983; Lawlor et
al., 2000)
Incidence and detection - ER
 Elie et al., 2000
 10% of 447 ER patients over 65 delirious
 Detection by ED physician
 Sensitivity: 35%, Specificity: 99%
 Han et al., 2014
 12% of 406 ER patients over 65 delirious
 Detection by ED physician using CAM-ICU
 Sensitivity: 72% (better than RAs)
 Specificity: 99%
 Han et al., 2014
 CC of “altered mental status”: 38% sensitivity,
99% specificity (when not coma, non-verbal etc.)
(reviewed by Maldonado et al., 2009)
 Clear immediate increase in suffering of
patient and family
 Increased morbidity and mortality
 Prolonged hospital stays
 Increased cost of care
 Increased hospital-acquired complications
 Poor functional and cognitive recovery
 Decreased quality of life
 Increased placement in intermediate- and
long-term care facilities
Impact – ER specific
 Han et al., 2010 / 2011
 628 ER patients over age 65
 17% delirious
 6-month mortality:
 37% in delirious group
 14% in non-delirious group
 Median length of stay:
 2 days for delirious
 1 day for non-delirious
 Rate of diagnosable PTSD was 9.2% at 3
months post-ICU in 238 post-ventilated
patients with a strong association
between PTSD and recall of delusional
memories (Jones et al., 2007)
 Delirium is even more distressing for
spouses than for patients (Breitbart et al., 2002)
Milbrandt et al., 2004
 224 consecutive mechanically ventilated
ICU patients (after excluding 51 with
coma leading to death)
 82% developed delirium, mean duration
2 days
Barrough, 1601
“It commeth to passe also that the
soporiferous diseases being ended, there
ensueth forgetfulnesse: which when it
chanceth then a cold distempure is the
cause that the memorie is perished or
grievously hurt.”
Maclullich et al., 2009
 Reviewed 9 recent studies with total of 2025
 8/9 studies found a significant association
between delirium and cognitive impairment
 What is the relationship?
 CNS insult causes both in parrallel?
 Premorbid dementing process unmasked in form of
delirium by stress/insult?
 Delirium causes things like dehydration, poor
nutrition, suboptimal care etc. and this leads to longterm cognitive impairment?
 Delirium is a neurotoxic state?
 Delirium management is neurotoxic?
Witlox et al., 2010
 Meta-analysis of elderly patients with delirium
 Delirium associated with increased risk of death
(38% vs. 28% in controls at average follow-up of
23 months)
 Delirium associated with increased risk of
institutionalization (33% vs. 11% in controls at
average follow-up of 15 months)
 Delirium associated with increased risk of
dementia (63% vs. 8% in controls at average
follow-up of 4 years)
 Above results are independent of age, sex,
comorbid illness, illness severity, and baseline
Risk factors
 Infection
Acute metabolic
CNS (structural)
Deficiency of vitamins
Acute vascular
Toxins/Medications (Lexicomp is your friend)
Heavy metals
Deleriogenic Medications
 Anticholinergic
 e.g. diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, atropine, amitriptyline,
imipramine, paroxetine, doxepin, furosemide, prochlorperazine
 Benzodiazepines
 Barbiturates
 Opiates
 Especially meperidine
 ? Morphine > Hydromorphone > Oxycodone (rotation can help)
 Incontinence meds
 e.g. oxybutynin
 Cardiac meds
 e.g. digitalis, quinidine, procainamide, lidocaine, beta-blockers
 GI meds
 H2-blockers (e.g. cimetidine, ranitidine), PPIs, metoclopramide
 Many others: e.g. phenytoin, steroids
Cardiac Surgery Risk
 Giltay et al. (2006): 8139 consecutive
patients undergoing CABG and/or valve
 Post-op psychotic symptoms associated
with age, renal failure, dyspnea, heart
failure, and LVH pre-operatively and
hypothermia, hypoxemia, low hematocrit,
renal failure, high sodium, infection, and
stroke perioperatively
Sockalingam et al. 2005
van der Mast et al., 1996
 “Of all the reported differences in the
studies, only year of publication is
significantly related to the incidence of
delirium after cardiac surgery, the later
publications showing a tendency towards
a lower incidence.”
 “… a cautious conclusion may be drawn
that no strong risk factor has been
(Reviewed by Trzepacz, 1994)
 Acetylcholine
 Anticholinergic drugs induce delirium
 Correlation between poor cognitive function
and serum anticholinergic level
 Serum anticholinergic levels decrease as
delirium resolves
 Reversal of anticholinergic delirium with
(Reviewed by Trzepacz, 1994)
 Dopamine
 Effective treatment with dopamine receptor
blockers like loxapine or haloperidol
 Norepinephrine
 Glutamate
 Serotonin
 Histamine
(Maldonado, 2008)
 Osse et al. (2009):
motor activity at the
wrist over five 24hr
cycles after elective
cardiac surgery
Jacobson et al., 2008
 Elderly delirious postoperative patients:
Fewer nighttime minutes resting
Fewer minutes resting over 24hrs
Greater mean activity at night
Smaller change in activity from day to night
 Delirium may be simultaneous
wakefulness and sleep
 REM intrusion into wakefulness might cause
visual hallucinations
Slatore et al., 2012
 Assessed sleep quality and screened for
delirium in veterans referred to hospice
(55% had cancer) using the Pittsburgh
Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
 Sleep quality was significantly worse in
33 participants who became delirious
than in 42 who did not
 Hazard ratio for developing delirium of
2.37 for every point of worse sleep on the
PSQI (where 1 = very good; 4 = very
 Xie et al. (2013)
demonstrated that
sleep is associated with
a 60% increase in the
interstitial space
causing striking
increase in exchange
between CSF and
interstitial fluid
 Increased rate of β–
amyloid clearance
Definitive treatment:
 Find the underlying cause or causes and
treat it/them
interventions (Inouye et al., 1999)
 In a study of 852 elderly patients admitted to
a general medical service, Inouye et al.
reduced the incidence of delirium from 15%
to 9% with a number of non-pharmacological
interventions including promotion of sleep
with sleep inducing stimuli (e.g. relaxation
tapes, warm milk) and a sleep promoting
environment (e.g. through noise reduction)
Patel et al., 2014
 Screened for ICU delirium before (n=167)
and after (n=171) implementing
measures to promote sleep
 Noise and light reduction at night, minimize
care that interrupts sleep at night, reduce
daytime sedation when possible, address
pain early, early mobilization
 Found reduced incidence (14% vs. 33%)
and duration (1.2 vs. 3.4 days) of delirium
Maldonado et al., 2009
 90 patients who underwent valve
procedures randomly assigned to post-op
sedation with dexmedetomidine,
propofol, or midazolam
(From Aantaa & Jalonen, 2006)
Maldonado et al., 2009
 Incidence of delirium was 50% for both
propofol and midazolam groups and only
3% for dexmedetomidine group
 Possible benefits of dexmedetomidine:
not GABAergic, not anticholinergic,
sedating, promotes physiologic sleep
pattern without significant respiratory
depression, lowers opioid requirements
 Al-Aama et al. (2011) demonstrated
decreased incidence of delirium in older
adult patients on a general medicine unit
who received 0.5mg of melatonin nightly
 Evidence that melatonin could actually aid in
treating ongoing delirium is mostly limited to
case studies (e.g. Hanania and Kitain, 2002)
 Other findings suggest melatonin isn’t helpful
(e.g. Ibrahim et al., 2006)
Standard treatment in most places
Relatively little anticholinergic effect
Little effect on orthostatic hypotension
Less sedation good for hypoactive delirium
Risk of QT prolongation
Relatively high risk of extrapyramidal effects
 No difference between IV and PO
 Menza et al. (1987) and Maldonado (2000) both seriously
 Are reports of EPS with IV (Blitzstein & Brandt, 1997)
 Small doses (e.g. 0.5mg IV BID or 1mg IV
 The double-blind randomized trial by Breitbart
et al. (1996) is frequently cited as evidence
haloperidol should be chosen over other
 However, the findings showed the superiority of
both haloperidol and chlorpromazine (a
sedating low-potency antipsychotic) over
lorazepam while showing equal effectiveness
between the two antipsychotics
 Sedating antipsychotic with IV option
 An example of dosing: chlorpromazine 25mg IV
Q6H standing (give over 30min; hold for SBP <
90; hold for sedation)
Also sedating and can be given SC or IV
Significant analgesic effect
Need to be cautious of hypotension
e.g. 5 - 10mg Q1H PRN for agitation
Can go as high as 50mg Q4H
 When we use low dose quetiapine at night,
it’s primarily acting as an antihistamine
 Maneenton et al. (2013) found no difference
between 25-100mg/day of quetiapine HS
and 0.5-2mg/day of haloperidol HS in a
double-blind, randomized trial of delirious
patients eliciting CL consult
 e.g. quetiapine 25mg PO QHS
 e.g. quetiapine 50mg PO QHS
 Caution re orthostatic hypotension
 A number of studies also support use of
olanzapine (e.g. Breitbart et al., 2002;
Skrobik et al., 2004; Grover et al., 2011)
 e.g. Olanzapine oral dissolving 2.5mg QHS
 e.g. Olanzapine oral dissolving 5mg QHS
 Promotes appetite
 Reduces nausea
 Promotes sleep
 Pro-cholinergic at lower doses, but becomes
anticholinergic at larger doses
(Bates et al., submitted)
 In 31 patients over 55 with post-operative
delirium referred to the CL service, loxapine
was associated with a mean decrease of
8.48 on the DRS-98-R over the first 2 days
of treatment
 Only 3 participants had a worsening of
delirium, and each of those 3 showed
improvement from day 2 to day 4
 Mean number of days to resolution of
delirum (DRS < 10) was 3.2
 There was not a significant increase in QTc
(Bates et al., submitted)
Terminal Illness
 Delirium interferes with identification of
sources of distress like pain
 How much should one investigate?
 Definitive etiology discovered in less than 50%,
and often irreversible when found (Bruera et al. 1992)
 However, Tuma and DeAngelis (1992) report
68% can be improved even when 30-day
mortality is 31%
 Lawlor et al. (2000):
 49% reversibility in advanced cancer patients
admitted to palliative care
 Reversibility associated with opioids, other meds, and
dehydration being primary causes
Terminal Illness
 Some view delirium as natural part of dying
 Some worry that antipsychotic will make
patient more delirious
 Evidence is that antipsychotic generally safe
and effective at reducing distress
 “Unfortunately, the hallucinations in delirium are
rarely sugarplum fairies.”