Movie Scores Website PPT Overview
Transcript Movie Scores Website PPT Overview
Create a web application where
people can:
Search for movie scores
Insert their own movie scores
Database is comprised of 3 tables:
Each movie contains movie information (name, year, genreID, rating)
Queries to retrieve genre and score for each movie
Score in separate tables related by Movie ID
Each movie can have multiple scores
Movie table has foreign keys to Scores and Genres table
Genre table: GenreID, Genre
Scores: ScoreID, MovieID, Score
Website has several functionalities
Search for movie scores by title
Returns table with movie information and links to view scores and
delete movie(ideally admin only)
ADD new movies and scores into database
UPDATE movie information
DELETE movie
Javascript is used for validation in various places on site
Things we learned
Importance of understanding database and relationships fully before designing
website and queries
Think out the functionality
Ideally, take more time
What we learned
How to design a web application
How to better handle a database
How to use SQL/PHP/HTML from scratch
What could be improved if had more time
Search by more than title
Have a login for users and create an admin who can update and delete movies
Other functionalities like having users do movie reviews and scores