UNIT 3 - BC Medsurg 3

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Unit 4
Problems of Oxygenation
LeMone & Burke Unit 9
Review the anatomy and physiology of the
respiratory system and contrast normal assessment
from abnormals associated with Chest Trauma,
pleuritis, empyema, pleural effusion and lung
Compare and contrast how factors such as: Chest
Trauma, hemothorax, pneumothorax, pleuritis,
empyema, pleural effusion and lung cancer affect
ventilation and respiration (gas exchange).
Identify specific topics for consideration during a
health history interview of clients with health
problems involving the respiratory system.
Describe normal variations in assessment findings
for the older adult.
More Objectives
• Describe surgical procedures used to treat: Chest
Trauma, hemothorax, pneumothorax, pleuritis,
empyema, pleural effusion and lung cancer, and
nursing responsibilities in caring for clients undergoing
these procedures.
• Discuss treatment options for oral and laryngeal
cancers with their implications for the client’s body
image and functional health.
• Describe the nursing implications for oxygen therapy
and medications used to treat respiratory disorders.
• Describe the nursing implications for medications used
to promote ventilation and gas exchange.
The Respiratory System
• Upper Respiratory System
• Nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea
• Passage way for air, cleanses, humidifies, warms
• Lower Respiratory System
• Lungs, bronchi, alveoli
• Respiratory membrane for gas exchange
The Respiratory System
The Respiratory System
Anatomy of lungs
Rt. Lung 3 Lobes
Lt. Lung 2 lobes
The Respiratory System
Health History
• Current Illness
• Observe for Respiratory Compromise
• Present Health Status, Medical History, Family History, Risk
• Lifestyle Questions
Smoking history
Exposure to environmental substances
Use of recreational drugs
Age-related Changes
Decrease in elastic recoil of the lung
Loss of skeletal muscle strength in thorax and diaphragm
Fibrosis in the alveoli
Fewer functional capillaries
Less effective cough
Decrease in PO2
Changes with Aging
• Gradual decline after the age of 20
• Increases the risk and severity or pulmonary disorders
• Effects of aging are physiologically and anatomically similar to those
occurring in the development of mild emphysema
• Aging and the Lungs – The Merck Manual of Geriatrics
Laboratory and Diagnostics
Diagnostic Assessments
• X-ray
• CT & Digital CT
• Pulse Oximetry
Procedural Assessments
• Bronchoscopy
Laboratory Assessments
• Nasal Swab
• CBC with diff
• Sputum
Gram stain
Culture and Sensitivity
Acid-Fast Stain
Cytologic tests
O2 Delivery Systems
What you have seen
 Nasal Cannula
Adding new
 Face tent or Tracheostomy
 Simple Face Mask
 Partial Re-breather Mask
 Non-Re-breather Mask
 Venturi mask
 T-Tube or T-Piece apparatus
Types of assistive devices
• O2 delivery
Simple Mask
Face Shield
• Airways
• NP
• OP
Endotracheal and Nasotracheal
Artificial Airways
Tracheostomy shield
• What is C-PAP?
• Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. In the 1980s,
people used a C-PAP in their homes to help combat
breathing difficulties such as sleep apnea
• The extra pressure from C-PAP allowed users to sleep
by keeping the airways open. The problem with C-PAP
was that the person had to exhale against the extra
pressure. This made it unsuitable for people suffering
from neuromuscular diseases.
• What is BiPAP?
Take home message:
Increases Tidal Volumes and eliminates CO2 while
decreasing work of breathing!!
 If a patient is deemed
unable to tolerate or is
refusing intubation,
BiPAP may be indicated
as a means of
accumulated pCO2
 “Non-invasive
• Maintains a patent airway
• Promotes gas exchange
• Indications for suctioning
Audible or noisy secretions
Crackles or wheezes on auscultation
Increased pulse and or respiratory rate
Methods of suctioning
• Orally
• Nasal
• Use of naso-pharyngeal airway helps prevent pain and mucosal trauma
• Artificial airway (tracheostomy)
Upper Respiratory Tract
Disorders and Risk Factors
Upper Respiratory Tract
Disorders and Risk Factors
• Nasal Polyps
• Benign grapelike growths of lining of nose
• Interfere with air movement
• May obstruct openings, leading to sinusitis
• Laryngeal Tumor
• Benign
• Papillomas
• Nodules
• Polyps
• Malignant
• Fairly uncommon
• Often curable if detected early
Risk Factors for Laryngeal CA
Treatment of
Laryngeal Cancer
Determined by staging the cancer
Radiation therapy
Goals of Surgery
• Remove the malignancy
• Maintain airway patency
• Achieve optimal cosmetic appearance
• Laser laryngoscopy
• Laryngectomy
• Radical neck dissection
• Modified neck
• Radical neck dissection
Tumor Classification
• T-Tumor size and location
• N- number of involved lymph nodes
• M- presence or absence of metastasis
Care of the Patient with a
• Impaired verbal communication
• Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than body requirements related to
physical barrier
• Risk for Infection related to invasive procedures
• Impaired social interaction related to communication barrier
Moving down from
upper airway
 Disease states cause the pleural space to fill
◦ Pneumothorax
◦ Hemothorax
◦ Pleural effusion
 Air, blood or fluid introduced into the pleural space
Destroy the intra-pleural pressure
Becomes atmospheric or above.
Pleural membranes separate.
When this occurs the affected portion of the visceral pleura and
lung are displaced away from the chest wall
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
• Manifestations
Pain aggravated by deep breathing, coughing, and movement
Rapid shallow respirations
Limitation of chest wall movement on affected side
Diminished breath sounds
• Pleural friction rub
Pleural Effusion
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
• Procedure care
Monitoring pulse, color, oxygen saturation
Applying a dressing
Positioning the client on the unaffected side
Sending specimens to the laboratory
• Post-procedure care
• Monitoring vital signs
• Oxygen saturations
• Respiratory status
What is a Pneumothorax?
• Symptoms of a Pneumothorax:
Sudden SOB
Decreased breath sounds on affected side
Decreased chest expansion on affected side
Tracheal deviation to unaffected side
Chest pain
• Unknown etiology
• Population
• Previously healthy people
• Usually tall, slender men
• Risk factors primary pneumothorax
• Smoking
• Familial factors
• Risk factors primary pneumothorax (cont.)
• High altitude flying
• Rapid decompression
• Risk factors secondary pneumothorax
• Overdistention and rupture of an alveolus
Cystic fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
Spontaneous Pneumothorax
• Manifestations
Shortness of breath
Increase heart rate
Increased respiratory rate
Asymmetrical chest wall movement
• Diminished or absent breath sounds
Most common cause of
Chest Trauma
• What structures do we
need to be aware of
near this injury site?
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
Traumatic Pneumothorax
• Manifestations
• Similar to those of spontaneous pneumothorax
• May be overlooked if subtle
• May be masked by the primary injury
Open vs Closed
Tension Pneumothorax
Tension Pneumothorax
• Manifestations
Like pneumothorax
Presence of hypotension
Distention of the neck veins
Displacement of trachea to
unaffected side
• Shock
Tension PTX
Pneumothorax Hemothorax
Bertolaccini L. et al.; Ann Thorac Surg 2009;88:e68
Copyright ©2009 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
• Manifestations
• Similar to pneumothorax or pleural effusion
• Risk of shock exists
When is a Pneumothorax treated?
Chest Tubes
• Pre-procedure care
Verification of signed informed consent
Providing information about the procedure
Positioning the client
Assisting with the procedure as necessary
• Post-procedure care
Assessment of respiratory status
Maintaining the closed chest tube drainage apparatus
Assisting with position changes
Sterile occlusive petroleum jelly dressing post chesttube removal
Atruim Chest
Prevent air & fluid from returning to the
pleural space
Chest tube is attached to a drainage device
• Allows air and fluid to leave the chest
• Contains a one-way valve to prevent air & fluid returning to the chest
• Designed so that the device is below the level of the chest tube for
gravity drainage
Prevent air & fluid from returning to the
pleural space
How does a chest drainage system work?
It’s all about
bottles and
Prevent air & fluid from returning to the pleural
 Most Basic Concept
Tube open to
vents air
Tube from patient
 Straw attached to chest
tube from patient is placed
under 2cm of fluid (water
 Just like a straw in a drink,
air can push through the
straw, but air can’t be
drawn back up the straw.
Prevent air & fluid from returning to the
pleural space
• This system works if only air is leaving the chest
• If fluid is draining, it will add to the fluid in the water seal, and
increase the depth
• As the depth increases, it becomes harder for the air to push
through a higher level of water, and could result in air staying
in the chest
Prevent air & fluid from returning to the
pleural space
Tube open to
vents air
Tube from patient
 For drainage, a second
bottle was added
 The first bottle collects
the drainage
 The second bottle is the
water seal
 With an extra bottle for
drainage, the water seal
will then remain at 2cm
Prevent air & fluid from returning to
the pleural space
• The two-bottle system is the key for chest drainage
• A place for drainage to collect
• A one-way valve that prevents air or fluid from returning to the chest
Restore negative pressure in the pleural
• Suction or no suction??
Restore negative pressure in the
pleural space
Tube to
Tube open to
vents air
Tube from patient
Straw under
20 cmH2O
Suction control
2cm fluid water seal
Collection bottle
Restore negative pressure in the pleural
• The straw submerged in the suction control bottle (typically to
20cmH2O) limits the amount of negative pressure that can be applied
to the pleural space – in this case -20cmH2O
• The submerged straw is open at the top
• As the vacuum source is increased, once bubbling begins in this bottle,
it means atmospheric pressure is being drawn in to limit the suction
Restore negative pressure in the
pleural space
The depth of the water in
the suction bottle
determines the amount of
negative pressure that can
be transmitted to the
chest, NOT the reading on
the vacuum regulator
Restore negative pressure in the pleural
• There is no research to support this number of -20cmH2O, just
• Higher negative pressure can increase the flow rate out of the
chest, but it can also damage tissue
How a chest drainage
system works
 Expiratory positive pressure from the patient
helps push air and fluid out of the chest
(Cough, valsalva)
 Gravity helpw fluid drainage as lons as the
chests drainage system is below the level of
the chest
 Suction can improve the speed at which air
and fluid are pulled from the chest.
From bottles to a box
• The bottle system worked, but it was bulky at the bedside and with
16 pieces and 17 connections, it was difficult to set up correctly
while maintaining sterility of all of the parts
• In 1967, a one-piece, disposable plastic box was introduced
• The box did everything the bottles did – and more
From bottles to a box
To suction
From patient
Water seal
Water seal
From box to bedside
At the bedside
 Keep drain below the chest for
gravity drainage
 This will cause a pressure
gradient with relatively higher
pressure in the chest
 Fluid, like air, moves from an
area of higher pressure to an
area of lower pressure
 Same principle as raising an IV
bottle to increase flow rate
Monitoring intrathoracic pressure
• The water seal chamber and suction control chamber provide
intrathoracic pressure monitoring
• Gravity drainage without suction: Level of water in the water seal
chamber = intrathoracic pressure (chamber is calibrated manometer)
• Slow, gradual rise in water level over time means more
negative pressure in pleural space and signals healing
• Goal is to return to -8cmH20
• With suction: Level of water in suction control + level of water in water
seal chamber = intrathoracic pressure
Monitoring air leak
• Water seal is a window into the
pleural space
• Not only for pressure
• If air is leaving the chest,
bubbling will be seen here
• Air leak meter (1-5) provides a
way to “measure” the leak and
monitor over time – getting
better or worse?
Setting up the drain
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for adding water to the 2cm
level in the water seal chamber, and to the 20cm level in the suction
control chamber (unless a different level is ordered)
• Connect 6' patient tube to thoracic catheter
• Connect the drain to vacuum, and slowly increase vacuum until gentle
bubbling appears in the suction control chamber
Setting up suction
• You don’t need to boil spaghetti!
• Vigorous bubbling is loud
and disturbing to most
• Will also cause rapid evaporation in the chamber, which will lower
suction level
• Too much bubbling is not needed clinically in 98% of patients –
more is not better
• If too much, turn down vacuum source until bubbles go away, then
slowly increase until they reappear, then stop
Disposable chest drains
• Collection chamber
• Fluids drain directly into chamber, calibrated in mL fluid, write-on surface to
note level and time
• Water seal
• One way valve, U-tube design, can monitor air leaks & changes in
intrathoracic pressure
• Suction control chamber
• U-tube, narrow arm is the atmospheric vent, large arm is the fluid reservoir,
system is regulated, easy to control negative pressure
Set Up
Step 1. Fill Water Seal to 2cm Line
Hold funnel down and fill to top. Raise
funnel to fill water seal to 2cm fill line.
Step 2. Fill Suction Control
Chamber to Desired Pressure Level
Remove vent plug, pour water to
desired suction level. Replace vent
Step 3. Connect Patient Tube to
Connect chest drain to patient prior to
initiating suction.
Step 4. Connect Suction to Chest
Attach suction line to suction port on
top of chest drain. Turn suction source
on until constant, gentle bubbling
occurs in chamber A.
Set up
Step 1 Fill water seal to
2cm line.
Step 2 Connect patient
tube to patient Connect chest drain to
patient prior
to initiating suction
Step 3. Connect suction to
chest drain – Attach
suction line to suction
port on top of chest
Step 4. Connect suction to
chest drain – Increase
suction source to 80mm
Hg or higher.
The suction regulator is
preset to -20cm H20.
Adjust as required
Step 5. Turn on suction
Heimlich Chest Drain Valve
Disorders of the Pleura
Pleuritis –
Pleural Effusion –
Empyema –
Transudate –
Exudate –
Pleural Effusion
Empyema Thoracis
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
Rib Fracture
• Manifestations
Pain on inspiration
Diminished breath sounds with rapid and shallow respirations
Bruising over the fracture
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
Flail Chest
• Manifestations
Paradoxic chest wall movement
Diminished breath sounds
• Palpable crepitus
Flail Chest
Figure 36–11 Flail chest with
paradoxical movement.
Figure 36–11 Flail chest with
paradoxical movement.
Figure 36–11 (continued) Flail
chest with paradoxical movement.
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
Pulmonary Contusion
• Manifestations (may not occur
until 12-24 hours after injury)
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Copious sputum
• Cyanosis
• Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths in the US.
• There are more deaths form Lung cancer than breast, colon and
prostate cancer combined in the US
• Over all survival rate is 14%
Lung Cancer
• Leading cause of cancer deaths in US
• Population
Age over 50
Exposure to tobacco smoke
Exposure to ionizing radiation and inhaled irritants
Exposure to radon
Major Types of Lung Cancer
Small cell lung cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer
Epidermoid carcinoma
Large cell
TABLE 36–8
Comparison of Lung
Cancer Cell Types
• Dependent on location and spread of disease
• Presentation may be related to primary or metastatic disease
Pathophysiology of Lower
Respiratory Infections
Lung Cancer
• Manifestations
Chronic cough
Wheezing, shortness of breath
Dull, aching chest pain or pleuritic pain
Hoarseness and/or dysphagia
Weight loss, anorexia
Fatigue, weakness
Bone pain
Clubbing of the fingers and toes
Endocrine, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, hematologic
Lung Cancer Staging
TABLE 36–9 Lung Cancer Staging
Lung Cancer
 Combination chemotherapy treatment of choice for small-cell
lung cancer
Collaborative Management
• Diagnostic Phase
• Radiology
• Laboratory
• Cardiopulmonary Services
• Treatment Phase
Radiation Therapy
Nutritional services
Lung Surgery
• Pre-procedure care
Routine preoperative care
Taking a history
Providing emotional support
Instructing about postoperative procedures
Establishing a means of communication if necessary for post-op
TABLE 36–10 Types of Lung
Surgery for Lung Cancer
Lung Surgery
• Post-procedure care
Provision of routine postoperative care
Assessing for pain control
Frequent assessment of respiratory status
Assist with effective coughing technique
Monitoring and maintaining effective mechanical
Maintaining patent chest tubes and drainage system
Assessing for development of infection
Assisting with early ambulation
Maintaining nutritional status
Nurse at work
A 72 year old man presents to his physician stating he has been coughing up
blood. The chest x-ray shows an area of density in the middle lobe of his right
lung. He is admitted to the hospital for diagnostic tests. The initial assessment
done by you includes the following data: BP: 168/88, P: 90, R:36, T: 98.4 Pulse
OX 87% on room air
He believes himself to be “pretty healthy”. He reports smoking about a pack of
cigarettes per day since he was 16. There have been numerous unsuccessful
attempts to stop smoking always with return to the smoking with six months.
Physical assessment: Inspiratory and expiratory wheezes in the right chest, but
good breathsounds throughout. No other abnormalities noted
Case continuation
 Test results from admission work up
◦ CBC shows mild anemia all other routine labs normal
◦ Sputum cytology is positive for small cell bronchogenic
◦ CT shows a 6 cm mass with mediastinal and
subclavicular node involvment
◦ A second mass is noted on the lumbar spine
 The client as decided to undergo chemotherapy
and is referred to an oncologist
Nursing Diagnosis
• Remember ABC’s
• What must we have to heal?
• Who will be affected by this diagnosis?
• What does the client understand?
Expected Outcomes
• Maintain a patent airway
• Maintain current weight
• Express concerns and feelings about cancer and
the effects on the family unit
• Participation in care
• Utilization of support groups
• Verbalize understanding of the disease process,
treatment and prognosis
• Develop a plan to stop smoking
Planning and implementation
• Teach coughing and deep breathing to facilitate airway
• Discuss reportable symptoms
• Discuss measures to relieve side effects of chemotherapy
• Dietary consult
• Discusion with family to discuss disease
• American Cancer Society referral
• Local Cancer support group
• Home health – further teaching
• Assist in a stop smoking plan
• Nicotine patches/gum
Test Next Week
ABG’s and Problems of Oxygenation