Transcript Slide 1

Southern NH Area
Health Education Center
A Public Health Training Center
128 Route 27, Raymond, NH 03077
June 2013
Upcoming Conferences, Workshops, and Programs
Conferences and Workshops
The Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the New Hampshire Nurses’ Association
Commission on Continuing Education, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
The Southern NH Area Health Education Center, accredited by the NH Medical Society, designates live activities for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s). Physicians should
claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Sponsored by Southern NH Area Health Education Center, a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National
Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. SNHAHEC Provider Number MEP3658.
For more information on all of our conferences and workshops, please visit our online calendar at Online registration is available for most events!
Community Health Assessment and
A Training for Public Health Professionals
About the Program
This training is supported by the New Hampshire Public Health Training Center (NHPHTC) , a
resource for members of the current and future public health workforce of the state. It operates
under the umbrella of the NH Area Health Education Center (NHAHEC), a program of The
Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. The target audience for the training are
Public health network and community benefits reporting (hospitals and other healthcare non-profit’s)
Module 4: Linking Data to Action Using
Quality Improvement Tools and Methods
9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.
September 20, 2013
Mountain View Grand Resort and Spa, Whitefield
September 24, 2013
Manchester Health Department, Manchester
October 18, 2013
The Common Man Inn & Spa, Plymouth
For more information about these trainings, please contact:
For Manchester & Bedford trainings:
Kaitlyn St. Amand Southern NH AHEC
[email protected] | 603.895.1514 x4
For Plymouth and North Country Trainings:
North Country Health Consortium 603.259.3700
Summer Activities for Youth Interested in Health Careers
Nursing Quest
Summer Camp
For Students Entering Grades 8, 9, and 10
Hosted by Southern NH AHEC
Explore careers in nursing and build skills using hands-on experiences!
Manchester Community College:
Week 1: July 8-12, 2013
Week 2: July 15-19, 2013
Nashua Community College
Week 3: July 22-28, 2013
Week 4: August 12-16, 2013
9th Grade Camp at Manchester
Community College
August 12-16, 2013
What do campers do?
Go on field trips to hospitals, nursing
homes, and community health centers
Become CPR certified
Learn about different nursing careers
Measure vital signs
Have fun!!
for more information, or contact Kaitlyn at
[email protected] for a registration form!
Sponsored by Southern NH AHEC with funding
from the Endowment for Health
& Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Partners
in Nursing Program
Camp Spinnaker
August 11-16, 2013
Camp Spinnaker is a six-day residential camp for children ages 8-12
with asthma. Priority will be given to children who require daily
medication and/or who have not previously been to an asthma camp.
The camp is operated by Zebra Crossings in partnership with the
Pediatric Pulmonary Department at New Hampshire’s Hospital for
Camp Spinnaker is also looking for medical staff
For more information, contact Astrid
at [email protected]
Save the
The Front Line of
Preventing Infections: It
Takes a Village!
Learning Objectives
•Discuss the similarities and differences among strategies needed to reduce
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI)
•Express the burden of HAIs, and discuss emerging challenges
•Explain the public reporting law
•Discuss how data can be used for action to prevent HAIs and how it pertains to
frontline healthcare workers
•Recognize the physical and emotional impact that HAIs have on patients and
Keynote Speaker: Rosemary Gibson, M.Sc.
Target Audience
Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Medical Assistants,
Certified Health Education Specialists, other healthcare providers, healthcare
administrators, patients and families.
Registration fee: $55
Scholarships are available!
Contact Kaitlyn St. Amand at [email protected] or (603) 895-1514 x4
for more information about this program
Resources for Asthma Educators
Creative Ways to Engage Patients
and Families in Their Self-Care
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Puritan Back Room Conference Center
Manchester, NH
5:30-8 p.m.
Target audience:
Certified asthma educators, school
nurses, clinical staff who provide
asthma education to their patients, and
those interested in patient engagement
Registration fee: $25
Includes continuing education credits,
materials, and buffet dinner
The fall meeting of Resources for Asthma Educators will focus on tools
and strategies to engage patients and their families in the selfmanagement of their asthma. This interactive panel presentation will
give participants an opportunity to share their resources and ideas
with the group.
Contact Kaitlyn at [email protected] or
603-895-1514 x4 for more information
Fifteenth Annual Centricity User Conference
AutumnLogic 2013
save the date!
Friday, November 22, 2013
SERESC Conference Center
29 Commerce Drive, Bedford
Presented by:
Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center
In collaboration with representatives from the Planning Committee
Community Health Access Network (CHAN)  Lamprey Health Care  Ammonoosuc Community
Health Services  Regional Extension Center of New Hampshire  HIT Roundtable
Contact Kaitlyn St. Amand at [email protected] or
603.895.1514 x 4 for more information about the program and
sponsorship opportunities
New! Online learning opportunity
Asthma Tobacco and Control
A Webinar for Health Professionals
Learning Objectives
•Compare and contrast Asthma and COPD epidemiology, pathogenesis, and clinical presentation
•Restate the four components of asthma management
•Outline the goals of asthma control and tools to improve asthma care in your office
•Identify strategies to help patients manage Nicotine Dependence Disorder
Faculty: Albee Budnitz, MD, FACP, FCCP
To complete this webinar, please
Leadership Training Program in
Children’s Health and Disability
The NH Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Program (NH LEND) is a collaboration between
the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, the Institute on Disability/UCED at the University of New
Hampshire, and the Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies/UCED at the University of Maine. The
purpose of NH LEND is to improve the health of children and youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities by
preparing leaders to enter the field.
If you are:
•A professional working with children with special health care needs and their families;
•A person with a bachelor’s degree who is a parent or sibling of a person who has a disability;
•A person with demonstrated leadership skills and an interest in professional development.
Then become a member of the national LEND network through the NH LEND Program--we train leaders!
The 9-month program requires a minimum 300-hour commitment and includes:
•Participation in a graduate level seminar at UNH
•Engagement in interdisciplinary clinical training in a variety of settings
•Participation in technical assistance and research activities
•Advocating for systems change and public policy for children
•Advancing your skills as a leader
Competitive stipend available!
A limited number of applications are currently being accepted for the 2013-2014 academic
year. For more information or to apply online visit or call
New Interpretation Classes
Southern NH AHEC Celebrates over
10 Years of Interpretation Training
Information about the Interpretation Training Programs,
including the number of interpreters trained, can be
downloaded at
60-Hour Health Care Community
Interpreter Training
October 8- December 10, 2013
Tuesdays & Thursdays , 5:30-9 p.m.
22 Bridge Street, Manchester
SNHAHEC is offering the nationally renowned program called The Health Care Community Interpreter, by Cross
Cultural Communications of Columbia, MD. This is a comprehensive 60-hour program that teaches interpreters to
work in health care, educational, social services and some legal fields. The student manual is accompanied by a
book with over 50 exercises and role plays.
70-Hour Legal Interpretation
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:30-9 p.m.
Manchester, NH
Fall 2013 training to be announced
SNHAHEC offers a 70-hour Legal Interpretation Training program for interested individuals. Each applicant will be
screened for England and target language proficiency. Attendance at all classes is mandatory in order to receive a
certificate of completion.
To register for these courses, download a registration form
at and mail to:
Florentina Dinu, Southern NH AHEC, 128 State Route 27, Raymond, NH 03077
603.895.1514 x5 | [email protected]
Please include a copy of your high school diploma/GED or higher education certificate
Spanish For Health Care
SNHAHEC is organizing a 12-hour Spanish for Health
Care Professionals training in Fall 2013 in
Manchester. The training will be held on two
consecutive Saturdays at a location to be September
or October, depending on availability of those
To inquire about this training, please contact
Kaitlyn at [email protected] or 603.895.1514 x4
Lunch n’ Learn Opportunities
Schedule a session at your practice today! They are free of charge and include lunch, materials,
and continuing education credits. Contact Christina ([email protected]) to schedule a
Hinge Points in Cross Cultural
Health Communication
Southern NH AHEC, in collaboration with the NH Minority Health Coalition, is offering a workshop
on the importance of cultural competency in the healthcare setting. This interactive, one-hour lunch
and learn program will discuss the importance of cultural sensitivity and respect in your daily
interactions with patients.
Learning Objectives
1. List at least 3 unconsciously taught areas that are components of the
term “culture”
2. Identify at least 3 hinge points in cross cultural interaction (points of
interaction where cultural assumptions impact future interactions, such
as greetings)
3. Discuss the skills of cultural effectiveness and how to apply them
Schedule a one-hour lunch & learn by contacting
Kaitlyn at [email protected] or 603.895.1514 x4.
Stanford’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Program:
Better Choices, Better Health
Do you have patients with a chronic disease? Are you looking for
resources to help them take better care of themselves?
The NH CDSMP Network is offering Stanford’s Chronic Disease
Self-Management Program: Better Choices, Better Health as a resource
to providers and residents of New Hampshire. The program gives patients
with chronic diseases and the people who care for them an opportunity to
learn how to put life back into their lives.
The Better Choices, Better Health program is offered:
As a series of workshops:
As a Lunch n’ Learn Session:
Classes are offered in community centers across
New Hampshire. Upcoming trainings can be found
at under the “Better Choices,
Better Health” tab.
An introductory one-hour session can be brought to your practice
by SNHAHEC to help your staff understand what
can be done to help patients with chronic diseases manage their
lives. To schedule this session, contact Christina below.
New Hampshire
Chronic Disease
Self-Management Program Network
For more information, please contact:
Kaitlyn at [email protected] or
603.895.1514 x4.
Implementing Asthma
Action Plans
Asthma Action Plans are a useful tool in the management of asthma. This
one-hour lunch and learn will focus on the guidelines of asthma
management, the basics of an asthma action plan, and peak flow meters.
Learning Objectives:
•Identify the components of an Asthma Action Plan for patients with persistent asthma
•Explain the need for Asthma Action plans for patients with persistent asthma
•Discuss strategies for collaboration between health providers, >community partners,
and school nurses to improve systems and services for those with persistent asthma
•Strategize how to incorporate the AAP into electronic health records
To schedule this one-hour lunch and learn at your practice,
please contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (603)
Improving Asthma Management: Continuing Education and
Technical Assistance for Health Professionals
Improving Asthma Management, a series of eight continuing education sessions, is designed to bring you the most up-to-date information for successful
asthma management in the primary care setting and enable practices to have a significant impact on improving asthma management for better patient
outcomes. Whether you decide to schedule one program or the entire series, your practice will identify improvements the practice wants to make from
among evidence-based best practices recommended in the 2007 National Asthma Education and Prevention Program Expert Panel Report 3 Guidelines for
the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. Examples of changes provider practices have been able to make include increasing the use of asthma action
plans, routinely assessing for environmental triggers and exposures, diagnosing work-related asthma, scheduling follow-up asthma visits, increasing flu
shots and more. This is an exceptional opportunity to make the kinds of improvements that will benefit both providers and patients.
This 8 part series offers:
Asthma Guidelines for the Way You Practice
Asthma Management Tools: Gizmos and Gadgets
Asthma Medications
Control of Environmental Factors that Affect Asthma
Asthma Education: Using the Toolkit
Asthma Management Should Not Be Complicated!
Documentation: Implementation New or Revised Encounter Forms (for sites with Centricity only)
We suggest starting with the Asthma Guidelines and then choosing other sessions that fit the needs of the practice. Lunch will be provided.
For more information or to schedule a Lunch and Learn, call Kelsey at (603)895-1514 or [email protected]
Announcements: Visit our website at for more information about upcoming programs!
SNHAHEC Staff want to thank Christina Patenaude for her outstanding service as a Program Coordinator and wish her luck in
her future endeavors!
Thank you,
Kaitlyn St. Amand, Program Coordinator
Southern New Hampshire AHEC
128 State Route 27, Raymond, NH 03077
e [email protected] | t (603) 895-1514 ext. 4 | f (603) 895-1312
June 2013
July 2013
Jun 30
Nursing Quest Summer Camp Week 1, MCC
Nursing Quest Summer Camp Week 2, MCC