Use for Co-branded Presentations

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Transcript Use for Co-branded Presentations

Idaho Medicaid
Pharmacy Program
Provider Training
Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to
Describe changes to pharmacy claims processing implemented on January
30, 2010 by Magellan Medicaid Administration in support of the Idaho
Medicaid Program.
 List contact numbers that assist in processing pharmacy claims or answer
questions regarding claims processing.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 2
Magellan Medicaid Administration
Proudly presents….
The Idaho Medicaid Pharmacy Program
Point-of-Sale (POS) Implementation
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 3
Idaho Medicaid Pharmacy Program
On Saturday, January 30, 2010, Magellan Medicaid Administration
began processing claims for the Idaho Medicaid Pharmacy Program.
Magellan Medicaid Administration performs the following functions:
Claims processing
 Operations support for the POS system
 Technical support for providers
Education and outreach for providers
Magellan Medicaid Administration’s Idaho Pharmacy Support Center
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 4
Idaho Medicaid Pharmacy Program, cont.
Clinical Prior Authorizations
For initiating Prior Authorizations (PA), contact the Idaho Department of
Health and Welfare (IDHW)
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MT
1-208-364-1829 (Local)
 1-866-827-9967 (Toll free)
1-208-364-1864 (Fax)
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 5
About Magellan Medicaid Administration
30+ years of experience serving public sector health care programs
 State drug program for seniors
 Mental health agencies
Administers more Medicaid pharmacy benefit programs than all the
competitors combined
National leader in Medicaid rebate administration
970 employees nationwide
Headquartered in Glen Allen, VA, with offices in over 40 states
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 6
Provider Electronic Solutions (PES)
If you use the PES software provided by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
Services to submit claims, verify eligibility, or submit claims solely on
paper, then you need to send an email with “PES” in the subject line to
[email protected] immediately.
These processes changed in January 2010 and IDHW will need to
discuss the options that will be available to you.
As of January 30, 2010 you are able to access Web Claims
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 7
Online 5.1 Claims Submission
On January 30, 2010, Magellan Medicaid Administration began
accepting claims submissions.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 8
Plan Effective Date for POS Transition
On January 29, 2010, the current pharmacy vendor (HP-formally known
as EDS) shut down claims processing at 8:00 p.m. MT.
On Saturday, January 30, 2010, Magellan Medicaid Administration
began claims processing at 7:00 a.m., PT, 8:00 a.m., MT; 10:00 a.m.,
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 9
Magellan Medicaid Administration will provide system availability for
submitting claims
Daily, 24/7/365
 Except
 Saturday down at 9:00 p.m., MT
 Sunday up at 4:00 a.m., MT
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 10
Readiness Documents and Resources
Pharmacy Claims Submission Manual
Payer Specification document
User Administration Console User Guide
Web Claims Submission User Guide
All documents and resources will be located on the following website:
*This site became available on January 4, 2010
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 11
Modes of Claim Submission
POS Claims Submission
Batch Claims (National Council
on Prescription Drug
Programs (NCPDP) Batch 1.1 FTP)
Web Claims Submission
Provider Submitted Paper Universal
Claim Form (this is a change)
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 12
POS Technical Readiness
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 13
Technical POS Submission Readiness
Ensure your software vendors are certified to send NCPDP 5.1 (most
vendors are already certified).
For questions, contact Dorothea Roane at 1-804-217-7900.
Ensure that the routing information
Banking Identification Number (BIN)
 Processor Control Number (PCN) are changed
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 14
Necessary Data Elements for Initial Set-Up
All transactions require the following:
BIN Number*
Processor Control #*
Group ID*
Software Vendor/Certification ID: Assigned when vendor is certified with
Magellan Medicaid Administration.
Claims will reject if the new data elements (denoted with asterisks) are
missing and if versions other than NCPDP 5.1 are used.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 15
Additional Necessary Data Elements for Initial
On Claim Segment
Number of Refills will be a required field.
Prescription Origin Code will be a required field. This field is used as
a mechanism for providers to validate that written prescriptions have
been submitted in accordance with tamper resistant guidelines.
On Patient Segment
Pregnancy Indicator will be a new field that will be populated with a
value of
Blank = Not Specified
 “1” = Not Pregnant
“2” = Pregnant
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 16
Additional Necessary Data Elements for Initial
Set-Up, cont.
On Clinical Segment
Diagnosis Code Count will be a required field when submitting
diagnosis information on the claim.
Diagnosis Code Qualifier will be a required field when submitting
diagnosis information on the claim.
Diagnosis Code will be a required field when submitting diagnosis
information on the claim.
These fields are required for all hospice patient claims.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 17
Client Eligibility Determination
For participant eligibility determination, Magellan Medicaid
Administration matches on
Patient first name = First 3 bytes
 Patient last name = First 5 bytes
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 18
Claims Submission Timely Filing Limits
Date Rx Written = should be the original date the prescription was
Date of Service = should be the actual DOS
The Date Rx Written is used as a factor in refill editing logic
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 19
Claims Submission Timely Filing Limits, cont.
POS claims are generally submitted at the time of dispensing. If a claim
is submitted after a drug is dispensed due to mitigating circumstances
the following guidelines apply:
For all original claims, the timely filing limit from the Date of Service (DOS)
is 366 days.
 For all reversals, the timely filing limit from the DOS is Unlimited.
For all rebill claims, the timely filing limit from the DOS is 732 days.
 For all paper claims, it will be 365 days from date written.
 Claims that exceed the timely filing limit will deny with the NCPDP Error
Code 81, “Timely Filing Exceeded.” Providers may request an override
following IDHW guidelines. This edit uses the Adjudication Date and Date
of Service.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 20
Date Rx Written to Date of Service Edits
Claims that exceed the maximum Date Rx Written to Date of Service
limit as indicated below will deny with NCPDP Error Code
M4/“Prescription number/time limit exceeded.” This edit uses the Date
Rx Written and the Date of Service.
Date Rx Written to First Fill Date = 366 days from the date written for noncontrolled drugs.
Date Rx Written to First Fill Date = 183 days from date written for CIII, CIV,
and CV drugs.
 Date Rx Written to First Fill Date = 90 days from date written for CII drugs.
 Date Rx Written to Refill Limit Durations for Controlled Substances = 183
days from date written for CIII, CIV, and CV drugs.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 21
All submitted fields will be edited for valid format.
All submitted fields will be edited for valid values.
If you send optional data, the values must be valid and any
supporting/associated fields must be sent.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 22
NCPDP 5.1, cont.
The following transactions will be accepted and processed
Claim Type
Original Claims
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 23
NCPDP 5.1, cont.
HIPAA Compliance: there are requirements for privacy regulations
regarding the use of claim data elements.
Data element conditions are detailed in the Payer Specification Sheet,
Mandatory (NCPDP designation – required at all times)
 Situational (NCPDP designation – required in specific circumstances)
Other (Repeating, Not Supported, and Not Used)
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 24
NCPDP 5.1, cont.
In NCPDP 5.1, data is grouped together in segments.
Designated segments are needed to support specified transactions.
Refer to the Payer Specifications Sheet for identification of all required
For the most current version, always check the website:
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 25
Example: Payer Specification Segment Detail
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 26
Dispensing Limitations – Days Supply
34-day supply per Rx maximum.
Exceptions: Maintenance List cannot exceed 100 day supply.
 Maintenance List
– Cardiac Glycosides
– Thyroid Replacement hormones
– Prenatal Vitamins
– Nitroglycerin Products, oral or sublingual
– Fluoride and vitamin/fluoride combination products
– Non-legend oral iron salts
– Oral Contraceptives
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 27
Dispensing Limitations – Refills
DEA = 0: original + up to 99 refills within 366 days from original Date Rx
DEA = II: No refills
DEA = III–V: original + 5 refills within 183 days from original Date Rx
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 28
Dispensing Limitations
Number of Refills Authorized
Magellan Medicaid Administration’s POS logic uses this to validate on refill
 New for claims submission on January 30, 2010.
 Values
 0-99
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 29
Early Refills
Early refills tolerance periods
Tolerance = 75 percent for all products
 NCPDP Error Code “88” will display for an early refill
 If the drug is a controlled substance, the IDHW Pharmacy Unit will handle
all overrides.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 30
Early Refills, cont.
For initiating prior authorizations, contact IDHW Monday – Friday, 8:00
a.m. – 5:00 p.m., MT
1-208-364-1829 (Local)
 1-866-827-9967 (Toll free)
 1-208-364-1864 (Fax)
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 31
Unit of Measure
Unit of Measure
EA = Each
 GM = Grams
 ML = Milliliters
 NCPDP Field # 600-28
If you are submitting a paper claim, please write this in on the Universal
Claim form.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 32
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Magellan Medicaid Administration will not be processing DME claims.
For questions about DME or Nutritional Supplements and DME PA
Requests contact the DME Specialist at:
1-800-685-3757 (Toll free)
 1-208-332-7280 (Fax) or
 1-800-352-6044 (Fax)
Hours are 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MT Monday – Friday
PES claims are still accepted for DME products.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 33
Coordination of Benefits (COB)
Providers are required to fully pursue all third-party coverage before
billing Medicaid.
Providers must comply with all policies of a patient’s insurance
coverage, including, but not limited to, prior authorization, quantity, and
days supply limits.
Magellan Medicaid Administration will assist IDHW in monitoring this
process for compliance on all claims.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 34
Coordination of Benefits
On Pricing Segment
Patient Paid Amount Submitted will be a required field when
submitting an Other Coverage Code (OCC) of a “2.” The claim will
reject if it is not submitted with the OCC of a “2” or submitted on claims
where OCC is NOT equal to a “2.”
On COB Segment
Other Payer Reject Count will be a required field when submitting an
OCC of a “3.”
Other Payer Reject Code will be a required field when submitting an
OCC of a “3.”
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 35
Member Lock-In
Members can be locked into
A pharmacy
A pharmacy and physician(s)
Specific drug by a specific physician
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 36
Emergency Override Procedure
Medicaid will pay for a 72-hour emergency supply of medications that
require a PA if the doctor has not submitted a prior authorization
request and it is after hours, a weekend, or a IDHW designated holiday.
The appropriate PA process must be utilized during regular business
hours. All of the following conditions must be met for an emergency
The cardholder is Medicaid eligible on the date of service.
 The prescription is new to the pharmacy.
 The medication requires PA.
 The days supply for the emergency period does not exceed three days.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 37
Emergency Override Procedure
The override codes for billing for a 72-hour emergency supply are
(Payer/processor question)
(Medication review)
 DUR RESULT OF SERVICE (NCPDP Field # 441-E6) 1F (Filled, with
different quantity)
In order for the cardholder to get the remainder of their fills or subsequent
refills, a completed PA request must be faxed to the Medicaid Pharmacy
Unit at 1-208-364-1864 (Local).
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 38
Compound Processing
Compounds are processed using the Multi-Ingredient Compound
functionality as provided by NCPDP 5.1.
All compounds must contain at least two ingredients, and at least one
ingredient must be a covered product.
If total cost is not equal to the sum of the ingredients’ cost, the claim will
Single ingredient compound claims are not accepted.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 39
Compound Processing, cont.
Submission Clarification Code (SCC) = 8 may be submitted at POS to
override and pay only covered ingredients within the compound. SCC =
8 does not override obsolete date of drug or existing PA requirements.
Multiple instances of a National Drug Code (NDC) within a compound
will not be allowed.
Dispense fee for compounds is the standard dispense fee with
additional amounts added based on the Route of Administration.
If the claim rejects for a non-covered drug, the NCPDP Error Code 70-NDC
Not Covered, will be returned.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 40
Fields Required for Submitting MultiIngredient Compounds
On Claim Segment
Enter COMPOUND CODE (NCPDP Field # 406-D6) of “2”
Enter PRODUCT CODE/NDC (NCPDP Field # 407-D7) as
“00000000000” in the claim segment to identify the claim as a multiingredient compound
Enter QUANTITY DISPENSED (NCPDP Field # 442-E7) of entire
Value “8” should only be used for compounds with both covered and noncovered ingredients. This value allows the provider to be reimbursed for
covered ingredients only. This field is not available on the Universal Claim
Form (UCF) used for paper claim submission.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 41
Fields Required for Submitting MultiIngredient Compounds, cont.
On Pricing Segment
Enter GROSS AMOUNT DUE (NCPDP Field # 430-DU) for entire
product (this is required when entering SCC of “8”)
On Compound Segment
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 42
Fields Required for Submitting MultiIngredient Compounds, cont.
For Each Line Item
“3” (NDC)
Product ID = NDC
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 43
Summary of Changes
BIN Number: 014864
Processor Control #: P043014864
Software/Vendor Certification: TBD
Pregnancy Indicator
 Blank = Not Specified
“1” = Not Pregnant
 “2” = Pregnant
Number of Refills Authorized is Required
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 44
Summary of Changes, cont.
Prescription Origin code is Required
0 = Not Specified
1 = Written
2 = Telephone
3 = Electronic
4 = Facsimile
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 45
Summary of Changes, cont.
On Pricing Segment
Patient Paid Amount Submitted is a required field when submitting an
OCC of a “2.” The claim will reject if it is not submitted with the OCC of
a “2” or submitted on claims where OCC is NOT equal to a “2.”
Patient Paid Amount Submitted must be greater than $0.00 on a
POS claim with an OCC of a “2.”
On COB Segment
Other Payer Reject Count is a required field when submitting an OCC
of a “3.”
Other Payer Reject Code is a required field when submitting an OCC
of a “3.”
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 46
Summary of Changes, cont.
On Clinical Segment
Diagnosis Code Count is a required field when submitting diagnosis
information on the claim
Diagnosis Code Qualifier is a required field when submitting
diagnosis information on the claim
Diagnosis Code is a required field when submitting diagnosis
information on the claim
These fields are required on all Hospice claims
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 47
Contact Information
Idaho Medicaid Eligibility (Magellan Medicaid Administration)
1-800-922-3987 (Toll free)
 24/7/365
For initiating prior authorizations contact IDHW Monday – Friday, 8:00
a.m. – 5:00 p.m. MT
 1-208-364-1829 (Local)
1-866-827-9967 (Toll free)
 1-208-364-1864 (Fax)
Paper Claims Mailing Address
Magellan Medicaid Administration, Inc.
Post Office Box 85042
Richmond, VA 23261-5042
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 48
Contact Information, cont.
Magellan Medicaid Administration’s Idaho Pharmacy Support
Center Line
 1-800-922-3987 (Toll free)
Magellan Medicaid Administration’s Web Support Help Desk
 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. MT, Monday – Friday
1-800-241-8726 (Toll free)
 The Web Support Help Desk can assist you with navigation, password
management, and general questions.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 49
Contact Information, cont.
If you have questions regarding the Idaho Medicaid Management
Information System (MMIS) transition, send an email to:
[email protected] or visit the website at:
If you have questions regarding Provider Record Update, call Unisys at
1-866-686-4272 or email Unisys at [email protected].
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 50
Important Websites
 (Participants and Providers)
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 51
Source of Idaho Medicaid Pharmacy Program information and
Forms (PA, Medical Necessity, Provider Lock-in Agreement)
 Manuals
 Provider Payer Specifications
 Provider communication (letters, notices, etc.)
Web tools reference collection
Web Claims Submission Portal
Web PA Submission Portal
Contact Information
Lists (SMAC, PDL, etc.)
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 52
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 53
Provider Web Tools
Web Claims Submission
Providers wishing to access Web Claims Submission must register via the
 The user name and password established through UAC registration
provides access to all Web tools.
 Instructional resources for provider Web tools and UAC registration are
located on
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 54
UAC Registration
Go to
Click on the UAC link located on the upper right-hand side of the
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 55
Step 1 – Obtaining a PIN
1. Click on the I do NOT have a User ID and need to initiate or complete
registration to become a Delegated Administrator radio button and
then click the Continue button.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 56
Step 1 – Obtaining a PIN, cont.
2. Click on the Request Pin tab. Enter your name and phone number,
then click the Continue button.
3. On the next screen under the Request Pin tab, select an
Organization Type (Org Type), a State, and an Organization ID
Type (Org ID Type), enter the Organization ID (Org ID), and click
Validate Org ID.
A letter with a PIN number will be sent to each of the organizations you
submitted. Please note which Org ID Type is used for the PIN request.
PIN letters will be mailed via United States Postal Service.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 57
Step 2 – Registering with Your PIN
1. When the PIN letter is received, return to this application, and from the
Who Are You? screen, select I do NOT have a User ID and need to
initiate or complete registration to become a Delegated Administrator
and click Continue.
2. Select the Register w/Pin tab, and enter the required information,
then click the Continue button.
3. Select an Organization Type (Org Type), a State, and an
Organization ID Type (Org ID Type), enter the Organization ID (Org
ID) and PIN number, then click Validate Org ID. Continue entering
and validating as many Organization IDs and PIN numbers as
necessary, then click the Submit button.
An email containing an activation link will be sent to the email address
entered. After you click on the activation link, a confirmation screen will
appear in your browser window letting you know that you have been
successfully added to our directory.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 58
Web Claims Submission
The Web Claims Submission tool is a state-specific secure website that
gives pharmacies the ability to
Enter a claim
 Enter a claim reversal
 Enter a rebill
 Check a client’s eligibility
Search for previously submitted claims via the Web Claims Submission
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 59
Accessing the Web Claims Submission Tool
Go to
Click on the Web Claims Submission link under the Provider tab.
Enter your Username and Password established through UAC and
click Go.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 60
Entering a Claim
From the Service Provider List page, select the Provider ID from
the drop-down menu.
Click the Select button to view the Adjudicated Search page.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 61
Entering a Claim, cont.
3. Click the ID_Web_Claim_51 template from the listing to view the
Claims Submission Entry page.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 62
Entering a Claim, cont.
The Claim Entry template has both optional and required fields.
Noneditable fields are unavailable (grayed) and cannot be populated.
Mandatory or required fields are noted with a red asterisk following the
field name.
To submit a completed claim form, click the Submit button.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 63
Entering a Claim, cont.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 64
Claim Submission Response
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 65
Searching for a Claim
To Search for a claim
1. Enter the Cardholder ID
2. Enter the Date of Service or click the Calendar icon to select the date
3. Click the Search button to view the Adjudicated Claims Search Results
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 66
Claim Search Results
1. To reverse the claim, click on the Reverse hyperlink. The Reverse
template will display with the claims information filled in based on the
original claim submitted.
2. To resubmit the claim, click on the Resubmit hyperlink. The Rebill
template will display with the claims information filled in based on the
original claim submitted. You can update the fields and then resubmit
the claim.
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 67
Web PA
Web PA is a tool that prescribers can utilize to submit prior
authorizations for patients.
It is accessed by Delegated Administrators through UAC.
Web PA is one of three ways a prescriber can submit prior
Other methods include
 Fax
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 68
Magellan Medicaid Administration | 69