Hepatitis - Austin Community College

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Liver Disorders
John Nation, RN, MSN
Fall 2011
From the notes of
Charlene Morris, RN, MSN
Austin Community College
Overview of Today’s Lecture
A & P Review
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Portal Hypertension
Esophageal Varices
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Liver Transplant
A and P Review
A and P Review
Largest internal organweighs around 3 lbs!
Hepatic vein
Hepatic artery
Portal vein
Common bile
F Stomach
G Cystic duct
H Gallbladder
Blood Supply – 2 sources
Hepatic artery:
– 500ml/min of oxygenated blood.
– 30% of Cardiac output goes to the liver
Portal vein – 1000ml/min
– partly oxygenated blood supplies 50 - 60% O2
plus rich supply of nutrients, toxins, drugs
– from stomach, small and large intestines,
pancreas and spleen
Hepatic Blood Supply
Both empty into
Liver filters the blood
Hepatic vein to inferior vena cava
Lobule –
Functional unit of the liver
Metabolic Functions of
the liver
“Body’s Refinery” Over 400 functions
Primary role in anabolism and catabolism
Metabolic Functions of the Liver
1. Metabolism of Glucose
2. Protein Storage
Fatty acids
4. Cholesterol
Other functions
Blood storage
Plasma protein synthesis
Waste products of hemoglobin
Formation and secretion of bile
Steroids and hormones
Drugs, alcohol and toxins metabolism
To Summarize….
The liver:
– changes food into energy
– removes alcohol and poisons from the
– makes bile, a yellowish-green liquid that
helps with digestion
Simply means inflammation of the liver
– “itis” means inflammation, “hepa” means
Viral hepatitis
– Most common cause
– Viral types include A, B, C, D, E, and G
Other possible causes
– Drugs (alcohol)
– Chemicals
– Autoimmune liver disease
– Bacteria (rarely)
– A, B, C, D, E, and G virus
– Cytomegalovirus
– Epstein-Barr virus
– Herpes virus
– Coxsackie virus
– Rubella virus
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
– RNA virus
– Transmitted fecal–oral route, parenteral
– Frequently occurs in small outbreaks
Hepatitis A
3000 new cases of hepatitis A occur
annually in the United States
1.4 million cases of hepatitis A occur
annually worldwide
– Nearly universal during childhood in
developing countries
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
– Found in feces 2 or more weeks before
the onset of symptoms and up to 1-2
weeks after the onset of jaundice
– Present in blood briefly
– No chronic carrier state
Hepatitis A:
Incubation Period
2-6 weeks
Acute onset
Mild flu-like manifestations
Symptoms last up to 2 months
Liver usually repairs itself, so no
permanent effects
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
– Anti-HAV immunoglobulin M (IgM)
Appears in the serum as the stool becomes
negative for the virus
 Detection of IgM anti-HAV indicates acute
– Anti-HAV immunoglobulin G (IgG)
IgG anti-HAV: Indicator of past infection or
 Presence of IgG antibody provides lifelong
Hepatitis A:
Mode of Transmission
Mainly by ingestion of food or
liquid infected with the virus
– Poor hygiene, improper handling of food,
crowding housing, poor sanitation
conditions are all factors related to
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A:
Mode of Transmission (Cont’d)
Occurs more frequently in
underdeveloped countries
Contaminated waters
–Drinking water, contaminated
Food-borne Hepatitis A outbreaks
usually due to infected food handler
–Contamination of food during
Hepatitis A:
2 doses IM
– Initial dose
– Booster in 6 to 12 months
Standard IG-immune globulin
– Given IM within 2 weeks of exposure
Hepatitis A Vaccine
IG is recommended for persons who do not have
anti-HAV antibodies and have had food borne
exposure or close contact with HAV-infected person
Remember 2/2/2/2 Rule
2 doses IM for vaccination
Signs & symptoms last 2 months
Contagious 2 weeks before signs &
Post-exposure dose given IM within 2 weeks
of exposure
Must report within one day
Hepatitis B
Worldwide, nearly 2 billion people
infected with Hepatitis B. 350 million
have chronic infection
43,000 new cases of Hepatitis B
annually in United States
– Incidence decreased due to HBV vaccine
1.25 million people chronically infected
in the United States
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
– DNA virus
– Transmission of HBV
Perinatally by mothers infected
 Percutaneously (IV drug use)
 Sexually transmitted
 Mucosal exposure to infectious blood, blood
products, or other body fluids
Hepatitis B
 Hepatitis
B virus (HBV)
– Sexually transmitted disease
– Can live on a dry surface for 7 days
– More infectious than HIV
Hepatitis B- Precautions
Source: Uptodate
hepatitis B are contagious. Thus, people with hepatitis B
should discuss measures to reduce the risk of infecting close
contacts. This includes the following:
Discuss the infection with any sexual partners and use a latex
condom with every sexual encounter.
Do not share razors, toothbrushes, or anything that has blood
on it.
Cover open sores and cuts with a bandage.
Do not donate blood, body organs, other tissues, or sperm.
Hepatitis B- Precautions
Source: Uptodate
Immediate family and household members should
have testing for hepatitis B. Anyone who is at risk
of hepatitis B infection should be vaccinated, if not
done previously. (See "Patient information: Adult
Do not share any injection drug equipment
(needles, syringes, etc).
Clean blood spills with a mixture of 1 part
household bleach to 9 parts water.
Hepatitis B- Prevention
No Evidence Hepatitis B Spread by:
 Sweating
 Urine (in free of blood)
 Tears
 Breastfeeding
Hep B Incubation Period
 6-24
 Prevention
–Vaccine-3 doses
Dose at 4 weeks
Dose 5 months later
Post-exposure Hep B
Hepatitis B Immune globulin
IM in 2 doses
– First dose within 24 hours to 7 days of
– Second dose 20 to 30 days post-exposure
Provides short-term immunity
Give HBV vaccine concurrently- vaccine can
be beneficial post- exposure
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
– Complex structure with three antigens
 Surface antigen (HBsAg)
 Core antigen (HBcAg)
 E antigen (HBeAg)
– Each antigen—a corresponding antibody
may develop in response to acute viral
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B Virus
Presence of Hepatitis B Surface
– Indicates immunity from HBV vaccine
– Past HBV infection
– With chronic infection, liver enzyme
values may be normal or ↑
– 15% to 25% of chronically infected
persons die from chronic liver disease
Hepatitis C
170 million people chronically infected
Approximately 4 million people in the US
8000 to 10,000 people in the
United States die each year from
complications of end-stage liver disease
secondary to HCV
Approximately 30% to 40% of
HIV-infected patients also have
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
– Transmitted primarily
– Risk factors
 IV drug use
–Most common mode of
transmission in United States
and Canada
 Blood transfusions
Hepatitis C
 Hepatitis
C virus (HCV)
–Risk factors (cont’d)
– High-risk sexual behavior
 Hemodialysis
 Occupational
 Perinatal transmission
Hepatitis C:
 Hepatitis
C virus (HCV)
– Up to 10% of patients with HCV cannot
identify a source
– Risk of body piercings, tattooing, and
intranasal drug use in transmission of
Hepatitis C
Diagnostic Studies
 Anti-HCV antibody- marker for
acute or chronic infection with HCV
 HCV RNA- indicates ongoing viral
Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)-
initial screening for HCV
Hepatitis D
 Hepatitis
D virus (HDV)
– Also called delta virus
– Defective single-stranded RNA virus
– Cannot survive on its own
– Requires the helper function of HBV
to replicate
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis D virus (HDV) (cont’d)
–HBV-HDV co-infection
 ↑ Risk of fulminant hepatitis
More severe acute disease
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
– RNA virus
– Transmitted fecal–oral route
– Most common mode of transmission
is drinking contaminated water
– Occurs primarily in developing
Hepatitis G
Hepatitis G virus (HGV)
–RNA virus
–Poorly characterized parenterally
and sexually transmitted virus
–Found in some blood donors
–Can be transmitted by blood
Hepatitis G
 Hepatitis
G virus (HGV)
–Coexists with other hepatitis
viruses and HIV
–Does not appear to cause liver
damage by itself
Pathophysiology of
Acute infection- widespread
inflammation of liver tissue
– Liver damage mediated by
 Cytotoxic cytokines
 Natural killer cells
– Liver cell damage results in hepatic
cell necrosis
Acute Hepatitis
Hepatitis A: acute onset, flu-like
Hepatitis B:
– symptoms usually more severe
– 30% of patients asymptomatic
Hepatitis C:
– 80% asymptomatic
– Often mild
Acute Hepatitis
Incubation Phase: after exposure to virus, no
Preicteric Phase:
General malaise
Body aches, headache
GI symptoms- nausea/vomiting, diarrhea,
abdominal discomfort
– Chills, low grade fever
Acute Hepatitis
Icteric or Jaundice Phase:
Usually 5-10 days after pre-icteric symptoms
Jaundice results when bilirubin diffuses into tissues
Sclera jaundiced
Urine darkens due to excess bilirubin being
– If bilirubin cannot flow out of liver, stool will be
light or clay-colored
– Pruritus can accompany jaundice
Accumulation of bile salts beneath the skin
– When jaundice occurs, fever subsides
– Liver usually enlarged and tender
Severe Jaundice
Acute Hepatitis
Concalescent Phase:
– Healing generally within 3-16 weeks
– Begins as jaundice is disappearing
– GI symptoms minimal
 Liver
cells can regenerate with
time and if no complications
occur, resume their normal
appearance and function
 Fulminant
Hepatic Failure
 Chronic Hepatitis
 Cirrhosis
 Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Fulminant Hepatitis
Results in severe impairment or necrosis of
liver cells and potential liver failure
Develops in small percentage of patients
Occurs because of
 Complications of Hepatitis B
 Toxic reactions to drugs and congenital
metabolic disorders
Diagnostic tests
Liver function studies
– ALT (Alanine aminotransferase) – elevates: enzyme in
liver cells released into bloodstream with injury or disease
(0 – 50) normal
– AST (Aspartate aminotransferase) – elevates: enzyme in
liver & heart cells released into bloodstream (0 -41)
– GGT – gamma glutamyltransferase: present in all cell
membranes, inj or disease = elevates in cell lysis, (8 –
55). increases when bile ducts are blocked & hepatitis.
Elevated until function returns.
Diagnostic tests
– Alkaline phosphatase – present in liver & bone cells.
Elevated in hepatitis.(44-147 IU/L)
– CBC – low RBC, Hct, Hgb related to anemia, RBC
destruction, bleeding, folic acid and vitamin deficiencies.
– Low WBC and Platelets
 Increased blood flow to spleen – cells destroyed faster
than needed
AFP- alpha fetoprotein– liver cancer marker
– Lactic dehydrogenase LDH5 specific for liver damage
Diagnostic tests
Coagulation – prolonged prothrombin time due to
poor production of prothombin by liver and
decreased Vitamin K absorption (Normal PT 12-15
seconds, INR 0.8 to 1.2)
Hyponatremia –hemodilution
Hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia,
hypomagnesemia –malnutrition & renal loss
Bilirubin – Total (2-14 umol/L)
Bilurubin – direct/conjugated (0-4
Diagnostic tests
Serum albumin – low due to impaired liver
production (3.3 – 5)
Serum ammonia – high (0 – 150)(10 to 80 ug/l)
Glucose and cholesterol –abnormal due to
impaired liver function
Abd. Ultrasound – liver size, ascites, or
Esophagascopy – look for varices
Liver biopsy
Rx Impacting Liver
A host of medications can cause abnormal liver
enzymes levels. Examples include:
Pain relief medications such as aspirin,
acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin),
naproxen (Narosyn), diclofenac (Voltaren), and
phenylbutazone (Butazolidine)
Anti-seizure medications such as phenytoin
(Dilantin), valproic acid, carbamazepine (Tegretol),
and phenobarbital
Antibiotics such as the tetracyclines, sulfonamides,
isoniazid (INH), sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim,
nitrofurantoin, etc.
Rx Impacting Liver
Cholesterol lowering drugs such as the
"statins" (Mevacor, Pravachol, Lipitor, etc.)
and niacin
Cardiovascular drugs such as amiodarone
(Cordarone), hydralazine, quinidine, etc.
Anti-depressant drugs of the tricyclic type
(ie elavil)
With drug-induced liver enzyme
abnormalities, the enzymes usually
normalize weeks to months after stopping
the medications.
Liver Biopsy
Needle biopsy
Most common in past
Laparoscopic biopsy:
Used to remove tissue from specific parts of the liver.
Liver Biopsy (Cont’d)
Transvenous biopsy
Catheter into a vein in the neck and
guiding it to the liver.
A biopsy needle is placed into the
catheter and advanced into the liver.
Used for patients with blood-clotting
problems or excess fluid
Liver Biopsy
Adequacy of clotting- PT/ INR, Platelets
(Vit. K?)
Type and cross match for blood
Usually hold aspirin, ibuprofen, and
Chest x-ray
Consent form & NPO 4 to 8 hr.
Liver Biopsy (Cont’d)
Consent form & NPO 4 to 8 hr.
Vital signs & Empty bladder
Supine position, R arm above head
Hold breath after expiration when
needle inserted
Be very still during procedure – 20
Liver Biopsy Video
Complications are:
Puncture of lung or gallbladder, infection, bleeding, and pain.
After Needle Liver Biopsy
Pressure to site, place pt on Rt side to maintain site
pressure minimum of 2 hrs. & flat 12-14 hrs.
Vital signs & check for bleeding
NPO X 2H after
Assess for peritonitis, shock, & pneumothorax
Rt. shoulder pain common
– caused by irritation of the diaphragm muscle
– usually radiates to the shoulder for a few hours or days.
After Needle Biopsy
Soreness at the incision site
Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen for pain control
for the first week because they decrease
blood clotting, which is crucial for healing.
Avoid coughing, straining, lifting x 1-2
Hepatitis Care
 Rest
is a priority!
Diet –High calorie & protein, Low fat
– Vitamin supplement – B complex & K
– Avoid alcohol & drugs detoxed in liver
Life style changes
Meds for Chronic
Chronic HBV
Pegylated a-interferon (Pegasys, PEG-Intron)
 Lamivudine (Epivir)
 Adefovir (Hepsera)
 Entecavir (Baraclude)
 Telbivudine (Tyzeka)
 Tenofovir (Viread)
Chronic HCV
Pegylated a-interferon (Pegasys, PEG-Intron)
 Ribavirin (Rebetol, Copegus)
Nursing Management
Nursing assessment
Past health history
– Hemophilia
– Exposure to infected persons
– Ingestion of contaminated food or water
– Past blood transfusion (before 1992)
Nursing Management
Nursing assessment
Medications (use and misuse)
– Acetaminophen
– Phenytoin
– Methyldopa
Nursing Management
Nursing assessment
IV drug and alcohol abuse
Weight loss
Dark urine
Right upper quadrant pain
Nursing Management
Nursing assessment
 Low-grade
 Jaundice
 Abnormal
laboratory values
Nursing Management
Nursing diagnoses
Imbalanced nutrition: Less than
body requirements
 Activity intolerance
 Ineffective therapeutic regimen
Nursing Management
Overall goals: Planning
–Relief of discomfort
–Resumption of normal activities
–Return to normal liver function
without complications
Nursing Management
Nursing implementation
 Health
–Hepatitis A
Good hygiene practices
Nursing Management
Nursing implementation
Health Promotion
–Hepatitis B
 Education
 Workplace safety
Nursing Management
Nursing implementation
 Health
–Hepatitis C
 Infection control precautions
 Modification of high-risk behavior
Nursing Management
Nursing implementation
 Acute
Assess degree of jaundice
Small, frequent meals
Nursing Management
Nursing implementation
 Ambulatory
and home care
–Dietary teaching
–Assessment for complications
–Regular follow-up for at least
1 year after diagnosis
Nursing Management
Nursing implementation
Ambulatory and home care
–Avoid alcohol
Nursing Management
Expected outcomes
–Adequate nutritional intake
–Increased tolerance for activity
–Verbalization of understanding
of follow-up care
Nursing Management
 Expected
–Able to explain methods of
transmission and methods of
preventing transmission to
Hepatitis Reporting
Cirrhosis Pathophysiology
Cirrhosis is the end stage of
chronic liver disease
 Progressive, leads to liver failure
 Insidious, prolonged course
 Ninth leading cause of death in
United States
 Twice as common in men
Cirrhosis Pathophysiology
Hepatocytes are destroyed and portal
hypertension develops
Liver cells attempt to regenerate
Regenerative process is disorganized
Functional liver tissue is destroyed and
scarring of liver occurs
New fibrous connective tissue distorts
liver’s normal structure, with impeded
blood flow
Four Types of Cirrhosis
Alcoholic Cirrhosis – formerly called
Post necrotic Cirrhosis
Biliary/obstructive - bile flow
obstructed causing damage to liver
Cardiac- from right side heart failure
Alcoholic or Nutritional Cirrhosis
(formerly called Laennec’s)
Usually associated with alcohol abuse
Most common cause of cirrhosis
Causes metabolic changes in liver; fat
accumulates in liver (fatty liver)
Fatty liver potentially reversible if
alcohol consumption ceases
Post Necrotic Cirrhosis
Results from complication of viral
infections, Hepatitis, or exposure to
 Liver shrinks because lobules
destroyed, broad bands of scar
tissue form within the liver
Biliary Cirrhosis
Associated with chronic biliary
obstruction and infection
Retained bile damages and
destroys liver cells, causing fibrosis
of liver
Cardiac Cirrhosis
Results from long-standing severe
right sided heart failure
Elevated central venous pressures
cause stasis of blood in veins of
liver, which leads to fibrosis
Early Signs of Cirrhosis
and Common Manifestations
1. Hepatomegaly and RUQ pain
2. Weight loss
3. Weakness
4. Anorexia
5. Diarrhea and constipation
Cirrhosis Interventions-
Diuretics– Aldactone (spironolactone): decreases aldosterone levels, K+
– Lasix (furosemide)
Salt-poor albumin
Neomycin – decrease ammonia forming organisms. Typically only
recommended when unable to tolerate lactulose
Lactulose – decreases ammonia forming organisms and inc. acidity
of bowel. Goal is 2-3 loose stools per day.
Ferrous sulfate and folic acid – to treat anemia/ vitamin deficiency
Cirrhosis InterventionsDrugs (Cont’d)
Beta blocker: propranolol (Inderal),
nadolol- to prevent bleeding of E varices in
conjunction with isosorbide mononitrate
(Imdur) lowers hepatic venous pressure
Proton Pump Inhibitors, H2 Receptor
Blockers– decrease irritation of varices
Serax (oxazepam) – benzodiazepine for
alcohol withdrawal, sedation, sleep. Is
metabolized in the liver – use cautiously.
Nursing Diagnoses Cirrhosis
Fluid Volume deficit
Ineffective protection: bleeding
Disturbed thought process
Ineffective breathing pattern
Impaired skin integrity
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body
Cirrhosis Interventions- Diet
and fluids
Low protein (sometimes), high carbohydrate, high
calorie-if signs of acute hepatic encephalopathy
With cirrhosis and no hepatic encephalopathy, high
carbohydrate, high protein, low salt
Low sodium-500 mg-2gms
At first sign of encephalopathy or ammonia level
increasing- decrease protein intake (sometimes)
Early stage for liver regeneration- need high
Later Manifestations of
Cirrhosis Jaundice
Jaundice occurs as a result of the
decreased ability to conjugate and
excrete bilirubin
 In
the late stages of cirrhosis,
patient is usually jaundiced
 Hepatocellular
 Obstructive
 Hemolytic
CirrhosisHepatocellular or intrahepatic
 Diseased
liver cells can’t clear
normal amounts of bilirubin
from the blood.
Obstructive or Extrahepatic
 Due
to the interference with
the flow of bile in the hepatic
 Liver is conjugating bilirubin
but it cannot reach small
intestines so is released into
blood stream
Hemolytic Jaundice
Due to excessive destruction of
– transfusion reaction
– Faulty hemoglobin – sickle cell
– Autoimmune destruction of RBC’s
Major Complications of Cirrhosis
Portal hypertension
Variceal bleeding
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Hepatorenal syndrome
Hepatic encephalopathy
Portal Hypertension
• The portal vein carries about 1500 ml/min of blood
from the small and large bowel, spleen, and stomach
to the liver.
• Any obstruction or increased resistance to flow or,
rarely, pathological increases in portal blood flow may
lead to portal hypertension with portal pressures over
12 mm Hg.
• alcoholic and viral cirrhosis are the leading causes of
portal hypertension in Western countries.
Portal Hypertention (Cont’d)
– Increases in portal pressure cause development of a
portosystemic collateral circulation with resultant
compensatory portosystemic shunting and disturbed
intrahepatic circulation.
– These factors are partly responsible for the important
complications of chronic liver disease, including variceal
bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, hepatorenal
syndrome, recurrent infection, and abnormalities in
– Variceal bleeding is the most serious complication
and is an important cause of death in patients with
cirrhotic liver disease.
normal 3 mmHg
12 mmHg = esophageal rupture
Resistance to blood flow = Increase in
pressure in portal venous system.
– Swelling, inflammation, fibrosis, scarring of liver
– Thrombus
– Resistance in Inferior vena cava: Rt.CHF,
Blood takes collateral channels - esophagus,
stomach, spleen etc, veins, hemorrhoids
May need shunts or TIPS Transjugular Intrahepatic
Portosystemic Shunt to decrease pressure, beta
blockers also help
Portal Hypertension
Arteriovenous shunting
Moderate anemia
(dilated abd.
Marked ascites
Ascites &Caput medusae
Spider angiomas
Treatment of esophageal
Active bleeding
 Central line & pulmonary artery pressures
 Blood transfusions & fresh frozen plasma for clotting factors
 Somatostatin or Vasopressin – constrict gut vessels
 Nitroglycerin- to counter negative affects of vasopressin
 Airway/trach
Later prevention of re-bleeding
 Beta-blockers
 Long-acting nitrates
 Soft food, chew well, avoid intra-abdominal pressure
 Protonix (pantoprazole)
Rapid Endoscopy!
• A sclerosant solution
(ethanolamine oleate or
sodium tetradecyl
sulphate) is injected into
the bleeding varix or the
overlying submucosa
• Complications can
include fever, dysphagia
and chest pain,
ulceration, stricture, and
(rarely) perforation.
Band ligation:
• Band ligation is
achieved by a banding
device attached to the
tip of the endoscope
Band Ligation
Balloon Tube Tamponade:
• The balloon tube tamponade may be life
saving in patients with active variceal
bleeding if emergency sclerotherapy or
banding is unavailable
• The main complications are gastric
and esophageal ulceration,
aspiration pneumonia, and
esophageal perforation.
Minnesota TubeFour lumens:
• one for gastric aspiration
• two to inflate the gastric
and esophageal balloons
• one above the esophageal
balloon for suction of
secretions to prevent
Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube
Three Lumens:
Esophageal balloon
Gastric balloon
Gastric aspiration
Long term Management of
Esophageal Varices
Repeated endoscopic treatment
Repeated endoscopic treatment eradicates esophageal varices in most
patients, recurrent variceal bleeding is uncommon.
Because portal hypertension persists, patients at risk for recurrent
Long term drug treatment
The use of beta-blockers after variceal bleeding has been shown to
reduce portal blood pressures and lower the risk of further
variceal bleeding.
Prophylactic management
Most patients with portal hypertension never bleed, and it is difficult to
predict who will. Beta blockers have been shown to reduce the risk
of bleeding.
Transjugular Intrahepatic
Portosystemic Shunt
Special procedures – fistula created with
portal vein and hepatic vein and then stents
placed to keep it open.
Bypasses the liver by returning blood to
hepatic vein to inferior vena cava
Transjugular intrahepatic
portosystemic shunt
• Shunted blood contains
high ammonia
• Can lead to:
hepatic encephalopathy
Splenomegaly due to
Portal hypertension
The spleen enlarges as blood is
shunted to splenic vein
This increases rate of destruction of
RBCs, WBCs, and platelets
Decreases storage capacity of spleen
Causes anemia, leukopenia and
Ascites – Complication of
Blood flow diverted to mesenteric vessels
– Increased capillary pressure leads to fluid
leaving vessels out into peritoneal cavity
High pressure in liver causes fluid to leave liver into
peritoneal cavity
This fluid is plasma filtrate with high concentration
of albumin
Minerals- Ca++ is attached to albumin decreases so
phosphorus increases.
K+ is low due to aldosterone
Four Factors Lead to Ascites
Increased Na+
H2O retention
Portal Hypertension
Responses to third
Loss of albumin to ascites leads to
hypoproteinemia, depletion of plasma proteins
Loss of blood volume = lowered BP
Reflexes aimed at returning blood pressure to
normal include release of aldosterone
– Increases reabsorption of NA+ back into blood
and H2O follows, thus increasing blood volume
accumulation of high protein fluid in
the abdomen - 3rd spacing
Nursing Management ASCITES
Assess for
Distress- Fowler’s
position helps ease
work of breathing
in ascites
Measure Abdominal
Accurate I&O
Na+ restriction500 mg –2 gms
Fluids-1500 ml/day
Albumin - NaCl poor
To treat respiratory
Pt will loose 10-30 grams
of protein
Pt in sitting position
Empty bladder first
Post--watch for
hypotension, bleeding,
shock & infection
Liver Failure
Liver Failure
Complex syndrome characterized
by impairment of many organs
and body functions
Two conditions:
 Hepatic Encephalopathy
 Hepatorenal Syndrome
Hepatic encephalopathy:
Alteration in neuro status
due to accumulation of
Build-up of other substances
such as hormones,
GI toxins, drugs also
Where does ammonia
come from?
A by-product of protein metabolism
Protein and amino acids are broken
down by bacteria in GI tract,
producing ammonia.
Liver converts this to urea which is
eliminated in the urine
Precipitating Factors – all place
demands on liver
Bleeding esophageal varices
Ingestion of narcotics or barbiturates,
Excessive protein intake
Electrolyte imbalance
Hemodynamic alterations
Severe infection
Blood transfusions
Stages of Hepatic
Hepatic Encephalopathy - Onset Phase
disturbances of
irritability, &
Hepatic Encephalopathy - Second Phase
Asterixis or flapping
– Altered hand writing
Violent, abusive
Hepatic Encephalopathy
+ Babinski
hyperactive reflexes
obtained with reflex
- Coma
Babinski Video
Medical Management
Hepatic Encephalopathy
Protein reduction
Primary Liver Cancer
4th most common cancer in the world
22,600 new cases annually in US
80% of cases also have cirrhosis of
the liver
50-60% causes by hepatitis C
20% caused by hepatitis B
Often metastasizes to lungs
Liver Cancer Treatment
Surgical resection
Radiofrequency ablation
Percutaneous ethanol injection
Hepatorenal syndrome
Complication of Hepatic
Hepatorenal syndrome
Complication of Hepatic Failure
kidneys may appear normal physically but
functioning impaired.
Usually sudden decrease Urine production,
increase BUN & Creatinine, jaundice and
signs of liver failure
Poor prognosis- most die within 3 wks
without transplant
Think due to decreased perfusion &/or
toxins from failure of liver
Liver Dialysis
Bridge to transplant
Dialyze 6 hours at a time
Live donor liver transplants are an excellent option.
Liver regenerates to appropriate size for their
individual bodies.
Survival rates increase / shorter wait time
The donor - a blood relative, spouse, or friend, will
have extensive medical and psychological
evaluations to ensure the lowest possible risk.
Blood type and body size are critical factors in
determining who is an appropriate donor.
Potential donors evaluated for:
liver disease, alcohol or drug abuse, cancer, or infection.
hepatitis, AIDS, and other infections.
matched according to blood type and body size.
Age, race, and sex are not considered.
Cadaver donor have to wait
Liver Transplant Video
Liver transplant
Rejection. About 70% of all liver-transplant
patients have some degree of organ rejection
Anti-rejection medications are given to ward off the
immune attack.
Most infections can be treated successfully as they
1. Pathophysiology
1. Cirrhosis
2. Portal hypertension
3. Liver failure
1. Encephalopathy
2. Hepato-renal syndrome
2. Signs & Symptoms
3. Treatment
4. Nsg. Care
5. Complications
The End