Transcript HEADACHE

11TH FEB 2014
At the end of this session, the postgraduate trainees
in Family Medicine should be able to discuss the
differential diagnosis of headache including
providing appropriate treatment and advice to the
Formulate a differential diagnosis of headacheeither primary and secondary
Recognize warning signs of symptomatic
(secondary) headaches
Differentiate the common causes of headache
Understand the current theories about the
pathophysiology of migraine
Initiate acute and long term treatment of migraine
Headaches are one of the most common
neurological problems presented to primary care
and neurologists.
They are painful and debilitating for individuals, an
important cause of absence from work or school
and a substantial burden on the society.
Almost everyone experience headache at some point of
their life
Headache affects 95% of people in their life-time
Headache affects 75% of any people in one year
One in 10 people have migraine
One in 30 people have headache more often than not, for 6
months or more
At least 90% of patients seen in neurology clinic with
headache will have migraine, tension type headache or
chronic daily headache syndrome
Sinister cause of headache are rare, perhaps 0.1% of all
headache in primary care
Headache disorders are classified into primary and
secondary based on the International Classification of
Headache Disorders, 2nd Edition (ICHD-2).
Primary headache
Etiology not well understood.
Classified according to their clinical pattern.
Most common are tension type headache, migraine
and cluster headache.
Medication overuse headache is common in those
taking medication for a primary headache disorder.
2. Secondary headache
 Organized by the underlying cause.
 Search for red flags, both in the history and on
general and neurologic examination.
 Recommend confirmatory testing
The accurate diagnosis of headache relies heavily
on a careful history, supplemented by detailed
general and neurological examinations.
Elements of the history and physical examination
enable the clinician to diagnose primary headache
disorders, and to elicit suspicion of secondary
headache disorders (warning flags) that require
prompt investigations.
Do not refer patients diagnosed with tension type
headache, migraine, cluster headache or medication
overuse headache for neuroimaging solely for
Include the following in the discussion with the patients:
A positive diagnosis, including an explanation of the
diagnosis and reassurance that other pathology has
been excluded
Options of management
Recognition that headache is a valid medical disorder
that can have a significant impact on the person and
their family or carers
Headache Diary
Aid the diagnosis of primary headaches
Record the following for a minimum of 8 weeks
Frequency, duration and severity of headaches
Any associated symptoms
All prescribed and over the counter medications
taken to relieve the headaches
Possible precipitants
Relationship of headache to menstruation
Consider further investigations or referral for
patients who present with new onset of headache
and any of the following:
Compromised immunity, for example, HIV or
immunosuppresive drugs
Age under 20 years old and history of malignancy
A history of malignancy known to metastasize to
the brain
Vomiting without other obvious cause
Migraine headache is one of the most common, yet
potentially debilitating disorders encountered in primary
Thorough history and physical examination can help confirm
the diagnosis of migraine and rule out emergent condition.
Evidence based aid for migraine diagnosis POUND
Pulsatile quality of headache
One day duration (four to 72 hours)
Unilateral location
Nausea or vomiting
Disabling intensity
Affects 1 in 10 patients at most
Usually 24-48 hours before headache
E.g. mood change, behavioral change, yawning, hunger,
cravings, fatique (or the opposite)
Affects up to 30%
Typically precedes the headache, evolving and subsiding
over 5-60 minutes
There is often “no man’s land” period between resolution of
the aura and headache emergence, usually less than 60
May sometimes intrude upon, or occur only during the
headache phase.
Typically visual, although almost any neurological
symptoms may occur.
The aura may occur in isolation, termed typical aura
without headache. Here focal epilepsy or transient
ischaemic attacks (TIA) enter the differential. The length
and evolution of attacks are helpful discriminators, focal
seizures usually lasting seconds to minutes, TIAs do not
The nature of aura may change over time and,
when it does, it often alarms the patients. However
this remains entirely consistent with migraine and
does not indicate the need for urgent investigations.
 People with aura who lose the associated headache
as they get older, rarely complain; those who
acquire aura in isolation, often in middle age,
present typically to the TIA or eye clinic.
Migraine headache is typically severe, throbbing and
unilateral. Typically, it lasts for 24 hours or less but can
continue for 72 hours, and occasionally longer (hours to
It often improves after vomiting and/or sleep, and generally
improves with analgesia.
Associated features; most migraine patients complain of at
least one of nausea/vomiting and dislike of
noise/light/movement, and often all of these.
Patients with migraine feel (and look) unwell, and may
complain of more global features such as mood change or
lethargy. Rarely, more dramatic features including acute
confusional states and even coma.
Frequency: median is about 1.5 attacks per month, but
at least 1 in 10 have weekly attacks.
Triggers: hunger, sleep deprivation and “stress” are all
recognized, and certainly an assessment of the patient’s
lifestyle is warranted.
Hormones: migraines during periods, migraine emerging
in pregnancy or with exogenous estrogens are all well
recognised. The difficulty is that the relationship is often
inconsistent, with paradoxical effects. Patients who think
that there is hormonal link must keep a daily dairy of
headache and menstruation.
Migraine (management)
Always assess whether any treatment at all is required-an
explanation and reassurance may be sufficient.
Avoidance of triggering factors.
Simple housekeeping tips such as not skipping meals,
adequate sleep etc and providing more information is often
Explain that drug treatment is one avenue.
Before starting/adding drugs, look at the patient’s current
medications and consider whether drug withdrawal is
appropriate (e.g. COCP)
Explain how treatment should be used, symptomatic versus
preventative treatment, so often confused by patients.
Symptomatic treatment is only effective for the
headache/nausea elements; there is no
symptomatic treatment for the aura.
Early nausea and vomiting are likely to reduce the
absorption of oral medication, and the parenteral
route might be better.
A stepped approach using simple analgesia first, is
appropriate, as this is highly effective for many
Preventive therapy may be appropriate for selected
The US Headache Consortium’s recommended the following
indications for preventive therapy:
Contraindications or intolerance to symptomatic therapy
Headache symptoms occurring more than two days per
Headache severely limit quality of life despite
symptomatic therapy
Presence of uncommon migraine condition, including
hemiplegic migraine, basilar migraine, migraine with
prolonged aura or migrainous infarction
Other treatments for migraine
Acupuncture: the only alternative treatment for
migraine for which there is any evidence, it should
be considered as a non-drug option, although
limited availability.
Psychological intervention: no specific evidence to
support its use, but a “pain management”
approach may be helpful in patients with severe,
drug resistant migraine provided medication
overuse headache is kept in mind.
Tension Type Headache (TTH)
TTH is an ill-defined and likely heterogeneous
Diagnostic criteria are based on more on what it is not
rather than what it is.
By definition, TTH involve pain that is NOT localized,
NOT throbbing, NOT aggravated by activity and NOT
severe, associated neurologic, autonomic or migrainous
features are NOT components of TTH.
NO significant nausea, NO vomiting, photophobia and
phonophobia CANNOT both be present.
Finally, must exclude secondary causes of headache
Most episodes develop during waking hours and
progression over the course of the day is common.
The most frequently reported triggers for TTH are
mental or physical stressors, which explains why the
term “tension-type” headache. Used to be known as
“stress” and “muscle contraction” headache.
Other commonly described triggers are hunger,
dehydration, overexertion, alterations in sleep
patterns, caffeine withdrawal and female hormonal
It is crucial to elicit the temporal pattern of the
headache disorder during clinical assessment
because the extensive symptoms overlap between
primary and secondary headaches.
General and neurological examinations are key
component to clinical evaluation and can provide
clues to the potential presence of organic disease.
The difficulty in distinguishing ETTH from migraine
headache, two of the most common episodic
headache types, is widely acknowledged.
Slight female preponderance; female to male ratio 5:4
Most develop prior to age 30, with peak prevalence
between the ages of 40 and 49 and a subsequent
decrease with age in both sexes.
There is also a correlation between prevalence of ETTH
and higher educational level.
Link exists between TTH and emotional distress of life
tension. Environmental influences appear to carry
greater importance than genetic factors in the
development of TTH.
Although attacks of TTH are generally less disabling
than those of migraine, work absence are common,
and the total societal burden appears to exceed
that of migraine because of the high prevalence of
TTH (Management)
Approach of management involves a combination
of lifestyle, physical and pharmacologic measures.
Nonpharmacologic management should always be
considered, although the scientific evidence is
Recommendations for regulation of sleep, meals,
and exercise are generally quite valuable.
Stress management and behavioral therapies are
useful in the management of TTH
TTH is mainly managed through administration of
medication during acute episodes.
Simple analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) and combination agents are most
commonly recommended.
Their use should be strictly limited to an average of
2 to 3 days per week to avoid medication overuse
headache and potential contribution toward
transformation into CTTH.
NSAIDs are generally considered the drugs of
choice for acute TTH.
Ibuprofen and naproxen sodium are listed as first
line agents in the NSAIDs category because of the
better gastrointestinal tolerability.
Opioid analgesics are not recommended for the
management of TTH.
Preventive pharmacologic therapy is generally
advised for those patients experiencing at least 2
to 3 headache days each week.
Although analgesic may be continue to be
beneficial when taken at such levels, the issues of
medication overuse headache and transformation
into more refractory cases of CTTH must be
Indications for the institution of daily pharmacologic
preventive therapy:
Progression in frequency or severity of attacks
Development of adverse events with acute
Decline in efficacy of acute medications
These medications should be started at low doses
and gradually increased based on efficacy and
Once an effective dose is reached, treatment is
typically continued for 6 to 12 months, at which
point daily medication may be tapered and the
patient followed clinically.
The prognosis of TTH is generally favorable, with
limited disability during headache occurrences and
age related improvement or resolution of episodes
later in life.
Cluster headache
Cluster headache is a primary headache disorder
classified with similar conditions known as trigeminal
autonomic cephalalgias.
Typified by recurrent attacks of unilateral pain,
which are very severe and usually involve the
orbital or periorbital region innervated by the first
(ophthalmic) division of the trigeminal nerve.
Characteristic signs and symptoms of activation of
the cranial autonomic pathways accompany the
pain on the same side.
This condition has a heritable tendency in some
families and first degree relatives of affected
people have an estimated 14-48 fold increased
risk of developing it.
Male to female ratio varies between 2.5:1 and
Patients typically start to develop the attack in their
third to fifth decade.
The pain of cluster headache is unilateral(97%) of
patients with episodic disease and mainly focused
behind the eye (88-92%), over the temple (6970%) or over the maxilla (50-53%).
Patients describe the pain as a sharp, piercing,
burning or pulsating sensation like “having a red hot
poker forced through my eye” and they reported
that the intensity is so extreme it is unlike anything
they have ever experienced (11 out of 10).
The attacks should last between 15 and 180 minutes,
although on rare occasions they can last longer.
The onset is rapid and the sensation increases from
serious discomfort to excruciating pain over the course
of a few minutes.
The pain usually stays at maximal intensity for the
duration of attack, although it may wax and wane
slightly, or be punctuated by super intense stabs of
The attack will often end as abruptly as it started.
Between 70% to 93% of patients describe a sense
of restlessness and agitation during an attack and
will often pace, rock back and forth, and bang their
Cluster headache (management)
The mainstay of abortive treatment consists of
inhaled oxygen and parenteral triptans.
Standard analgesia is ineffective and there is no
evidence to support the use of NSAIDs,
paracetamol, codeine or opioids in the treatment of
individuals attack.
Oxygen: patients should continuously inhale 100%
oxygen at 12L/min for at least 15 minutes through
a non-rebreathing facemask
Triptans: parenteral triptans have been shown to be
an effective treatment for individual attacks,
whereas orally administered triptans are not.
 Preventive treatment
 Aims to suppress the attacks for the duration of the
bout, or over longer periods in those with chronic
cluster headache, with the fewer possible side
The preventive drug of choice is verapamil.
Baseline ECG should be done before starting
verapamil, and should be repeated 10 days after
the dose change and reviewed before each dose
increased, paying particular attention to the PR
This is essential because relatively high incidence of
heart block associated with verapamil.
Other side effects of verapamil are constipation,
dizziness and peripheral oedema.
Verapamil can be slowly withdrawn and stopped once
the bout is assumed to have ended and lower doses do
not allow breakthrough attacks.
The maximum efficacious dose achieved can then be
given at the beginning of the subsequent bouts, as long
as baseline ECG remains within normal limits.
Other agents such as lithium, topiramate, sodium
valproate, pizotifen and gabapentin are occasionally
used with some success, although data from clinical trials
are limited.
Medication overuse headache (MOH)
The International Classification of Headache Disorders,
2nd Edition states that for a diagnosis of MOH, all of
the following criteria must be present:
Headache occurring on 15 or more days per month
Regular overuse for more than 3 months of one or
more acute/symptomatic treatment drugs on 10 or
more days per month; or simple analgesics alone or
any combination of ergotamine, triptans and opioids
on 15 or more days per month
Development or marked worsening of headache
during medication overuse
MOH occurs only in patients with a history of primary
 It is most likely to affect patients with migraine and/or
tension type headache.
 MOH most prevalent in those aged 40-50 years and
affects about three times more women than men.
 Prevalence of MOH:
 General population:1% adults 0.5% adolescents
(aged 13-18 years)
 25-64% in those attending tertiary care
 90% in patients with chronic daily headache
It is the frequency of doses rather than the absolute
quantity of drug consumed that is important; lower
daily doses carry a greater risk of causing MOH
than larger weekly doses.
MOH is often present and at its worst on waking in
the morning.
Patients with MOH develop tolerance and
withdrawal symptoms which are similar to signs of
dependence on drugs traditionally classified as
Diagnosis: patient’s history and clinical presentation.
use of analgesics (including for reasons other than
use of over-the-counter and prescribed
acute medications becoming less effective
escalation to using more drugs
Investigations are generally not required to
diagnose MOH.
Assessment should also search for possible
complications of regular drug intake (e.g. recurrent
gastric ulcers, anaemia).
MOH (management)
The objectives in managing patients with MOH are:
Reduce the frequency and/or severity of
Reduce consumption of acute medication (and
possibly dietary caffeine)
Improve responsiveness to acute and preventive
Alleviate disability and improve quality of life
These are addressed by the following means:
Stopping the overused medications
Managing withdrawal symptoms
Reviewing and reassessing the underlying primary
headache disorder
Preventing relapse
British Associations for the Study of Headache state
that patients with MOH fare better if they are
motivated and understand that their “treatment” is
likely to be causing their frequent headache.
They should be forewarned that withdrawal initially
aggravates symptoms.
Withdrawal should be planned in advance to avoid
unnecessary lifestyle disruption, and done under the
supervision of a doctor or headache specialist
It may be necessary to arrange absence from work for
1-2 weeks.
The guidelines also recommend a diary to record
symptoms and medication use during withdrawal, and
good hydration should be maintained.
Most drugs causing MOH can be stopped abruptly.
The Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network suggests
that opioids and benzodiazepines should be withdrawn
Gradual reduction in caffeine intake may be
preferable to abrupt withdrawal.
The withdrawal headache and associated symptoms
varies depending on the types of medications that
have been overused.
Overall improvement occurs within 7-10 days when
the causative drug is a triptans; after 2-3 weeks
when it is simple analgesics; and after 2-4 weeks
when it is an opioid.
The mean success rate for withdrawal therapy (defined as at least a
50% reduction in headache days) over 1-6 months is around 72%.
Factors that affect the likelihood of successful withdrawal include:
The duration of regular drug intake (a longer duration is
associated with a worse prognosis)
The specific drug overused (e.g. withdrawal from triptans has a
better prognosis than other drugs)
The underlying headache type (e.g. TTH plus combined TTH and
migraine have higher risk of relapse than other types)
Low self reported sleep quality (associated with worse prognosis)
High self reported bodily pain (associated with worse prognosis)
Managing withdrawal symptoms
 Treatment of vomiting: antiemetic (metoclopramide,
 Use of NSAIDs: naproxen (250mg TDS or 500mg
BD for 3-4 weeks then stopped or taken for 6
weeks-TDS for 2weeks,then BD for 2 weeks, then
OD for 2 weeks)
 Corticosteroids: studies shown mixed results
 Triptans
Addressing the primary headache
 Symptomatic relief (if needed) may be
reintroduced for symptomatic relief after 2 months,
with explicit restriction to ensure that the frequency
of use does not exceeds 2 days per week on a
regular basis.
 For those on prophylaxis medication, the efficacy
may return after successful withdrawal of the
overused medication.
Preventing relapse of MOH
 Defined as frequent use of any acute headache medication on more
than 15 days per month for at least 3 months after recovery from
previous MOH.
 Most relapses occur within the first year after withdrawal.
 Risk factors for relapse:
TTH or migraine plus TTH, rather than migraine alone
Longer duration of migraine with more than 8 headache days per
Lower improvement after drug withdrawal
Greater number of previous preventive treatments tried
Male gender
Intake of combined analgesic drugs
How to prevent relapse:
Monitor regularly
Combination drugs should be avoided
May require extended support (social)
Primary headache must be treated using different
approach other than medications-massage,
acupuncture, behavioral therapies.
Patients with MOH should be referred to neurologist if
attempted withdrawal fails in primary care. Patients
who have psychiatric comorbid or drug dependence
behavior should have these conditions treated
Secondary headaches
ICHD-11 defined secondary headaches as follows:
 Headache attributed to head and neck trauma
 Headache attributed to cranial or cervical vascular disorder
 Headache attributed to nonvascular intracranial disorder
 Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal
 Headache attributed to infection
 Headache attributed to disturbance of homeostasis
 Headache attributed to psychiatric disorder
 Headache or facial pain attributed to disorder of cranium,
neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinus, teeth or other facial or cranial
During history, symptoms suggestive of secondary
cause should become obvious.
Red flags should be elicited and ensure the
following have been covered:
Other neurological symptoms: unless part of
typical migraine aura or autonomic features, these
should always suggest a secondary cause
Systemic features: weight loss, fever, and other
systemic features should stimulate concern. Patients
with benign headache are not persistently unwell.
The key issue is how the headache evolved.
One which reaches its maximum intensity immediately
or within minutes always suggests subarachnoid
haemorrhage (SAH), even though only about 10-25%of
such patients will prove to have this.
Unfortunately, there are no accurate discriminators in
the history, and although other neurological symptoms,
neck stiffness, vomiting, seizures or transient
disturbances of consciousness, all indicate an increased
likelihood of SAH, their absence does not exclude it.
Other important secondary causes of abrupt onset
headache include:
Ischaemic stroke, especially due to arterial
Intracerebral haemorrhage, sometimes with no
localising signs
Intracranial venous thrombosis
Intermittent hydrocephalus
Evaluation of patients with headache and any of the following
features, and consider for further investigations and/or
Worsening headache with fever
Sudden onset headache reaching maximum intensity within
5 minutes
New onset neurological deficit
New onset cognitive dysfunction
Change in personality
Impaired level of consciousness
Recent (typically within the past 3 months) head trauma
Headache triggered by cough, valsalva (trying to breathe
out with nose and mouth blocked) or sneeze
Headache triggered by exercise
Orthostatic headache (headache that changes with
Symptoms suggestive of Giant Cell Arteritis (also known as
temporal arteritis, characterised by the inflammation of
the walls of medium and large arteries. Branches of the
carotid artery and the opthalmic artery are preferentially
involved, giving rise to symptoms of headache, visual
disturbances and jaw claudication)
A substantial change in the characteristics of their
Symptoms and signs of acute narrow angle
glaucoma (an uncommon eye condition that results
from blockage of the drainage of fluids from the
eye. Symptoms of acute glaucoma may include
headache with a painful red eye and misty vision
or haloes, and in some cases nausea. Acute
glaucoma may be differentiated from cluster
headache by the presence of semi dilated pupil
compared with the presence of a constricted pupil
in cluster headache)
Depression: headache is not uncommon symptom of
depression, although there may also be overlap
with other disorder as well.
Paediatric Headache
Headaches are common during childhood and
become more common and more frequent during
The environment of a child’s world includes school,
home, and community
All of these areas have profound influences on
The prevalence of headache ranged from 37% to
51% in those who were at least 7 years of age and
gradually rose to 57% to 82% by age 15
Before puberty, boys are affected more frequently
than girls, but after the onset of puberty, headaches
occur more frequently in girls
Rothner-a more practical approach to paediatric
He classifies into 4 patterns that are easily
distinguishable from each other
Location of pain and duration is not very important
Medical evaluation requires a thorough history
followed by a complete physical and neurological
A detailed neurologic examination is essential
More than 98% of children with brain tumors have
objective neurological findings
CT or MRI is indicated in some patients with acute
headache, chronic progressive headache pattern
and focality on neurological examination
Migraine (paeds)
Migraine with or
without aura is the
most common form of
acute recurrent
headache in children
Migraine (treatment)
Divided into 2 phases:
General measures
-confidently reassure patient and caregivers
-identify and removing headache triggers
(disrupted sleep, skipped meals, stress), regulating
lifestyle and instituting behavioral therapies
(relaxation techniques, stress management)
-caffeine-abuse or withdrawal can precipitate
headache in adolescents
Pharmacologic management
-intermittent use of analgesics
-successful use of analgesics includes:
1)taking enough medication
2)taking medication early in the course of the
3)making medication available to the child
(especially at school)
Most headache are due to a primary headache
A detailed clinical history and complete general and
neurological examinations, with special attention to the
red and yellow flags, are fundamental to this process.
Patients want an adequate hearing of their symptoms,
followed by a diagnosis and understandable
Most patients need reassurance, some will benefit from
treatment and few require investigations.
Some headache syndromes are amenable to
medical treatment (e.g. migraine) but others are
much less so (chronic daily headache) and an honest
explanation is usually appreciated.
Above all, patients want someone who is interested
in their headache and who will listen to their story.
Case scenario 1
Aini, a 25-year old single lady complains of
headache, intermittently for 3 months duration. The
headache is progressively worse since a month ago
whereby she will experience it almost every day.
She describes the headache as tight band in nature
and frequently happens at work. There is no aura
or other symptoms noted.
How would you manage her?
Case scenario 2
A 32 year old man comes to your clinic complaining of headaches. He
began having headaches about two months ago. They usually occur at the
end of the day, seem to start at the back of his head, and are of a
throbbing nature. They occasionally radiate out onto the tops of his
shoulders, or up over the top of his head. Ibuprofen usually, but not always,
relieves his pain. He has history of childhood asthma, and aside from
ibuprofen PRN for the headaches, he takes no other medications. He has
recently gotten a promotion at work, and is working 12 hours a day 6 or 7
days a week, and hasn’t been to the gym in a month.
The patient states that his 37 y/o first cousin suddenly started having
headaches last year and was found to have a brain tumor. The patient
demands that you give him a referral for an MRI.
Is neuroimaging appropriate in this patient?
What are the indications for imaging in patients with headache?
What is the most appropriate radiologic screening test in patients with new
onset headache?
Case scenario 3
Lesley is a 35 year old woman with a 10-year history of migraines. The frequency of her
migraines has increased from one to two–three per month, and they seem to be triggered by
sleep deprivation and stress. The migraines include visual auras which precede the headache.
Lesley has two children aged 2 and 4 years and no other relevant medical history.
Lesley presents to her GP with a 24 hour history of unilateral severe throbbing headache
which is associated with photophobia, nausea and vomiting (three times in 24 hours). As
discussed previously with her GP, Lesley’s initial self-management is naproxen 275mg and
metoclopramide 10 mg orally with a repeated dose of naproxen 275mg every four hours.
Lesley has had no symptom relief from the naproxen. Lesley has been unable to attend work
or care for her children and states that she rarely has such a severe attack.
On examination Lesley looks pale and tired. Blood pressure is 120/75 mmHg, heart rate
regular at 70 beats per minute and her Glasgow Coma Scale is 15/15. Apart from the
photophobia she has no other obvious neurological signs or symptoms and the remainder of
her other physical examination is normal.
How would you manage Lesley’s condition?
If Lesley requests for treatment to reduce the frequency of her headaches, what would you
prescribe and why?
Case scenario 4
Joseph is a 14-year-old boy. He attends your clinic accompanied by his
mum, Claire. He presents with a 2-month history of headaches that he
describes as “banging” and that make his head “very very painful”. He
says that in the past 2 months he has had 6 of these headaches. He also
says that light hurts his eyes when he has the headaches. He does not feel
nauseous or vomit during the headaches. Claire tells you that when Joseph
has the headaches he is unable to go to school and that the headaches last
from 2 to 4 hours. She gives Joseph paracetamol and if that doesn’t work
she also gives him ibuprofen. Joseph reports that this combination of
medication helps but that it still hurts a lot until the headache eventually
goes completely.
Joseph and Claire ask if Joseph’s headaches are migraines
Is anything more he can take to ease the pain and reduce the amount of
time he is taking off school?
How would you manage Joseph as compared to Lesley?