Transcript Chapter 14

Chapter Fourteen
Using a separate sheet of paper answer the following questions:
How do you define
What does religion mean to
Do you believe in the
If you do believe in the
supernatural, how do you
imagine it to be?
Religion – A unified system of beliefs and practices concerned
with sacred things
Sacred – Holy; set apart and given a special meaning that goes
beyond, or transcends, immediate existence
Profane - Nonsacred
Sociologists do not study religion to find out its truths, rather they
study religion to understand the role in plays in peoples lives
Read “Religion at War” pg. 466
T/F Most wars are about religion?
Are religious wars a part of functionalism or conflict theory?
All societies have religion in some form…what is its function?
Emile Durkheim – 1st to study religion scientifically
His social functions of religion…do you agree?
-Gives formal approval to existing social arrangements
-Encourages a sense of unity
-Provides a sense of understanding
-Promotes a sense of belonging
Conflict Theory, Karl Marx &
“The Opiate of the Masses”
How did Marx see the powerful
using religion? Do you agree?
Max Weber & Social Change
through Religion
Spirit of Capitalism – The obligation to
reinvest money in business rather than
spend it
Protestant Ethic – A set of values,
norms, beliefs, and attitudes stressing
hard work, thrift and self-discipline
How did these ideas lead to social change?
What role did Calvinists play in developing these ideas?
Church – A life-encompassing religious organization to which all
members of a society belong
Denomination – One of several religious organizations that most
members of a society accept as legitimate
Sect – A religious organization that arises out of a desire to reform
an existing religious organization
Cult – A religious organization whose characteristics are not
drawn from existing religious traditions within a society
Davidians in
Waco, Texas
Religiosity – Ways in which people express their religious
interests and convictions
How do people display religiosity?
Belief – what a person considers
to be true
Ritual – a religious practice
Intellectual dimension –
knowledge of faith
Experience – feelings attached
to the religion
Consequences – what happens
as a result of your choices
Snapshot of America pg. 480 – What generalizations can you make?
Secularization – Process by which the sacred loses influence over
How does Fig. 14.6 on pg. 485 compare with the chart on pg. 468?1
Fundamentalism – The resistance of secularization and the rigid
adherence to traditional religious beliefs, rituals, and doctrines
Why is fundamentalism so strong today?
Religion, Class, Politics, Science and Society