Chapter 6 - Steven-J

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Transcript Chapter 6 - Steven-J

Some sociologists have called adolescence
a time of “storm and stress”.
Others disagree and believe that for most
young people it is a very happy time.
What do you believe?
 Do you believe the problems of teenagers are more
difficult than those of adults?
 (No period of life is problem-free)
Agenda for today
 Begin Chapter 6 Adolescence in Society
 Group work
 Meet individually to review midterm grade and
overall grade
Use Cornell Notes
 Starting today for your notebook checks:
 Explain how adolescence developed as a distinct
stage of the life cycle in the United States.
 Identify the five general characteristics of
Adolescence in our Society
 What and when is adolescence?
 Between onset of puberty and the beginning of
 Ages 12-19
 Is it universal?
 No, modern industrial society created adolescence as
a distinct life stage
Prior to labor laws in the
Children in the
Developing World
 Not all societies recognize adolescence, some kids 1314 go directly into adulthood
 Education (High School and College)- has had the
effect of extending adolescence
 Distinguishing feature is the exclusion of adolescents
from the work force
Stages in Society
Prior to the 1900’s
 How Adolescence Developed as a Stage of the Life
 Through Education – children stay in school longer;
extended period of dependence
 Through Work– laws restricted child labor, also
increasing length of dependence
 Through Courts– juvenile-justice system legally
distinguished between youth and adults
 Development of adolescence as a distinct life stage
between childhood and adulthood
 Write a short story on what life would be like if you
had no adolescence here in the US.
 In other words you had to jump from childhood into
 What sort of thing would you miss out on
Five General Characteristics of
 1. Biological Growth and Development – various
biological changes such as…
 Spurts of growth in height and weight
 Body proportions change
 Development of sexual characteristics
 Acne problems for many
 Can cause anxiety for those way ahead or behind
others of the same age
 2. Undefined Status – adolescent expectations are
often vague…
 Expectations for children and adults are clearadolescents must learn to stop acting like children
and start acting like adults
 Many states allow 16 year olds to marry
 Must be 18 to vote
 3. Increased Decision Making – must make some of
their own decisions…
 What courses to take
 Sports/clubs to join
 To go to college or not
 How to dress
 4. Increased Pressure – adolescents are faced with
pressure from many sources…
 Teens are often under pressure to please parents and
peer groups at the same time
 Pressure of handling homework, sports, clubs, part
time jobs at the same time, while doing well in
 Pressure to “fit-in” wear the right clothes, make up,
hair style, sports equipment, phone, iPod
The Search for Self – deciding what is
really important…
 Set priorities
 “Anticipatory socialization”- learning rights,
obligations, and expectations of certain roles
 Part time job, club membership, dating
 Reflective Journaling
Reflective Journal
 What I did
 What questions do I have?
 Overall Response
What I learned
What surprised me
Group Activity
 In groups of 2:
 Create a magazine cover where you are the clothing
 You must design one cover where you are designing
for the expected adult look and one cover where you
design for the real you
Group Activity #2
 On the back of your magazine cover I want you to
create an advice column for teens.
 Your advice should relate to all 5 characteristics of
adolescence that we discussed yesterday.
 Again, this is for a grade and will be turned in.
Section 2
Warm up:
What are the functions of dating?
Warm up
Name the 5 characteristics
of adolescence
Is dating common in all
societies ?
 Biological Growth
 Undefined Status
 Increased decision making
 Increased pressure
 The search for self
 Cornell Notes
 Notebook checks every Monday
 Starting Monday 3-31 New seating chart for 2nd
 Summarize how dating developed as a form of social
 Describe the functions that dating fulfills.
Development of Dating
 Industrial Revolution – people moved from the
farms to the cities where young adults could gain
more economic freedom and their own home. As a
result, parental control over young adults and
courtship decreased.
 Public Education – by the 1900s most secondary
school students attended coeducational public
schools which increased interaction between boys
and girls
Development of Dating
 Automobile – young adults had more freedom of
movement away from parents
 Telephone – young adults could more easily talk to
members of the opposite sex
 Equality of Women – more women entered the
workforce and took on more active community roles
which increased the interaction between single adult
men and women
Functions of Dating
 Serves as a form of entertainment
 Is a means of socialization that teaches people about
the opposite sex
 Fills psychological needs such as companionship
 Helps individuals attain status as people are judged
in part by whom they date
 Money, looks, social class, etc.
 Aids in spouse selection
Create a Chart
Industrial Revolution
Public Education
Equality of Women
Get into groups of 2-3
 Based on the info in your chart I want your group to
create a short skit where you demonstrate a “typical
date” from the 1950’s, 1920’s and 1800’s.
 You can use info from the book and past videos we
have watched in class (the Amish video) to give you
ideas on a typical date from those periods of history.
For your skit
 Introduce your characters
 Give a brief description of your role or thoughts
about the time period
 Be prepared for questions
 The audience will evaluate each characters
 Debrief
 What dating behaviors that are no longer popular
would you like to see come back and why?
 - Funny TV spot
 Ellen's Guide to Dating Sites
Warm Up
 Do you think it is more difficult to be a teenager
today that it was 30 or 50 years ago?
 Why or why not?
 Cornell Notes
 Notebook checks every Monday
Section 3
 Objectives:
 Identify some of the social problems facing
contemporary teenagers.
 Trace the causes and consequences of these
Social Problems
of Contemporary Teenagers
 Teenage Sexual Behavior
 Teenage Drug Use
 Teenage Suicide
Sexual Behavior
 Sexual Behavior
 Cause – loosening of norms concerning sexuality; lowincome, one-parent families
 Do you think the media has an influence?
 Only showing the positive and hardly the negative?
How much does it cost?
 To raise a child?
 $241,080
 It will cost an estimated $241,080 for a middleincome couple to raise a child born last year for 18
years, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture
report released Wednesday. That's up almost 3%
from 2011 and doesn't even include the cost of
 Consequence – teenage pregnancy; exposure to or
acquiring STDs such as syphilis or HIV/AIDS
 EXCLUSIVE: Magic Johnson Talks HIV/AIDS
Truth to Teens
Drug Use
 Cause – dropping out of school; having friends who
use drugs; social and academic adjustment problems;
hostile and rejecting family setting
 Substance abuse at school
 From High School Star to Mexican Drug Cartel
 Consequence – increase in the use of some drugs
among teens; increase in drug-related violence
 Cause – alcohol or drug use; triggering events such
as a family crisis or other trials of adolescence; being
female; social isolation, living in an underpopulated
area, bad family environment; cluster effect from
publicized suicides
 Teen's Attempted Suicide Turns Life Around
 President Obama: It Gets Better
 Requiem - A Short Film About Teen Suicide
 Consequence – death; possible cluster effects leading
to other teenage suicides; rise in U.S. teenage suicide
rate; teen suicide rate now exceeds that for adults
Graphic Organizer
Teenage Sexual
Teenage Drug Use
Teenage Suicide
 Each of you write 3 serious social problems that you
think teenagers face today.
 Once you have your 3 written down exchange with
someone else and they will write down their 3.
 Give paper back to original person
 Create a brochure (tri-fold) where you address the
issues or concerns mentioned in your list
 Lap-top: research and write a brief summary of the
issue, cause and effects, statistics, and where a
person in need can find help (prevent lines, help, etc)
 This brochure needs to be informative
 Create a 10 question quiz with answer key on a
separate sheet of paper
 Make it true/false based on section 3 in your book
 Switch with the person near you.
 Grade it
 Turn it in
Cultural Diversity
 Read the section on Body Image and Eating habits in
Fiji (pages 144-145)
Warm up
Why do you think most teens see drinking as less
dangerous that smoking or drug use?
 HBO - Thin (2006)
 One 13-Year-Old Boy's Struggle With An Eating
 Boys with anorexia
Body Image Globally
 Tonga—Size XXL Rules
 Being fat is a status symbol in Tonga. More than 90%
of the people are overweight. Tonga is starting to
advertise itself to the larger world as a place where
plus-size travelers can come to feel skinny.
Good or bad?
 Nigeria—Fattening Rooms
 Mauritania—Wife-Plumping Farms
 New Zealand—Fat Immigrants Not Welcome
 Hollywood—That Foreign Land
 Get into groups of 2 but no more than 3
 Discuss the social effects of the ideal body image as
presented in American media
 Consider the effects on teen boys and girls
 Consider the effects on relationships (dating or
 How do you counter act the negative social
consequences (eating disorders)?
Group work continued
 For your assigned country:
 Look for eating habits such as popular foods
 Research the ideal body
 The rates of eating disorders
 The number of people that are overweight or under
 Be ready to present to class
Warm Up
 Does your shape, size, or weight define you?
Warm up #2
 What influences you most when it comes to fashion
or fads?