Transcript Passing

Another window. . .
HUM 3285: British and American Literature
Spring 2011
Dr. Perdigao
February 28, 2011
Nella Larsen (1891-1964)
Born in Chicago as Nellie Walker; daughter of white Danish mother Marie Hanson
and black West Indian father Peter Walker
Father died when Larsen was young; mother remarried Scandinavian man Peter
Larsen claimed to have lived in Denmark, returned to attend University of
Copenhagen but scholars have not found support
Studied at Fisk University, studying nursing (1907-1908), then Lincoln Hospital
School of Nursing in NYC (1912-1915); worked for Tuskegee Institute’s Andrew
Memorial Hospital as head nurse, then NYC’s Board of Health
1919—married research physicist Dr. Elmer S. Imes; went from working class to
African American middle class
Employed at 135th Street branch of NY Public Library; met writers in Harlem;
entered Library School of the NY Public Library in 1922
Nella Larsen (1891-1964)
Carl Van Vechten (Hugh Wentworth) claimed to have discovered her, introduced
her to Knopf publishers
Quicksand (1928): Helga Crane, daughter of white mother and black father; teacher
at Naxos; travels to Denmark; considered exotic; returns to America; questions of
race in America, abroad: South: Chicago: Harlem: Copenhagen: NYC: South;
desire for control over her body and identity—resulting in quicksand, loss of
autonomy and agency
Passing (1929); Harmon Foundation’s bronze medal for achievement in literature;
Guggenheim Fellowship in creative writing (1930); writes in Spain and France--for
novels on racial freedom and husband’s infidelity; divorce in 1933, failure to
publish third novel; loss of status in return to nursing; stops writing in the late
Charges of plagiarism for story “Sanctuary” (1930); Sheila Kaye-Smith’s story
“Mrs. Adis” published in 1922
Lost connections to other New York writers; former husband died in 1941; worked
as nurse in NYC hospitals until death in 1964
Nella Larsen (1891-1964)
Recovery of her work in 1970s
Passing (1929): Irene Redfield, Clare Kendry; passing in America; racial identity;
psychological doubles; themes of racial passing, class and social mobility, and
female desire
Ideas of safety and security versus risk
Passing as “a device for encoding the complexities of human personality, for veiling
women’s homoerotic desires, and for subverting simplistic notions of female selfactualization” (Thadious M. Davis 253)
Female sexuality—ideas about domestic sphere in relation to a “woman’s quest for
satisfaction and completion” (Davis 253).
Works end with “irreparable breakdown of illusions about emancipatory strategies
or possible futures for women” (Davis 253).
Negotiating Passing
Ideas about Africa—Irene, Brian
“Heritage” poems: Cullen, Bennett, McKay
America—uplift; NWL
Being American—Clare, Toomer
Mrs. Dalloway—tea, party; buying flowers; planning parties
Security, stability
Septimus: Clare; window as symbol
Cigarette: Clare
Repression, fainting
Negotiating Passing
Walter White, former director of NAACP, had encouraged Larsen to complete
Van Vechten introduced novel to his publisher; Du Bois praised the novel
Contemporary critics questioning endings of stories—like Fauset and Hurston—
sacrifice of independent female identities
Marriage and death as themes
Conflicting ideas about racial and sexual identities, a black and feminine aesthetic
Ideology of romance—marriage and motherhood
Repressed female sexual experience
Ideas about black female sexuality—insisting on chastity like the purity of
Victorian bourgeoisie (McDowell xiii)
Negotiating Passing
How does one identify him/herself and why? What happens when academics,
philosophers, and sociologists change the terms on you?
What does it mean to be black, middle class, and a woman?
Ideology=social constructions that can confine groups; system of beliefs established
and becomes part of “cultural norm”
Race, class, and gender are constructs; we created race through language (real but
Carole Vance writes, “Sexuality is simultaneously a domain of restriction,
repression, and danger as well as a domain of exploration, pleasure, and agency”
(qtd. in McDowell xiv).
Ideas of pleasure and danger in both texts
19th century ideas about sexuality but flirtation with “female sexual desire”
connects them to the liberation of the 1920s (McDowell xiv).
Negotiating Passing
Doubles—offering ideas about the relationship between black women and desire
and sexuality versus the idea of the black woman as respectable in middle-class
terms (McDowell xvi)
Sexless marriages for both characters
fear of dark child; protecting sons from it; sex as joke; separate bedrooms
Irene as unreliable narrator, as central consciousness, her fears
Irene’s emerging sexuality—from rooftop to tea party to own bedroom
Repressing feelings
Concealment and burial
Letter inciting desire
Negotiating Passing
Clare—as symbol of desire, dressed in red
Projection of Irene’s desire onto Brian—question if there is an affair
Cheryl Wall’s description of a “Psychological suicide, if not a murder” (qtd. in
McDowell xxix)
Cigarettes—snuffing them out
Text as concealment as well—veiled references, what is permitted
“Implying false, forged, and mistaken identities, the title functions on multiple
levels: thematically, in terms of the racial and sexual plots; and strategically, in
terms of the narrative's disguise. . . The novel performs a double burial: the erotic
subplot is hidden beneath its safe and orderly cover and the radical implications of
that plot are put away by the disposal of Clare” (xxx).
Negotiating Passing
“In ending the novel with Clare’s death, Larsen repeats the narrative choice which
Quicksand makes: to punish the very values the novel implicitly affirms, to honor
the very value system the text implicitly satirizes” (McDowell xxxvi).
Novel passes
Dichotomies—lady/Jezebel; virgin/whore (McDowell xxxi)
Social institutions of education, marriage, religion, all strangling and controlling
sexual expression of women