Transcript SOL Quiz 21

SOL Quiz 21
Latin America
1. Latin America includes which of the following regions?
a. Central America, South America, and Spain
b. Central America, South America, and Antarctica
c. Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean
d. Mexico, Central America, South America, and Spain
Latin America is a vast region that stretches from the Mexican-U.S.
border in the north to Cape Horn in South America. It includes
Mexico, Central America, South America, and several Caribbean
islands. The region is comprised of 32 independent nations and
some small possessions of European nations.
2. Trade and travel are difficult in the Amazon River Basin because
it is a region of
a. pampas
b. paramos
c. rain forests
d. all of the above
The Amazon River Basin is the largest rain forest area in the world,
covering one-third of South America. Temperatures are high and
thunderstorms occur almost daily. The constant high humidity is
extremely uncomfortable. Trade and travel are limited because the
high humidity makes productive human labor difficult.
3. Social studies is made up of a number of different subjects.
Experts who study prehistoric peoples are called
a. historians
b. archaeologists
c. scientists
d. sociologists
Archaeologists are social scientists who study prehistoric peoples.
Since there are no written records, they must depend on the remains
of these societies for clues to the cultures that existed.
Archaeologists carefully locate and excavate sites where prehistoric
people settled, looking for bits of bone, pottery, or other artifacts
which have not decayed over time.
4. Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding Latin
America in the pre-Columbian period?
a. There were no signs of civilization in pre-Columbian times.
b. The Spanish dominated the Central American region.
c. The Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas developed advanced societies.
d. There were only isolated and primitive tribal groups.
Although many groups did not develop past the primitive stage of
culture, the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas developed great civilizations.
By the time Columbus arrived in the "New World," as Europeans
viewed the Western Hemisphere, the Mayan culture had reached its
golden age and declined.
5. In studying history it is important to distinguish between what is fact and what is
an opinion. Which statement expresses an opinion?
a. The ancient Mayas had knowledge of astronomy and
b. The Incas were culturally far superior than their
militaristic European conquerors.
c. The Incas had mastered the architecture involved in earth-
quake-proofing structures.
d. European weapons and horses gave the Spanish conquistadores
military superiority over their Indian enemies.
The statement that the Incas were culturally superior to the
Europeans is an opinion, not a fact. Both societies had highly
developed cultures and systems of learning, and preferring one
over the other is not justified.