Introduction To Animal Evolution

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Transcript Introduction To Animal Evolution

Introduction To Animal Evolution
Chapter 32
I. What is an animal?
• A. __________, heterotrophic eukaryotes.
• B. No _____ ________.
• C. Most reproduce ________________
• Stages of development include:
Zygote:fertilized egg
_______:mitotic divisions without growth
_______:hollow ball of cells
Gastrula:pinches in, tissue layers form
Ectoderm:outer tissue
Mesoderm-middle layer
Endoderm:inner tissue
_________:opening that becomes the mouth or anus
_________:pouch that becomes the digestive tract.
•A. Some key characteristics:
– 1.Symmetry
• a.nonesponges
• b._____-has a
top and bottom
• c. ______ has
ventral, dorsal,
posterior, and
right and left.
• 2. __________ is the
concentration of sensory
tissue at one end (the
• 3. Body cavity absent=
(__________), false=
(pseudocoelomate) or
present= (coelomate)
– Functions of cavity:
• Cushion organs
• Act as a hydrostatic
• Allow organs to grow and
• B. Origin of Animal Diversity
– 1.The earliest animals emerged during the late
__________ Era. (610 mya)
– 2. During the early ____________ Era, animal phyla
experienced an “explosion” in diversity. (545-525 mya)
Chapter 33
I. Subkingdom _______:Phylum _______
• A. Characteristics
– 1. _________ feed from water
– 3.Most are sessile and __________-produce
sperm and eggs.
Capable of regeneration of lost parts.
II. Subkingdom ____________
• A. The Radiata (have radial symmetry)
– 1. Phylum ________-hydras, jellyfishes and sea
• a. __________cavity
• polyp or medusa forms
• b. have _________ (stinging cells) for
protection and capturing prey.
B. The _______(have bilateral symmetry)
**_________-:no body cavity
• 1. Phylum ______________-flat worms
– a. acoelomate with cephalization
– parasitic or free living
• Phylum __________-ribbon worms or proboscis worms
– a. their phylogenetics has been recently worked out- they are
not coelomates but they have a closed circulatory system.
**Pseudocoelomates-false body cavity:
• 2. Phylum ________-round worms
– a. digestive system but no circulatory system
• **Coelomates:
• 3. Phylum _________-the mollusks
– a. soft-bodied animals with hard shells sometimes.
– b. _______ _______ for movement.
– c. includes squids, octopus, clams, snails, slugs
• 4. Phylum _______-segmented worms
– a. closed digestive system with specialization.
– b. a brain like _________.
• 5. Phylum _________-jointed legged animals
a. have a hard _________, grow by molting.
b. well developed sensory organs.
c. open circulatory system.
d. __________ transports fluids within the body.
Horseshoe crabs-living fossils
• 6. Phylum _____________-spiny skinned animals
– a. includes the sea stars, sea urchins and sea cucumbers
– b. bony ______________
Vertebrate Evolution and
Chapter 34
I.Invertebrate Chordates:
Vertebrate Origins…
• A. All chordates have:
– 1.a ________. (a long flexible cord that forms during embryonic
– 2.a dorsal, hollow _______ ____________.
– 3. pharyngeal _________ (gills) allow water to enter without
going through the digestive tract.
– 4.a ____________.
• B. Two Subphyla of invertebrate chordates:
• 1. ______________-tunicates
– 2. ________________-lancelets
II. Intro to Vertebrata
A. ______________ are differentiated by:
– 1. Significant cephalization.
– 2. Vertebral column.
– 3. Closed circulatory system.
• B. The Members:
– 1. “without jaws”
• a. hagfishes. (scavengers)
• b. Lampreys (parasites)
– 2. The Fishes
• a. Class ______________-cartilaginous fishes (sharks & rays)
b. Class _________-bony fishes , most numerous of
all vertebrates.(trout,bass, salmon)
– 3. Tetrapods (hmmm…what could this word mean?)
• a. Class ____________–
1) require water for reproduction
2) external fertilization
3) no shell around egg
4)two chambered heart develops into a 3-chambered heart.
• The evolution of the ___________ egg led to the
success of animals on land.
– retains water and may be laid on dry land.
• 4. Class ______________
a. have scales.
b. breathe with lungs.
c. internal fertilization, lay eggs on land.
d. __________-seek external heat sources.
e. 3 chambered heart
• 5. Class ____________
a. Have scales on their legs.
b. Adapted for flight-hollow bones, wings, feathers.
c. __________-maintain warm body temp.
d. 4-chambered heart, fast metabolism and larger brain.
e. Evolved from reptilian ancestors.
Archaeopteryx-a bird-reptile.
• 6. Class ___________
– a.have: mammary glands, hair, internal fertilization,
larger brains, teeth, 4 chambered heart.
– b. are endothermic.
– c. Belong to one of three groups:
• 1)_____________egg layers (platypus and echidna)
• 2)__________-pouched animals (kangaroos,
marsupial mouse^
< sugarglider
• 3)_________
(placental) mammals
(dogs, horses,
III. Primates and the Evolution of Man
• A. Primate characteristics:
– 1. ________ hands and feet.
– 2. Large brains, _______
eyes, flat nails.
– 3. _______ care, complex
social behaviors.
• B. Subgroups of Primates:
– 1.__________ include: lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers.
• 2. __________, include monkeys, apes and humans.
• C.Human evolution has led to:
1. Increased ________ volume.
2. Shortening of the _______.
3. Upright, ________ posture.
4. Reduced sexual __________.
5. Changes in family structure.