خطوات تحميل برنامج الـ SAS الإصدار التاسع 2004 (v9)
Transcript خطوات تحميل برنامج الـ SAS الإصدار التاسع 2004 (v9)
Statistical Analysis for Animal
Production Sciences
(603 & 611 AAP)
Biostatistics-SAS, 2010
Dr. Hosam M. Safaa
Associate Professor
Animal Production Department
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University
خطوات تحميل برنامج الـ SAS
اإلصدار التاسع )v9, 2004( 2004
تعديل التاريخ إلي أغسطس 2004
فتح مجلد Setup deskثم ملف setup.exe
اإلجابة بـ OKعلي مربع الحوار
إختيار أمر Install SAS software
اإلجابة علي مربع الحوار Install Shield Wizard
اإلجابة بـ Nextثم Finish
إعادة الخطوات من 5-1حتي تظهر كلمة Nextبد ً
من كلمة Finish
تابع خطوات تحميل برنامج الـ SAS
(8اإلجابة علي مربع الحوار بـ Browse
(9إختيار وفتح مجلد SAS 9.0 License And Date Crack
(10إختيار الملف األوسط sas9834961.exeثم Next
>= Wizard
(11اإلجابة علي مربع الحوار
Language selectionsبـ Englishثم 4مرات Next
حتي تصل إلي Select component
(12يتم إختيار )System-Academic( SAS softwareثم
(13سيطلب مربع الحوار Software Disk1فيتم فتح
>=Browseمجلد >=SAS v9مجلد Software Disk1
ثم OKمرتين
تابع خطوات تحميل برنامج الـ SAS
(14سيطلب مربع الحوار Software Disk2فيتم فتح
>=Browseمجلد >=SAS v9مجلد Software Disk2ثم
(15سيطلب مربع الحوار Software Disk3فيتم فتح
>=Browseمجلد >=SAS v9مجلد Software Disk3ثم
(16سيطلب مربع الحوار SAS/Secure Windowsفيتم فتح
>=Browseمجلد >=SAS v9مجلد SAS/Secure
Windowsثم OKمرتين
(17سيطلب مربع الحوار SAS/Shared Componentsفيتم
فتح >=Browseمجلد >=SAS v9مجلد SAS/Shared
Compoثم OKمرتين
تابع خطوات تحميل برنامج الـ SAS
(18الرد علي مربع الحوار Confirm Updateبـ Yesبعد
إختيار Use this response for all files
(14سيطلب مربع الحوار Setup deskفيتم فتح >=Browse
مجلد >=SAS v9مجلد Setup deskثم OKمرتين
(15الرد علي مربع حوار Setup completeبـ Finishبعد
إختيار Run SAS nowو View P.I.D.
(16ستظهر شاشة البرنامج بها خمس نوافذ ومربع حوار لعرض
المرشد SAS guide
(17بهذا يكون قد تم تحميل البرنامج وتشغيله ،ويراعي إعادة
التحميل مرة أخري في حالة توقف الجهاز أو عدم إكتمال
التحميل حتي التشغيل
Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
SAS was designed to perform statistical
analyses and report the results.
The SAS display manager system screen
consists of 3 main windows:
1- Program Editor is where you enter the SAS
statements to be executed.
2- LOG is very useful for debugging programs and
contain all the error messages.
3- Output is where results output by SAS
procedures are displayed.
SAS steps
SAS able to:
Perform the data analysis method.
Solve data analysis problems.
Cover several basic types of data analysis.
SAS steps consist of:
1- DATA steps are the sentences (statements)
which organize, find and summarize data.
2- PROC steps are the statements which perform
the analysis on the organized data.
SAS statements (Language)
DATA and PROC steps consists of SAS
Most statements have one or more
keywords that must be spelled exactly as
The SAS language has its own vocabulary
and syntax.
Syntax rule: SAS statements must end with
semi column “;”).
Some words have special meaning.
SAS statements (Language)
ne = means not equal.
$ = refers to non numeric variables.
@@ = refers to non columned data.
Dots “.” = refer to missed data.
Variable = Effect or Trait.
Data = Levels of effects or observations
of Traits.
SAS statements (Language)
probbnml = Binomial distribution probability.
poisson = Poisson distribution probability.
probnorm = Normal distribution probability.
tvalue, tinv = T “Student=Gosset” probability.
probf = F “Fisher” distribution probability.
probchi = Chi square distribution probability.
Rules of SAS names
Must start with a letter.
Total length of the SAS name should not
exceed 8 character.
Must not contain any embedded blanks
SAS spacing rules
The spacing of statements and of parts of
statement is NOT important in SAS language.
You can put several statements in one line.
You can spread a statement in several lines.
You can put space between/among
statements or not.
You can indent statements or not.
You should put at least one space (blank)
between words in the SAS statement.
The DATA step is your primary tool for reading
and processing data in the SAS System. The
DATA step provides a powerful general
purpose programming language that enables
you to perform all kinds of data processing
tasks. The DATA step is documented in SAS
Language Reference.
DATA Steps
A SAS data set has some specific characteristics and
rules that must be followed to be able to
analyzed using SAS software.
Title statement gives a title for output pages.
Footnote statement gives a footnote for output
Data statement gives a name to the data.
Input statement tells SAS software what
whether the variable have numeric or character
values and where the variable are located.
DATA Steps
Label statement allows to label the variable.
Format statement allows to label the data
values (levels or observations) of the variable,
but need a PROC FORMAT statement.
IF statement tells any conditions for any of the
variables in the input statement.
Cards statement tells the software that the data
lines follow.
Data lines entered according to the input
statement after cards statement.
Null statement after the data lines.
PROC Steps
PROC is an abbreviation of procedure and tells the SAS
software which procedure or type of analysis apply to
the data.
Options statement setup output pages by allowing
you to set certain system options.
PROC Format creates formats for variable’s values.
PROC Print allows to print data set in output
PROC Sort allows to reordered the observations
from data set.
PROC Means calculates your date to get summarizing
statistics (Mean, mode, median, SD, min, max …ect).
PROC Steps
PROC Univariate allows for many descriptive
statistics, comparing paired groups, testing
for normality and producing normality plots.
PROC Chart allows for charts and histogram.
PROC Freq allows for many frequency and
descriptive statistics.
Run statement executes the statements
immediately above it when SAS was run.
Endsas statement exits from the SAS
PROC Steps
PROC ANOVA allows for analysis of variances
PROC GLM allows for analysis of variances
statistics (General Linear Model).
PROC MIXED allows for analysis of variances
statistics (Repeated measures).
PROC CATMOD allows for analysis of variances
statistics (Chi Square).
PROC REG allows for regression statistics.
PROC STEPWISE allows for stepwise regression
PROC CORR allows for correlation statistics.