Transcript Lecture 4

Today: More of Chapter 2
Assignment #2 is up on the web site
Please read Chapter 2
Suggested problems: 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.13, 2.25, 2.28, 2.32, 2R1, 2R2
Random Variables
Often interested in a characteristic that varies from one individual to
A characteristic of the outcome of a random experiment is called a
random variable (RV)
RV’s are numeric or categorical
Have discrete and continuous RV’s
Usually use capital letters to denote an RV and small letters to denote
Random Variables
More formally:
For a given model, with sample space, Ω , a random variable, X(w), is a
function from the sample space to the real numbers (where w is in the
sample space)
Each possible value, x, of a random variable, X, is an event
(collection of outcomes from the sample space)
P( X ( w)  x)  P(set of w' s with X ( w)  x) 
 P(w)
X ( w)  x
Random Variables
If two balanced die are rolled, then an outcome is a pair w=(i,j), where i
and j are integers between 1 and 6
If X(w)=i+j, then this represents the random variable that computes the
sum of the dice
P(X(w)=7) =
Discrete Random Variable
A random variable, X, is said to be discrete if its possible values may
be arranged in a sequence, {x1, x2,…}
E.g., X is the outcome of a roll of a die
E.g., If X has non-negative integer values
Probability Function
The probability function of a discrete random variable X(w) is
f ( x)  P( X ( w)  x) 
 P(w)
X ( w)  x
If two balanced die are rolled, then an outcome is a pair w=(i,j),
where i and j are integers between 1 and 6
If X(w)=i+j, then this represents the random variable that computes
the sum of the dice
Example (2.1c)
A coin is tossed until a heads appears
The possible outcomes are Ω=
Let X be the random variable denoting the trial for which the first
heads is observed
Properties of Probability Mass Functions
f ( x)  0 for all x
f ( x)  1
x in 
Probability function demonstrates how the probability is distributed
among the possible values of the random variable
We refer to how it is distributed as the probability distribution
Joint Distributions
Understanding the relationship among variables defined on the same
sample space can be quite important
If two random variables, X and Y, are defined on the same sample
space, they are said to be jointly distributed
To study their relationship we consider them together as a random
vector (X,Y)
The values of the random vector (x,y) have a joint probability (mass)
function f(x,y)=P(X(w)=x,Y(w)=y)
Properties of the Joint Probability Mass Functions
f ( x, y)  0 for all x, for all y
f ( x, y )  1
( x, y ) in 
f ( x) 
y in 
f ( x, y )  1
Example (2.6)
From a bowl containing 5 poker chips labeled 1-5, two are selected
at random, one at a time, with replacement
Let X denote the RV that describes the number on the first draw and
Y denote the denote the RV that describes the number on the second
Construct a joint probability table to display the distribution
Example (2.6)
Find P(X=4,Y=5)
Find P(X+Y=5)
Find P(|X-Y|=2)
Find P(X=1, Y=2 or 4)
Example (2.8)
In a particular population, there may be a relationship between
education and opinion on the death penalty
The joint probabilities for the random variables education (X) and
Opinion (Y) are given in the table below
Grade School
High School
Example (2.8)
What is the probability that a randomly selected person has a high
school education and opposes gun control?
Marginal Distributions
Given the joint distribution of two random variables, the distribution
of one of the variables alone is called the marginal distribution
Marginal Distributions of X and Y:
f X ( x)  P ( X  x) 
fY ( y )  P(Y  y ) 
f ( x, y )
y in 
x in 
f ( x, y )
Example (2.6)
Find P(Y=2)
Find the marginal distribution of X
Example (2.8)
Give the probability distribution for the variable Education
Give the probability distribution for the variable Opinion
Given that you know that the randomly selected individual has a
college degree. What is the probability that they favor the death
Random variables X and Y are independent iff for every pair (x,y),
Same notion as before
Example (2.6)
Are the variables X and Y independent
Example (2.8)
Are the random variables Education and Opinion independent