Suppressing Random Walks in Markov Chain Monte Carlo Using

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Suppressing Random Walks in Markov
Chain Monte Carlo Using Ordered
Radford M. Neal
발표자 : 장 정 호
– Gibbs Sampling & simple forms of the
Metropolis algorithm
• The distance moved in each iteration is usually
small because of the dependencies between
– More serious in high-dimensional distributions
encountered in Bayesian inference and statistical physics.
• Operates via a random walk.
 Two solutions to random walk
– Hybrid Monte Carlo
– Overrelaxation methods
 Hybrid Monte Carlo
– Duane, Kennedy, Pendleton, Roweth, 1987.
– An elaborate form of the Metropolis algorithm.
• Candidate states are found by simulating a trajectory defined
by Hamiltonian dynamics.
• Trajectories proceed in a consistent direction until they reach
a region of low probability.
• In Bayesian inference problems for complex models based on
neural networks, this can be hundreds or thousands of times
faster than simple versions of Metropolis algorithm.
– Problems that can be applied
• The state variables are continuous.
• Derivatives of the probability density can be
efficiently computed.
– Difficulty
• Require careful choices for the length of the
trajectories and for the stepsize.
– Using too large a stepsize cause the dynamics to become
unstable, resulting in an extremely high rejection rate.
 Methods based on overrelaxtion
– Introduced by Adler, 1981
• Similar to Gibbs sampling except that
– The new value for a component is negatively correlated with
the old value.
• Successive overrelaxation improves sampling efficiency by
suppressing random walk behavior.
• Does not require that the user select a suitable value for a
stepsize parameter.
• Doest not sufffer from the growth in computation time with
system size that results from the use of a global acceptance
test in hybrid Monte Carlo.
• Applicable only to problems where all the full conditional
distributions are Gaussian.
– Variants
• Most methods employ occasional rejections to ensure that the
correct distribution is invariant.
– Can undermine the ability of overrelaxation to suppress random
– The probability of rejection is determined by the distribution to
be sampled.
– The probability of rejection can not be reduced.
– Ordered overrelaxation
• Rejection-free overrelaxation method based on order statistics.
– In principle, it can be used for any distribution for which Gibbs
sampling would produce an ergodic Markov chain.
Overrelaxation with Gaussian
conditional distribution
Adler’s method
– Applicable when the distribution for the state,
x=(x1, …, xN) is such that all the full
conditional densities,  ( x | {x } ) are Gaussian.
– The components are updated in turn.
j i
xi'  i   ( xi  i )   i (1   2 )1 / 2 n
n ~ N (0, 12 )
 1    1 : degree of overrelaxa tion
  0 : overrelaxa tion to the other side
  0 : equivalent to Gibbs sampling
– Leaves the desired distribution invariant.
– Overrelaxed updates with  1    1 produce
an ergodic chain.
The way of suppressing random
– Bivariate Gaussian with correlation 0.998
– Degree of overrelaxation
• When  is chosen well, randomization occurs on
about the time scale as is required for the state to
move from one end of the distribution to the other.
– Corr  1 then   -1
The benefit from overrelaxtion
– Autocorrelation time
• The sum of the autocorrelations for the function of state at all
• The efficiency of estimation of E[x1] is a factor of about 22
better than Gibbs sampling
• The efficiency of estimation of E[x12] is a factor of about 16
better than Gibbs sampling.
– Can reduce the variance of an estimate given run
– Can ruduce the length of run given desired variance
Overrelaxation is not always beneficial.
– Barone, Frigessi, 1990
• Overrelaxation applied to multivariate Gaussian.
• If a method converges with rate , the computation
time required to reach some given accuracy is
inversely proportional to –log()
• Overrelaxation can for some distribution be
arbitrarily faster then Gibbs sampling
– For some distribution with negative correlations, it can
be better to underrelax.
– Green, Han, 1992
• Values for  very near –1 are not good from the point of view
of convergence to equilibrium.
• Suggests to use different chains during initial period and
during subsequent generation.
– The benefits of overrelaxation are not universal.
– Contexts where overrelaxation is beneficial
• Mutlivariate Gaussian distributions where Correlations
between components of the state are positive.
Previous proposal for more
general overrelaxation methods
Brown and Woch, 1987
– Procedure
• Transform to a new parameterization in which the
conditional distribution is Gaussian.
• Do the update by Adler’s method.
• Transform back.
– For many problems, required computations
will be costly or infeasible.
Brown, Woch, Creutz, 1987
– Based on Metropolis algorithm.
– Procedure
• To update component i, first find xi*, which is near
the center of the conditional distribution.
• xi  xi  ( xi  xi ) as a candidate.
• Accept with probability
min[ 1,  ( xi' | {x j } j i ) /  ( xi | {x j } j i )]
Green, Han, 1992
– Procedure
• To update component I, find a Gaussian
approximation to the conditional distribution.
• Find a candidate state xi’ by overrelaxing.
xi'  i   ( xi  i )   i (1   2 )1 / 2 n
• Candidate is accepted or rejected using Hastings’
generalization of the Metropolis algorithm.
Fodor, Jansen, 1994
– Applicable when the conditional distribution is
– Candidate state is the point on the other side of
the mode.
• Probability density is the same as that of the
current state.
• Accepted or rejected based on the derivative of the
mapping from current state to candidate state.
Overrelaxation based on order
 Ordered overrelaxation
– Component-wise update.
 Basic procedure
– Generate K random values, independently, from the
conditional distribution  ( xi | {x j } j i )
– Arrange these K values plus the old value, xi, in nondecreasing order.
xi( 0 )  xi(1)    xi( r )  xi    xi( K )
– Let the new value for component i be
xi'  xi( K  r )
Validity of ordered overrelaxation
– That the method is valid means that the
distribution is invariant.
• Suffice to show that each update for a component
satisfies detailed balance.
– Assuming there are no tied vlaues among K
P( X i  xi' | X i  xi ) 
 ( xi | {x j } j i )  K!   ( xi' | {x j } j i )  I [ s  K  r ]
• The probability density for the reverse transition is
Strategies for implementing
ordered overrelaxation
Inference for a hierarchical
Bayesian model