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Chapter 14 Randomized algorithms
Las Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithms
Randomized Quicksort
Randomized selection
Testing String Equality
Pattern Matching
Random Sampling
Primality Testing
14.1 Introduction
• Definition:
A Randomized algorithm can be defined
as one that receives, in addition to its
input, a stream of random bits that it can
use in the course of its action for the
purpose of making random choices.
14.1 Introduction
• Advantages:
– Often the execution time or space
requirement of a randomized algorithm
is smaller than that of the best
deterministic algorithm that we know of
for the same problem.
– If we look at the various randomized
algorithms that have been invented so
far, we find that invariably they are
extremely simple to comprehend and
Example 14.1
Suppose we have a polynomial expression in n variables,
say f(x1, x2, …, xn), and we wish to check whether or not
f is identically zero. To do this analytically could be a
horrendous job. Suppose, instead, we generate a random
n vector (r1, r2, …, rn) of real numbers and evaluate
f(r1, r2, …, rn). If f (r1 , r2 ,...rn )  0 we know that f  0.
If f(r1, r2, …, rn) = 0, then either f is identically zero or
we have been extremely lucky in our choice of
(r1, r2, …, rn). If we repeat this several times and keep on
getting f = 0, then we conclude that f is identically zero.
The probability that we have made an error is negligible.
14.2 Las Vegas and Monte Carlo Algorithms
• Classify: Randomized algorithms can be
classified into two categories:
– Las Vegas algorithms: It constitutes those
randomized algorithms that always give a
correct answer, or do not give an answer at all.
– Monte Carlo Algorithms: always gives an
answer, but may occasionally produce an
answer that is incorrect. However, the
probability of producing an incorrect answer
can be made arbitrarily small by running the
algorithm repeatedly with independent
random choices in each run.
14.3 Randomized Quicksort
• Randomized Quicksort is one of the most
popular randomized algorithms.
• The original Quicksort requires that all
permutations of the input elements are equally
• Randomized Quicksort selects the pivot on which
to split the elements randomly. The result of
choosing the pivot randomly is to relax the
assumption that all permutations of the input
elements are equally likely.
• The algorithm’s expected running time is
Algorithm 14.1 RandomizedQuickSort
Input: An array A[1..n] of n elements.
Output: The elements in A sorted in non-decreasing
1. rquicksort(1, n)
Procedure: rquicksort(low, high)
1. if low < high then
v  random(low, high)
Interchange A(low) and A(v)
SPLIT(A[low, high], w) //w is the new position of
the pivot
rquicksort(low, w - 1)
rquicksort(w + 1, high)
7. end if
14.4 Randomized Selection
• Consider algorithm SELECT, which was
presented Sec. 6.5. We have shown that the
algorithm’s running time is (n) with a large
multiplicative constant that makes the
algorithm impractical, especially for small
and moderate values of n. In this section, we
present a randomized Las Vegas algorithm
for selection that is both simple and fast. Its
expected running time is (n) with a small
multiplicative constant, and (n2) in the
worst case.
Algorithm 14.2 RandomizedSelect
Input: An array A[1..n] of n elements and an integer k,
Output: The kth smallest element in A.
1. rselect(A, 1, n, k)
Procedure: rselect(A, low, high, k)
1. v  random(low, high)
2. x  A[v]
3. Partition A[low..high] into three arrays:
A1 = {a | a < x}
A2 = {a | a = x}
A3 = {a | a > x}
4. case
|A1| >= k: return rselect(A1, 1, |A1|, k)
|A1| + |A2| >= k: return x
|A1| + |A2| < k: return rselect(A3, 1, |A3|, k - |A1| - |A2|)
5. end case
Theorem 14.1
The expected number of element comparisons
performed by Algorithm RandomizedSelect
on input of size n is less than 4n. Its expected
running time is (n) .
14.5 Testing String Equality
• Problem:
Suppose that two parties A and B can
communicate over a communication
channel, which we will assume to be very
reliable. A has a very long string x and B
has a very long string y, and they want to
determine whether x=y.
14.5 Testing String Equality
• solution:
Let A to derive from x a much shorter
string that could serve as a “fingerprint”
of x and send it to B. B then would use the
same derivation to obtain a fingerprint for
y, and then compare the two fingerprint. If
they are equal, then B would assume that
x=y; otherwise he would conclude that
x/=y. B then notifies A of the outcome of
the test.
14.5 Testing String Equality
• Fingerprinting:
For a string w, let I(w) be the integer represented
by the bit string w. To choose a prime number p
and then use the fingerprint function:
Ip(x)=I(x)(mod p)
If p is not too large, then the fingerprint Ip(x) can
be sent as a short string. The number of bits to
be transmitted is thus O(logp). If Ip(x)/= Ip(y),
then obviously x/=y. However, the converse is not
true. That is, if If Ip(x)= Ip(y), then it is not
necessarily the case that x=y. We refer to this
phenomenon as a false match. A false match
occurs if x/=y, but If Ip(x)= Ip(y), i.e., p divides
Algorithm 14.3 StringEqualityTest
1. A chooses p at random from the set of
primes less than M.
2. A sends p and Ip(x) to B.
3. B checks whether Ip(x) = Ip(y) and
confirm the equality or inequality of the
two stings x and y.
Example 14.2
Suppose that x and y are one million bits each, i.e.,
n=1,000,000. Then M=2×1012=240.8631. In this
case, the number of bits required to transmit p is
at most [log M]+1=40+1=41. The number of
bits required to transmit the fingerprint of x is at
most [log(p-1)]+1≤[logM]+1=41. Thus, the total
number of bits transmitted is at most 82. The
probability of failure in one transmission is at
most 1/n=1/1,000,000. Since [log logn]=5,
repeating the algorithm five times reduces the
probability of false match to n-[log logn]=(106)5=10-30, which is negligible.
14.6 Pattern Matching
• Problem:
Given a string of text X=x1x2…xn and a
pattern Y=y1y2…ym, where m<=n, determine
whether or not the pattern appears in the text.
Assume that the text alphabet is ={0, 1}.
14.6 Pattern Matching
• Solution:
Instead of comparing the pattern with each
block X(j)=xjxj+1…xj+m-1, we will compare
the fingerprint Ip(Y) of the pattern with the
fingerprints Ip(X(j)) of the blocks of text.
The fingerprints of the new block X(j+1) can
easily be computed from the fingerprints of
X(j): I p ( X ( j  1))  (2 I p ( X ( j))  2m x j  x jm )(mod p)
Let Wp=2m(mod p), then
I p ( X ( j  1))  (2 I p ( X ( j ))  Wp x j  x j m )(mod p )
Algorithm 14.4 PatternMatching
Input: A string of text X and a pattern Y of length n and m,
Output: The first position of Y in X if Y occurs in X;
otherwise 0.
1. Choose p at random from the set of primes less than M.
2. j  1
3. Compute Wp=2m(mod p), Ip(Y) and Ip(Xj)
4. while j≤n-m+1
5. if Ip(Xj)=Ip(Y) then return j //A match is found(probaly)
6. Compute Ip(Xj) using Ip(X(j+1))=(2Ip(X(j))-Wpxj+xj+m) (mod p)
7. j  j+1
8. end while
9. return 0 //Y does not occur in X(definitely)
14.6 Pattern Matching
Time complexity:
By brute-force method: O(mn)
By randomized method: O(m+n)
The probability of a false match: 1/n
To convert the algorithm into a Las Vegas
algorithm: Whenever the two fingerprints
Ip(Y) and Ip(X(j)) match, the two strings are
tested for equality. The expected time
complexity of this Las Vegas algorithm
14.7 Random Sampling
• Problem: To select a sample of m elements
randomly from a set of n elements, where
• Solution: First mark all the n elements as
unselected. Next, repeat the following step
until exactly m elements have been selected.
• The time complexity: (n).
Algorithm14.5 RandomSampling
Input: Two positive integers m, n with m<n.
Output: An array A[1..n] of m distinct positive integers
selected randomly from the set {1, 2, … , 3}
1. comment: S[1..n] is a boolean array indicating whether an integer
has been selected.
2. for i  1 to n
3. S[i]  false
4. end for
5. k  0
6. while k<m
7. r  random(1, n)
8. if not S[r] then
k  k+1
A[k]  r
S[r]  true
12. end if
13. end while
14.8 Primality Testing
• Problem: To test whether a given positive
integer n is prime. It is a well-know Monte
Carlo algorithm.
• Solution:
– The obvious method of repeatedly dividing
the numbers from 2 to
– To proof that a number is composite.
– Base on Fermat’s theorem.
Algorithm14.6 Expmod
Input: positive integers a, m and n with m≤n.
Output: am (mod n).
1. Let the binary digits of m be bk, bk-1, … , b0.
2. c  1
3. for j  k down to 0
c  c2 (mod n)
if bj=1 then c  ac (mod n)
6. end for
7. return c
Theorem 14.2
(Fermat’s Theorem)
If n is prime, then for all a≠0 (mod n) we have
an-1 ≡1 (mod n)
Algorithm 14.7 PTEST1
Input: A positive odd integer n≥5.
Output: prime if n is prime; otherwise
1. if Expmod(2, n-1, n) ≡1 (mod n) then return
prime //probably
2. else return composite //definitely
Algorithm 14.8 PTEST2
Input: A positive odd integer n≥5.
Output: prime if n is prime; otherwise
1. a  random(2, n-2)
2. if Expmod(2, n-1, n) ≡1 (mod n) then return
prime //probably
2. else return composite //definitely
Lemma 14.1
If n is not a Carmichael number, then
Algorithm PTEST2 will detect the
compositeness of n with probability at least
Algorithm 14.9 PTEST3
Input: A positive odd integer n≥5.
Output: prime if n is prime; otherwise composite.
1. q  0;
m  n-1
2. repeat //find q and m
m  m/2
q  q+1
5. until m is odd
6. a  random(2, n-2)
7. x  Expmod(a, m, n)
8. if x=1 then return prime //probably
9. for j  0 to q-1
if x ≡ 1 (mod n) then return prime //probably
x  x2 (mod n)
12. end for
13. return composite //definitely
Theorem 14.3
If Algorithm PTEST3 returns “composite”,
then n is composite.
Algorithm 14.10 PrimalityTest
Input: A positive odd integer n≥5.
Output: prime if n is prime; otherwise composite.
1. q  0; m  n-1; k  [logn]
2. repeat //find q and m
m  m/2
q  q+1
5. until m is odd
6. for i  1 to k
a  random(2, n-2)
x  Expmod(a, m, n)
if x = 1 then return prime //probably
10. for j 0 to q-1
if x ≡ -1 (mod n) then return prime //probably
x  x2 (mod n)
13. end for
14. end for
15. return composite //definitely
Theorem 14.4
In tine O(log4n), Algorithm PrimalityTest
behaves as follows when presented with an
odd integer n≥5:
1. If n is prime, then it outputs prime.
2. If n is composite, then it outputs composite
with probably at least 1-1/n.