Sub Exponential Randomize Algorithm for Linear Programming

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Sub Exponential
Randomize Algorithm for Linear
Paper by:
Bernd Gärtner and Emo Welzl
Presentation by :
Oz Lavee
Linear programming
The linear programming problem is a well
known problem in computational geometry
 The last decade brought a progress in the
efficiency of the linear programming
 Most of the algorithms were exponential in
the dimension of the problem
Linear programming
The last progress is a randomized algorithm
that solve linear programming problem with
n inequalities and d variables (Rd ) in
expected time of:
This algorithm that we will see is a combination of
Matoušek and Kalai sub exponential bounds and Clarkson
Definition : Linear programming
Find a non negative vector x Rd that
minimize cTx subject to n linear
inequalities Ax  b
where x  0
 C – d-vector represent direction
 X – d-vector
 A[n,d] – n inequalities over d variables
Example over
h1,h2 - inequalities
• let H be the set of n half spaces defined by
Ax  b
•Let H+ be the set of d halfspaces defined by X0
•For a G H H+ we define vG as the
lexicographically minimal point x minimizing
cTx over hG h
Definitions : basis
•A set of halfspaces B  H H+ is called a basis
if ,. vB is finite and for any subset B’ of B
vB’ < vB
•A basis of G is a minimal subset B  G such that
vB = vG
Definitions : violations
a constraint h H H+ is violated by G
if and only if vG < vG {h}
h is violated by vG if h is violated by G
G= {h1,h3}
h = h2
Definitions : extreme
a constraint h  G is extreme in G if
vG-{h} < vG
G = {h1,h2,h3}
h2 is extreme
Lemma 1
1. For F  G  H H+ , vF < vG
2. vF,vG are finite and vF = vG .
h is violated by F if and only if
h is violated by G.
3. If vG is finite then any basis of G has
exactly d constraints , and G has at the
most d extreme constraints
The algorithm
Our algorithm is a combination
of 3 algorithms that use each
1. Clarkson first algorithm
(CL1) for n>>d
2. Clarkson second algorithm
(CL2) for d n
3. Subexponenial
algorithm(subex) for 6d2
d n
Clarkson First Algorithm (CL1)
set H of n constraints where n>>d
We choose a random sample R  H
of size d n ,compute vR and the set V of
constraints from H that are violated by vR
If V is not too large we add it to initially
set G = H+ , choose another sample R and
compute VR G and so on…
Clarkson First Algorithm (CL1)
 CL1 (H)
if n < 9d2 then
return CL2(H)
r = d n , G = H+
choose random R   
r 
v = CL2 (R)
 
V = {h H | v violate h}
if V  2 n then G = GV
until V = Ø
return v
Two important facts
Fact 1:
 The expected size of V is no more than
The probability that |V| > 2 n
is at the most 1
The number of attempts to get a small enough V
expected to be at the most 2
Three important fact
Fact 2:
 If any constraint is violated by v = vGR
then for any basis B of H there must be a
constraint that is violated by v.
The number of expansion of G is at the
most d
CL1 Run time
CL1 compute vH H+ with expected
o(d2n) operations and at the most 2d
calls to CL2 with O(d n ) constraints
Clarkson Second Algorithm CL2
This algorithm is very similar to the CL1
with the main different that instead of
forcing V to be in the next iteration
We increase the probability of the elements
in v to be chosen for R in the next iteration
Clarkson Second Algorithm CL2
We will use factor µ for each constraint that
will be initialized to 1 .
 For any constraint in V we will double his
 For any basis B the elements of B increase
so quickly that after a logarithmic time they
will be chosen with high probability
Clarkson Second Algorithm CL2
CL2 (H)
if n  6d2 then
return subex(H)
r = 6d2
H 
choose random R   
r 
 
v = subex (R)
V = {h H | v violate h}
if  (V ) 
until V = Ø
return v
 ( H ) then for all h V do µh =
Lemma 4
Let k be a positive integer then after kd
Successful Iterations we have
  ( B)  ne
For any basis B of H
k /3
Run time CL2
Since 2   ( B)  ne and since 2 > e1/3
after big enough k 2k > nek/3
 let k = 3ln(n)
2 k = n3ln2 > n2 = ne3ln(n)/3
 There will be at the most 3dln(n) successful
 There will be at the most 6dln(n) iterations
k /3
Run time CL2
In each iteration there are O(dn) arithmetic
operations and one call to subex
Totally O(d2nlogn) operations and 6dln(n)
calls to subex
The Sub Exponential Algorithm
The idea :
H a group of n constraints .
Remove a random constraint h
Compute recursively vH-{h}
If h is not violated then done.
Else try again by removing
(hopefully different) constraint
The probability that h is violated is d/n
The Subex Algorithm
In order to get efficiency we will pass to the
subex procedure in addition to the set G of
constraints a candidate basis
 We assume that we have the following
primitive procedures:
– Basis(B,h) : calculate the basis of B {h}
– Violation test
– Calculate VB of basis B
The Subex Algorithm
if G=B
return (VB,B)
choose random hG-B
(v,B’) = Subex(G- {h},B)
if h violates v
return Subex(G,basis(B’,h))
return (v,B’)
The Subex Algorithm
The number of steps is finite since:
– The first recursive call decrease the number of
– The second recursive call increase the value of
the temporal solution
Inductively it can be shown that the step
keeps the correctness of the temporal
The Subex Algorithm Run Time
The subex algorithm is computing vH H+
O ( d ln(n )
 We called the subex algorithm with 6d2
so the run time for each call to subex is
3 O ( d ln d )
O(d e
O ( d ln d )
Total Run Time
The runtime of cl2 =
O(d2nlogn + 6dln(n)Tsubex(6d2) =
O(d 2 n log n  eO(
The runtime of cl1 =
O(d n  d
O(d n  e
n log n  e
O ( d ln d )
d ln d )
log n)
O(d n  2dTCL 2 (d n )) 
O ( d ln d )
log n) 
log n)  O(d n  e
O ( d ln d )
The Abstract Framework
We can expand this algorithm to be used on
larger range of problems.
Let H be a finite set
let (W{-},) linear ordered set of values
Let w : 2H W{-} value function
The Abstract Framework
Our goal :
to find a minimal subset BH
where w(B) = w(H)
We can use the algorithm that we saw
in order to solve this problem if 2 axiom are
The axioms
For any F ,G such that FG H
we have w(F)w(G) .(monotonicity)
For any FG H with w(F) = w(G)
if hH w(G) < w(G {h}) than
w(F) < w(F {h})
LP-type problems
If those axioms hold for a definition of a
problem we will call it
LP-type problem
From lemma 1 we can see that the linear
programming problem is LP-type.
LP-type problems
For the efficiency of the algorithm we need
one more parameter for (H,w):
the maximum size of any basis of H which
is referred to as the combinatorial
dimension of (H,w) denote as 
LP-type problems
Any LP-type problem can be solved using
the above algorithm but it is not necessarily
be in sub exponential time
 In order to have sub exponential time the
problem should have the property of
basis regularity
 Basis regularity – all the basis has exactly 
LP-type problems - Examples
Smallest closing ball- given a set of n points
in Rd find the smallest closing ball
(combinatorial dimension- d+1)
Polytope distance – given two polytopes P,Q.
compute pP q Q minimizing dist (p,q)
(combinatorial dimension- d+2)
We have seen a randomized sub exponential
in d-space algorithm for the linear
programming problem
We have seen the family of LP-type
Linear-programming – Randomization and
abstract frame work /
Bernd Gärtner and Emo welzl