Department of Computing and Information Science

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Recent Advances
Some slides containing formal results are labeled with * in the title fields.
These slides may be skipped if only an intuitive tutorial is desired.
Common approaches in MAS
 Logic-based:
Wooldridge 94, Rao and Georgeff 95, Halpern et al.
 Game-theoretic:
Rosenschein and Zlotkin 94.
 Economic:
Wellman 92.
 Decision-theoretic:
Gmytrasiewicz and Durfee 95.
 Truth maintenance (default-reasoning)-based:
Mason and Johnson 89, Huhns and Bridgeland 91.
 Distributed search-based:
Yokoo et al. 92.
MAS Area of Focus
 Task: distributed interpretation
 Producing higher level descriptions of the
environment from distributed sensing without
centralizing the evidence.
 Examples of distributed interpretation systems:
 Sensor networks.
 Medical diagnosis by multiple specialists.
 Trouble shooting complex artifacts.
 Distributed image interpretation.
Recent Advance
 Foundation:a probabilistic framework for multiagent
distributed interpretation based on multiply sectioned
Bayesian networks (MSBNs).
 Advance:
 Distributed representation of uncertainty knowledge
that is consistent with probability theory.
 Distributed inference that ensures global consistency.
 Agents can be developed by independent designers.
 Internal structure/knowledge of agents remains private.
 Controversial aspects:
 Are cooperative MASs important?
 Is homogeneous knowledge representation necessary?
 Common approaches for distributed interpretation are
based on logic (e.g., blackboard) or default reasoning
(e.g., DATMS and DTMS).
 Logic-based approaches do not have coherent
mechanism to deal with uncertain knowledge.
 Default reasoning treats uncertain knowledge as
“believed until there is reason to believe otherwise”
and not as “believed to a certain degree”.
 However, decisions often involve tradeoffs and
comparison of strength of belief on states of world
or outcomes of actions is thus necessary.
 Substantial progress has been made in uncertain inference using
Bayesian networks (BNs) [Pearl 88].
 Dependencies of domain variables are represented by a DAG.
 Strength of dependencies is quantified by an associated jpd.
 The jpd is interpreted as the degree of belief of an agent.
 Many effective inference algorithms have been developed.
 A single-agent paradigm is commonly assumed:
 A single processor accesses a single global BN, updates the
jpd as evidence becomes available, and answers queries.
 This research advances the DTMS approach with a
representation of agent’s degree of belief consistent with the
probability theory, and advances the single-agent BN approach
with a multiagent paradigm and distributed inference algorithm.
*Bayesian Networks (BN)
 Defi: A BN is a triplet (N,D,P) where
 N is a set of random variables,
 D is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) whose nodes are
labeled by elements of N,
 P is a jpd over N specified by probability
distributions of each node x in D conditioned on its
parents parn(x) in D.
 D expresses dependency relations among elements of N.
 A variable is independent of its non-descendents
given its parents.
 Hence P can be expressed as
P(N) =  x N P(x | parn(x)).
A Trivial Example BN [L & S 88]
Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks (MSBNs)
 Single-agent oriented MSBN [Xiang et al., CI93, AIM93]:
 A set of Bayesian subnets that collectively define a BN.
 Interface b/w subnets renders them conditionally independent.
 Top level structure is a hypertree.
 Compiled into a linked junction forest (LJF) for inference.
 Coherent inference operations are defined for a LJF.
A MSBN (left) and its LJF (right)
*The d-sepset: Interface b/w Subnets in a MSBN
 Defi: Let Di=(Ni,Ei) (i=1,2) be two DAGs such that
their union D is a DAG. I=N1N2 is a d-sepset b/w D1
and D2 if for every xI with its parents parn(x) in D,
either parn(x)N1 or parn(x) N2. D is said to be
sectioned into {D1,D2}.
 Theorem: Let a DAG D=(N,E) be sectioned into
{D1,…,Dk} and Iij=Ni Nj be the d-sepset b/w Di and
Dj. Then for each i,  j Iij d-separates [Pearl88]
Ni\ j Iij from N\Ni.
 Semantics: If D represents the dependence relations
among elements of N, then d-sepset ensures that
variables in a subnet are independent of other variables
given the d-sepsets of the subnet.
*Hypertree MSDAG: Top Level Structure of a MSBN
 Defi: Let D be the union of Di (i=1,…,n) where each Di
is a connected DAG. D is a hypertree MSDAG if it is a
DAG built by the following procedure:
 Start with an empty graph. Recursively add a DAG
Di called a hypernode, to the existing MSDAG
subject to the constraints:
 [d-sepset] For each Dj (j<k), Ijk =NjNk is a d-sepset
when the two DAGs are isolated.
 [Local covering] There exists Di (I<k) such that, for
each Dj (j<k;ji), Ijk  Ni . For such Di, Iik is called
the hyperlink b/w hypernodes Di and Dk.
 Semantics: Each hyperlink renders the two parts of the
MSBN that it connects conditionally independent.
*Compilation of a MSBN into a Linked Junction Forest
 Major steps in compiling a LJF
 Convert each DAG (hypernode) into a chordal graph such
that all dependence relations are preserved.
 Express the chordal graph as a junction tree (JT) of cliques.
 Convert each hyperlink (d-sepset) into linkages, each of
which is a subset of the d-sepest.
 Convert conditional probability distributions in each subnet to
belief tables of the corresponding JT and d-sepset.
 Let B(Ni) be the belief table on a hypernode and B(Ij) be the
belief table on a hyperlink. The joint system belief (JSB) of a
LJF is  i B(Ni) /  j B(Ij).
 Theorem: JSB of a LJF is equivalent to jpd of its MSBN.
 Since each subnet is organized as a tree, a LJF is an equivalent
but more effective data structure for inference computation.
*Inference in a Single-agent Oriented MSBN
 Inference using LJF of a MSBN
 Queries of a single user are focused on a single JT at
a time, where a query has the form “what is the
probability of event A given that B has occured?”
 Evidence can be entered incrementally to the JT and
queries are answered by local computation only .
 As the user shifts attention to another JT, belief
propagation is performed only along the hyperpath to
the target JT in the hypertree.
 Queries can then be entered at the target JT as above.
 Theorem: After finite times of attention shifts, answers
to queries computed locally are idential to what would
be obtained from an equivalent homogeneous BN.
What Can be Gained y Using a MSBN?
 If a domain consists of loosely coupled subdomains, then...
 Knowledge acquisition is natural and modular:
Subnet can be built one at a time.
 Inference requires only local computation. Attention shift uses
only hyperpath. Hence computation is more efficient
 Answers to queries are the same as from a homogeneous BN.
Structure of a general MSBN (left) and the corresponding hypertree
Why Using MSBNs for Distributed Interpretation?
 Representation of MSBNs is modular.
 Inference in MSBNs is coherent.
 The framework of MSBNs is general.
Major Issues in Extending MSBNs to MASs
 What is the semantics of a subnet?
 What is the semantics of the jpd of the MSBN?
 How do we build the system by multiple agent
 How do we ensure a correct overall structure
while protecting the know-how of each developer?
 How do we ensure a coherent inference?
 What difference does a multi-agent MSBN make
relative to a MAS not organized into a MSBN?
What is the semantics of a subnet?
 In a single-agent MSBN:
 The MSBN represents multiple perspectives of a domain
hold by a single agent.
 Each subnet represents one such perspective.
 In a multi-agent MSBN [Xiang, AIJ96]
 The MSBN represents multiple agents in a domain, each of
which holds one perspective.
 Each subnet represents one agent's perspective of the domain.
An agent model
What is the semantics of the jpd in a MSBN?
If the distribution of each subnet represents
one agent's belief, whose belief does the jpd
of the MSBN represent?
Example: a computer system.
It processes information coherently as a whole.
Its components are supplied by different
As long as vendors follow a protocol in
designing component interfaces, the system
functions as if it follows a single will.
What is the semantics of the jpd in a MSBN?
 Another example: a patient sees a doctor.
 Patient tells what doctor needs to know for diagnosis.
 After doctor reaches a diagnosis, he prescribes a
therapy which patient follows.
 Observation
 Doctor does not experience symptoms.
 Patient does not understand how diagnosis is reached.
 A coherent belief is demonstrated on symptoms (used
by doctor to reach diagnosis) and the diagnosis
(therapy is followed by patient).
What is the semantics of the jpd in a MSBN?
 Due to the way the jpd of a MSBN is defined, there exists
a unique jpd [Xiang, AIJ96] such that
 its marginalization to each subnet is identical to the
distribution of the subnet;
 adjacent subnets are conditionally independent given
their interface.
 Implication: If agents are (1) cooperative, (2) independent
conditioned on interface, and (3) initially consistent, then
the jpd of the MSBN represents a unique collective belief
 identical to each agent's belief within its subdomain,
 and supplemental to its belief outside its subdomain.
How do we ensure coherent inference?
 Issue arising:
 In a single-agent MSBN, evidence is entered one
subnet at a time.
 In a multi-agent MSBN, evidence are entered
asynchronously at multiple subnets in parallel.
 Solution: extended inference operations [Xiang, AIJ96].
How do we ensure coherent inference?
 CollectNewBelief: Initiated at an agent to activate
an inward propagation towards the agent.
How do we ensure coherent inference?
 DistributeBelief: Initiated at an agent to activate
an outward propagation.
How do we ensure coherent inference?
 Theorem: After CommunicateBelief, answers to
queries from any agent is identical to what is obtained
from an equivalent homogeneous BN.
 Implication: Distribution causes no loss of coherence.
 Complexity of inference computation
 Inference at one agent: O(k 2^m), where m is the
maximal size of a clique and k is the number of
cliques in the JT.
 CommunicateBelief: O(t g k 2**m), where t is the
number of agents and g is the maximal number of
linkages in a hyperlink.
How do we ensure coherent inference?
 Theorem: Between successive CommunicateBeliefs,
answers to queries from any agent X is identical to
what would be obtained in an equivalent homogeneous
BN where only evidence in the bottom are entered.
Evidence to A
Evidence to W
Evidence to A
Evidence to W
Evidence to X
Evidence to Y
Evidence to Z
Evidence to X
Evidence to Y
Evidence to Z
How to build a MSBN by multiple developers?
 How to ensure system coherence without disclosing
structure and distribution of individual subnets?
 It is possible if
 the interface of each subnet renders it conditionally
independent of others; and
 adjacent agents agree on an initial belief of their
 Solution [Xiang, AI96]:
 A single integrater with the knowledge of agents
interface puts agents into a hypertree.
 Agents negotiate to achieve initial belief on interface.
Global structure vs each agent's know-how
 Structures of subnets in a MSBN collectively
define a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
 Local acyclicity doesn't warrant global acyclicity.
 Algorithms to test acyclicity based on topological
sorting are well known. However, a central
representation of the graph is assumed.
Global structure vs each agent's know-how
 If each subnet’s structure is unknown to others,
how can we ensure acyclicity of the MSBN?
 A distributed algorithm has been developed that
has the following features [Xiang, FLAIRS96]:
 Each agent provides only info on whether a
shared node has a parent or a child in its DAG,
plus some flag info.
 The acyclicity of the MSBN can be correctly
What if agents are not organized into a MSBN?
 Belief propagation in a MSBN proceeds along hypertree
in a regulated fashion.
 What happens otherwise?
Agent X
Agent Y
Agent W
Agent Z
 Not knowing message from
Y is based on evidence
originated from itself, Z
counts the same info twice.
 Circular evidence
propagation causes
no problem if
agents are logical.
 But it causes false
belief if agent’s
knowledge is
Prospects for distributed interpretation
 A framework is provided for tasks that rely on
uncertain knowledge and distributed inference
without sacrifice of coherence in the
 The framework protects individual agent
developer’s know-how and hence encourages
cooperation of many agent developers in building
MASs in large and complex domains.
Ex. Systems for trouble-shooting complex artifacts.
Prospects for distributed interpretation
 The framework suggests standardization of agent
interfaces in large and complex domains where
knowledge sources are naturally distributed and
separately owned.
 The framework suggests future research directions:
 Dynamic formulation of multiagent MSBNs.
 Incorporation of decision making.
 Incorporation of temporal inference.