Probabilistic Reasoning over Time Russell and Norvig: ch 15
Transcript Probabilistic Reasoning over Time Russell and Norvig: ch 15
Probabilistic Reasoning
over Time
Russell and Norvig: ch 15
Temporal Probabilistic
t1, t2, t3, …
Time and Uncertainty
The world changes, we need to track and predict it
Examples: diabetes management, traffic monitoring
Basic idea: copy state and evidence variables for
each time step
Xt – set of unobservable state variables at time t
e.g., BloodSugart, StomachContentst
Et – set of evidence variables at time t
e.g., MeasuredBloodSugart, PulseRatet, FoodEatent
Assumes discrete time steps
States and Observations
Process of change is viewed as series of snapshots,
each describing the state of the world at a
particular time
Each time slice involves a set or random variables
indexed by t:
the set of unobservable state variables Xt
the set of observable evidence variable Et
The observation at time t is Et = et for some set of
values et
The notation Xa:b denotes the set of variables from
Xa to Xb
Stationary Process/Markov Assumption
Markov Assumption: Xt depends on some previous Xis
First-order Markov process:
P(Xt|X0:t-1) = P(Xt|Xt-1)
kth order: depends on previous k time steps
Sensor Markov assumption:
P(Et|X0:t, E0:t-1) = P(Et|Xt)
Assume stationary process: transition model P(Xt|Xt-1)
and sensor model P(Et|Xt) are the same for all t
In a stationary process, the changes in the world
state are governed by laws that do not themselves
change over time
Which mode is right is determined by domain.
If a particle is executing a random walk along the
x-axis, changing its position by +/-1 at each time step,
then using the x-coordinate as the state gives a firstorder Markov process.
Complete Joint Distribution
Transition model: P(Xt|Xt-1)
Sensor model: P(Et|Xt)
Prior probability: P(X0)
Then we can specify complete joint
P( X 0 , X1 ,..., X t , E1 ,..., E t ) P( X 0 ) P( X i | X i 1 ) P( E i | X i )
i 1
Assumption modification
first-order Markov process is used in previous
There are two possible fixes if the
approximation proves too inaccurate:
1. Increasing the order of the Markov process
Use second-order model by adding Raint-2 as a parent
of Rain, which might give slightly more accurate
predictions (for example, in Palo ,Alto it very rarely
rains more than two days in a row).
2. Increasing the set of state variables.
For example, we could add Season{ to allow us to
incorporate historical records of rainy seasons, or we
could add Temperaturet, Humidityt and Pressuret to
allow us to use a physical model of rainy conditions.
adding state variables might improve
the system's predictive power but also
increases the prediction requirements
we now have to predict the new variables
as well.
add new sensors (Eg. measurements of
temperature and pressure
Example: robot wandering
Problem: tracking a robot wandering
randomly on the X-Y plane
state variables: position and velocity
the new position can be calculated by
Newton's laws
the velocity may change unpredictably
Eg. battery-powered robot’s velocity may be
effected by a battery exhaustion
Example: robot wandering
Battery exhaustion depends on how
much power was used by all previous
maneuvers, the Markov property is
Add charge level Batteryt as state
new model to predict Batteryt from Batteryt-1
and the velocity
New sensors for charge level
Inference Tasks
Filtering or monitoring: P(Xt|e1,…,et)
computing current belief state, given all evidence to date
Prediction: P(Xt+k|e1,…,et)
computing prob. of some future state
Smoothing: P(Xk|e1,…,et)
computing prob. of past state (hindsight)(0≤k ≤t)
Most likely explanation:
arg maxx1,..xtP(x1,…,xt|e1,…,et)
given sequence of observation, find sequence of states that is
most likely to have generated those observations.
Filtering: What is the probability that it is raining
today, given all the umbrella observations up through
Prediction: What is the probability that it will rain
the day after tomorrow, given all the umbrella
observations up through today?
Smoothing: What is the probability that it rained
yesterday, given all the umbrella observations
through today?
Most likely explanation: if the umbrella appeared
the first three days but not on the fourth, what is the
most likely weather sequence to produce these
umbrella sightings?
Filtering & Prediction
We use recursive estimation to compute P(Xt+1 |
e1:t+1) as a function of et+1 and P(Xt | e1:t)
We can write this as follows:
P( X t 1 | e1:t 1 ) P( X t 1 | e1:t , et 1 )(dividing up the evidence)
P (et 1 | X t 1 , e1:t ) P ( X t 1 | e1:t )(using Bayes' rule)
P (et 1 | X t 1 ) P ( X t 1 | e1:t )(by the Markov property of evidence).
P (et 1 | X t 1 ) P ( X t 1 | xt ) P ( xt | e1:t )(using the Markov property)
P(et+l lXt+1) is obtainable directly from the sensor model
This leads to a recursive definition
f1:t+1 = FORWARD(f1:t:t,et+1)
Example: rain & umbrella p. 543
Model,P(R0) =<0.5,0.5>
Compute P(Xk|e1:t) for 0<= k < t
Using a backward message bk+1:t = P(Ek+1:t | Xk), we obtain
P(Xk|e1:t) = f1:kbk+1:t
The backward message can be computed using
bk 1:t P(ek 1 | xk 1 )P(ek 2:t | xk 1 )P(xk 1 | Xk )
xk 1
This leads to a recursive definition
Bk+1:t = BACKWARD(bk+2:t,ek+1:t)
bk 1:t P(ek 1 | xk 1 )P(ek 2:t | xk 1 )P(xk 1 | Xk )
Example from R&N: p. 545
xk 1
computing the smoothed estimate for the
probability of rain at t = 1, given the umbrella
observations on days 1 and 2.
According to E.15.7
Pluged into E.15.8
Probabilistic Temporal Models
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
Kalman Filters
Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs)
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
Further simplification:
Only one state variable.
We can use matrices, now.
Ti,j = P(Xt=j|Xt-1=i)
Tij is the probability of a transition from
state i to state j.
transition matrix for the umbrella world:
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
sensor model:diagonal matrix Ot
diagonal entries are given by the values
P(et lXt = i)
Other entried:0
Umbrella world
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
Example: speech recognition