CM 1.02 PowerPointx

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Objective 1.02
Objective 1.02 Essential Questions
 The process of conveying a message,
thought, or idea so it is accurately received
and understood.
 The message is said to be effective when the
receiver understands the same meaning that
the sender was intended to convey.
Effective Communication skills
 Needed to:
 Secure a job
 Successfully share feelings, ideas, facts, and
 Employers expect workers to listen, read, write,
and speak accurately.
 Up-to-date communication skills => Success and
advancement in a job
 Poor Communication skills => Dismissal from
your job
Effective Communication skills
 Written Communication
 The seven C’s of business communication
1. Correctness
2. Completeness
3. Conciseness
4. Clearness
5. Concreteness
6. Courtesy
7. Consideration
At the core of correctness is proper grammar,
punctuation, and spelling. However a message may
be perfect grammatically and mechanically but still
insult or lose a customer.
 Use the right level of language
 Check accuracy of facts, figures and words
 Choose non discriminatory language
 Business message is complete when it contains all
facts the reader or listener needs for the reaction
you desire.
 As you strive for completeness, keep the following
guidelines in mind;
Provide all necessary information
Answer all questions asked
Give something extra when desirable
 Eliminate wordy expressions
 Include only relevant statements
Be focused
 Shorten & avoid long explanations
 Avoid gushing politeness
 Avoid unnecessary repetitions
 Use short forms the second time
 Use pronouns
Clearness or Clarity
Getting the meaning from your head to the head of
your reader (accurately) is the purpose of clarity. Of
course you know it is not simple; we all carry around
our own unique interpretations, ideas, experiences
associated with words.
 Choose short , familiar & conversational words
 Construct effective sentences and paragraphs
Communicating concretely means being specific,
definite, and vivid rather than vague and general.
Often it means using donatives (direct, explicit,
often dictionary based) rather than connotative
words (ideas or notions suggested by or associated
with a word or phrase.
 Use specific facts and figures
 Put action into words
 Choose vivid image building words
 True courtesy involves being aware not only of the
perspective of others, but also their feelings.
courtesy stems from a sincere you-attitude.
 Be sincere , tactful, thoughtful and appreciative
 Omit expressions
Consideration means preparing every message with
the message receivers in mind; try to put yourself in
their place.
 Focus on YOU instead of I & WE
 Show reader benefit & interest
 Emphasize on positive & pleasant
Effective communication skills
 Written Communication
 Plagiarism: : the act of using another person's
words or ideas without giving credit to that person :
the act of plagiarizing something
Effective communication skills
Written business communication
 1.
Memorandum – informal, similar to
email, within same company
 2. Business letter – formal and informative
Written for 3 Reasons:
Request Letters
2. Good News and Neutral-Message Letters
Bad-News Letter
Effective communication skills
 Verbal/Nonverbal Communication
 Importance of both verbal and nonverbal
 Sign Language
 Body Language
 The Seven Universal Facial Expressions of
Emotion - FBI
 Tone of Voice
 Reaction
The Seven Universal Facial
Expressions of Emotion
Explain the nature of effective communications
 Divide students into three groups, and instruct each group to form a
circle. Give each group different instructions.
a) Group one: The group members can communicate in any way
necessary to complete the task.
b) Group two: The group members may not speak during the task, but
they may use any other form of communication.
c) Group three: They must all face away from the circle so they cannot
see each other. Additionally, this group may not speak.
 The groups’ task is to arrange themselves in their circles clockwise by
their birthdates (January, February, March, etc.). Allow time for each
group to complete the task. Discuss the importance of effective
communication in completing the task or barriers that made it difficult
to complete the task. Ask students how their responses could apply to
school, home, and community situations.
PS2.K1 – Complete only if time permits.
Correctness in the message helps in building confidence.
Clearness makes understanding easier.
Conciseness saves time.
Completeness brings the desired response.
Consideration means understanding of human nature.
Concreteness reinforces confidence.
Courtesy strengthen relations and builds goodwill.
 With a Partner, you will deconstruct each word by
creating a “Mini-Flipbook”. Each word gets a page with (1)
the word written or typed out, (2) a visual or picture
depicting the word and (3) a sentence written out
demonstrating its use in communicating through writing.
Interact with others in a way that is
honest, fair, helpful & respectful
 Ethical vs. Unethical Behavior
 Workplace ethics
Interact with others in a way that is
honest, fair, helpful & Respectful
 Ethical vs. Unethical Behavior
 Personal Ethics
Interact with others in a way that is
honest, fair, helpful and respectful
 Treating Others Fairly
 Gender
 Sexual Orientation
 Physical Condition
 Ethnic Heritage
 Lifestyle
 Harassment
Choose three students to come to the front of the room. Ask them to simultaneously
respond to the question, “What qualities make you a good leader?” Instruct them that
the important thing is to keep talking. Stop them after two or three minutes.
Tell the group of listeners that they have to decide who they think is the best leader.
Ask various students whom they would choose and have them give specific
examples based on what they just heard. As listeners give examples, ask the
speaker if the information given is correct. If not, have the speaker repeat the
information correctly. After several listeners have responded, ask the class members
if they had trouble figuring out who would be the best leader and why they had
trouble. Discuss the importance of effective listening skills and barriers if effective
listening skills are not used. Ask them to identify situations during the class project
that effective use of active listening skills will be essential.
Positive social skills
(e.g., good manners and showing gratitude)
Positive Social Skills
Positive Attitude
 Digital etiquette
 Attitudes
 Positive & Negative
 Optimists & Pessimists
 Social networking
 Etiquette
 Gossip
 Professionalism
 Tact
 Punctuality
Get along well with others and work
effectively with them in groups.
 Team Work
 Time Management
 Cooperative or coordinated
effort on the part of a group
of persons acting together as
a team or in the interests of a
common cause.
Conflict Resolution Skills
 Conflict Resolution Skills
 Conflict Resolution Process
Identify the problem.
Identify possible solutions.
Evaluate each suggested solution.
Pick the best solution.
See if the solution is working.
If necessary, agree to disagree.
Conflict Resolution
Group Activity #1
Group Activity #2
 6 groups
 3 groups of 3
 1 group of 4
 I give assign each group a step
 I will tape an index card on
 On poster paper
 (1) Write the number of the
step in large font, (2) write
the words of the step in large
font, (3) visually depict it as
creatively as possible…a
poem, rap, etc. (4) share the
posters with the class
your back with one of the 6
steps on it.
 You are to use effective
communication skills to
figure out which step you
have and then place
yourselves in numerical order
 i.e. step 1, step 2, step 3, step
4, step 5, step 6
Conflict Resolution Skills
 Communication in Conflict Situations
 Private locations
 I-messages
I feel _________________________________
When you _____________________________
Because _______________________________
And I want ____________________________
Purposes of “I” Messages
You can use an “I” message when you have strong feelings, especially when your
children’s behavior is not acceptable to you. The benefits of “I” Messages include:
 helping you to get clearer about your feelings as you communicate them to your children
 modeling healthy ways of dealing with feelings
 providing a way for you to express anger without insulting your children or diminishing
their self-esteem
informing your children of your reaction to their behavior
giving your children the opportunity to be responsive to your needs by acting differently,
thus helping your children to become less ego-centric as they consider the effect of their
behavior on other people
opening the doors to honest communication with your children
contributing to a healthy relationship, increase in trust and a sense of connection.
The Gossip Game
 Play the gossip game with the class. (telephone game)
Have students assemble themselves in a circle then the
teacher joins the circle and says a statement to the
student to the right and that student repeats what they
heard to the next student. The students are not
allowed to repeat what they said.
 Goals of this game: Discuss how important it is to
speak clearly, how quickly a statement changes when
traveling through numerous people. Etc.
Recognize the difference between appropriate and
inappropriate behavior in specific school, social and
work situations
 Appropriate behavior in specific situations
ii. Respecting privacy
iii. Appropriate dress
iv. Working with supervisors and coworkers
v. Punctuality
vi. Time management
vii. Accountability
viii. Motivation
ix. Integrity
x. Self-discipline
xi. Personal code of ethics
Recognize the difference between appropriate and inappropriate
behavior in specific school, social and work situations
 Demonstrate Self-Control
Reward technique - Occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by a
stimulus that is appetitive or rewarding, increasing the frequency of that
Extinction - the gradual weakening of a conditioned response that results
in the behavior decreasing or disappearing; caused by the lack of any
consequence following a behavior.
Alternate behavior - desirable/acceptable behaviors that achieve the
same outcome as a less desirable problem behavior.
Stimulus control - term used to describe situations in which a behavior is
triggered by the presence or absence of some stimulus. For example, if you
always eat when you watch TV, your eating behavior is controlled by the
stimulus of watching TV. (This can be an important insight to some
people.) If you are talkative with your friends but you never speak out in a
classroom, your speech behavior is controlled by your social environment.
Handling outside pressure on you.
Sources of pressure
ii. Mental
iii. Emotional
iv. Intellectual
Roadblocks in your personal life
ii. Affirmation
iii. Visualization
Accepting responsibility for your
 Responsible personal
 Responsible behavior in
the work environment
Knowledge about, respect for, openness to and
appreciation for all kinds of human diversity.
 Cultural Sensitivity
 Diversity
 Discrimination
 Prejudice
 Bias
 Stereotype
Interacting positively with diverse groups of people may
contribute to learning and academic achievement.
 Fairness
 公正 Kōsei
 Rettferdighet
 Norwegian
 Tegwch
 Welch
Google Translate
 Respect
 ‫االحترام‬
 尊重 Zūnzhòng
 Chinese
 Повага povaha
 Ukranian
Interacting positively with diverse groups of people is
often essential to maintain employment.
 Positive working relationships
 Human relations
 Interdependence
 Attitudes
 Types of Leaders
 Authoritarian
 Democratic
 Laissez-Faire