Graduate Student Review System
Transcript Graduate Student Review System
Ashley Montebello – CprE
Katie Githens – SE
Wayne Rowcliffe – SE
Advisor/Client: Akhilesh Tyagi
Problem Statement
The ECpE department currently manually sends out
emails containing review forms to graduate students
and faculty to evaluate graduate student progress.
This process is not very efficient and requires constant
interaction in order to complete the review process
between students, faculty, and the graduate committee.
Need Statement
The ECpE department would like an automated
system to complete gradate student reviews. Updates
to the process will include:
Automating the email process for students, faculty, and
the graduate committee.
Automating the user creation process by creating
accounts from the College of Engineering database.
Storing data to a database will make the review process
much easier for the graduate committee (easily sort
students and their progress for review)
System Description
We have received the Computer Science department’s
GProgress system as a starting point for our system
Adapt current Computer Science GProgress system to
fit Electrical & Computer Engineering department
General changes to forms to fit ECpE needs
Replace current login process with IAState login system
Create user accounts from College of Engineering
database instead of manually
Make changes to user interface to make system more
Conceptual Diagram
Operating Environment
Front-End Environment
Access the system through a supported web browser
Back-End Environment
Apache Tomcat web server running Java
SQL database
Non-Functional Requirements
Use the IAState login system for user authentication
Integrate with College of Engineering graduate student
Functional Requirements
All Users
Update account information
Must login to the system to gain access to features
Add, edit, search and delete accounts, courses, reporting
periods and rating scales
Edit and submit evaluation
Edit background information
Functional Requirements
Edit and submit advisee rating
View their students’ evaluations by reporting period
Graduate Committee
View student and professor ratings for each student
Assumptions & Technology
Received code for GProgress provides a fully functional
Users have a web browser that can render the web
Users know how to use the web browser to navigate
Users are familiar with completing and submitting
SQL Database to store necessary information
JSP pages, Java classes needed to run the website
User guides will be made part of the website
System documentation
Tasks & Schedule
Risks & Mitigations
If GProgress system and code is not well 1) Get system documentation and code
documented it may take more time
as early as possible
than expected to understand the code.
2) Begin reviewing code Fall semester
so we can start development right
away in the spring
Depending on system design, it may be
difficult to integrate with desired
systems (IAState for login, CoE
Do more research in this area to find
alternatives. Worst case scenario: use
system as it exists currently.
Cost Estimate
Software – FREE (open source)
Hours (400): $8000
Apache Tomcat 5.0 or above
JRE 1.5.0 or above
MySQL 5.1 or above
System Design
Java Server Page (JSP)
“View” component
Apache Struts 1.2
Used to help keep MVC
Hibernate 3.0
For mapping Java
objects to the database
Apache Struts
JSP serves as the “View”
Controller Servlet is the
Controller manages
between actions and
action forms through
struts-config.xml file
Action Forms and
ActionForm Beans are
the “Model”
Object-relation mapping
(ORM) solution that
maps Java objects to
relational databases
JavaBean classes mapped
to corresponding table
using XML mapping file
hibernate.cfg.xml file is
used to configure
User Interface Specification
Four different views
Graduate Committee
Depending on user’s permissions they will have access
to various options in the system
User Login
New User Login
Admin Home Page
New Admin Home Page
Student Evaluation
New Student Evaluation
Testing Plan
Make sure login uses the engineering servers correctly
Make sure once logged in, a user has the proper
Make sure logging out clears the user’s information
Form Submission
Ensure that forms contain the desired information
Ensure that the forms are saved to the server correctly
Ensure that the user can see the relevant forms
Testing Plan
Email Notifications
Ensure that email notifications are sent when evaluation
period begins
Ensure that faculty are emailed when students submit
their self-evaluation
Ensure that the graduate committee is emailed when
faculty have finished their evaluations
Testing Plan
Test that private data requires the proper
login/password to access
Test against SQL injection
Load Testing
Test that the system can hold up to the expected load
Current Status
Received source code from Computer Science
Working on understanding the given code to begin
making changes to forms to fit ECpE department