Transcript Document

Presentation Skills
Orna Farrell
[email protected]
Discussion questions
What makes a great
Who do you think is a great
speaker?What makes them
How do you feel about
public speaking?
Remember the audience
What make an effective presentation?
Verbal & Non- Verbal communication
Using Powerpoint
Effective slides
10 steps for preparing your presentation
Remember the audience
• "The most important aspect of making a presentation is
to consider the needs of the audience. If you simply read
or repeat information ‘off by heart’ your presentation
will probably sound very flat and dull to the audience.
There is also a greater risk that you will lose your place
in your talk." (Cottrell, 2009)
• Engage your audience: talk to them not at them
• Audiences want variety
• Audiences get bored
• Audience like images: the slides are for them
What makes an effective
Careful planning & preparation
clear structure
Good time management
Relevant & interesting content
Good communication skills
Appropriate use of slide/supporting
• Suitable audience participation
Careful planning & preparation
This involves researching & choosing relevant content
Preparing slides
Allocating tasks if group work
Planning slide handovers
Preparing an introduction & conclusion
Reharsing the presentation: Speak aloud & use the actual
room for the presentation
• Think about where you will stand, especially if its a group
Time Management
Time your presentation
Allow for a few minutes extra
Better to be too short than too long
If in a group: give each member a similar time period to
speak, over running will make you unpopular
• Make sure your content is relevant & interesting
• Use examples, definitions, theories, case studies, quotes
and personal examples to make the presentation
• Images: photos, graphs, charts, maps are all effective
means of communication
Structure 1
• A clear structure is very important
• Introduction: introduce yourself & your group. Outline
the main parts of the presentation. Say how long it will
take and when you will have questions
• Have an introduction: Hello my name is Orna Farrell and
Im going to talk to you about......... Firstly I will
discuss..........then ................... and lastly.................................
The presentation will take 10 minutes and I will take
questions at the end
Struture 2
Thank the audience for their attention
Invite questions
Stay standing and wait for the questions....dont
run off
Verbal Communication
limit your use of jargon
Explain new or complex terms
Speak slowly & clearly
Vary your tone & pitch
Finish sentences
Stand straight, it improves your voice projection
Use pauses
Record yourself
Non-verbal communication
There are basically three elements in any face-to-face
• words
• tone of voice and
• body language.
These three elements account differently for the meaning
of the message:
- Words account for 7%
- Tone of voice accounts for 38%
- Body language accounts for 55% of the message
Non-Verbal Communication
• Choose where you will
• Keep your hands still
• Face the audience, dont
put your back to the
• Eye contact- lighthouse
• Don't read from the
• Dont hide behind the
• It is a good idea to use notes during your presentation
• Don't have the whole presentation written will
just read
• Have keywords & bullet points on cards or print out your
slides and use them as notes
• Don't have loads of pages to russle through and get lost
• Learn your presentation, the notes are only back up
Using powerpoint
Common mistakes:
Over reliance on the powerpoint
Information overload
Getting too technical & wasting time
Thinking in bullet point
Too many fonts and styles
Boring slides
Only talking about whats on the slide
How to make good PowerPoint slides
• Use bullet points & short
• Use a consistent slide
• Use pictures, graphs and
short clips
• Use big font
• Proof read your slides for
spelling and grammar
• Use long pieces of text
• Flashy graphics &
• Use many different slide
designs, fonts
• Many different colour
Background – Bad
• Avoid backgrounds that are distracting or
difficult to read from
• Always be consistent with the background that
you use
Background - Good
• Use backgrounds such as this one that are
attractive but simple
• Use backgrounds which are light
• Use the same background consistently
throughout your presentation
Colour - Bad
• Using a font colour that does not contrast with
the background colour is hard to read
• Using colour for decoration is distracting and
• Using a different colour for each point is
– Using a different colour for secondary points is also
• Trying to be creative can also be bad
Colour - Good
• Use a colour of font that contrasts sharply with
the background
– Ex: blue font on white background
• Use colour to reinforce the logic of your structure
– Ex: light blue title and dark blue text
• Use colour to emphasize a point
– But only use this occasionally
Slide layout - Bad
• This page contains too many words for a
presentation slide. It is not written in point form,
making it difficult both for your audience to read
and for you to present each point. Although there
are exactly the same number of points on this
slide as the previous slide, it looks much more
complicated. In short, your audience will spend
too much time trying to read this paragraph
instead of listening to you.
10 steps for preparing your presentation
1. read the assignment specification
2. Create a task list
3. Create a time chart
4. Review your existing knowledge of the topic
5. Research & read on the topic
6. Decide on the content
7. Find examples
8. Decide who is your audience
9. Make slides
10.Rehearse presentation
Preparation is the key to a good presentation
Face the audience
Speak slowly & clearly
If something goes wrong move on!
Further reading
Chivers, B et al.(2007) A student's guide to presentations.
London: Sage.
Van Emden, J. et al (2004) Presentation skills for students.
London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Killer presentations: