The Spread of Civilizations in East Asia 500-1650

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The Spread of Civilizations in
East Asia 500-1650
Ch. 13.1
The Brilliant Tang
The first Tang
emperor was Li Yuan.
After a revolt led by
his son Li Shimin,
Yuan stepped down.
Shimin took the name
Tang Taizong and
became China’s most
admired emperor.
Tang Dynasty
Government and the Economy
Tang rulers created
tributary states including
Vietnam, Korea, and
Although these lands
were independent they
recognized China as
supreme and sent regular
Tang rulers instituted
land reforms were estates
were broken up into small
parts and distributed to
Prosperity Under the Song
Despite military
setbacks from
invasions from the
North, the Song period
was a golden age.
Under the Song the
economy expanded,
trade flourished and
new farming practices
were adopted.
Technology of Tang and Song
Mechanical Clock – 700’s.
Gunpowder – 850.
Block Printing – 700’s.
Movable Type – 1040’s.
Chinese Society
Under the Tang and
Song, China was a wellordered society made up
of social classes.
Gentry – wealthy
landowning class.
Peasants – Most of
the population who
worked the land.
Merchants – Under
Confucian teachings
merchants had a
lower status than
Status of Women
Although women had
more status early on,
generally they were
seen as inferior to
During the late Song
dynasty, the custom of
foot-binding came into
This practice was
meant to make the
women’s feet appear
smaller and more
Arts and Literature
Landscape Painting
Pagoda –
multistoried temple
Poetry – Li Bo
花間一壺酒。 A cup of wine, under the flowering trees;
獨酌無相親。 I drink alone, for no friend is near.
舉杯邀明月。 Raising my cup I beckon the bright moon,
對影成三人。 For her, with my shadow, will make three people.
月既不解飲。 The moon, alas, is no drinker of wine;
影徒隨我身。 Listless, my shadow creeps about at my side.
暫伴月將影。 Yet with the moon as friend and the shadow as
行樂須及春。 I must make merry before the Spring is spent.
我歌月徘徊。 To the songs I sing the moon flickers her beams;
我舞影零亂。 In the dance I weave my shadow tangles and
醒時同交歡。 While we were sober, three shared the fun;
醉後各分散。 Now we are drunk, each goes their way.
永結無情遊。 May we long share our eternal friendship,
相期邈雲漢。 And meet at last on the Cloudy River of the sky.