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Experience with Objectivity in the
GIOD Project
The GIOD Project
(Globally Interconnected Object Databases)
A Joint Project between Caltech(HEP and CACR), CERN and Hewlett Packard
Digital Sky @
Julian Bunn/CERN
April 1999
CERN’s Large Hadron Collider- 2005 to >2025
 Biggest machine yet
built: a proton-proton
 Four experiments: ALICE,
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
WorldWide Collaboration
April 1997
 100 Mbytes/sec from online systems
 >1700 physicists
 ~1 Pbyte/year raw data
 140 institutes
 ~1 Pbyte/year reconstructed data
 30 countries
 Data accessible across the globe
Digital Sky meeting.
Data Distribution Model
Online System
~100 MBytes/sec
Offline Processor Farm ~10
There is a “bunch crossing” every 25 nsecs.
There are 100 “triggers” per second
~100 MBytes/sec
Each triggered event is ~1 MByte in size
~622 Mbits/sec
or Air Freight
USA Regional
Centre ~1 TIPS
France Regional
CERN Computer
Italy Regional
Germany Regional
~622 Mbits/sec
Institute Institute
Physics data
~1 MBytes/sec
Physicists work on analysis “channels”.
Each institute will have ~10 physicists working on one or more
Data for these channels should be cached by the institute
Physicist workstations
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
 OO programming paradigm
is the modern, industry direction
supported by C++, Java high level languages
excellent choice of both free and commercial class libraries
suits our problem space well: rich hierarchy of complex data types (raw data, tracks, energy
clusters, particles, missing energy, time-dependent calibration constants)
 Allows us to take full advantage of industry developments in software technology
 Need to make some objects “persistent”
 raw data
 newly computed, useful, objects
 Need an object store that supports an evolving data model and scales to many
PetaBytes (1015 Bytes)
 (O)RDBMS wont work: For one year’s data would need a virtual table with 109 rows and many
 Require persistent heterogeneous object location transparency, replication
 Multiple platforms, arrays of software versions, many applications, widely distributed in
 Need to banish huge “logbooks” of correspondences between event numbers, run numbers,
event types, tag information, file names, tape numbers, site names etc.
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
ODBMS - choice of Objectivity/DB
 Commercial ODBMS
 embody hundreds of person-years of effort to develop
 tend to conform to standards
 offer rich set of management tools & language bindings
 Objectivity is the best choice for us right now
 Architecture of Objectivity/DB seems capable of handling PetaBytes.
 Very large databases can be created as “Federations” of very many
smaller databases, which themselves are distributed and/or replicated
amongst servers on the network
 Features data replication and fault tolerance
 I/O performance, overhead and efficiency are very similar to traditional
HEP systems
 OS support (NT, Solaris, Linux, Irix, AIX, HP-UX, etc..)
 Language bindings (C++, Java, [C, SmallTalk, SQL++ etc.])
 Commitment to HEP as target business sector
 Close relationships built up with the company, at all levels
 Attractive licensing schemes for HEP
Digital Sky meeting.
April 1997
Federated Database - Views of the Data
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - Database Tests (I)
 Tested database replication from CERN to
 Remote database replication transparent
given sufficient bandwidth
re a te L A N
re a te W A N
o m m it L A N
o m m it W A N
i l i s
 Results
 Application is platform independent
 Database is platform independent
 No performance loss for remote
 Fastest access: objects are
 Slowest: using predicates
 Tested creating federated database in HPSS
managed storage, using an NFS export
 Can use HPSS/NFS interface to store
databases, but performance poor and
timeouts a problem
 Developed simple scaling test application:
 Looked at usability, efficiency and scalability
while varying
 number of objects
 location of objects
 object selection mechanism
 database host platform
Wavelength 
S a tu r a te d h o u r s ~ 1 0 k b its /s e c o n d
Wavelength 
April 1997
U n s a tu r a te d ~ 1 M b its /s e c o n d
U p d a te N u m b e r (T im e o f D a y )
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - WAN/LAN Tests (I)
Large data transfer over CERN-USA link to Caltech
Try one file ...
Let it rip
HPSS fails
Tidy up ...
 Transfer of ~31 GBytes of Objectivity databases from CERN to HPSS at Caltech
 Achieved ~11 GBytes/day (equivalent to ~4 Tbytes/year, equivalent to 1 Pbyte/year
on a 622 Mbits/sec link)
 HPSS hardware problem at Caltech , not network, caused transfer to abort
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
The traffic destined for the database is exclusively
object data, and consists of raw event objects,
reconstructed objects and analysis objects, together
with small "tag" objects.
The write rate to the disk is always lower than the
input rate from the ATM.
There is significant traffic towards the Reconstruction
client, particularly when the client starts up:
unexpected (it is schema information)
Summary: A lot of traffic in both directions on the
ATM: only a small fraction of it ends up as objects in
the database.
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - Database Tests (II)
Caltech Exemplar used as a convenient testbed
for Objy multiple-client tests
Initial tests showed instability of lockserver
 subsequently ran lockserver on a different
Tested clients running simulated Track
 CPU-intensive with modest I/O.
Event level (coarse-grained) parallelism
N = 15 - 210 reconstruction processes evenly
distributed in the Exemplar system.
Data in an Objectivity/DB database federation
 hosted on the Exemplar.
Objects read with simple read-ahead
optimisation layer.
 Performance gain of a factor 2
 Results: Exemplar very well suited for
this workload. With two (of four) node
filesystems it was possible to utilise 150
processors in parallel with very high
 Outlook: expect to utilise all processors
with near 100% efficiency when all four
filesystems are engaged.
 (Work by Koen Holtman: CHEP’98 paper)
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - Database Tests (III)
 Evaluated usability and performance of
Versant ODBMS, Objectivity’s main
 Converted our test application without
problem, then measured performance in
same way as we had for Objectivity
 Conversion took ~1/2 a day: minor
changes to schema and source code
 Systems operation of Versant more
cumbersome and time consuming
(e.g. applying schema to each and
every database)
 API easier to use and offered some
convenient built-in features (e.g.
LinkVstr - Objectivity equivalent is
user-constructed ooVArray).
 “Predicate” queries seemed better
implemented: certainly faster.
 Versant Java binding worked well: at
the time we tested, Objectivity did not
offer Java.
April 1997
 Conclusion: Versant a decent “fall-back”
solution for us
 Following these tests we concentrated
solely on Objectivity
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - LHC Event Reconstruction and Analysis
In 1998, CMS Physicists had produced
several sub-detector orientated OO
prototypes (e.g. Tracker, ECAL, HCAL …)
(Release of ORCA now supercedes much of
this work)
Written in C++, occasionally using some
Fortran, and without persistent objects
We took these codes and
 Integrated them into an overall
 Redesigned and restructured where
 Made the objects persistent, with data
written to an Objectivity database
Then we reviewed the code and its
structure for speed, performance and
effectiveness of the algorithms
We added the global reconstruction
aspects, such as track/ECAL cluster
matching, Jet finding, event tagging
Using the resulting “CMSOO” application,
we are processing data in a large store of
fully simulated di-jet events on the
April 1997
ECAL Cluster
Individual ECAL crystal
with energy
Reconstructed Track
Tracker geometry
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - Database of “real” LHC events
 Caltech/HEP submitted a proposal to NPACI to generate ~1,000,000 fullysimulated multi-jet QCD events
 Using CMSIM on the Exemplar
 Directly study Higgs   backgrounds for first time
 Computing power of Exemplar makes this possible in < 1 year
 Accepted in March ‘98.
 Event production on the Exemplar since May ‘98.
 ~1.0 TBytes of FZ files (~1,000,000 events) in HPSS
 Physics now being analysed at Caltech by Shevchenko/Wilkinson
 Events also used as copious source of “raw” LHC event data for GIOD
 Files are read using the “ooZebra” utility developed in CMS
 Raw data objects (Tracker, Muon hit maps, ECAL, HCAL energy maps)
created for each event and stored in federated database
 Tracks and energy clusters reconstructed: new objects stored in the database
 Pattern matching creates “physics” objects like Jets, Photons, Electrons,
Missing ET which are stored in the database as “analysis objects”
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
Temporary FDB
Production Jobs
10 GByte
155 Mbits/s
155 Mbits/s
OC12/622 Mbits/s to San
Diego SuperComputing
Center (SDSC)
DB files (ftp)
Master FDB
Oofs traffic
80 GByte
April 1997
Clone FDB
Digital Sky meeting.
Java Analysis Studio
public void processEvent(final EventData d) {
final CMSEventData data = (CMSEventData) d;
final double ET_THRESHOLD = 15.0;
Jet jets[] = new Jet[2];
Iterator jetItr = (Iterator) data.getObject("Jet");
if(jetItr == null) return;
int nJets = 0;
double sumET = 0.;
FourVectorRecObj sum4v = new FourVectorRecObj(0.,0.,0.,0.);
while(jetItr.hasMoreElements()) {
Jet jet = (Jet) jetItr.nextElement();
double jetET = jet.ET();
sumET += jetET;
if(jetET > ET_THRESHOLD) {
if(nJets <= 1) {
jets[nJets] = jet;
njetHist.fill( nJets );
if(nJets >= 2) {
// dijet event!
FourVectorRecObj dijet4v = jets[0];
dijet4v.add( jets[1] );
massHist.fill( dijet4v.get_mass() );
sumetHist.fill( sumET );
missetHist.fill( );
et1vset2Hist.fill( jets[0].ET(), jets[1].ET() );
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
CMSOO - Java 3D Applet
 Attaches to any GIOD database and allows to view/scan all events in the federation, at
multiple detail levels
 Demonstrated at the Internet-2 meeting in San Francisco in Sep’98 and at
SuperComputing’98 in Florida at the iGrid, NPACI and CACR stands
 Running on a 450 MHz HP “Kayak” PC with fx4 graphics card: excellent frame rates
in free rotation of a complete event (~ 5 times performance of Riva TNT)
 Developments:“Drill down” into the database for picked objects, Refit tracks
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - Database Status
 Over 200,000 fully simulated di-jet events
in the database
 Population continuing using parallel jobs
on the Exemplar (from a pool of over
1,000,000 events simulated)
 Created the TAG database
 Preparing for WAN test with SDSC
 Completed HPSS/AMS installation starting tests
 For MONARC: Made a GIOD replica at
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - Upcoming Work
 Move towards a flexible, distributed data access and analysis system:
 Expand the GIOD database tests to the WAN at >155 mbps
 Run reconstruction in “production mode” on the Exemplar
 Test integration of the Caltech and SDSC HPSS systems with the GIOD
 Decide on detailed mechanisms and policies for replicating, mirroring and
copying data
 Obtain performance measurements of distributed reconstruction, analysis
and event scanning using the GIOD database
 Develop a few prototype physics analyses e.g. “Dijet analysis”
 Develop tests with agent-based clients
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
Using the Objy Java binding with a C++ Objy database
 No multiple inheritance
 C++/Java language issue
 No fixed-length arrays
 C++/Java language issue
 No arrays of objects
 Objy deficiency
 No zero length arrays
 Objy deficiency
 No pointer data members
 No access to named Schema
 Tedious schema conversion
 Use “Hudson” from Micram?
 Cannot use Visual J++
 VM not supported by Objy
 Careful with that Schema, Eugene
 Default open mode is update!
 Remember to “fetch”
 Need to ensure latest version
 Remember to use
ooReleaseReadLock() frequently
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
Objectivity Usage Heuristics
 If in doubt, keep re-OODDLXing
 Application crashes with weird, never-seen-before-error deep in system
kernel ? Re-OODDLX.
 If in doubt, re-OOINSTALLFD
 Multiple writers in one database or container? Best of luck to you ...
 Locking problems in MROW mode ? MROW doesn’t work, does it?
 Buffers full ? Check OO_CACHE variables - should be suitably big
 Database replication? Use ftp … and ooinstallfd/ooattachdb
 Bad errors when closing Windows apps ? Use ooExitCleanup()
 Avoid evolving your Schema
 Run regular checks on all objects in your database: if they’re OK today, they
may not be tomorrow
 Keep locking rate below ~5 locks per second. Exceed this at your peril
 The Advanced Multithreaded Server isn’t …. Until 5.2
 (That’s enough Heuristics … Ed.)
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.
GIOD - Publications and Press
 "Scalability to Hundreds of Clients in HEP Object Databases", Koen Holtman, Julian
Bunn, Proc. of CHEP '98, Chicago, USA
 "Status Report from the Caltech/CERN/HP "GIOD" Joint Project - Globally
Interconnected Object Databases”, Julian Bunn, Harvey Newman, and Rick Wilkinson,
Proc. of CHEP '98, Chicago, USA
 “GIOD – Globally Interconnected Object Databases”, Julian Bunn and Harvey
Newman, CACR Annual Report 1998
 “Global Initiatives Challenge Traditional Data Management Tools”, Internet-2
Press Release, September 1998
 “Caltech HP Exemplar Supports Test of Data Analysis from CERN Large Hadron
Collider”, Julian Bunn and Tina Mihaly, NPACI “Online” Article, April 1998
 “Data Topics”, Electronic News article, December 1, 1997
 “CERN, Caltech and HP open scientific datacenter”, HPCN News Article, November
 “Large-scale Scientific Data-analysis Center Will Address Future Computing and
Data-handling Challenges”, Hewlett Packard Press Release, November 1997
April 1997
Digital Sky meeting.