1850`s: Sectional Conflict

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1850’s: Sectional Conflict
Prelude to the Civil War
America in the 1850’s
Agriculture still mainstay of economy
Growth of northwestern states changes politics
Urban population increased from 6% to 20%
Rural population increased from 5 million to 25 million
(80% of population)
Population of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin &
Iowa increased from 500,000 to 5 million, 1830-1860
Meant free states had majority in Electoral College
Free labor ideology–individualism & egalitarianism
4 million immigrants enter U.S., 1840-1860
1.4 million Germans
1.7 million Irish
The Election of 1848
Whigs elect war hero
Zachary Taylor without a
Conscience Whigs join antislavery Democrats & Liberty
Party to form new Free
Soil Party
Copyright 2000, Bedford/St. Martin’s
Nominated Van Buren
Received 10% of vote
Democrats nominated
Lewis Cass & criticized
politicization of slavery
Sutter’s Mill, California
Modern re-creation of the sawmill
John Sutter
The Debate over California
California Gold Rush (1848-49) brings over 80,000 white
Americans to California
Organized free state government, backed by Taylor
Clay offered compromise Omnibus Bill
William Seward denounced compromise & spoke of
obeying “higher law”
Calhoun warned South would leave union if right to own
slaves not guaranteed
Taylor died in July 1850, making Millard Fillmore
Stephen Douglas broke up Omnibus Bill & engineered
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850
California admitted as a free state
New Mexico territory organized on basis of
popular sovereignty; Texas reduced to present
size & compensated
Utah territory organized on basis of popular
Fugitive Slave Act made federal government
responsible for catching & returning escaped
Slave trade (but not slavery) abolished in the
District of Columbia
Map: Compromise of 1850
Northern Response to the
Compromise of 1850
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle
Tom’s Cabin (1851)
The Election of 1852
Franklin Pierce won
back Van Buren
Defeated Gen. Winfield
Scott (Virginia Whig)
Franklin Pierce
Winfield Scott
50.8% - 43.9% in
popular vote
254-42 in electoral vote
John Hale (Free Soil
candidate) polled 4.9%
The End of the Missouri
Gadsden Purchase (1853) meant to secure southern
route for transcontinental railroad
Arranged by James Gadsden & Secretary of War Jefferson
U.S. paid $10 million to Mexico for over 45,000 acres south
of the Gila River
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) meant to secure
northern route
Stephen Douglas wrote bill organizing remaining Louisiana
Purchase territory into 2 territories on basis of popular
Explicitly repealed Missouri Compromise
Rounding Out the Lower 48
Copyright 2000, Bedford/St. Martin’s Press
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Bleeding Kansas
Abolitionist & proslavery forces race to
populate Kansas & write state
Both sides stage terrorist attacks
Jayhawks led by John Brown responsible
for Pottawatomie Massacre
157 violent deaths, but only 38 definitely
related to slavery conflict
Congressman Preston Brooks savagely
beat Senator Charles Sumner in the
Senate (May 22, 1856)
John Brown
Brooks Beats Sumner
The Election of 1856
James Buchanan
John C. Fremont
Democrats nominate
Ambassador James
Southern Whigs & KnowNothings form American
Party – nominate Fillmore
Conscience Whigs,
Antislavery Democrats &
Free Soilers form new
Republican Party –
nominate Fremont
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
Dred Scott was slave of Army doctor
had lived in free state & territory
sued for freedom
Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled:
Scott had no standing to bring suit
African Americans are not citizens &
have no rights
Missouri Compromise was
Any attempt to limit slavery in territories
(even by territorial legislature)
Dred Scott
Roger Taney
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Buchanan backed fraudulent
pro-slavery Lecompton
Constitution (1858)
Douglas opposed – declared
“Freeport Doctrine” in
debates with Lincoln
Dred Scott ruling must be
Territories could still bar slavery
by failing to pass necessary laws
Lincoln pointed out inherent
Election of 1860
In 1860 Americans prepared to choose
a new President.
 They listened to speeches.
 They read newspapers.
 They watched parades.
 They worried.
Election of 1860
The spread of slavery west was all
people seemed to talk about.
Three men were running for President:
 Stephen Douglas
 John Breckinridge
 Abraham Lincoln
Stephen Douglas
He argued that western settlers should
decide themselves whether to allow
John Breckinridge
John Breckinridge thought that
government should allow slavery
everywhere in the West.
He had strong support from people
living in the South.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln spoke strongly against
the spread of slavery.
He promised not to end slavery in the
South but hoped that one day it would
end there too.
Southern View
Many Southerners worried what would
happen if Lincoln were elected.
They believed their whole way of life
was being attacked.
Some said their states would secede if
Lincoln were elected.
Election Day
On November 6, 1860, Lincoln won the
Southern leaders did not wait long until
they carried out their threat.
On December 20, South Carolina
leaders declared that “ the United
States of America is hereby dissolved.”
A New Country
South Carolina seceded from the Union.
Six other states followed: Mississippi,
Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana,
and Texas.
These seven states formed a new
country called the Confederate States of
The Confederacy
These states elected Jefferson Davis to
be the President of the newly formed
The United States was now split in two.
John Brown’s
Brown was Connecticut
native with apocalyptic
Led raid on federal
arsenal in Harper’s Ferry,
VA to start slave rebellion
Convicted of treason
against Commonwealth
of Virginia & executed
Became martyr to
The arraignment of John Brown
Brown’s Last Moments, by
Thomas Hovdenden (1884)