Great Powers Forum Hegemony and International Law

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Great Powers Forum
Hegemony and
International Law
Time:11:00-12:00 a.m.
Date: June 8 (Tuesday), 2010
Venue: New Briefing Room,
In recent years, the United States has
shown scant regard for international law.
However, recently the United States
reaffirms its resolve to strengthen the
multilateral nonproliferation regime to meet
the challenges of the 21st century as the
United States pursues its ultimate vision of
a peaceful world.
Are these signs of international law trumps
power politics ? Or does the US still pose a
challenge to the international legal order ? Or
does the US struggle to navigate a bitter split
between two approaches ? Against this
backdrop, the Great Powers Forum will feature a
talk to address these new challenges
Prof. Jacques deLisle (戴傑教授)
 Stephen Cozen Professor of Law
 Center for East Asian Studies
 University of Pennsylvania
I Yuan, (袁易) Moderator
 Research Fellow/Professor
 Institute of International Relations
 National Chengchi University
Welcome to join us on this event.
 Questions: [email protected]