10_31_16 Week 11_Test on Battles_ Article of Confederation File

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Transcript 10_31_16 Week 11_Test on Battles_ Article of Confederation File

Mon Oct 31, 216
Obj: Explain the issues surrounding important events of the American Revolution;
including fighting the battles .
Learning Target: I can review by identifying the important events and people in a
matching assignment.
Due Date
HW: Study for 2.2 test
Review on Moodle
Journal Review
1-2 times a week
Open Notes
Bring index cards
Opening: 3-5 minutes: read the excerpt and highlight key concepts
The following quote is describing what revolutionary battle?
“I immediately ordered our Militia to disperse, and not to
fire. Immediately [British] Troops made their appearance
and rushed furiously, fired upon, and killed eight of our
Party without receiving any Provocation therefore from us.”
-Captain John Parker, Massachusetts Militia, 1775
F. Battle of Yorktown
G. Battle of Lexington
H. Winter at Valley Forge
J. Battle of Bunker Hill
The young French volunteer,
The Marquis de Lafayette
became a close friend of
Valley Forge: a very low point for the American rebels was the
winter camp of 1776-1777.
The War Expands
Help from Abroad; Europeans Help Washington
– Marquis de Lafayette – a French nobleman who served
under Washington.
– He persuaded the French king to send troops to help the
United States.
Winter at Valley Forge
• In late 1777 Britain forced Washington to retreat from
Philadelphia, they camped at Valley Forge.
– Short on supplies
– Freezing temps
– Many died from hunger, cold, and diseases
– In spite of the hard times, Washington and his supporters did
not quit
John Paul (Ringo) Jones
“I have not yet begun to fight”
General Cornwallis
Commander of British
Battle of Yorktown
Americans and French Navy
defeat Cornwallis
Cornwallis surrenders
Battle of Yorktown ENDS the
War of Independence ending
the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris 1783
Ends the American Revolution …
U.S. is independent nation- America
sends John Adams, Ben Franklin and
John Jay
United States receives the
Ohio Valley as a result of
the war and the Treaty of
Paris 1783
British- Recognize United
States as an independent
country. Promise
withdrawal of all troops,
give fishing rights of the
Canadian coast.
Americans- promise t pay
back merchants and return
property to loyalists.
Remembering Battles & Events
• L – Lexington and Concord –shot heard around the
world- Ralph Emerson• B – Bunker Hill –moral victory for patriots• S – Saratoga-divided British in 2- turning point
• V – Winter at Valley Forge • Y – Yorktown- Cornwallis surrenders
• T – Treaty of Paris 1783
Create a mnemonic device to remember the order of
the batt
listed above
Tues Nov 1, 2016
Obj: The student can explains the issues surrounding important events of
the American Revolution including fighting the battles of Bunker Hill,
Saratoga, Yorktown, Winter at Valley Forge and Treaty of Paris
Learning Target: I can review for the 2.2 test with a goal of 85% or higher.
Due Date
Test- Battles of AR
Nov 2
Bring index card for vocab cards
Journal Review
Be Ready
Open Notes
Opening: Up 10 minutes:
In your journal describe these three events using what, why,
where and how.
French and Indian War
Boston Tea Party
Battle of Yorktown
Then select one as a turning point and describe how America
was before and after that event.
The battle that stopped Britain from dividing Colonists in half. General Howe
underestimated Patriots and went to Philadelphia first. Continental Army
used guerilla warfare and took out officers. The win convinced France to help
the rebels.
America before:
Struggling to win every battle. Sent Ben Franklin to France to convince them
to help. Winning the war was not a guaranteed event.
America after:
With France on their side they had access to more soldiers , a navy , money
and volunteers. His made the win at Yorktown possible because the French
army surrounded Yorktown on land with Washington's troops and French
Navy stopped British from getting resources.
Wed Nov 2, 2016
Obj: The student understands significant economic, social, and political
issues of the American Revolution
Learning Target:I can show mastery of the American Revolution objectives
including causes, battles and the Articles of Confederation.
Due Date
Vocab cards
Nov 11, 2016
Journal Review
Be Ready
Open Notes
Warm-Up 5 minutes:
1. Last min Questions
2. When finished work on Vocab cards
Thurs Nov 3, 2016
Obj: Analyze the issues surrounding Valley Forge and the impact of
enduring the winter there.
Learning Target: I can list the strengths and weaknesses of the articles of
confederation using my hand.
Due Date
Vocab cards
Read the directions!
Journal Review
Be Ready
Open Notes
Warm-Up 8- 10 minutes:
1. Analyze Excerpt of Articles of Confederation
The first government of
the United States was a
confederation of thirteen
A confederation is a
loose union independent
Articles of Confederation succeeded in dealing with the
Northwest Territory and all future states that would join.
Slavery banned
How to qualify as a
new state.
Northwest Ordinance of
1787:created rules for the new
territory to become future states.
Had to have over 60,000 free citizens
to become a state
•State governments were
stronger than the national
(federal) government
•Could not collect taxes
•Could not enforce laws
•Could not regulate trade
between states
•State and national govt’s
created their own money…14
different currencies
Problems with the Articles of Confederation
No court system to solve disputes
No power to tax
No power to create military
•No national court system
•No chief executive (president)
•No national army or navy
•One state one vote in Congress
•Required 9 of 13 to pass
Fri Nov 4, 2016
Obj: Explain the roles played by significant individuals during the
Learning Target: I can show mastery of the American Revolution objectives
including causes, battles and the Articles of Confederation.
Due Date
Test – Battles of
American Revolution
Happy Halloween
Be Safe!
Warm-Up 5 minutes:
1. Match the person to their accomplishment
2. Activity: Notes on Sea battles , Battle at Yorktown-the Patriot
clip, Treaty of Paris 1783