Chapter 2: Intro to Multicellular Organisms

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Transcript Chapter 2: Intro to Multicellular Organisms

In single-celled, one cell performs ALL
In multi-cellular, different cells perform
different functions.
› They are specialized to do specific jobs.
Almost all multi-cellular organisms belong
to the plant, fungi, and animal kingdoms.
Begins with the cell.
Cells that perform the same job join
together to form tissue.
The tissues join together to make an
organ, and organs that work together
form an organ system.
Different organ systems have specific
purposes in an organism.
› Nervous: respond to environment
› Muscular: movement and heat
› Respiratory: inhale O2 and exhale CO2
› Circulatory: delivers O2 in blood and remove
CO2 in blood
› Digestive: breaks down food
An adaptation is any inherited
characteristic that increases the change
of an organism’s survival and
› Getting energy
› Shape/structure of body
› Behavior
When an organism reproduces an
offspring with a unique trait, it is
considered an adaptation if it is
Fennec fox: desert fox; large ears keep it
cool and fur color helps it blend.
Arctic fox: cold north; small ears, legs,
and nose reduce heat loss; winter coat is
thicker and white.
Red fox: grasslands/woodlands; body fur
helps it blend with its surroundings.
Adaptations result in diversity through
sexual reproduction.
› The DNA in the offspring is not the same as
the DNA in the parent.
Meiosis produces gametes (1n/haploid)
cells, containing only one copy of DNA.
When male and female gametes are
joined, fertilization occurs and the DNA
from both parents are combined to form
the new offspring.
Most multicellular organisms reproduce
by sexual reproduction; some can
reproduce asexually (one parent).
Budding– second organism grows off
parent; identical DNA.
Chemical energy is the form of energy
that all organisms use to carry out life
Plants capture light energy and convert
it into chemical energy through ---
Plants take in water + CO2 + sun energy
Turn it into glucose (sugar) and oxygen
Mostly take place in the leaves, which
are green because of…?
› Chloroplasts
Plants are also called autotrophs, which
means “self-feeder”.
Algae and some bacteria/protists are
also able to use photosynthesis.
› Plants are a different type of producer
because they have specialized cells to story
energy  excess energy is stored as starch.
When plants need to release energy, the
starch is broken down and cellular
respiration occurs.
Leaves, stems, and roots allow plants to
live on land.
Grass: deep roots, produce seeds
quickly, and can grow in various areas.
Trees: cannot survive in harsh conditions,
but different types of trees can survive in
different areas.
› Coniferous: (pine) do better is cold climates;
needle-shaped leaves stay green.
› Deciduous: (maple) need long growing
season and loses leaves in cold temps.
Protection: some plants have
adaptations that prevent them from
being eaten.
› Mustard: odor
› Poison Ivy/Oak: harmful chemicals
› Nicotine: poison
Specific Needs:
› Venus Fly Trap: leaves fold to capture
insects; fluids given off by the leaves break
down the body, and nutrients are given off
to the plant.
Plants can respond to a stimulus:
something that produces a response
from an organism.
› Gravity, touch, and light
Plants respond to gravity and have a
sense of up and down.
Some plants have special stems called
These plants grow in close contact with
another object to help raise it closer to
the sunlight.
Stems and leaves grow toward light
because they have a special hormone:
chemical substance that is produced in
one part of the organism and creates a
Step 1: sunlight stimulates production of
auxins at the tip of the stem.
Step 2: auxin moves to cells on dark side.
Step 3: cells with auxin grow longer cells,
causing them to bend to light.
Shorter daylight (fall/winter) means less
time to capture sunlight.
Many plants go into dormancy, causing
them to temporarily stop growing.
Trees and other plants can survive the
winter, and grow leaves back. Other
plants must be replanted every year.
Seasons can also affect reproduction:
short day plants vs. long day plants.
Animals are consumers: organisms that
need to get energy from another
Heterotrophs: organisms that feed on
other organisms.
Simple feeding: filtering food from
Complex feeding: searching for food
and/or capturing food.
Herbivores: plants/algae
Carnivores: other animals
Omnivores: plants and animals
Digestion is the process that animals use
to break down food.
Digestion uses physical and chemical
Some animals, like sponges, can take in
food particles directly into their cells.
Jellyfish have a single opening in their
bodies to take in food and expel wastes.
Most animals have a tube-like systemmouth at one end, waste released at the
other end.
Animals obtain energy through cellular
Most animals take in water through their
digestive system.
The oxygen needed for cell. resp. is
brought into the body in different ways.
Insects: spiracles – tiny openings in body
Fish: gills – oxygen in water
Others, like humans, take in oxygen
through the lungs.
For most animals, muscle and skeletal
systems provide movement and support.
Nervous systems allow animals to sense
and respond to stimuli.
› Light, sounds, odors, temp, hunger, thirst, etc.
Behavior: any observable response to a
Some behaviors are inherited (spiders
spinning a web), and others are learned.
Often meet basic needs – food, water,
Respond to environment
Social behaviors
Parents and offspring
Behaviors for attracting mate
Working together or being competitive
› Hunting in packs/competing for space
Competition: The search for food.
 Predator: animal that hunts other
› Running fast, hunting abilities
Prey: animal that is being hunted.
› Escaping predators, hiding, running in packs.
Cooperation: tickbirds remove ticks from
the skin of an impala.
This is symbiosis – it benefits both animals.
Migration: the movement of animals to a
different region in response to
› Monarch butterflies, birds
Hibernation: sleeplike state that lasts for
an extended time period.
› Frogs, turtles, fish, insects, etc.
Break down the complex carbon
compounds that are part of living
They are heterotrophs.
Decompose bodies of plants/animals,
fallen leaves, shed skin, and animal
Most multicellular (except yeast)
Nucleus and thick cell wall
No specialization
Has reproductive body and network of
cells called a hyphae.
A mass of hyphae is called a mycelium.
Hyphae – just one cell thick.
Cells release chemicals to break down
materials around them.
A spore is a single reproductive cell that
can grow into a new organism.
A single mushroom can make a billion
spores, which are spread through the air
by wind.
Hyphae can break and new mycelium
can form – like budding.
Yeast can have a simple cell division or
A single mushroom is a part of a much
larger mycelium.
Some are edible, some are poisonous
The cap produces spores; the cap and
stalk are filled with hyphae.
Mold that we commonly see is the sporeproducing part of fungus.
Hyphae grow into the food.
Used to make cheese (Penicillium) and
soy sauce (Aspergillus).
Can cause disease (athlete’s foot).
Can treat disease (Penicillin).
Reproduce with spores, mostly through
the moving air.
› Pilobolus shoots a spore-containing cap up
to two meter away because of pressure.
Moist environments and surfaces
Some grow on human skin, which can
cause disease.
Makes bread rise
The main decomposers on Earth.
releasing nutrients of decaying materials
into the soil.
This helps the plant that the hyphae is
Single-celled algae
Can live just about anywhere
Many produce toxins – harmful
The potato famine in Ireland.
Some fungus is used for medicines –
› Prevents bacteria from reproducing