Emb ryonic
stem cells from
inner cell mass
to produce
restricted stem
cell to produce
neurons and
Universal requirement - embryo to develop in moist,
protective environment
Adaptations developed by vertebrates
Laying and fertilizing eggs in water (oviparous)
Incubation of embryo internally and give live birth
Eggs incubated internally and hatch just in time for
release from the mother’s body (ovoviviparous)
For nutrition and exchange of gas
elaboration of a protective shell and a series of cellular
membranes surrounding the embryonic body - A
significant evolutionary step that enable reptiles to lay
eggs capable of developing on land.
Vital functions of the membranes
Keep embryo in fluid
Gas exchange
Removal or storage of waste materials
Four Sets of Embryonic Membranes in
Land Vertebrates
Membranous folds formed by extension of ectoderm
and endoderm underlain with lateral plate mesoderm
Somatopleure – forms amnion and chorion
Splanchnopleure – allantois and yolk sac
Amnion – thin ectodermally-derived membrane
enclosing embryo in fluid-filled sac
For secretion and absorption of amniotic fluid
Yolk sac – endodermal,
involved with nutrition of the embryo in large–yolked
Allantois – endodermal, originate from ventral surface
of early hindgut;
Act as reservoir for storing or removing urinary wastes
and mediate gas exchange between embryo and
Chorion – outermost membrane;
In species that lay eggs, the principal function is the
respiratory exchange of gases.
In mammals, nutrition, excretion, filtration and
synthesis (hormone)
Extraembryonic Membrane of the Chick – Yolk Sac
splanchnopleure grows over yolk surface; yolk as temp.
floor; then completely surround the yolk
Subcephalic pocket - forms floor of foregut
Subcaudal pocket – hindgut
Yolk duct – opening of the midgut
Yolk stalk – wall of the duct
Vitelline arc – yolk circulatory arc
Endoderm of yolk sac – absorptive and synthetic
Completely resorpted 6 days after hatching
Amnion and chorion
Derived from extraembryonic somatopleure
First indication appears about 30 hours of incubation
Somatopleure is thrown into a head fold and tail fold
and lateral folds
Continued growth of the amnion results in the
meeting above the embryo, results to scar –like
thickening called amniotic raphe
The outer layer of somatopleure becomes the chorion
Chorioamniotic cavity
Rapid peripheral growth of the somatopleure carries
the chorion about the yolk sac, which it eventually
Thus, chorion eventually encompasses the embryo
itself and all other membranes.
Important function – transport of Ca++ from shell to
Arises from the endoderm of the ventral wall of the
Appears late in the third day of incubation
Pushes out to the extraembryonic coelom
(chorioamniotic cavity)
Grows rapidly and finally encompasses the embryo
and yolk sac
The mesodermal layer of allantois fuse with
mesodermal layer of chorion.
The double-layer of mesoderm develops into vascular
network connected to the embryo by allantoic veins
and arteries
Primary function is oxygenating blood and relieve
carbon dioxide
Fuse the chorion – chorioallantoic membrane
Also, reservoir for secretions coming from developing
excretory organs
Urea in early stages; uric acid later stages
Formation of Extra-embryonic membranes
and Placenta in mammals
Mammals form and utilize the same extraembryonic
structures as does the chick with some modifications
Trace the development of the four extraembryonic
membranes in mammals
Primordial amniotic cavity forms by means of
cavitation within epiblastic components of inner cell
Cytotrophoblast bounds the primordial amniotic
cavity, then later by the spreading of the epiblast
Epiblast becomes surrounded by the spreading
extraembryonic mesodermal cells derived from
primitive streak
Yolk Sac
Hypoblast , which segregated from the inner cell mass
spread to the inner surface of trophoblast – constitute
the primary yolk sac
Extraembryonic mesoderm (splanchnic mesoderm)
arise from some hypoblast and caudal margin of
primitive streak.
Secondary yolk sac is formed as the primitive yolk sac
Trophoblast cells expands and forms masses
suggestive of the villi – primary villi (2nd week)
As the chorionic vesicle receives ingrowth of allantoic
vessels and mesoderm – secondary villi
Villi with a vascular connective tissue core - tertiary
villi (3rd week)
Tertiary villi is retained throughout pregnancy
Tertiary chorionic villi contain embryonic blood
vessels that develop to loose connective tissue core.
The vessels connect with vessels in the chorion and
connecting stalk and begin to circulate embryonic
blood about the third week of development.
Uterine stromal cells around blastocyst - enlarge, form
glycogen and lipid droplets -- decidual reaction,
decidual cells
The endometrium (lining of the uterus) of the mother
consisting of three regions named by location.
Decidua basalis
Region between the blastocyst and
the myometrium
Decidua capsularis
Endometrium that covers the
implanted blastocyst
Decidua parietalis
All the remaining endometrium
Decidua capsularis become attenuated and atrophy at
the end of trimester – becomes smooth
chorion laeve
Chorion frondosum – with highly developed villi
Interlocked chorion frondosum of fetus and and decidua
basalis = placenta
In mammalian embryo, food and oxygen are obtained
through the placenta – lack of functional lungs and
Allantoic (umbilical) mesoderm and blood vessels spread
out along chorion – forms placenta
Connected to the umbilical vein (carries oxygenated and
food-laden blood) of the embryo
Umbilical arteries carry wastes to the placenta
Types: epitheliochorial, syndesmochorial, endotheliochorial
and hemochorial
Fetal hemoglobin has higher affinity to oxygen than
adult hemoglobin
Myoglobin of fetal muscle has even greater affinity – thus
stores oxygen
Oxygen and nutrients in the maternal blood in the
intervillous spaces diffuse through the walls of the villi and
enter the fetal capillaries.
Carbon dioxide and waste products diffuse from blood
in the fetal capillaries through the walls of the villi to the
maternal blood in the intervillous spaces.
Table 8 - Substances that Cross the Placental Membrane
Oxygen, carbon dioxide
Glucose, amino acids, free fatty acids, vitamins
CO2, urea, uric acid, bilirubin, creatine, creatinine
Maternal serum proteins
Steroid hormones
Poisonous gases
Infectious agents
Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, PO42Fetal and maternal both (a few)
Serum albumin, some protein hormones (thyroxin, insulin)
Cortisol, estrogen (unconjugated only)
IgG (confers fetal passive immunity)
Carbon monoxide
Viruses (HIV, cytomegalovirus, rubella, Coxsackie, variola,
varicella, measles, poliomyelitis), bacteria (tuberculosis,
Treponema), and protozoa (Toxoplasma)
Cocaine, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, warfarin,
trimethadione, phenytoin, tetracycline, cancer
chemotherapeutic agents, anesthetics, sedatives,
Anti-Rh antibodies
Amniotic fluid
Amniotic fluid main functions:
protects the fetus physically,
room for fetal movements, and
regulate fetal body temperature.
produced by dialysis of maternal and fetal blood
through blood vessels in the placenta.
Later, production of fetal urine contributes to the
volume of amniotic fluid and fetal swallowing reduces
it. The water content of amniotic fluid turns over every
three hours.
Umbilical cord
A composite structure formed by contributions from:
Fetal connecting (body) stalk
Yolk sac
contains the right and left umbilical arteries, the
left umbilical vein, and mucous connective tissue.
Presence of only one umbilical artery may suggest the
presence of cardiovascular anomalies.
Fetal Circulation
Fetal circulation involves three circulatory shunts: the
ductus venosus, which allows blood from the
placenta to bypass the liver, and the ductus
arteriosus and foramen ovale, which together allow
blood to bypass the developing lungs. Refer to the
section on changes at birth for more information on
the fates of these structures.
Ductus arteriosus diverts blood
from pulmonary artery to aorta
Foramen ovale – hole in septum
between atria. This brings
blood to ventricle
- may remain open
Clinical Correlations
Multiple Pregnancy
Dizygotic twins - derived from two zygotes that were
fertilized independently (i.e., two oocytes and two
spermatozoa). Consequently, they are associated with
two amnions, two chorions, and two placentas, which
may (65%) or may not (35%) be fused. Dizygotic twins
are only as closely genetically related as any two siblings.
Monozygotic twins (30%) are derived from one
zygote that splits into two parts. This type of twins
commonly has two amnions, one chorion, and one
placenta. If the embryo splits early in the second week
after the amniotic cavity has formed, the twins will
have one amnion, one chorion, and one placenta.
Monozygotic twins are genetically identical, but may
have physical differences due to differing
developmental environments (e.g., unequal division of
placental circulation).
Erythroblastosis Fetalis
Some erythrocytes produced in the fetus routinely
escape into the mother’s systemic circulation. When
fetal erythrocytes are Rh-positive but the mother is Rhnegative, the mother’s body can form antibodies to the
Rh antigen, which cross the placental barrier and
destroy the fetus. The immunological memory of the
mother’s immune system means this problem is much
greater with second and subsequent pregnancies.
Deficiency of amniotic fluid (less than 400 ml in late
pregnancy). It can result from renal agenesis
because the fetus is unable to contribute urine to the
amniotic fluid volume.
Carlson, B.M. 2000. Patten’s Foundation of
Embryology. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Gilbert. S.F. 1997. Developmental Biology. 5th ed. USA:
Sinauer Associates Inc.