Transcript 4-1-05

Salt and Water Balance
(cells and organisms)
Section A: An Overview of Homeostasis
1. Homeostasis= maintaining a constant internal melieu while the
environmental conditions fluctuate.
2. Regulating and conforming are the two extremes in how animals cope with
environmental fluctuations
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• One of the most remarkable characteristics of
animals is homeostasis, the ability to maintain
physiologically favorable internal environments
even as external conditions undergo dramatic
shifts that would be lethal to individual cells.
Humans survive exposure to substantial changes in
outside temperature but will die if their internal
temperatures drift more than a few degrees above or
below 37oC.
– Another mammal, the arctic wolf, can regulate body
temperature even in winter when temperatures drop as
low as -50oC.
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• Three ways in which an organism maintains a
physiological favorable environment include:
– thermoregulation, maintaining body temperature
within a tolerable range
– osmoregulation, regulating solute (salt) balance
and the gain and loss of water
– excretion, the removal of nitrogen-containing waste
products of metabolism such as ammonia and urea.
– Others such as blood pH, blood gas, glucose levels
– Regulatory processes involved
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
1. Regulating and conforming are
the two extremes of how animals
cope with environmental
• An animal is said to be a regulator for a
particular environmental variable if it uses
mechanisms of homeostasis to moderate internal
change in the face of external fluctuations.
– For example, endothermic animals such as mammals
and birds are thermoregulators, keeping their body
temperatures within narrow limits in spite of changes
in environmental temperature.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• In contrast to regulators, many other animals,
especially those that live in relatively stable
environments, are conformers in their
relationship to certain environmental changes.
– Such conformers
allow some conditions
within their bodies to
vary with external
changes. Ie., the blood
salt content in a marine
Fig. 44.1a
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• Many invertebrates, such as spider crabs of the
genus Libinia, live in environments where
salinity is relatively stable.
– These organisms do
not osmoregulate,
and if placed in water
of varying salinity,
they will lose or gain
hemolymph salt to
conform to the external
Note failure at ends dotted
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Fig. 44.1b
• Conforming and regulating represent extremes
on a continuum.
– No organisms are perfect regulators or conformers
in the sense that they regulate all three
physiological processes.
– For example, salmon, which live part of their lives
in fresh water and part in salt water, use
osmoregulation to maintain a constant salt in their
blood, while conforming to external temperatures.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Section C: Water Balance and Waste Disposal
1. Cells require a balance between osmotic gain and loss of water
2. Osmoregulators expend energy to control their internal osmolarity;
osmoconformers are isoosmotic with their surroundings
3. Water balance and waste disposal depend on transport epithelia
4. An animal’s nitrogenous wastes are correlated with its phylogeny and
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• General considerations.
• Animals regulate chemical composition of their
body fluids by balancing the uptake and loss of
water and fluids.
• Control of water content and solute composition,
is largely based on controlling movements of
solutes between internal fluids and the external
environment and is termed osmoregulation.
– This also regulates water movement, which follows
solutes by osmosis.
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Body Compartments
Two compartments must be considered in osmotic
and ion regulation.
1. Cellular (cytoplasm)
2. Circulatory space that interfaces directly with
the cell and indirectly with the environment
through transport epithelia. This is blood in
vertebrates (interstitial fluid between blood
capillary and cell membrane). Is hemolymph in
invertebrates and directly baths the cell.
3. Consider the movement of water and salt.
Water Movement
• No active transport of water
• Water moves with osmotic gradients
• Thus must actively transport salt across a
membrane creating a high osmolality and if
the membrane permeable to water, it will
follow the osmotic gradient (low to high).
• (Vertebrate kidney collecting duct/variable
water permeability)
• Water enters and leaves cells by osmosis, the
movement of water across a selectively
permeable membrane.
– Osmosis occurs whenever two solutions separated
by a membrane differ in osmotic pressure, or
osmolarity (moles of solute per liter of solution)
– Molal= One mole of solute added to a kilogram of
water (unit of measure is osmolal, 1/1000 a
milliosmolal). Depends upon number of particles.
– The unit of measurement of osmolarity is
milliosmoles per liter (mosm/L).
• The osmolarity of human blood is about 300 mosm/L,
while seawater has an osmolarity of about 1,000 mosm/L.
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• There is no net movement of water by osmosis
between isoosmotic solutions, although water
molecules do cross at equal rates in both
– When two solutions differ in osmolarity, the one
with the greater concentration of solutes is referred
to as hyperosmotic and the more dilute solution is
– Water flows by osmosis from a hypoosmotic
solution to a hyperosmotic one.
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Osmotic and Ionic Regulation
Across the Cell Membrane
Important Facts to Know
• All living cells maintain constant high K+
concentrations (90 to 150 mM). Relatively
low Na (15mM) and Cl (50mM) relative to
the blood. Ratio of intracellular and
extracellular K important for resting
membrane potential (-90mV). (Capital
• All cells must be in osmotic equilibrium
with the blood or they will swell or shrink.
• Plants cells can shrink and swell! Why?
Na+ 145 mM
4 mM
Cl- 120 mM
Na+ 15 mM
K+ 150 mM
Cl- 10 mM
Na+ leak
ADP + Pi
K+ leak
Vertebrate Muscle Cell
Salt Transport Epithelia
Osmotic regulation and metabolic waste disposal
depend on a layer of salt transport epithelium
to move NaCl in controlled amounts in
particular directions.
Some transport epithelia directly face the outside
environment (fish gill Cl cell), while others (kidney
tubule) line channels connected to the outside by an
opening on the body surface.
The cells of the epithelium are joined by
impermeable tight junctions that form a barrier at the
tissue-environment barrier.
• While the ultimate goal of osmoregulation is to
maintain the composition of body’s cells, this is
primarily accomplished indirectly by regulating
the blood composition that bathes the cells
(exceptions osmoconformers, where it is
regulated across the cell membrane).
– In an open circulatory system, this fluid is the
hemolymph (insects, crustaceans, molluscs).
– Vertebrates and other animals with closed
circulatory systems regulate the interstitial fluid
indirectly by controlling the composition of blood.
– Animals often have complex organs, such as
kidneys of vertebrates and nasal/rectal salt glands
(birds/sharks) that are specialized for the
maintenance of fluid composition.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Examples of specialized transport epithelia:
(some are complex tubular networks with
extensive surface area).
– For example, the salt secreting glands of some
marine birds, such as an albatross, secrete an
excretory fluid that is much more salty than the
– The counter-current system in these glands removes
salt from the blood, allowing these organisms to
drink sea water during their months at sea.
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Marine Bird Nasal Salt Glands
(Save Water)
Birds -NaCl
Invertebrates vs
Fig. 44.12
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• The molecular structure of plasma membranes
determines the kinds and directions of solutes
that move across the transport epithelium.
– For example, the salt-excreting glands of the
albatross remove excess sodium chloride from the
blood. Note invaginated basal membrane where
Na/Cl ATPase is located.
– By contrast, transport epithelia in the gills of
freshwater fishes actively pump salts from the dilute
water passing by the gill filaments.
– Transport epithelia in excretory organs often have
the dual functions of maintaining water balance and
disposing of metabolic wastes (kidney and insect
Malphigian tubule).
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4. Energy required to
regulate internal osmolarity;
osmoconformers are isoosmotic with
their surroundings
• There are two basic solutions to the problem of
balancing water gain with water loss.
– One - available only to marine animals - is to be
isoosmotic to the surroundings as an osmoconformer.
• Although they do not compensate for changes in external
osmolarity, osmoconformers often live in water that has a
very stable composition and hence have a very constant
internal osmolarity. Marine invertebrates are
osmoconformers. (exception: some crabs, fiddler crab lab)
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• In contrast to regulators, many other animals,
especially those that live in relatively stable
environments, are conformers in their
relationship to certain environmental changes.
– Such conformers
allow some conditions
within their bodies to
vary with external
changes. Ie., the blood
salt content in a marine
Fig. 44.1a
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• In contrast, an osmoregulator is an animal that
must control its internal osmolarity, because its
body fluids are not isoosmotic with the outside
environment. (What about compartments?)
– An osmoregulator must discharge excess water if it
lives in a hypoosmotic environment or take in water
to offset osmotic loss if it inhabits a hyperosmotic
– Benefits: Osmoregulation enables animals to live in
environments that are uninhabitable to
osmoconformers, such as freshwater and terrestrial
– It also enable many marine animals to maintain
internal osmolarities different from that of seawater.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Whenever animals maintain an osmolarity
difference between the body and the external
environment, osmoregulation has an energy cost.
– Because diffusion tends to equalize concentrations in
a system, osmoregulators must expend energy to
maintain the osmotic gradients via active transport.
– The energy costs depend mainly on how different an
animal’s osmolarity is from its surroundings, how
easily water and solutes can move across the
animal’s surface, and how much membrane-transport
work is required to pump solutes.
– Osmoregulation accounts for nearly 5% of the
resting metabolic rate of many marine and freshwater
bony fishes.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Most animals, whether osmoconformers or
osmoregulators, cannot tolerate substantial changes in
external osmolarity and are said to be stenohaline.
– In contrast, euryhaline animals - which include both some
osmoregulators and osmoconformers - can survive large
fluctuations in external osmolarity.
– For example, various species of salmon migrate back and
forth between freshwater and marine organisms
(Anadromous vs Catadromous, salmon and American eels.
– The food fish, tilapia, is an extreme example, capable of
adjusting to any salt concentration between freshwater and
2,000 mosm/L, twice that of seawater given time.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Many invertebrates, such as spider crabs of the
genus Libinia, live in environments where
salinity is relatively stable.
– These organisms do
not osmoregulate,
and if placed in water
of varying salinity,
they will lose or gain
hemolymph salt to
conform to the external
Note failure at ends dotted
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Fig. 44.1b
• Most marine invertebrates are osmoconformers,
as are the hagfishes.
– Their osmolarity is the same as seawater.
– Blood has same salt concentration as seawater
(450 mM NaCl, 10 mM K)
– But, their cytoplasm has much different
concentrations (High K and low NaCl.
– If not much salt how do they remain in osmotic
conformity with their blood??? (Horse Shoe Crab)
– Osmo-effectors -= specific solutes for bringing their
cells into osmotic conformity, neutral free amino
acids, urea, trimethyl amine oxide.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Extracellular = Seawater
Na+ 470 mM
K+ 10 mM
Cl- 560 mM
Na+ 15 mM
K+ 150 mM
Cl- 10 mM
Free Amino Acids
Na+ leak
ADP + Pi
K+ leak
Horse Shoe Crab
Osmotic and Ionic Considerations
in Horse Shoe Crab
Osmotic Concentration
• Horse Shoe crab’s blood is
isoosmotic with the
• Thus it is an
osmoconformer at the level
of the blood and cytoplasm.
Ion Concentrations
• The blood is isoionic to
seawater. The cytoplasm
however is regulated relative
to the blood and seawater with
high K and low NaCl. Thus it
is an ion regulator at the level
of the cell.