Transcript animal ppt

• Asymmetrical
• Filter Feeder (collar cells,
choanocytes, capture food with
• Amoebocytes are cells that
digest and circulate nutrients
• Spicules made of CaCO3 or
SiO2 give support
• Wastes diffuse through the cell
Coral - polyp form
Jellyfish - medusa form
Hydra - polyp form
Sea Anemone - polyp form
• Radial symmetry
• Tentacles have cnidocytes that
sting and paralyze prey. Shove
food into mouth of gastrovascular
• Both asexual and sexual
• Digest and circulate food in
gastrovascular cavity.
• Undigested food exits the mouth
• Nerve net detects environment
• Cellular waste diffuses through the
cell membrane
• Bilateral symmetry
Flatworms• Muscular pharynx pumps food into
Planarian gastrovascular cavity
• Hermaphroditic (both male &
female) & asexual by fission
• Cephalization (concentration of
sense organs and nerve tissue at
anterior end) Brain and Eyespots
• Digest and circulate nutrients in
Tapeworm gastrovascular cavity
• Parasitic worms have a cuticle which
prevents digestion by host.
• Flame cells remove metabolic wastes
and excess water
• Bilateral symmetry
• Most are free-living and eat small
animals, or algae, or bacteria.
• Parasitic roundworms include trichinosiscausing worms, filarial, worms, ascarid
worms, and hookworms.
• Cephalization, ganglia, sense organs that
detect chemicals.
• First to have a complete digestive tract
with mouth and an anus
• Depend on diffusion to carry nutients and
wastes through their bodies.
• Hydrostatic skeleton (pseudocoelom)
• Reproduce sexually (have separate sexes).
Internal fertilization
Mollusks •
The body plan of most mollusks has
four parts: foot, mantle, shell, and
visceral mass. Bilateral symmetry.
Can be herbivores, carnivores, filter
feeders, detritivores, or parasites.
Reproduce sexually by either
internal or external fertilization.
Some are hermaphroditic
Clams have simple nervous systems.
Can sense light and chemicals.
Octopi and relatives have the most
highly developed system of all
invertebrates, intelligent predators.
Complete digestive system
Mollusks Circulation
• Open circulatory
system - blood is
pumped by a simple
heart into vessels
which empty into
sinuses, into gills,
back into the heart.
Works well for slow
moving animals like
clams and snails
• Faster moving
mollusks (Octopi and
relatives) have a
closed circulatory
system - blood
remains in vessels.
Transports blood
Mollusk Support & Excretion
• Mantle covers most of
the body and secretes
shell. Shell is made of
calcium carbonate.
• Bivalves have two
• Univalves have one
• Metabolic waste is in
the form of ammonia.
• Nephridia remove
ammonia from the
blood and release it
outside the body.
• Bilateral symmetry
• Pharynx, filter feeders, or parasites.
• Most reproduce sexually, separate sexes or
hermaphroditic. Earthworm clitellum secretes a
mucus ring into which eggs and sperm are
• Most have well developed nervous system.
Sense organs are best developed in the freeliving marine worms (sensory tentacles,
chemical receptors, statocysts, and 2 or more
pairs of eyes)
• Gizzard grinds food which is chemically
digested in the intestine.
• Closed circulatory system
• Hydrostatic skeleton
• Nephridia
• Arthropods have a segmented body, a
tough exoskeleton, and jointed
appendages. Bilateral Symmetry
• Herbivores, carnivores, and
omnivores. Bloodsuckers, filter
feeders, detritivores, & parasites.
• Terrestrial arthropods have internal
fertilization. Aquatic arthropods have
internal or external fertilization.
• Well devloped nervous system. Brain
and ventral nerve cord. Well
developed sense organs such as eyes
and taste receptors.
Arthropods Systems
• Complete digestive tract.
• Open circulatory system
- blood does not carry
• Tracheal tubes carry
oxygen. Air enters and
leaves through spiracles.
• Spiders have book lungs.
Horshoe crabs have
book gills
• Aquatic arthropods have
• Exoskeleton made of
• Malpighian tubules are
saclike organs that
extract wastes from
the blood and then add
them to feces that
move through the gut.
• Aquatic arthropods
wastes diffuse from
cells into water.
Radial symmetry.
• Use tube feet to capture prey
• Separate sexes. External Fertilization
• Most have a nerve ring and radial nerves
with sensory cells that detect light, gravity,
and chemicals. Poorly developed.
• Starfish pushes stomach out through its
mouth, pours out enzymes, and starts
digestion outside.
• Circulation and respiration through the
water vascular system
• Endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate
• Solid waste out the anus. Cellular wastes,
ammonia, through tube feet and skin gills
A chordate is an animal that has, for at least
some stage of its life, a dorsal, hollow nerve
cord; a notochord; pharyngeal pouches; and
a tail that extends beyond the anus.
Two groups of nonvertebrate chordates are
tunicates and lancelets.
Tunicates are filter feeders. Adult tunicates
lack a tail and notochord
Lancelets are filter feeders
Eggs of nonvertebrate chordates are
fertilized externally.
Have a relatively simple nervous system
with a mass of nerve cells that form a brain
Simple closed circulatory system
• Baleen whales,
flamingoes, and manta
rays are filter feeders
• Canines have sharp
canines and incisors with
short digestive tracts
• Herbivores have long
digestive tracts with
colonies of bacteria that
help digest cellulose.
Large molar teeth for
grinding food.
• Some are omnivores
• Fish and amphibians have exernal fertilization
• Reptiles, birds and mammals are fertilized
• Oviparous (most fishes, amphibians and all birds)
eggs develop outside the mother’s body
• Ovoviviparous (some fishesand reptiles) eggs
develop within the mother’s body and the embryos
receive nutrients from the yolk in the egg. They
are born alive.
• Viviparous (most mammals) obtain nutrients
directly from the mother’s body. Young born
Detect Environment
• High degree of cephalization
• Head contains a well-developed brain attached to
a spinal cord.
• The brain is divided into several parts, including
the cerebrum (learning, memory, and conscious
thought) , cerebellum(coordinates movement and
controls balance), medulla oblongata (controls
functioning of internal organs), optic lobes
(vision) and olfactory bulbs in(sense of smell)
Digest & Circulate Nutrients
• The digestive systems of vertebrates have organs
that are well adapted for different feeding habits.
• Fishes have a single-loop circulatory sytem with a
two chambered heart.
• Vertebrates that use lungs for respiration have a
double-loop circulatory system. The first loop
carries blood between the heart and lungs. The
second between the heart and the body.
• Amphibians and most reptiles have a three
chambered heart.
• Birds and mammals have a four chambered heart.
Support & Protect
Excrete Waste
Sharks have a skeleton made of cartilage.
Most vertebrates have a skeleton made of bone.
Excretion is carried out mostly by the kidneys
Aquatic amphibians and most fishes excrete
ammonia directly from the gills into water in
addition to excreting through the kidneys.
• In mammals, land amphibians and cartilaginous
fishes ammonia is changed into urea.
• In most reptiles and birds, ammonia is changed
into uric acid.