Body Organization

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Body Organization
From cells to organisms…just how the
body is designed
• What do you do when it is cold outside? When it
is hot?
• Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable
internal environment
– Your body systems work together to ensure that
your body maintains a stable internal environment
Body Organization
• Body organization
Organ Systems
Types of Cells
• We are multicellular organisms
– We are made up of over 1 trillion cells
• We have many different types of cells
– Examples: Blood cells, muscle cells, bone cells
• Every cell has a specific purpose it carries out
Types of Tissues
• Epithelial
– Covers and protects underlying tissue
• Nervous
– Sends electrical signals throughout the body
• Muscle
– Contracts and relaxes to produce movement
• Connective
– Joins, supports, protects, and cushions organs
• Two or more tissues working together
– Examples: Heart, stomach, kidney, brain
The Body Systems
Integumentary System
• Function: Protect underlying tissue
• Organs: Skin, hair, and nails
The Body
• Function: Produces movement in your body.
• Organs: Cardiac Muscle (in heart), Smooth
Muscle (involuntary in organs), and Skeletal
Muscle (voluntary, moves bones)
The Body
Skeletal System
• Function: The skeletal system
provides a frame to support and
protect your body parts
• Organs: Your Bones (e.g. skull, ribs,
• Note: Bone is made up of
connective tissue
The Body
Cardiovascular System
• Function: The heart pumps
blood throughout the body.
The blood carries oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and nutrients
throughout the body.
• Organs: Heart, blood, and
blood vessels
The Body
Nervous System
• Function: Sends
electrical and chemical
signals to control the
body and body functions
• Organs: Brain, spinal
cord, and nerves
The Body
Lymphatic System
• Function: Helps protect the body
from pathogens (bacteria and
viruses) and helps it heal from
wounds using White Blood Cells
• Organs: Bone marrow, spleen,
thymus, lymph nodes, tonsils
The Body
Digestive System
• Function: Breaks down food
into nutrients and absorbs
them into the body
• Organs: Mouth, esophagus,
stomach, intestines, liver, gall
bladder, pancreas
The Body
Endocrine System
• Function: Releases
chemical messages
(hormones) that help
regulate the body’s growth
and functions
• Organs: Glands (e.g.
pituitary gland)
The Body
Respiratory System
• Function: Brings in oxygen and
releases carbon dioxide
• Organs: Lungs
The Body
Excretory System
• Function: Filters and removes wastes
from the body and regulates water
content in the body
• Organs: Kidneys (urinary)
The Body
The Reproductive System
• Male
– The male reproductive
system produces and
delivers sperm
• Female
– The female
reproductive system
produces eggs and can
hold unborn babies
The Body