Human Biology

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Human Biology
The Human Body
The Body as a Whole…
Your body is busy
working 24/7
Blood is pumped
through vessels by
your heart…
Air is pushed in and
out of your body by
your lungs…
The Body as a Whole…
Your intestines are
giving off chemicals
that break food
Nerves are sending
out signals from your
brain to all parts of
your body
The Body as a Whole…
Chemical messengers
are regulating all
kinds of processes
These activities may
seem quite differentand in many ways
they are, but…
The Body as a Whole…
They all have the same purpose: to
delicately control the body’s internal
The human body’s internal environment
must remain stable, or constant, even
during extreme changes in its environment
or activities of the body.
The Body as a Whole…
Homeostasis – stable internal environment.
AKA the process by which the body’s
internal environment is kept stable in spite
of changes in the external environment.
Levels of Organization…Cells
Cells: the basic unit
of structure and
function of all living
Levels of Organization…Cells
Each cell of your body has its own job.
For example:
Absorbing cells
Cells lining the small intestine absorb digested
food and transport it to the bloodstream which
delivers it to all parts of the body
Levels of Organization…Cells
More examples:
Assembly cells
These cells are responsible for putting together
important chemical substances. For example, the
pancreas contains a variety of assembly cells.
Some produce enzymes and some produce
Enzyme=chemicals that help break food down into
simpler substances
Hormones=chemical messengers that help to regulate
certain activities of the body
Levels of Organization…Cells
More examples:
Cells for movement
For example, muscle cells
 These cells are unlike any other cells in your body
 They have the ability to contract, or shorten
 This causes movement
Levels of Organization…Tissue
Tissues: a group of similar cells that
perform the same function
There are 4 basic types of tissue in the human
 Connective
 Nerve
 epithelial
Levels of Organization…Tissue
Muscle tissue
The only kind of
tissue in the body
that has the ability to
contract, or shorten
Levels of Organization…Tissue
Types of muscle tissue:
One type causes your body to move by
pulling on bones when it contracts
Another type lines the walls of structures
inside your body and moves food from your
mouth to your stomach
A third type is found only in your heart, and
enables the heart to contract to pump blood
Levels of Organization…Tissue
Connective tissue
Provides support for
your body and
connects all of its
Bone- provides
structure and support
Blood- carries food
and oxygen to all
cells of the body
Levels of Organization…Tissue
And fat- keeps the
body warm,
cushions internal
structures from the
shock of sudden
blows, and also
stores food
Levels of Organization…Tissue
Nerve tissue
Carries messages
back and forth
between your brain,
spinal cord, and
every other part of
your body
Nerve messages can
travel at speeds of up
to 100 meters per sec
Levels of Organization…Tissue
Epithelial tissue
Forms a protective
surface on the outside of
your body
One kind makes up your
Another kind lines the
cavities, or hollow
spaces of the mouth,
throat, ears, stomach and
other body parts
Levels of Organization… Organs
Organs – different types of tissues combine
to form organs
An organ is a group of different tissues with a
specific job
For example: heart, stomach, brain, eye, skin,
Levels of Organization…Organ
Organ system – a group of organs that
work together to perform a specific job
Each system performs a special function for
the body, yet no one system acts alone
There are eleven organ systems of the human
Human Body Organ Systems
Protects, supports, allows
movement, produces blood
cells, and stores minerals
Allows body movement and
maintains posture
Human Body Organ Systems
Breaks down food and
absorbs nutrients
Transports nutrients, wastes,
and other materials and plays
a role in the immune
Human Body Organ Systems
Exchanges oxygen and
carbon dioxide between
blood and air
Removes solid and liquid
Human Body Organ Systems
Detects sensation and
controls most functions
Plays a part in the regulation
of metabolism, reproduction,
and many other functions
Human Body Organ Systems
Performs reproduction and
controls male and female
functions and behaviors
Controls the immune
response and fights disease
Human Body Organ Systems
Integumentary Protects, regulates
temperature, prevents water
Human Biology Review
List the levels of organization in humans.
What are the four basic types of human tissue?
List the organ systems of the human body.
Using any type of machine as an example,
explain how each part of the machine works
together with every other part so that the machine
can do its job. Compare this with the way the
systems of the body work together.
Levels of Organization Review
The body as a whole
The process by which the body’s internal
environment is kept stable in spite of changes
in the external environment is called
Humans, like all living things, need energy to
do work.
Human Biology Review
Levels of Organization
The levels of organization in a multicellular
living thing include cells, tissues, organs, and
organ systems
Cells come in all shapes and sizes. Regardless
of its job or shape, a cell works in harmony to
keep the body alive
Cells are the building blocks of living things
Human Biology Review
Levels of Organization, continued
A tissue is a group of similar cells that
perform the same function
There are four types of tissues in the human
body: muscle, connective, nerve, epithelial
Muscle tissue has the ability to contract, or
shorten, allowing one type of muscle tissue to
make the body move.
Human Biology Review
Levels of Organization, continued
Another type of muscle tissue lines walls of internal
structures of the body
A third type of muscle tissue enables the heart to
Connective tissue provides support for the body and
connects its parts
Nerve tissue carries messages back and forth between
the brain and spinal cord and every other part of the
Human Biology Review
Levels of Organization, continued
Epithelial tissue forms a protective surface on
the outside of the body and lines its internal
An organ is a group of tissues with a specific
An organ system is a group of organs that
work together to perform a specific job