2 human-body-systems for the BLOG

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Transcript 2 human-body-systems for the BLOG

Structures: bones, cartilage, joints,
Functions: provides shape and support,
enables you to move, protects your
internal organs, produces blood cells,
stores certain materials until your
body needs them
Interactions: bones make your red
blood cells.
Associate Disease~ Scoliosis is a sideto-side curve of the spine
Structures: muscles, tendons
Three types of muscle tissue:
skeletal muscle – attached to bones
smooth muscle – makes up organs
cardiac muscle – only in the heart
Functions: Movement. Involuntary muscles
are responsible for activities such as
breathing and digesting food;Voluntary
muscles are under your control
Structures: muscles, tendons
Three types of muscle tissue: skeletal muscle,
smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle
Functions: Movement. Involuntary muscles are
responsible for activities such as breathing and
digesting food;Voluntary muscles are under your
Interactions: All systems, all of your organs are made
of muscle
Associated Diseases ~ Muscular Dystrophy a type
of disorder in which the muscle fibers become
prone to damage. Symptoms include muscle
weakness, a lack of coordination and crippling of
the muscles around the joints.
Structures: skin, hair and nails
Functions: Protection, Regulation temperature,
removes waste, senses environment, makes
vitamin D
Interactions: Receptors send signals to brain,
regulates peripheral blood flow, nerves controls
hairs connected to muscles
Associated Disease ~ Vitiligo is a skin condition
in which there is loss of pigment (color) from
areas of skin, resulting in irregular white patches
that feel like normal skin.
We have learned 3 systems so far.
1st and 3rd rows turn in your seats to
make groups of 3/4 and discuss the
functions of those 3 systems.
S7L2 c Explain the
purpose of the major
organ systems.
S7L2d Explain that
tissues, organs, and
organ systems serve the
needs of cells.
Today in Science!
Add to NB# 4 3 more systems
Video clips
Possible mini lab
Do you owe me your Skin
Function Foldable – 11 today
 Heart
 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-
 Mayo Clinic
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHMmtqKgs50
 Review what we just did.
Cardiovascular and Circulatory are both
names for the system that contains the
heart. On your RP write both names
and why that is a good name for this
S7L2 c Explain the
purpose of the major
organ systems.
S7L2d Explain that
tissues, organs, and
organ systems serve the
needs of cells.
Today in Science!
Finish Notes
Muscle Mini Lab
Start Respiratory System WS
Do you owe me your Skin
Function Foldable ? – 21 today
Circulatory (a.k.a cardiovascular)
Structures: Heart, arteries, veins
and capillaries (smallest vessels – the walls
of capillaries are one cell thick).
Functions: Pumps blood, carries nutrients
and removes waste from cells
Interactions: All Systems
Associated Diseases ~ Arrhythmia irregular
heart rhythm. Heart Disease, Atherosclerosis
Structures: Nose, Lungs, Bronchi, trachea
Function: Moves oxygen from the outside
environment into the body and removes carbon
dioxide and some water from the body.
Interactions: Circulatory system carries oxygen
to the cells and carbon dioxide away.
Associated Disease~ Pneumonia an inflammation of
the lung caused by bacteria, in which the air sacs
(alveoli) become filled with inflammatory cells and the
lung becomes solid.
Today in Science!
Jan 19, 2016
What are we leaning today S7L2 c Explain the
purpose of the major organ systems ~Lympahtic
and Digestive Systems.
Today in Science
Update and organize Notebook
Add to NB# 4
Start the Digestive System
1)Make sure your
7 and 5 work returned
notebook is in order
RP: have your RP open
and ready to describe
Ice Flowers
After a short video clip.
2) Read NB#4
3) AC Finish reading
and highlighting Nose.
4) Beat Goes On is due
Thursday Jan 21.
Spleen makes white
blood cells and recycles
old red blood cells
Structures: Lymph nodes, Lymph vessels, tonsils,
bone marrow, thymus (makes T cells) and the spleen
(fights infections and removes/recycles damaged cell
Functions: Carries fluid that leaks out of cell
back to the circulatory system
Interactions: circulatory system and muscular.
Associated Disease~Tonsillitis: Caused by an
infection of the tonsils. Tonsils tissues help filter
out bacteria and when infected, they become
swollen and inflamed, leading to a sore throat, fever,
and difficulty and pain while swallowing.
Today in Science!
Jan 20, 2016
What are we leaning today S7L2 c Explain the purpose
of the major organ systems ~Digestive System.
Today in Science !
Start the Digestive System ~ Notes, then Nye
Notebooks out on desks for walk-through
Discuss Respiratory System’s organ
- - - The Nose.
Bell ~ Ringer (No RP today)
We are starting the 7th system
today. Can you list all 6 we have
learned so far? 1st and 3rd rows
turn to the row behind you – to
quiz each other on the 6 system
names and Functions.
1) Finish And The
Beat Goes On –
due tomorrow
2) Read over NB#4
Digestive System
Structures: Mouth, esophagus, liver, stomach,
gallbladder, pancreas, large intestines, small
intestines, rectum
Functions: 1)breaks down food into molecules
the body can use and 2) eliminates solid waste
Interactions: Uses the circulatory system
to take food to the individual cells
Associated Disease~ Celiac disease is a
digestive disease that damages the small intestine
because of a sensitivity to gluten, which is found
in wheat, rye, barley, and oats.
Nose . . .
AC classes read the A Day in the Life of Your Nose –
Our nose makes a quart of mucus – yuck!
How is the Lymphatic system different
from the Cardiovascular?
Something new your learned from Nye
about digestion?
Something your learned about the Nose
from the Reader’s Digest article?
Response Page – From
our time with Bill, can you list the
organs that your lunch goes through
S7L2d. Explain that
in the correct
tissues, organs, and
organ systems serve the
needs cells have for
Are you keeping your A in
Did you turn in your . . .
Skin Function Foldable?
Cell Test Recovery /
Due today for 100%
oxygen, food, and waste
S7L2e. Explain the
purpose of the major
organ systems in the
human body
Today in Science
Oh I Gotta Pee
Urinary System
Structures: kidney, ureter, urinary bladder,
Functions: Collects wastes produced by
cells and removes the wastes from the
texts add
system –
More on
that later.
Interactions: Cleans waste from the
circulatory system and digestive systems.
Associated Disease ~kidney infections
or infections that spread upwards from
either the urethra or the urinary bladder
Imagine . . .You just drank a large bottle of
water. Later on, you have to pee. Where
does that liquid go from the time it enters
your body until it reaches the toilet?
5 minutes to brainstorm – without using
your text book.
The article you are about to read
will clarify the problem!
Oh, I Gotta Pee !!
White Paper:
group members names
Step I. (7 minutes) “We think the water we drink. . .”
Brainstorm with your group and then write down the path the
water would take – starting with your mouth and ending in the
toilet (list the organs). Use the digestive system and the urinary
system diagram on the screen if needed.
Step II.
Read the article one column at a time and stop to discuss.
Everybody must Code the Text. Coding is required.
Step III “We know the water we drink . .
Go back to the white paper and as a group find and write the
correct path that water takes from your mouth to the toilet. At
some point the water is carried by blood – make sure you
include the organ where the water leaves and how the water gets
to the next organ.
When the bell rings be
in your seat with NB#4
Today in Science
~ Body Story Part 2
S7L2d. Explain that
tissues, organs, and
organ systems serve the
needs cells have for
oxygen, food, and waste
S7L2e. Explain the
purpose of the major
organ systems in the
human body
There are many
students out today;
they will have to
watch the same video
from YouTube. So,
next week we will
finish discussing Oh! I
Gotta Pee and the
Nose article.
Do you owe me your
When the bell rings
be in your
Today in Science
seat with
 Finish video of Body
Story Part 2
NB#4 open.
S7L2d. Explain that
tissues, organs, and
organ systems serve the
needs cells have for
oxygen, food, and waste
S7L2e. Explain the
purpose of the major
organ systems in the
human body
 Finish Nose discussion
 Finish Oh I Gotta Pee
 HW: correct your HB
Pretest – due Wed. If
you missed less than 4
on the back pick 4
systems and describe
the most interesting
thing you learned
through discussion,
video or reading
Body Story - Some classes need to finish.
All 20 students who were absent you need to watch from
24 mins to the end at home on Youtube.
Get the WS – due Thur
How is the healing process different in old
At what rate does “Bob” loose brain cells?
Nervous System
Structures: neurons, dendrite, axon,
brain, spinal column.
Functions: detects & interprets info from the
environment outside the body & with in the
body; controls most of the body functions
Interactions: All systems. It’s the nucleus!
Associated Diseases~ Parkinson's disease is
a progressive disorder of the nervous system
that affects movement.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4NfYd4wq7o Perlmutter MD
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj_5SGdx7Xk DNews
Endocrine System
Structures: endocrine glands, hormones,
pituitary gland, hypothalamus
Functions: Controls many processes using
hormones – ex controls intake of sugar by
cells as well as long-term changes such as
Interactions: All Systems. Hormones are
delivered by the blood.
Associated Disease ~diabetes is a
condition in which the pancreas does not
produce enough of the hormone insulin.
Add the following to the
Endocrine system function:
Endocrine system uses Hormones to
control many processes . . . .
Adrenaline from the adrenal gland
Insulin from the pancreas
Growth hormone from the hypothalamus
Same story on Fox http://video.foxnews.com/v/4697437187001/teen-girl-lifts-truck-off-of-father-saves-family-fromfire/?#sp=show-clips
Immune System
organs, tissues
and cells that
fight pathogens
Diseases ~Type
arthritis, and MS.
National Library of Medicine
Mayo Foundation for Medical
Education and Research
This is important
This is different from
what I thought
 Read a section
I knew that
I don’t understand or
this is confusing.
silently and code the text as you read.
 Leader
 Flag Flyer
 Interpreter
1. tells group what she remembers.
2. See if others can add to that
3. Ask to share any ? (confusion)
 Next section – switch turns
 After Reading come to a consensus and write the path the
water takes fom the time it enters your body until it
reaches the toilet?
This is important
This is different from
what I thought
 Read a section
I knew that
I don’t understand or
this is confusing.
silently and code the text as you read.
 Leader
 Flag Flyer
 Interpreter
1. tells group what she remembers.
2. See if others can add to that
3. Ask to share any ? (confusion)
 Next section – switch turns
 Answer BIG Question and turn in with all names on it.
Where does the liquid go from the time it enters your
body until it reaches the toilet?
It’s called Body Story – Broken Down
Immune System ~ Crash Course