Transcript Chapter 17

Chapter 17 owl
Chapter 18 McCaw
Classification of
Classification of Organisms
Classification is the
arrangement of organisms into
orderly groups based on their
similarities and presumed
evolutionary relationships.
Classification of Organisms
Taxonomy is the branch of
biology that names and
groups organisms according
to their characteristics and
evolutionary history.
Classification of Organisms
Carolus Linnaeus devised a
system for grouping
organisms based on their
form and structure. His
hierarchy is made up of
seven different levels of
Classification of Organisms
Sample Cat
Domain (Eukaryotic/Prokaryotic)
Kingdom (Animalia = animal)
Phylum (Chordata = having a spinal cord)
Class (Mammalia = mammal)
Order (Carnivora = meat eater)
Family (Felidae = feline or cat-like)
Genus (Felis = cannot roar)
Species (domesticus = house cat)
Classification of Organisms
Do Kings, Play, Chess, On,
Fine, Girls, Stomachs? }
 The two part scientific name of
a species is composed of the
genus and the species identifier
(binomial nomenclature).
House Cat = Felis domesticus
Domain divides living things into cells that
are prokaryotic (bacteria) and eukaryotic
(complex membrane bound organelles
and nucleus)
 Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
Animalia =
Plantae =
Fungi =
Mushrooms and molds
Protista =
Monera =
Single celled organism,
some plant like
Bacteria and Viruses
 Characteristics
of Animals –
eukaryotic, multicellular,
heterotrophs, that lack cell
 Systems – groups of tissues and
organs that work together in
organisms to keep them alive.
 Support
 Skeletal
and movement
system – gives the
animals shape, size and
supports important
structures and organs.
Exoskeleton, Endoskeleton,
and Hydro skeleton
 Vertebrate
– having a back
 Invertebrate – not having a
back bone
 Shell – outer covering made
usually of salt and hardeners
 Muscle
system – if they have
them, then they help in
movement by contracting and
relaxing in tandem with one
another. Banded, striated,
circular, or elongated.
 Movement – if they move
they are motile, if they do
not move they are sessile.
 Food
intake and outlet
 Digestive
system - Food is taken
in and then broken down into
usable parts (molecules)
 This gives energy for growth of
the organism.
 Excretory system – Removal of
wastes or unused food or liquids
from the body.
 Breathing
taking in oxygen
 Respiratory
system – how one
organism gets its oxygen and
uses it, or makes it available to
the body system.
Sensing/Reacting to the
 Nervous
system - Senses –
see, taste, smell, feel, and
hear. Usually involves the
brain if one is present and
the nerves if there are any
and a backbone if the
organism has one.
 Making
of new organisms
 Reproductive
system – There are
two types of reproduction:
Asexual - in which an organism
reproduces by themselves and
needs no other organisms to have
Sexual - in which there must be
two organisms of different sexes
to reproduce offspring.
 Blood
and the movement of
material in the body
 Circulatory
system – The way
that blood or fluid carries the
oxygen to the needed cells in
the body.
 Skin
 Integument
system – skin
protects the organism and
keeps harmful material out
of the internal body cavity.
 Dissection
of organisms – why?
 To better understand the
organisms and to be able to
compare them to ourselves.
 Look internally to get an idea
of how all the systems work
together to keep the organism
 Dissecting
tray – holds the
organism while it is being
 Specimen – organism being
 Scalpel – very sharp knife
used to cut organisms to
identify internal structures
 Forceps
– not tweezers! These
are used to hold material and
structures during dissection
 Pins – hold things out of the
way for viewing
 Probe – used to point out things
or move things out of the way
(metal or wooden handled)
 Dropper-
used to remove extra
liquid, or add liquid as needed in
 Pad – rubber material that
allows for pins to be added to
hold things down
 Scissors
– small or large. They
are used to cut or remove
things. Once you cut, you can
not put it back!