Autoimmune Disorders
Transcript Autoimmune Disorders
Dr Shoaib Raza
Autoimmune Disorders
Immune reactions against self antigens
Affects 1% to 2% of US population
Requirements for an autoimmune disorder:
Presence of immune reaction specific for some selfantigen or self-tissue
Evidence that the reaction is not secondary to tissue
Absence of another well defined cause of disease
Autoimmune Disorders
Clinical manifestations are varied
Organ specific disease
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Multiple sclerosis
Systemic or generalized diseases
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Middle of the spectrum
Goodpasture’s syndrome
Immunologic Tolerance
The phenomenon of unresponsiveness to an antigen
as a result of exposure to lymphocytes to that
Self tolerance refers to lack of responsiveness to an
individual’s own antigen
Central tolerance
Peripheral tolerance
Central Tolerance
Immature self reactive T or B-Cell clones that
recognize self-antigens during their maturation in
the central lymphoid organs (Thymus or Bone
marrow) are killed or rendered harmless.
Central tolerance is however far from PERFECT
Self reactive T or B-cells may skip the central
tolerance and enter the circulation
Central Tolerance of T-Cells
In the thymus
Negative selection:
Self reactive T-Cells die by apoptosis
AIRE protein stimulates expression of “peripheral tissue
restricted” self-antigens in the thymus
Some self reactive CD4+ T-Cells in the thymus do not
die, but later on develop into regulatory cells
Central Tolerance of B-Cells
In the bone marrow:
Receptor editing:
Some self-reactive B-Cells reactivate the machinery of
antigen receptor gene and begin to express new antigens
If receptor editing does not occur, self-reactive B-Cells
undergo apoptosis
Peripheral Tolerance
Several mechanisms
Prolonged or irreversible inactivation of lymphocytes
Absence of co-stimulatory signals induce apoptosis
Suppression by regulatory T-Cells
Mainly developed in thymus
May be developed in peripheral tissues
? immunosuppressive cytokines are released (IL-10)
Deletion by activation-induced cell death
Self-reactive CD4+ T-Cells undergo apoptosis
Mechanism of Autoimmunity
Autoimmunity arises from a combination of
Inheritance of susceptibility genes may lead to breach
in self-tolerance
Environmental triggers e.g. infections and tissue
Role of Infection in Autoimmune Diseases
Many autoimmune diseases are:
Associated with infections
Up-regulation of expression of co-stimulators on APC
Molecular mimicry (e.g. rheumatic heart disease)
Polyclonal B-Cell activation (e.g. EBV infection)
General Features of Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are PROGRESSIVE, with
relapses and remissions
Clinical and pathological manifestations are
determined by nature of underlying immune
Different autoimmune diseases show substantial
clinical, serological and pathological overlap.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Prototype of multisystem disease of autoimmune origin
Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) are usually present
Acute or insidious in onset
Chronic, remitting and relapsing, often febrile illness
characterized principally by injury to the skin, joints, kidney
and serosal membranes
Complex set of criteria for establishing the diagnosis
Etiology & Pathogenesis
Exact cause is unknown
Failure of the mechanisms that maintain selftolerance
Genetic factors
Immunologic factors
Environmental factors
Mechanism of Tissue Injury
Most of the visceral lesions are caused by Type III
Hypersensitivity reaction
DNA-AntiDNA complexes are formed
Immune complex nature of the disease
Autoantibodies specific for RBC, WBC and platelets,
opsonize these cells for phagocytosis
SLE is a complex disorder of multifactorial origin
resulting from genetic, immunologic and environmental
factors that act in concert to cause activation of helper TCells and B-Cells and result in the production of several
species of pathologic autoantibodies.
Lupus nephritis
Synovitis, arthritis etc
Due to acute vasculitis
Pericarditis, non-bacterial verrucous endocarditis
Lungs, Spleen, etc.
Splenomegaly, pleuritis
Clinical Features
Variable presentation according to organ involved
Unpredictable presentation and course of the disease
Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus
Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic systemic inflammatory disease that
principally affects joints
Non-suppurative proliferative and inflammatory
Often progress to ankylosis
Genetic susceptibility
Arthritogenic antigen
Anti IgG antibody (Fc portion)
Sjögren Syndrome
Chronic disease, characterized by:
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (Dry Eyes)
Xerostomia (Dry mouth)
Immunlogically mediated destruction of the lacrimal
and salivary glands
May be associated with other autoimmune disorders
SLE, RA, polymyositis, scelroderma, vasculitis,
thyroiditis, MCTD, etc.
Systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma)
Chronic disease characterized by:
Chronic inflammation as a result of autoimmunity
Widespread damage to small blood vessels
Progressive interstitial and perivascular fibrosis
CREST syndrome
Raynaud’s disease
Esophageal dysmotility
Mixed Connective Tissue Diseases
Clinical features, mixture of
Systemic sclerosis
Serologically characterized by:
Autoantibodies to ribonucleotide particle containing
U1 ribonucleoprotein.
Polyarteritis Nodosa
Necrotizing inflammation of small sized blood vessel
Small size blood vessels of lungs and kidneys are
usually affected