Chapter 7 Power Point - Holy Family Catholic Regional Division

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Transcript Chapter 7 Power Point - Holy Family Catholic Regional Division

How Did Geography and History Affect the
Worldview of the Aztec and the Spanish?
How Did Geography Influence the Societies?
How Did History of the Aztecs Affect Their Worldview?
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its Worldview?
How Did Contact with the Moors Influence Spain?
How Did Contact with other Meso-American Societies
influence the Aztecs?
How Did the Aztec Emperors Become the Most
Powerful Rulers in the Valley of Mexico?
How Did the Spanish Monarchy Become so Powerful?
What Aspects of Worldviews are reflected in creation
Discovering a New Culture
You have been exploring the depths of the Amazon
forest and have discovered a new civilization. But, before
you can begin to communicate with the other culture you
and your fellow explorers have decided to convince them
that you are the only culture in the world! To do this you
have to do a few things first to be organized…
Create a timeline showing the history of your culture
Make sure to have important events, ideas, discoveries, contact
with other cultures
Create a creation story explaining how your civilization was
Make a list of values and morals that your culture is based on
Create artifacts and photographs that proves that your
civilization exists
Discovering a New Culture
Create a timeline showing the history of your
Important Events
Discovery of new ideas
Discoveries of new locations
Discovery of new cultures
Any other important dates for your civilization
As a class we are going to create this “fake time
Take a moment to ask yourself what event you would
like to create for your culture
Social 8 Culture Time Line
Discovering a New Culture
Create a creation story explaining how your
civilization was created
Take a moment to decided your idea as to how your
culture was created
As a class everyone will contribute one sentence that
explains how your culture was created
Culture Creation Story
Discovering a New Culture
Make a list of values and morals that your
culture is based on
Take a moment to decide what your value or moral
should be for the culture
Remember, you can pass
As a class you will create a list of values that your
culture will live by
Culture Morals and Values
Discovering a New Culture
Create artifacts and photographs that proves
that your civilization exists
Draw, create, make up a artifact that will prove that
you are a culture!!!
Remember, this has to reflect your cultural values (that you
just created), your creation story, and your timeline
This also has to be able to be on display
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
The Aztec
Meso-America has a diverse geography
Tropical Forests
Rich Farm Land
Sea coast on the east and west
The Geography of Meso-America
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
The Aztecs Cont
Much of the north is desert
The harsh Chihuahua Desert covers the central and eastern
The Sonoran Desert covers north-central
Only 10% is useable farmland
Most of the major mountain ranges are located in the
central plateau of Mexico
There is a large basin referred to as “The Valley of Mexico”
Climate is always spring like due to the high altitude
Southern Meso-America has dense tropical forest and
tropical climate with lots of rain fall
Pre-Columbian Meso-America
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
Most of the original societies in Mexico lived in
the Valley of Mexico
Plenty of water from lots of shallow lakes
The lakes affected the climate of the valley
Making some land saline
The Valley of Mexico was the center of the Aztec
The larger cities of the empire were located near the
As they grew they relied on farmers in outlying areas
The noble and elite always lived in the cities
People in outlying areas were usually farmers and
others who used the natural resources
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
There were different ecological zones in the
Valley of Mexico
Because of this people had to develop different
farming techniques and grow different types of food
This diversity of resources led to a development
of a market system for the distribution of the
food and other items
Canals and water ways were the main means of
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
The Spanish
The Mediterranean Sea to the south, Atlantic Ocean
to the west, Straight of Gibraltar separates it from
In the 15th century the monarchs decided to increase
their wealth and fame
Can you guess how??
Having easy access to the ocean was a major reason
why they decided to start exploring
The Iberian Peninsula
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
Spain has several mountain ranges
The water ways in Spain all flow towards the
Atlantic and Mediterranean
Pyrenees separate them from France
Blocks easy access to the rest of Europe
These rivers are difficult to navigate
The central plateau of Spain, the Meseta
Central, is almost treeless
Very dry summers
Mountains divide the area into north and south areas
The central area is also isolated from the rest of
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
The north coast is scattered with mountains and
rigid cliffs
The climate of Spain is generally rainy in the
north and moderate by the ocean
Spain's best harbor is located there
Winters are mild and summers cool
Southern part is very dry and hot
Because of the different mountain ranges Spain
was made up of many different kingdoms
Regionalism developed Spain's history
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
What would be the advantages of having all the
major Aztec cities in the Valley of Mexico and by
the lakes?
Imagine you lived a semi-nomadic life in the
northern desert of Mexico. How would getting
your basic needs of survival affect your beliefs
and values?
How would these differ from Aztec tribes living in the
southern part?
Explain why Spain’s location and geography
would have been an incentive for exploration?
How Did the Geography Influence the
Societies of the Aztec and the Spanish?
Class Discussion
Put yourself in the shoes of the Aztec. Your original
home was in the middle of a swampy lake surrounded
by harsh desert. Your tribe has decided to leave their
home to see what other parts of Meso-America has to
offer (in terms of resources, climate) so you can
create an empire.
Why or why not would you leave your homeland?
Discussion Rubric
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
Comparing Cultures
By analyzing a cultures history you can learn many
valuable things about their worldview. You can find
out what their beliefs and values are.
Analyze the other classes worldview. What are something's
that we can discover/assume about their worldview?
Cultural Worldview Sheet
As a class we will analyze their history and see what we can
create about their worldview
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
The Long Migration
They originally called themselves the Mexica
Were once part of several Nahuatl-speaking groups
This included the Culhua-Mexica, Mexica, and Tenocha
These groups lived in the Northern deserts of MesoAmerica
Present day???
Some went north, and some went south
The Aztecs origin said that they left their homeland,
Aztlan, around 1100
They lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle for 200 years looking for
a sign that would tell them where to settle
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
Throughout their migration they followed the
directions of their patron god, Huitzilopochtli,
who spoke to their priests
They would then force their followers to keep moving
south through the harsh desert
They also believed that they were the chosen people
of Huitzilopochtli and would be eventually led to the
land of their destiny
In someways, this was true…
They often moved in the middle of harvesting crops
This would cause many hardships
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
After many generations of traveling Aztecs they
eventually arrived in the Valley of Mexico
When they arrived most of the valley was
already occupied by many different city-states
Lead by chieftain Tenoch
Aztecs were considered barbarous and uncultured
They were often driven from many different locations
By the end of the 14th century many of these city
states created alliances and formed
These would have conflicts with the Aztec…
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
Tenochtitlan-The City of Tenoch
After being pushed around for so many years the
Aztecs settle on a marshy island in the middle of Lake
The city was named Tenochtitlan
They new that this was their destiny because they saw a sign
from Huitzilpochtli
At that site they built a city in honor of the Sun god
It was surrounded by three of the most powerful societies in
the valley
Even though the Aztecs had finally settled they still
had to deal with issues from the other societies
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
To survive the Aztec decided to work for their
powerful neighbors
They were servants and mercenaries for the Tepanec
They also had knowledge and skill in architecture
During their migration they learned many traits that were
important in becoming ferocious warriors
Created buildings and aqueducts to bring in fresh water
Tenochtitlan grew and prospered
It was larger than any city in Europe-1500’s
Easy access to other city-states via the waterways
and lakes
Limited access to the city was great protection from
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
The Aztecs eventually absorbed the manners
and traditions of the other societies in the valley
They began to create a new culture based on:
Their strong religious beliefs
Their history of migration
And the legacy of societies that flourished before them
How Did the History of the Aztec Affect Their
What qualities would the Aztec have to develop
to survive the 200 year migration through the
desert all the way to the Valley of Mexico?
How might the Aztec worldview be influenced by
how they were treated by other societies?
Comparing Cultures
Imagine that the cultures from each class
came into contact with each other…
8B did a little exploring lead by “The Rebel”
and they discovered 8A in the deep forests
surrounded by dinosaurs
Make a prediction of what might possible
happen based on each cultures worldview.
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
Worldview? Pg 236-239
history the Iberian Peninsula had
successful waves of invasion and colonization by
many different cultures…
Romans from 3rd to 5th century
left the Christian belief system
northern tribes of Ostrogoths, Franks, and
until 711 and these tribes also used the Christian
belief system
the Moores came from North Africa and
controlled most of the southern region of the peninsula
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
The Reconquista
Muslim (The Moores) rule lasted for more than 700
Cordoba and Granada became important cultural centers
Muslims, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their
own beliefs
A few northern regions did resist the Muslim invasions and
remained Christian
Over centuries the Christian kingdoms did become
more powerful
They continuously tried to take back control of the southern
Iberian Peninsula 1147
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
The attempt to retake the Iberian land from the
Moores was called the Reconquista
It was first lead by the Kingdom of Castile
They captured the Muslim city of Toledo in 1085
In the 1100’s the rulers of Aragon and Catalonia
united their armies
Castile captured the cities of Cordoba and Cadiz
The last kingdom that the Moores controlled ,
Granada, was captured by the conquistadors of King
Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I in 1492
This ended the Moores control
The Reconquista 1147-1269
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
These wars with the Moores and the kingdoms
of Spain lasted over 700 years
Many Christians believed that it was their duty to
convert people to Roman Catholicism
The Spanish Conquistadors carried on this tradition
as they felt that they were fighting for God and their
Although the Moores were defeated the Iberian
Peninsula was scattered with regional loyalties
Aragon and Castile were united by the marriage of
Ferdinand and Isabella
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
The Spanish Inquisition
After the Reconquista the Roman Catholic faith was
considered the only true faith in Spain
Ferdinand and Isabella used this thought to their
You were only a truly loyal citizen if you practiced the same
Isabella thought the country could only be truly united
Ferdinand wanted to end all the struggles and control the
In 1492 they reinstated the Spanish Inquisition
Originally used to judge if the Muslims and Jews needed to
be converted
Actually used to judge any citizen of following the Roman
Catholic faith
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
The Spanish Inquisition-Cont
If a citizen was found guilty of not following the
Roman Catholic faith they were punished
If a citizen was accused but not found guilty…
Confinement in dungeons, torture and death
Their property was confiscated and the person was forbidden
from being in public office
Eventually all Jews and Muslims (even converts)
were expelled from Spain
The Inquisition did not end until 1834
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
The Desire for Exploration
The Reconquista came when Western Europe was
benefiting from better economies, new technology
and stable governments
Ferdinand and Isabella wanted to expand the powers
of Spain
They soon built a strong desire to discover new,
undiscovered lands because the Silk Road was fully
They looked towards two different directions
Towards the Western Mediterranean
West across the Atlantic
In 1492 they sent Christopher Columbus across the
Atlantic claiming the Caribbean for Spain
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
As the Spanish monarchy built their empire they
had religious, economic and political motives
Any new resources and goods from anywhere were
considered the property of Spain
They sent missionaries to teach the beliefs and
customs of the Roman Catholic Church
When conquistadors contacted new societies they
had a very strong ethnocentric view
The Spanish culture was far superior to any other culture out
They used this idea to justify the harsh treatment of the
people and the force used to convert societies and conquer
How Did the History of Spain Affect Its
Why would the worldview of Spain be different
from the rest of Europe?
Remember their geography and history…
Make a prediction…..
We now know the history of Spain and the Aztecs and
how they have influenced their worldviews. What do
you think is going to happen when the two cultures
Contact with Other Cultures
Looking back in history your culture has had
experiences with other cultures…
Alien invasion…
 Donkey Kong….
How would these experiences influence your culture?
 for better or worse???
How Did Contact with the Moors Influence
Spain? Pg 242-243
For almost 700 years the Islamic Empire
controlled a huge area
North Africa
Iberian Peninsula
When the Moors conquered parts of the Iberian
the quickly imported their own culture
City of Codoba was a major center of learning and the
The library contained 600 000 manuscripts
Where do you think some of the inventions came
How Did Contact with the Moors Influence
The legacy left by the Moors influenced Spanish
learning, architecture and design
Muslim and Jewish scholars revived the study of
ancient Greek and Roman culture and
How was this important to the rest of Europe…
Starts with an H……
How Did Contact with the Moors Influence
The legacy also included
Schools of astronomy, mathematics and architecture
Great libraries containing architecture, astrology,
pharmacology, psychology, zoology…navigation and
A large collection of classical documents
Aristotle et all
Revealed the Greek belief of questioning and logic
There is that H word again….
Beautiful buildings and art
How Did Contact with the Moors Influence
How might have the legacy of the Moors
influence the Spanish worldview so it supported
exploration and become an imperialist state?
During the Spanish Inquisition they expelled all
the Muslims and Jews from the Iberian
Peninsula. Why would this have a negative
affect on the Spanish?
How Did Contact with Other Meso-American
Societies Influence the Aztec? Pg 244-246
Remember…there were many different societies
in the Valley of Mexico
Each had their own unique customs
There were similarities
Meso-American civilization existed before them
In Meso-America, cultures of the past greatly
influenced the cultures of the present
How Did Contact with Other Meso-American
Societies Influence the Aztec?
Earlier societies of Meso-America
Olmec (1200-400 BC)
Teotihuacan (150-450)
Toltec (900-1150)
All of these societies were at one time the greatest
society in the Valley of Mexico
How Did Contact with Other Meso-American
Societies Influence the Aztec?
The Olmec
Said to be the founding society of Meso-American
Lived in the lowland near the Gulf of Mexico and southcentral part known as Veracruz
San Lorenzo is the known oldest center
Considered the greatest sculptors
Made giant head sculptors of several gods
Fire god
Rain god
Corn god
Feathered Serpent
How Did Contact with Other Meso-American
Societies Influence the Aztec?
The Teotihucan
Refers to the ancient civilization and its altepetl where
a mysterious people dwelled
The Aztecs believed that the enormous ruins left
behind was a holy place where the sun, moon and
universe was created
The name meant “City of Gods”
The Aztecs copied the way that they built their city
Laid out in four quarters with two large avenues crossing at
right angles with the temple and the city center
In the center of Teotihuacan was a temple to the god
The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan
How Did Contact with Other Meso-American
Societies Influence the Aztec?
The Toltec
The capital was called Tula
They had the greatest impact on the Aztec civilization
The Aztec believed that they were the masters of creating a
refined civilization
Totems from the City of Tula
How Did Contact with Other Meso-American
Societies Influence the Aztec?
All of the legacy left behind by other civilizations
and the contact the Aztec had influenced many
things about their civilization
Religious Beliefs and practices
Social Structures
During their migration the Aztec absorbed and
learned new skills to help build their civilization
When they finally found a place to settle they showed
behaviors that would command respect from other
Effects of other Meso-American Societies on
the Aztec
Religious Beliefs and Practices
Gods can take on different forms such as the jaguar
and the serpent
A belief in many different gods
Religious practices that centered on seasonal cycles
Astronomy and the calendar
Human sacrifices were necessary to sustain the gods
with human hearts and blood
Effects of other Meso-American Societies on
the Aztec
Social System
A hierarchical society
Nobel classes, priests, commoners
a government with strong central authority
Use of militaristic practice to build an empire
Effects of other Meso-American Societies on
the Aztec
Architecture and Art
Huge pyramid shaped temples to honour the gods
Beautiful murals, sculptures with mainly religious
The art of fine jewellery, pottery, metal working
How Did Contact with Other Meso-American
Societies Influence the Aztec?
In your opinion, can the Aztec society be
considered a distinct society if most of their
culture was based on the knowledge and ideas
of other civilizations?
The Aztec modeled themselves on the Toltec.
By reading the Toltec influence on page 247
what were some good qualities that the Toltec
possessed that would be beneficial for the
Aztecs to adopt?
Full page “mini position”
Mini-position Paper Format
Full page (two pages double spaced)
 Introduction, supporting evidence,
 Name at the top of page
 Title
 One class only to write!!!
 Plan your paper!!
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
Mexico? Pg 248-253
Independently you are to read pages 248-253
and complete the missing information to the best
of your ability
Remember to focus on major bits of information…
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
Notes Assignment Rubric
Exchange notes with the
partner behind you
-students notes
are over 85%
-students notes
are between
-students notes
are between
-1-3 mistakes
-4-6 mistakes
-6-8 mistakes
-students notes
are below 60%
-greater than 8
Profile: Itzcoatl
The Aztec were living with a friendly agreement
with the Tepanec on Lake Chapultepec
The ruler of the Tepanec wanted more power
and this put a strain on the Aztecs
The Aztecs appointed Itzcoatl as their new
He wanted to end the domination of the Tepanec
He created a triple alliance with other groups to rule
the Valley of Mexico
This alliance brought most of the city-states under
Aztec control
Profile: Itzcoatl
Itzcoatl became the most capable leader in the
Create positive ties with allies
Defeated tribes paid tribute by offering goods and
The goods would be split equally
Aztecs could depend on a variety of goods from all
the city-states that they dominated
Itzocoatl also created a hierarchical system with
distinctive social classes
Also created a military from an elite group of
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
The Aztec Rise to Power
Any society in the Valley of Mexico who could claim
direct lineage to the earlier civilization of the Toltec
were the most respected and held the greatest power
The Aztecs knew that they would never be respected until
this happened
Aztec emperors increased their power in the valley by
creating alliances with powerful rulers
Often through marriages…. This practice was also often
done in Europe
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
The Aztec Rise to Power-cont
In 1376 Acampichtli, son of an Aztec noble and
Culhua princess, came to power
To reinforce the ties to the Toltec…
Because he was part Culhua (direct descendant from the
Toltec) this was very important
He married a daughter of Culhua royalty
Now the Aztecs could claim that they were direct
descendants of the Toltec
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
50 years later…
Respect and power in the valley grew
The Aztec became the most power member in the
The Alliance controlled most of southern MesoAmerica
The only republic to resist the Alliance control was the
Tlaxcala Republic
The Aztecs would have constant conflict with this republic…
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
Conquering New Societies
Life in the Aztec society developed around a culture of war
Goals of a battle were two-fold
Seek an honorable defeat of the enemy and then make them pay
tribute and provide labor to the empire
To gain soldiers and human sacrifices to the god Huitzilopochtli
They developed a effective military strategy
Attack weaker societies around them, then attack the isolated
When they attacked the city-states they usually attacked the
temples and took hostages to negotiate tribute
They made the conquered altepetl worship the Sun God along with
their own
If they did not follow the orders the imperial force was sent in to
brutally put down any disobedience
The punishing an altepetl
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
The Aztecs maintained power with a strong military and
their alliances
They continued to grow throughout the 15th century
The people of a defeated city-stated had to:
Eventually included 50 city-states
Promise allegiance to the emperor
Pay tribute
Worship the god Huitzilopochtli
The defeated city-states were not reorganized
The rulers continued to carry out their own laws and
government, customs and beliefs
Why would this help keep peace??
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
What political structure developed in the Aztec
Pipiltin-Aztec nobility, was the most important
The emperor was the highest ranking noble with the most
Chief of Internal Affairs was the closest advisor and second
in command
Tlatoque ruled major towns and cities
Tecutin ruled smaller areas
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
Tlatoque and tecutin were required to keep
records accurate
Also managed the marketplace and important
Gold and silver and obsidian
Authority over local legal matters
General among the warriors
Priests were important advisors to the emperor
Studies the calendar to see which days would be the
lucky days for battle and religious ceremonies
How Did the Aztec Emperor Become the
Most Powerful Rules in the Valley of
What were some qualities that Itzcoatl had that made
him a desirable leader? Would that type of leader work in
your civilization?
During Itzcoatls reign, warriors became an elite group in
society. How does this reflect the Aztec worldview?
Sentence response
Sentence response
How did the Aztec change from a wandering tribe that
was looked down upon in society to being the most
powerful society in the Valley of Mexico?
Paragraph response
What Aspects of Worldviews are Reflected
in Creation Stories? Pg 258-259
Many societies have a creation story as to how
the world and people were created
Provide ways of understanding religious and spiritual
Explain natural phenomena
Describe the morals and values of a society
Often told orally and through art and sculpture
What Aspects of Worldviews are Reflected
in Creation Stories?
The Aztec believed that the gods had created
and destroyed the world four times
The death of the sun
After the fourth destruction the gods met at
Teotihuacan to create the 5th world
The Aztec believed that it was their duty to keep the
sun alive to prevent the destruction of the Earth and
its people
What Aspects of Worldviews are Reflected
in Creation Stories?
The Aztec Creation Stories
How the Earth Was Created
How Humans Were Created
What Aspects of Worldviews are Reflected
in Creation Stories?
By studying the stories we can learn about the
beliefs and values and understand the Aztec
Sacrifices to the sun to shine and remain to keep the
world in balance
Human sacrifices-the blood of humans was the most
precious offering they could give
Those warriors who were sacrificed to the gods were
considered great heroes
What Aspects of Worldviews are Reflected
in Creation Stories?
Do you think that it was necessary for the
Aztec to perform human sacrifices?
Justify your opinion!!!
Chapter 7 Review!!!!
What Do I Know Sheet
 Test Break down
23 m/c
 No cartoon
 No position paper
 All
that fun stuff is on the unit final next week!!