War Strategies and Assessments

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Territorial Expansion
and Sectional Crisis
AP Review: 1840’s
through the 1870’s
Manifest Destiny
 What is “manifest destiny”?
 Texas Annexation
 California and the Oregon Territory
 President Polk and the War with Mexico
 Slavery and the Wilmot Proviso
 Expansion continues . . .
American Culture in the mid1800’s
 National literature, art and architecture
 Utopian experiments
 Reform movements
Roles of women
Mental health
The ‘50s: A Decade of Crisis
 Compromise of 1850
 Fugitive Slave Act and Uncle Tom’s Cabin
 Kansas-Nebraska Act and the realignment
of parties
– Demise of the Whigs
– Emergence of Republican Party
 Dred Scott
The ‘50s: A Decade of Crisis
 Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858
 John Brown and his raid
 Election of 1860
 The secession crisis
Causes of the Civil War
 Continuing Sectional
 Henry Clay’s great
– 1820 and 1850
 The “Peculiar Institution”
– Growing voice of the
– The Dred Scott decision
War Strategies and Assessments
 United States (Union) Military Goals
– Blockade southern ports
– Control of Mississippi River down to New
– Take Richmond - Confederate capital
War Strategies and Assessments
 Union Strengths and
– Population
– Industrial Capacity
– Wealth
– Superior
– Military Forces
War Strategies and Assessments
 Confederate States
Military Goals
– Defend new nation
– Enlist European
War Strategies and Assessments
 Confederate Advantages
– Emotional edge - fighting for a cause and
defense of their homes
– Defending is easier than invading
– Better officers and soldiers
Significant Successes - East
 Bull Run, July 1861 (Manassas) - Union defeated
by “Stonewall” Jackson
– McClellan appointed commander of Army of the
 McClellan attacks Richmond, March and April
1862 - fails
 Second Battle of Bull Run, August 1862 - Union
supplies destroyed
 Battle of Antietam, September 1862 - Bloodiest
day of the Civil War
Significant Battles - East
 Merrimack
(Confederate) and the
Monitor (Union)
– March 1862
Significant Battles - East
 Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July
1863 - Confederates hoped for a victory on
Northern soil, but due to supplies and
casualties retreat
 Sherman’s March to the Sea, 1864 - 1865 ends in marching to Columbia and burns it
to the ground
Significant Battles - West
 Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, February 1862 Union gunboats defeat Confederates
 Battle of Shiloh, TN, April 1862 - Union defeat
after 2 day battle
 Battle of Vicksburg, MS, July 1863 - Grant lays
seige to Vicksburg in a surround and starve
strategy successfully
– a turning point in the war as the Union re-took the
The Gettysburg Address
 November 1863
 Ceremony to honor fallen
Union soldiers
 Edward Everett gives a 2
hour speech
 President invited to give
brief remarks - 2 minutes
 Milestone in expanding
liberty to all
Slavery comes to an end
 Lincoln’s campaign concerns - hesitation
 Confiscation Acts (1861 and 1862): gave the
Union the power to confiscate enemy “property”
and freed those slaves
 Emancipation Proclamation (1862): by executive
order freed all slaves in the states at war with the
 Thirteenth Amendment (1865): amending the
Constitution was necessary to negate phrases
that legitimized slavery and to abolish slavery in
all the states
Lee Surrenders at Appomatox
 April 1865
 Defeated Confederate troops
surrounded by the Union at
Appomatox Court House
Lee and Grant meet to discuss
 South takes horses and mules
home, would not be punished
as traitors if they agreed to
follow the laws
 North agreed to feed the
remaining Confederate troops
Political, Economic and Social
Issues During the War
 Morrill Tariff Act, 1861- increased import
 National Banking Act, 1863 - standardized
currency backed by government bonds
– investors also obliged to buy a percentage of
Political, Economic and Social
Issues During the War
 Draft Law
– 1863
– allowed for substitutes
– $300 exemption
– New York riot in July protesting the new law
 Suspension of Civil Liberties
– Suspension of writ of habeas corpus
Political, Economic and Social
Issues During the War
 Greenback Policy
– printing money to finance war
– Income tax levied in 1861
 Homestead Act
– 1862
– free land in west
Political, Economic and Social
Issues During the War
 Women in the War
– Clara Barton - nursing, founded Red Cross
– Dorothea Dix - Superintendent of Nurses,
– Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell - medical school
graduate, U.S. Sanitary Comission
Political, Economic and Social
Issues During the War
 African Americans in the War
– 180,000 served in the Union Army
– 54th Massachusetts Regiment - Battle of Fort
Wagner, Charleston
Political, Economic and Social
Issues During the War
 Election of 1864
 Lincoln v. McClellan
– Union Party -
Republicans and War
– Peace Democrats and
 A redefinition of social, economic and
political relationships between the North
and the South
 An effort to repair the damage to the South
and to restore the Southern states to the
The War Destroyed . . .
 2/3 southern shipping
 9000 miles of
 1/3 of all livestock
 100s of miles of roads
 Value of southern
property declined by
 buildings, factories,
bridges, etc.
The Human Toll
 North
– 364,000 (38,000 African Americans
 South
– 260,000
– 1/5 adult white men; 1 of 3 southern men
were killed or wounded
Southern Hardships
 Black Southerners
– 4 million freed slaves, homeless, jobless and hungry
 Plantation Owners
– loss of $3mil. worth of slave labor
– worthless Confederate currency
– $100 mil. Worth of southern plantations and cotton
seized through the Captured and Abandoned Property
 Poor White Settlers
– could not find work due to new competition
– began migrating to the western frontiers
 Lincoln’s Death
– April 14, 1865
Lincoln v. Johnson
 Lincoln
 Johnson
– 10% Plan - quick reunion
– small farmer’s advocate
– Radical Republicans
with a hatred for plantation
– restrictive policy excluding
rich southerners from
political participation
– undermined his own policy
by liberally pardoning
southerners, even
Confederate politicians
demanded more strict
measures in the WadeDavis Bill
– Lincoln and Congress
blocked each other’s plans
until Lincoln’s death
Congressional Reconstruction
 While one of the goals of the war was to
free slaves, once southern states met the
Reconstruction plan requirements, they
reverted back to their old ways
– Black Codes - limited freedmen’s rights
• curfews, vagrancy laws, labor contracts, land
Congressional Reconstruction
 14th Amendment 1866
– first cornerstone of Congressional Reconstruction
– gave citizenship and due process of law to all persons
born in the U.S.
– 3/5 clause abolished. States may exclude blacks from
voting, but their representation may be decreased if
they do so
– Confederate officeholders barred from political office
14th Amendment
 Reactions
– President Johnson and the Democrats
denounced the amendment and lobbied against
– Republicans realized that their leadership
could achieve meaningful change
– Some northerners supported harsh sanctions
against the former Confederacy
Reconstruction Act, 1867
 High point of Congressional Reconstruction
 dissolved Southern state governments and placed
them under military rule
 Enfranchised the freedmen and required new
state constitutions drafted by elections by both
blacks and whites
 Required state legislatures to ratify the 14th
Amendment to fully re-enter the Union
15th Amendment
 Last major piece of the Congressional
 Prohibited the exclusion of male adults
from voting based on race or having been
 passed by Congress in 1869 and
ratification became a precondition for
reentering the Union
Impeaching Andrew Johnson
 Reconstruction Act brought increased tension
between Congress and the President
 Congress passed several laws to bring the
President under control
 1867 Tenure of Office Act to keep Johnson from
firing Sec. Of War Edwin Stanton
 Johnson fired Stanton anyway
 Republican leaders started impeachment
proceedings against Johnson
 Johnson’s conviction narrowly defeated
The Freedmen
 Finding family became the first priority of many
 black churches, institutions established and
 Freedman’s Bureau
– first federally financed social service program
– set up over 4000 elementary schools
– provided assistance to more than just African-
Political Involvement
 Participated in Reconstruction legislatures
as Republicans
 Some black members of Congress elected
and sent to Washington
 often pursued reconciliation policies with
white Southerners to no avail
 also tried to achieve key black demands,
such as land reform and social equality
“Carpetbaggers” and
 Most white southerners blamed Republicans and
their alleged corruption
 white Northerners who immigrated South were
called “carpetbaggers”
 white Southern Republicans were called
 Although mostly ungrounded, these charges and
stereotypes proved extremely persistent
Violent Resistance
 Many white southerners
resisted with violence
 vigilante groups
intimidated, attacked and
killed freedmen and
destroyed their
 Ku Klux Klan - outlawed,
but little else done to
protect their victims
 New labor system emerged in cotton
 sharecroppers rented land and paid the
owner with a share of the crop - 50%
 both blacks and whites participated
 system led many sharecroppers into
perpetual debt
Supreme Court Barriers
 US v. Reese, 1876 - allowed the
disenfranchisement of blacks, such as making up
voting requirements that freedmen could not
 Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 - allowed for
segregation in almost all aspects of society
 The decisions allowed Southerners to construct a
“Jim Crow” system of de facto laws
Waning Republican Support
 1870s - Radical Republicans lost influence
and lost interest
 Liberal Republicans broke away to protest
the scandals of the Grant administration
 1873 economic depression refocused
Northern goals
Compromise of 1877
 1876 Election showed a narrow victory for
the Democratic candidate, Tilden
 Republicans contested in three states
 Compromise reached whereas the
Democrats would accept Hayes as the
president if the Republicans ceased
resistance to home rule in the South
 Reconstruction ends